
Otherworlder's Adventure In The Dungeon

There was a nameless soul who was granted the chance to reincarnate in another world, and it accepted. It was given the chance to customize it's appearance and starting skills and then thrown into the new world. Quite literally. This is the story of a nameless soul's adventure in a dungeon-fantasy world which is very familiar to a certain anime. NOTE: This is a Danmachi fanfic which has the purpose of fuelling my imagination, I don't own the characters that appear in the fanfic, only my MC. Another Note: I don't own the cover.

IsekaiFanBoi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

[Arc 2]Chapter 3

Phaes Urian's POV

I grinned as I looked at the entrance of the dungeon. I could see few adventurers enter the dungeon, which made me smile even wider because that means there's more for me to explore.

However, before entering the dungeon I flipped my hood onto my head so I can conceal my identity. Now, some may state "there's a possibility for someone to see your face still" and my answer to these people is that I [Enchant]ed my hood multiple times with [Conceal] which now makes the inside of my hood only seem like dark nothingness. I then proceeded to enter the first [Floor].

I walked through the dungeon while observing the surroundings. The surroundings were like that of an ant nest made out of brown stone. There were numerous pathways and areas to explore, however from the wind flow I can tell that some are either dead ends or may be traps.

I entered a room that probably had a trapped and smiled. The room instantly closed the door, while I did feel a hint of nervousness I also grinned slightly.

Using my natural senses which have the ability to be able to easily detect mana, I could tell that the dungeon was spawning some monsters. However, before they could spawn I materialised my mana into the shape of a sword and condensed it.

When I finished condensing my mana into a sword, I noticed that the monsters had spawned. They were Kobolds - monsters that had the appearance of an ugly ass dog walking on two legs - which were all holding spears.

I let them have the first move, however I was surprised at their speed. They were slow. Far too slow. Sure, compared to their counterparts outside the dungeon they were significantly stronger, however compared to me they're just weak.

My face became neutral while they all swung their spears with coordination. My eyes opened slightly as I was reminded of the Roman soldiers that used to exist in my previous world. I smiled and parried their swords, all at once, then did a long slice towards each of their heads.

The Kobolds had their heads fly and when it did a few seconds later their remains vanished into something that resembles black dust. My eyebrow tilted as I thought:

'How interesting...'

I walked towards the dust and picked up what was amongst it. There were five Kobolds in total and what the remains were was: 3 [Kobold Nails] and 5 tiny [Magic Stones].

'Seems like there isn't a fixed drop rate.', I frowned slightly 'Afterall, it isn't a game.'

I frowned as I came to a realisation that everything wasn't a game. I may have spent everyday as if it was real life, however there still was a small part of my subconscious that viewed life as a game, or somewhat like a game.

I guess you could call me a... Hmm... What do the elves call them..? I think it was a [Day Dreamer]. I'm pretty sure this refers to someone who views life as a story or somewhat like a dream, hence it makes these people do foolish things as if it were like a story.

I wouldn't mind being a fool my whole life though. Afterall, fools can do what they achieve because of the fact that they are fools. They risk their life because they're a fool. They pick fights with people out of their league because they're a fool. They enjoy life because they are a fool.

I raised my glance ahead and muttered:

"Being a fool is the best thing that could happen. They enjoy life to the fullest."

I shook my head and after a few minutes I headed towards the second [Floor].

The scenery didn't change much, however I could see that some Kobolds were already spawned and this time there were some Goblins. Goblins were monsters that were the size of preteens, when fighting them they were also working in unison with the Kobolds.

Kobolds should be significantly stronger than the last [Floor], so I smiled as I walked towards them.

They noticed me and this time I noticed something. They were wary. They weren't mindlessly attacking but it seemed they had their own consciousness, but that's not gonna stop me from killing them though.

There's 15 Koblolds and 10 Goblins. Five Goblins charged towards me; I swung my sword towards their heads and cleaved them right off.

Eight Kobolds charged towards me in unison with the remaining Goblins; 2 Kobolds did a pierce attack, 4 Kobolds swung their spears downwards and the remaining two Kobolds threw their spears towards me, whilst the Goblins dashed towards me trying to hit me with their wooden clubs.

I countered the Kobolds by changing the direction of their spears so it pierced the Goblins; both killed 2 Goblins each while one died by going in the way of a Kobold that tried to slash me.

'Huh. They're not entirely coordinated.', I felt my eyebrow raise.

I dodged the flying spears and used a bit of the surrounding mana to change their direction so it flew right back to the Kobolds; both spears pierced the heads of the Kobolds.

I proceeded to cleave off the heads of the 4 Goblins which swung their weapons and then I killed the Goblins who tried to pierce me with their spears.

I glanced towards the remaining Kobolds and sighed as my previous enemies vanished into dust. I saw them shiver and I even saw one of them piss themselves. The Kobolds shivered and it seems they lost their cool as they all charged mindlessly towards me, except one. I cleaved their heads off in rapid succession.

I walked towards the remaining Kobold and noticed something. It closed its eyes in resignation. When I saw this; I realised something.

'It has intelligence.'

I thought to myself and slightly nodded.

"Hey, you. Open your eyes.", I called out towards the Kobold and it responded by opening it's eyes.

'This confirms it. It's intelligent.', I thought while slightly nodding.

I reached out towards one of my pockets and handed it an item. This item had the ability of [Enhanced Evolution Chance Up]. I found this item when I was busy killing monsters outside of the city. I kept it because I thought I could evolve to something like [High Human].

"Let's meet again, if fate wills it.", I muttered and walked past it.