
Robots and Starheart


Location : The Watchtower - Earth Space

The Justice League apart from one member sat in silence at the board room located in the watchtower. The missing member was currently off world doing his job as a space cop. The reason for this silence was the negative emotions coming off three of their main members, Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. All kept in silence apart from one man who kept munching away at a bag of chips getting crumbs everywhere while humming Michael Jackson's Bad. The Flash turned to Superman who was frowning heavily.

"Hey Clark what's the problem, if you keep frowning like that you'll turn to brooding bats" Barry Allen said giving his goofy smile before pouring the bag of chips down his throat. He then started to choke when someone started talking behind him.

"The problem FLASH is that is that it seems we got a new player on the board" Bruce Wayne, The Batman said before walking away from the Flash and moving to his seat at the top of the table. Noticeably Clark, Diana and Arthur clenched their fists in anger.

Flash hearing his superhero name knew this was absolutely serious and dropped his bag of chips which never seemed to end (cause he kept running to the kitchen and getting a new bag before most of his teammates could blink) and sat up straight with a serious look on his face. All members of the justice league turned to Batman.

"5 hours ago the Fortress of Solitude, Themyscira and Atlantis were simultaneously infiltrated and attacked". Martian Manhunter, The Flash and Cyborg all opened their eyes wide with Flash also dropping his jaw to the floor while Clark, Diana and Arthur felt shame.

"Why wasn't the League called!!!" Flash shouted in anger while the other two with no knowledge of this nodded their heads. Batman's frown got more pronounced as he moved his hands showing camera footage of the incidents. He enlarged the one containing Superman who could be seen fighting a dark blue robot with green veins running across its body in the arctic.

"The attack on the fortress of solitude began and was immediately hacked. Superman received its distress call and moved towards it but was intercepted by this automaton. Once he was in range of this robot comms were compromised and keep in mind not disabled, cause once comms are disabled our central computer immediately takes notice. If comms are not online in fifteen minutes a distress signal is sent out to the nearest member of the league. Moving on, this robot although not powerful enough to beat superman was defensively superior, was made of an unknown metal and was powered by not one but two of Superman's weaknesses: Magic and Kryptonite. It seems this thing was without intent to kill superman and just stall him and succeeded in doing so. All kryptonian knowledge was stolen". Batman said. He then reduced Superman's fight and enlarged wonder Woman's fight.

"In the case of Wonder Woman, three automatons landed on Themyscira all of them immune to magic and physical attacks, these robots stalled all the amazons. Also in this case, all data and knowledge stored by the Amazons was downloaded and stolen" Batman said solemnly. Flash was about to speak when Batman continued "Wonder Woman could not call the league cause her comms were also compromised and the amazons do not have any other connections to the rest of the world". Batman then pulled up the fight that took place in Atlantis which also had three robots.

"Atlantis was the same as themyscira, all knowledge stored was stolen." Batman narrowed his eyes. "Knowledge from three of the most advanced civilizations was stolen today, Civilizations not only advanced in science but also in magic. These robots stalled three of our heroes successfully and left successfully through boom tubes. Keep in mind people that they did all this without one casualty, No one from either Themyscira or Atlantis died" Batman said. "After I got this report I did a detailed check on what other league asset in our keeping or protection could have been stolen and I have bad news" The rest of the league held their breath considering what could be worse than the stolen knowledge of three advanced civilizations.

"The Apokolyptian Mother Box was stolen from star labs two days ago and was kept under wraps by the laboratory board"

"Oh fuck!" The flash groaned putting his head in his hands and no one found fault in his language. In fact, everyone agreed.

Five Days Earlier

Daniel POV

Location : Outskirts of Salem.

"We shall meet again Daniel" I-Ching said giving me a bow. "I cannot hope to say the same for you Mr Constantine". John has a shocked looked on his face and the cigarette he was smoking dropped from his mouth. I swiftly crushed it while he murmured obscenities under his breath and Radueriel struggled to contain his laughter. The Old man in white waved us goodbye, turned around and started walking away from us.

"Just to clarify he's not gonna walk all the way back to Asia right?" John asked. I shrugged without a care in the world.

