
Otherworlder's Adventure In The Dungeon

There was a nameless soul who was granted the chance to reincarnate in another world, and it accepted. It was given the chance to customize it's appearance and starting skills and then thrown into the new world. Quite literally. This is the story of a nameless soul's adventure in a dungeon-fantasy world which is very familiar to a certain anime. NOTE: This is a Danmachi fanfic which has the purpose of fuelling my imagination, I don't own the characters that appear in the fanfic, only my MC. Another Note: I don't own the cover.

IsekaiFanBoi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

[Arc 2]Prologue: A Dream

???'s POV


'Ugh...', I thought as a picked myself off my bed.

I hate alarms. I also hate work. I headed to my drawer and equipped my clothes. I wore a bullet proof pants and a bullet proof shirt. Over my shirt I wore a bullet proof vest and then I put on my coat.

"Oh, that's right.", I said to myself.

I walked towards the desk near my bed and picked up what was on top of it. White gloves, and a hidden blade.

It's cool that they decided these were useful, and not only useful in the game series. Heh, and they say games don't help anyone.

I ducked and reached out towards under my bed. I took out a briefcase which had numerous weapons. I took my glock and put it around my waist, I then put the knife that was in the box and strapped it around my foot. Lastly, I got my M1911 and put it in a pocket in my coat.

I restocked my ammo in my remaining pockets and headed outside after puting my communicator in my ear.

"Code name: Blue Cat, reporting for duty.", I spoke.

"Great, Blue Cat's here.", he spoke as if he was just talking about me.

"Err... were you talking about me?", I asked hestitatigly.

"Yeah, I was just talking about how you saved that group of orphans and put them in an orphanage that your relatives own.", he explained, however I was curious about something.

"Uh, why though?", I asked unsure, to which he giggled for some reason.

"You see~ Yellow Rabbit was just asking about you.", he chuckled.

"W-Wha-What do you mean?", I heard a voice panic.

"Still don't understand.", I tilted an eyebrow.

I could hear him visibly sigh as he said:

"Ha~ don't worry about it.", he then directed his speech to someone else.

"Hey, Yellow Rabbit.", he called out.

"Mhm? Yeah?", she inquired.

"You've got your work cut out for you.", for some reason I feel like this old geezer was smiling.

"W-what ever do you mean?", she asked nervously.

"You sure you won't change your mind?", he asked.

There was a few seconds of silence but then I heard a stern voice.

"I will never change my mind, I'll even follow him in death.", she stated firmly.

I tilted my eyebrow as I had no idea what was going on.

"Blue Cat.", Purple Panda called out to me.

"Yeah?", I urged him to speak.

"Your a lucky bastard.", he said with a visible deep sigh.

"Anyway, onto business.", he started to talk in a serious manner.

"The 'yard' needs to be 'cleaned' at the location I'm about to send you to.", he spoke in code.

"Oh don't worry, this 'yard' will definitely be 'cleaned' one way or another.", I spoke back.

I began to leave the inn as I said:

"Code name: Blue Cat, leaving for duty.", I said this as I pushed open the doors, while putting on my shaded glasses.

I went to my car and before I went into it, I saw something strange.

"It's an eclipse today, huh.", I said to myself.

Continuing to look at the sun that was beginning to be covered by the moon, I had a small thought.

'No place is truly safe, huh.', I thought to myself.

I'm not safe, the sun's not safe, nothing is safe. The earth will eventually die, whether through global warming or through some other unconventional means, like a meteorite.

Humans will die to either their greed or to the destruction of the world. Plants will die when the sun fades away, or if it gets too hot. Animals will die either as cattle or from other means.

I sighed and I attempted to proceed to enter my car. 'Attempted' is the key word here. I stopped because I heard something.

--"New dream is to go to a peaceful world.", someone said.

'Huh?', I looked around and found myself in some place different. I pressed my communicator and spoke:

"Code name: Blue... blue?", I forgot what I was going to say.

Now that I realise it, what am I wearing? It's like I'm in a shitty medieval movie... wait, what's a 'movie'?

The clothes I'm wearing consists of clothed armor which covers my shoulders, arms, hands and chest. Over this clothed armor I'm wearing a white mantle.

"Mezerin.", someone called out to me.

Huh? Since when did I change my name into 'Mezerin'? No, I've always been called Mezerin. What was I called before 'always' though?

"I'll repeat it one last time.", the person who was sitting on a throne called out to me.

"Huh?", I leaked an idiotic voice.

"Will you devout your honour, dignity and strength for this kingdom.", the king said to me.

Realising what I should do, I lowered my knee and responded.

"Yes. I, Mezerin of... of?", I'm Mezerin of what exactly?

I coughed and then resumed my oath.

"Yes. I, Mezerin swear to devout my strength, dignity and honour for the sake of the kingdom.", I said with a determined glare.

I won't let the tragedy that happened last time occur again, I refuse to let it repeat. I'll create the peaceful world I desire with my own two hands.

"Good. Good. Then I declare thee--!", before the king could finish his declaration, a lustrous light covered the surroundings which made me instinctively shield my eyes with their lids.

"Hey! Rin! Wake up!", I opened my eyes and the scenery changed.

"Mhm? Argo, what happened?", I asked my white haired and red eyed friend.

"You forgot.", he said.

"Forgot?", I tilted my head.

"You forgot to fulfil my dying wish.", he said.

As soon as he said this, a flush of information poured into my mind.

"W-Wait! I fulfilled your wish! I met everyone and announced your death!", I replied back to him nervous.

"No, that's what I wanted you to do. My wish was--", before Argo could explain what his wish was his spirit disappeared, most likely reincarnated.

I hate spirits, but my friends all turned into spirits after they died. They will reincarnate after a few hundred years, however I decided to reincarnate first and leave them all behind.

I closed and opened my eyes once more.

I was back in my room. In the Hephaestus familia. In my home.

"Your wish was to meet all your friends in your next life, Argo.", I said randomly.

Eventually after a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, I had already forgotten what I dreamt about. I even forgot what I said a few minutes ago.

"Welp, I guess I'll just finish the armor. The armor I'll wear to the dungeon.", I said with a full-blown grin.

Afterall, this is going to be the beginning of my adventure in the dungeon.