"I don't know, who knows he could even use an airport like a normal person" I said poking fun at the fact John came here illegally. John huffed in annoyance while Radueriel burst into laughter.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Lady Siming has sorted out an appropriate form of transportation for the return of one of her precious treasures" Radueriel said smiling. I was doing coin tricks with my right hand with a shiny gold coin which I suddenly flicked to John.

"For your bad luck" I said watching him catch it while giving me a grin. Rad turned to both of us.

"I must be off, I must give my report of what happened here to Metatron and Commander Michael" Rad sighed knowing that this was gonna be a long report. He lifted a bag from the floor and placed it on his shoulder. "Gotta make sure this is kept safe also" He said as wings appeared behind him.

"Later Rad, make sure to get checked out for any remnants of Akhlys in you" I said then looked to John expecting him to say something.

"Just don't send me any letters anymore okay!!! You're not a bloody schoolgirl" John said while murmuring bout not taking jobs from Winged folk no more. Radueriel laughed then took off into the skies then in a few seconds we could see him no more.

"So how are you leaving the US?" I ask John still looking at the sky. I turn around and begin walking back to Salem

"Got some business in Las Vegas then I'm out of this god forsaken country" He said lighting another cigarette. I nodded my head the reached into my pocket pulling out a passport, a credit card and a phone. The phone was specially made from some of my toughest and lightest metals with a specially made OS.

"Don't worry, almost impossible to hack or track, got a magical side to it so you should be able to call if you're in another dimension, also a number is saved there called Amy, inform her if you need something like booking a flight and such" I said nonchalantly and handed him the items. John nodded his thanks and clapped me on the back. We reached a bus stop where I could see a bus approaching.

"Equipment I'll deliver within three months, and John, do make sure to call or need help with something you feel the need to go super reckless on" I said smiling at him. I shook his hand.

"Don't worry too much kid, just send those weapons" he said in glee. I nodded my head before releasing his hand, giving him a smile and taking off into the sky towards the Tower of Fate.

'Now to get back to a huge problem'.

Location: Tower Of Fate

I stepped into the tower and immediately headed towards the library. I stepped in to my family, the Roths and Kent pouring over books on the emotional spectrum. Books I must say they weren't a lot of. Books that after a few sleepless nights I had gone through thoroughly.

"There's no point in this, I've been

through all these books and I can tell you that there is nothing to find in them apart from a few theoretical runes and equations on how to manipulate the emotional spectrum, most of which do not work, some of which worked but are emotions far off from that which we need and a note on the candever curse which we do not want to mess with by any means" I said watching all of them lose hope in the books, they all know how smart I am and if I couldn't find anything in there, there was a huge chance going through them would be a waste of time. Kent Nelson closed the book he was reading and looked at me as did everyone else.

"So what do you suggest we do" he said.

"Studying this new branch of magic and creating the runes and equations needed to use it wouldn't only be time taking, it would also be very dangerous, so I've found another way, it'll be far easier to study if we could reverse engineer something that taps into one of the emotional spectrums successfully" I said. Kent Nelson raised an eyebrow.

"The Green Lanterns are off world which I'm sure you're aware of" he said.

"Yes they are, but I was rea-" I paused when I saw Rachel raising up her hand. "Yes Rach".

"Most of us and by most of us I mean everyone apart from you and Mr Nelson do not understand what happened with the Jin Chan to cause this" Rachel said while everyone else nodded their heads. I realized I was leaving them behind and decided to carry them along.

"Okay now everyone listen, The Jin Chan is an apotheosis device which means that it's a device that can create a being on the level of a god, but the Jin Chan isn't just that, it's a luck charm also, similar to other magic sources, luck is also a form of positive energy just way harder to sense." I took a pause for them to take this in "Now what the Jin Chan does is that it finds the perfect way, and by perfect I mean tailored to suit the user for that person to climb up the path to godhood, to do this the device absorbs all the luck from the environment causing destruction to the world around it. Now the perfect way for a rage demon to become a god is for it to be fully connected to the powers of rage in the universe, the Jin Chan connected Joseph to the rage source directly and this is slowly changing him into a god of rage, which would've been somewhat salvageable if he had experience with his powers but he does not so in a few weeks he'll be a rage monster and we may have to kill him before that" I said. I noticed my parents shiver at how I talked about ending someone's life but thankfully they wanted to remain on the task at hand.

"So why didn't he use it on himself directly, with his expertise using his own powers Aeshma should have been able to take on Dr Fate if he did" Arella asked.

"For one simple reason, the Jin Chan only works on humans, he wanted to devour and take over Joseph during the ceremony" I said. I turned back to Kent.

"Mr Nelson I read on your past as a member of the JSA and would like the assistance of one of your teammates on this matter" I said. Kent sighed, put his hands to his temple and visibly grew older

"You're asking me to bring him out of retirement you know, the JSA has been through a lot already" Kent said in a sad voice. My dad brightened up and turned excited.

"That's right, the JSA had their own green lantern!!!" My dad said excited to have the opportunity to meet another of his childhood heroes.

"I do not exactly need him here, although studying how he has adapted to having so much willpower flow through him would be helpful, if he cannot come I will not stress him, what we need is his power battery and his power ring" I said.

"Fine, we leave in five hours if you tell me this, how are we to study this equipment without advanced scientific and magical labs, we could with the powers of Dr Fate but I don't think he'll be very keen on helping us" Kent said matter of factly. I grin at everyone in the room and they could all guess that this was gonna be a bad idea.

"That brings me to the second part of my plan, It's supposed to be a surprise but, Tower kindly open the door to Project Full Vision". A wooden door appears and I walk to it opening the door. Raina squeals in excitement and runs in quickly. I snicker and follow her leaving the rest to follow in awe. We enter a landscape with no life on it, nothing except for soft soil and huge blocks going up to hundreds of feet made up of various minerals. They looked mythical as sunlight shone on them.

"Took a long time before I could get them up to that height you know" I said, "but that's not the real sight you know". I moved behind the pillar and looked at the largest arc reactor ever created. It was the size of half a football field in width and hundred meters in height. Although still incomplete it looked a stunning sight.

"What is that thing?" My mother asked in awe. I turned and smiled at them proud of my accomplishment.

'I just gotta show off now' I think to myself. I use my magic to create a hologram.

"Well I'm one of the smartest people on the planet and that's me being humble, so I thought I'll need a lab to match that, couldn't build it outside so I thought why not here in the tower, making use of it's sub worlds" I said playing on their shock while showing them some 3D images of my dream lab using the holograms. I then moved on to the a 3D blueprint of the arc reactor. "That is what I call an arc reactor, it is going to create clean and renewable energy for the lab to run on, at estimate this thing would be able to power North America for six months to a year, I have yet to run tests". At that the adults eyes went open with shock and the business side of my dad showed itself.

"Could we make more of this and get it smaller, this is money!!!" He said his eyes turning to dollar signs while looking at me. I smiled at him and reached into my pouch pulling out an arc reactor the size of a large suitcase.

"Got your back dad, this should be able to power New York for three to four months" I said. 'Although not made of as durable materials as the one in my lab it's still running on a vibranium core, and I'll patent the element as my creation, after all I'm the only source of vibranium in the world. Governments would have to not only pay for the arc reactor but also for the vibranium used as its core, I would make it expensive but not as expensive as the present power costs' I thought to myself.

"Once we patent it all we can I'll have a talk with my contacts, we'll be the number one energy producer in the world!!" My dad said pumping his fists into the air while my mom giggled at him.

"Of course, do remember to not make it as expensive, also make sure our company focuses on workd health and improving people's lifestyle, I'll not be making weapons for any military" I said not only to inform my dad of this but also to reassure Kent. "Once we are stable and influential enough we can talk bout recruiting someone so we can also increase plant life and food production on earth, I'm focusing on making the world a better place, not just as a hero ( I coughed here) but also as a civilian". Everyone was all smiles at that especially Kent who could imagine the change I could bring to the world.

"Danny is super smart huh" Arella said and Raina nodded her head while Raven just grinned at me. As someone who had magical sensory abilities she could feel the pollution in the world clearly.

"Brilliant idea Daniel, but you still haven't given me an answer, to build this lab of yours would take a huge amount of time, even if this arc reactor is incomplete, how are we to ready this lab before the apotheosis is complete" Kent said bringing us back to our main problem.

"I could have it ready in a week but I need a few things" I said. Kent hearing this frowned as he could feel what I was about to say would be something he's unwilling to do.

"I know you'll be unwilling if I tell you so I'd only ask that you help me in the creation of something along with my father" I walked towards a huge square pillar of andamantine. They all followed me while looking at the pillars in awe. Behind the adamantine is a trap door which I open. It shows a flight of stairs. We climb down and lights powered by magic and runes light up a wide room showing an eight foot tall shape.

"What is that??" Raven asked.

"An automaton, or in simple terms a robot, the magic kind" I said proudly. I walked closer to the dark blue figure in the centre of the room that had transparent veins running through its body meeting at an arc reactor in the centre of its chest. The centre of its chest held an arc reactor.

"It's not complete, I've only worked on its power source and energy conversion for now, I'm not well versed in the runes and equations needed for magical gole-" I was interrupted by my father squealing like a fan girl and running towards the robot that I made to look like the destroyer.

"This, this, this..." he said breathing hard before turning to me. "Can I keep it?" He said with hopeful eyes. I walked to him and patted his back.

"I'll make you another one later" I said "I need you to be Mr Kent's assistant in making this thing move and giving it some fighting styles, also automatic responses to counters, Non lethal please". I said.

"Alright, cool robot later" my dad said grumbling.

"Do keep in mind that I'm not that well versed in golem creation, it'll be rigid" Kent said.

"No bother, it's mostly for stalling anyway, it's defensive attributes will make sure that it doesn't get hurt and will always get back up, besides I still have some additions to make when you are done" I said.

"What would you be doing" Kent asked me raising an eyebrow.

"I'll be working on some non magical automatons, now let's get to work, we got two days people" I said with a grin while Mr Nelson sighed.

'What is this kid thinking" he's prolly thinking to himself as he stares at the robot. My mom walked over to me and pulled my ear raising me up from the ground with a smile on her face.

"I really hope this plan isn't dangerous" she said in a sweet voice and I shivered.

"I promise it isn't!!!! I wouldn't be in any danger at all, I'm only gonna make a few things" I said while she nodded and dropped me to the floor. I turned to see everyone laughing.

'Thanks Mom, there goes my cool looking self again'.

Two hours later

Location: Metropolis Outskirts

Kent and I stood in front of Alan Scott's house with him feeling a bit shy about ringing the door bell. Luckily for us I was not so shy. I was wearing normal clothes as I wasn't scared about Alan Scott knowing my identity.

"I'll get it!!!" I heard a female call from inside. The door opened and a Caucasian lady with brown hair that looked to be in her Walt twenties stepped out. She looked at Mr Nelson who gave her a grandfatherly smile and me who just gave her a childish grin full of innocence.

"Hello young lady, I'm here to see an old friend, is Alan here?" Kent asked.

"Ohh yes he is, do come in" she said smiling back at us. We both thanked her and walked into the one story house. She sat us at the dining table. She ruffled my hair.

"So cute, please wait a bit, I'll get him from upstairs, he's watching his favorite show, could I get a name?" she said asking Kent.

"Tell him it's Kent Nelson here to see him" Kent said in reply. She nodded and went up the stairs to call her grandad. A few seconds later I heard someone exclaim and a rush of footsteps down the stairs.

"Be careful old man you don't want to break your back!!!" I heard the woman call from upstairs before a figure walked into the room. A man in his seventies still looking fit for his age with brown hair nearing grey walked straight to Kent Nelson and smiled. Kent stood up and they gave each other a big hug. Alan then noticed me in a chair and his eyes widened.

"Yours?" He asked while Kent laughed and shook his head.

"A protege" Kent said abd Alan whistled.

"Damn you're starting them young now? Will he-".

"No he'll not become Dr Fate, he actually pissed Nabu off" Kent said laughing. Alan looked shocked and grinned at me.

"I already like ya kid, you got a lot of spunk pissing off a lord of order". I grinned at him and jumped off the chair and shook his right hand.

"Daniel Ajao sir, it's nice to meet you, thank you for your service" I said giving him a bow. "I'll move to the living room to wait while you oldies talk" I said excusing myself. I entered the living room and pulled out my phone to play video games while straining my enhanced hearing to listen to their conversation.


With Kent And Alan

Alan and Kent sat down at the table and started to talk.

"So where'd you find him?" Alan asked.

"I didn't find him, he kinda found me, he was making use of the tower of fate while I was away" Kent replied. Alan was about to speak when Kent continued. "I didn't dissuade him cause I know he'll do whatever he wants regardless, he is kinda reckless, lemme tell you about him". Kent then tells Alan what he knows about Daniel, how smart he is, his powers, how he can use advanced magic at such a young age, that he saved a family being hunted by an interdimensional demon warlord, how he saved that plane, how he fought Aeshma to protect Salem. By the end of it Alan was dropping his jaws to the floor.

"Wow that's incredible" Alan said sending looks Daniel's way, wondering how an innocent looking kid playing video games on his phone can do all that. They then talk about Alan's family for a bit before reaching a silence.

"You've missed the get togethers you know, and I know you're not just here to show off your student" Alan said making Kent have a look of shame on his face.

"I have come to request something of yours" Kent said and Alan nodded. Kent then told Alan about the Jin Chan and what it was doing to Joseph making Alan have a sad look on his face.

"Please Alan, we need your lantern ring and battery to study, so we can try to save that boy" Kent said pleadingly. Alan stood up, went upstairs and brought down the ring and battery with no hesitation. It was different from the normal green lantern equipment I remember, the lantern is smaller and the logos are different.

"Here it is, but sorry to disappoint you, it doesn't run on will, it runs on starheart energy" he said sadly, already thinking that the ring and lantern wouldn't help.

"It's okay, I can sense the will around us and it's gathering towards the lantern and ring, whatever this starheart energy is, it imitates willpower to the extreme and seems to absorb a bit of it" Daniel said as he walked towards them admiring the equipment.

"You can sense the Emotional spectrum?" Alan asked.

"Not totally, it's mostly cause the lantern and ring are attracting so much will that I can sense it this clearly, Sir thank you, your lantern and ring will help us in saving him" Daniel said smiling at Alan. Daniel then picked up the lantern and ring and placed it into a bag he brought out from his pouch. "Mr Kent would be staying at the tower for an indefinite amount of time, please do come visit, and tell all the other JSA members that Dr Fate will be hosting the next reunion". Alan laughed and Kent had a smile on his face.

"But please do keep my identity a secret sir" Daniel said and Alan nodded his head. Kent and Alan talked some more then Daniel and Kent left together back to the tower of fate.

Daniel POV

Location: Tower of Fate

Three Days Before Justice League Meeting.


I collected the completed automaton from Mr Kent and my father who looked pleased to have worked with his childhood hero and kept on saying how he has learnt a lot from Dr Fate. I took the automaton to my original lab and placed it among six other destroyers. Those I had made with utmost care using the best of technology I could create and knowledge from the androids of Dr Gero. These six destroyers were anti magic but still had the noticeable arc reactors in their chests.

"Time to tweak that Magi- destroyer's arc reactor a bit" I said to myself. I pull out a graphene coin and feel myself turn to graphene.

'This way I won't be affected by kryptonite radiation'. I pull out some green kryptonite I had in a lead box in my lab and begin processing it, so I can use it to power the magi-destroyer.

"A robot that uses magic powered by kryptonite, Kal-El is gonna be so pissed" I said laughing to myself.

'Time to work'.

Sixteen hours later

Location: Star Labs, Central City.

I stood on diner rooftop facing the world renowned Star labs. One of the most advanced laboratories in the world, and known associates of the justice league. It was currently closed and the security was tight and mostly automated. They were sure of their defensive capabilities and electronics.

'Sadly for them, this is a boost for me' I thought to myself as I pulled out a tablet and hacked into their network putting all their cameras on a loop, but also accounting for the fact that they'll be security checks I covered all tracks. I made sure to put security passing by at their correct times also. I then went in deeper, it was a bit more complex but a breeze for Amy and I working together in tandem.

'Found it!!' I thought to myself as I quickly coated my whole body in vibranium to make my movements as silent as possible. I hacked into their servers and made my appearance have clearance if the highest authority. Then I basically waltzed into Star Labs picked up my prize at the lowest levels and left after erasing any records of me being there.

'Batman will find out of course, he's probably going to link this to the person who has enough hacking skills to evade his tracking for the past few years' I thought to myself. I walked into an alley and flew off into the skies back to Salem.

2 hours later

Location: First Lab, Tower of Fate.

'Lex Luthor was able to learn the language of the New Gods and make use of a mother box almost as soon as he got his hands on it, time to put my intelligence to the test'.

"Amy enter Dark Mode" I said.

"Affirmative, Dark Mode has been initiated" she said in reply as sheets of an alloy that blocks all forms of communication whether magical or electronic surrounded the room. I studied the mother box in front of me and began to analyse its structure in my mind. A minute later I pressed a panel by the side and a holographic interface sprang up in the New Gods tongue. I studied the texts on the panel and began to cross reference every shape, line or mark to every language I've learnt in the tower of fate and I've learnt a lot. Two minutes later I started using the interface like I had been born a new god. An hour later I had learnt all I could and started hacking the motherbox so that it can show its real knowledge. It took me thirty minutes to fully display the motherbox's full capabilities and coding.

"This thing is art, it's like the quantum computer of all quantum computers" I said amazed at the motherbox "it is able to perform alchemy incredible, but it seems the higher grade the resource the larger the power source needed". I then made the screen self scroll at a fast speed, but slow enough that my enhanced sight could still pick up everything. I read all the coding of the motherbox in seven hours using my photographic memory to store it in my brain where I could break it down and understand it perfectly. Once I was done I settled down and started to ruminate on all the knowledge I had gained on the motherbox. Two hours later I was ready to perform the greatest programming test I've ever faced in my two lives. I started to reprogram the motherbox to my needs.

'First the motherbox's main objective is to terraform, doing this needs a lot of energy and it has its own energy source, I don't need the apokolyptian environment for now so I'll backstage that... hmmm lemme change this... scan these rare elements so the motherbox can produce them also... create a space for Amy to settle in, this is the perfect home for an AI... lemme add the processes and formula that Ray Palmer uses to reduce in size..." and for twenty hours I reprogrammed the motherbox to fit my needs.

"This should be good for now, removed all links to Apokolyptian servers, the next step would be to change the language so it can't be hacked easily..."

'Fuck I'm smart' I say to myself once I was done. I actually lost track of time working on this beauty.

'Mom would be pissed, so I'll take a rest at home then the mission is a go" I said to myself.

"Amy disable dark mode please" I said.

"Affirmative, Dark mode disengaged" Amy said. I walked towards the exit as the sheets went up and just as I was about to open the wooden door it blew in my face.

"WTF!!!, Are we under attack!!!" I said picking myself up and getting into a stance, but what I saw doubled my fears as my legs turned soft under me. My mother slowly walked into the room like a predator with a mad look on her face as she slowly cracked her knuckles.

"We need to talk" she said slowly.

I quickly went over her reasons for being mad in my head and came to a realisation.

'I've been in this place for over a day, surely she didn't just get mad, she would have been slowly seething on this, her heart beating faster and faster, creating more adrenaline which fuels her strength' with some brief calculations I got an estimate of how strong she could be right now. 'Let's hope I can calm her down'.

"Daniel, it seems you're in need of some tough love" mom said.

"Fuck me" I murmured under my breath which seemed to irritate her the more. 'Fuck enhanced hearing!!!!'.

"And it seems I need to wash your mouth with soap" Mom said as she walked towards me.

'I'm screwed, aren't I?' I said patching a telepathic conversation to my dad.

'Damn right you are!' He replied with a bit of fear in his voice.


ShayisKing=KingBlue, will soon post this on fanfiction, you can choose to read osmosian here or there. Please Review...

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