
How Lucky Are You?

Location: Alley beside the Garcia's apartment building.

"Seems we need to make a plan here" John said.

"Yeah we do especially since this is a hostage situation" I said. "There are five demonic signatures I can feel"

"Most likely lesser demons wearing human skin or does the energy feel as potent as that of Radueriel?" John asked.

"No, I think we could take them but you'll need to distract them so I can secure the hostages" I said.

"Why do I have to distract them, you're the one made of metal" He said.

"Good point but as you've been saying all night that I'm a kid" I said with a smirk in my voice.

"Now you're a kid" John said grumbling.

"Got anything for demons on you" I asked.

"Not really but I'll make do" he said.

"How good is your aim with a gun" I asked him.

"It's good" John said. I put my hand into my pocket then into the infinite pouch and pulled out two G43's with runes written all over them.

"It's fully loaded and the bullets are runed too, just aim anywhere and shoot, each shot should bring about excruciating pain and are a bit holy attributed so a shot to the head should deport them back to hell" I explained. Made these when I was working on Stenyxor. He took them and nodded his head.

"A storage space and these guns, you keep amazing me boy" he said admiring the gun.

"It holds 8 rounds each and return it once you're done please" I said. He looked down that he'll have to return it but nodded his head. "I'll find a place to fly in". We shook hands then separated.


"The human world is pretty interesting" one of the men in the room said.

"Of course, torturing humans in hell had gotten stale cause they are dead but the living is another matter" another said. All five were in the room around a sofa with a mother crying hugging her distressed son.

"Like that human bitch I had last night, I fucked her till she-" he stopped when he heard knocking on the front door. They all stopped their conversation to look at the door. Each one stood up to their full height, all bald with almost seven feet of pure muscle. One stepped forward. Let's call him Demon A or DA for short.

"Who's there" DA shouted.

"Pizza Delivery" A voice replied.

"Did any of you order any pizza" DA asked almost in a growl.

"No, boss said no distractions, remember" DB said. The rest all confirmed the answer DB gave.

"We didn't order no pizza!" DA said.

"Fuck wrong place again" the voice grumbled "could I sell the pizza to you guys then,it seems I mixed up the order, half price". The demons all looked at each other and shrugged. They were hungry anyway. DA opened the door and was about to ask how much when he started stepping back. A blond man in a trenchcoat with two handguns pointing at DA slowly walked into the room. Rosa's eyes widened why the demons' eyes narrowed.

"Constantine" DA said basically in a hiss.

"Come on, we are friends now" he said "Call me John" as he pulled both triggers putting lead into DA's chest. DA dropped to the ground his mouth opened and eyes bulging as if he was in excruciating pain. His body then turned to dust and disappeared. As the other four started moving towards him he started saying an exorcist prayer as he tried to distance himself.

'How the fuck did we fall for that' All the demons thought in their minds.

"Saint Michael the arch angel who-" John continued going as fast and audible as he could. Rosa started to pray and say amen also then a demon turned to her about to slap her.

"Shut up you whore" DC said as he stretched to hit her when he saw a blue disc flash by then felt that his left hand was gone, with the hole burnt shut.

"In the Name of Jesus Christ Our God and Lord, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary" John continued the exorcist rites as he put two bullets in DC's chest. DC followed his first brother to die's suit and crumbled to dust also. Since the demons do not die truly as not a lot of people or weapons could kill them they are instead deported back to hell, including all traces of them.

"Bastard" DB was about to concentrate to use the sensory manipulation powers lesser demons had when the same blue lights flashed but twice as bright then he could think no more as the two lights embedded themselves into his head then he was shocked for good measure. The light died down and what looked to be two chakrams were in DB's skull they pulled themselves out and flew to Daniel who was standing in front of the Garcias. He caught them one in each hand. One of the outcomes of year he had to go through to create Stenyxor. They were an uru-promethium-protoadamantium alloy.

"Would've given you all names but you guys are gonna die anyway so" Daniel said. The last two demons burst out of their flesh bags becoming two goblin like creatures with scales and wings holding blunt maces. They kicked off the ground and made for the window to escape. DE made it out but DD lost his wings and was electrocuted before two bullets were put in his head. They were weaker than Daniel expected.

"Lowest of the low of demons, that was easier than expected" John said while Daniel looked at him in shock.

"You didn't!" Daniel said frantically.

"Did-" John was about to finish when spikes rose from the shadows near him. Daniel flew and grabbed him pulling him out the way. We fell to the floor and watched the shadows wrap around the Garcias before absorbing back into the ground. The Garcias were gone.

"Fuck shadow walkers, this issue is bigger than I expected" John said dusting his coat. "Thought you could sense those fuckers".

"The shadow dimension is everywhere around us and I didn't know what to look for, they'll never get the drop on us again" Daniel said.

"What are we gonna do now, seers probably won't work anymore" John said.

"Don't worry" Daniel said smiling "took a page from the book of a role model". Daniel pulled out Juliana's phone and texted Amy. She installed an app onto the phone and opened it. A map of Salem came up with three dots at the same location. Tracking devices are not as expensive as I thought.

"So we have their location" John said "but we will be outnumbered also we'll need weapons".

"It's only both of us, that I can't fix but I can fix the weapon issue" Daniel said smiling. "Before we get there let's make a stop at the local church". I looked at the time on the clock, it was twenty six minutes after two am.

"Holy anything huh, very much required" John said. "Let's go".

Twenty minutes later.

Church in Salem.

Daniel POV.

John and I walked into the church. The candles were lit and someone was praying in the front. We kept silent and walked forward slowly. The person slowly stood up in his suit and hat and turned around. It was Radueriel. He gave his usual smile with his pearly whites and opened his arms.

"So what have we discovered" he asked. John and I ignored him pwalking past him. I found the bowls and bottles of oil. I took some putting them in the pouch.

"Stealing from a church I see" Rad said then I dropped a few hundred dollars in the offering box.

"John you got your twin blade with you" I asked. He shook his head and I sighed, the twin blade is a weapon that can kill any being in the universe, it would have been invaluable right about now. John didn't ask how I knew about it. Rad raised an eyebrow probably wondering what the twin blade was but he also kept quiet.

"Really wanted to clip an itch" I said and John laughed.

"A giant bloody itch" John said as for the first time we faced Rad. Rad knew we were talking about him but had a stiff smile on his face.

"Let's stop insulting him or he might fall" John said.

"Or worse, smite us" I said. Rad was not smiling anymore.

"Where's the gold" Radueriel asked in a cold tone. I looked at the pissed off angel.

"Sadly we won't be telling you, you'll have to come with us" I said.

"And that's because?" Radueriel asked.

"There may be a high level demon involved" John said, "and your powers are pretty destructive and would wreck the city". I nodded my head. Rad frowns.

"You see your power is pretty useful in a war, but in a city full of innocents it's unwanted" I said giving him the blunt truth.

"So you're saying I can't control my gift" Rad was starting to look pissed.

"No, what we are saying-".

"What we are saying is creating lesser angels with a mere word is cool and all, but when they can't be controlled fully is gonna be fucked" I cut John off, he probably didn't want to have to fight Radueriel but I didn't care, I'll have to make my stand in protecting Salem. Rad took a deep breath and calmed himself.

"You are one of God's choir, a responsible angel in heaven, calm yourself" Rad said to himself. He turned to us with his trademark smile back in place. John and I looked at each other then turned back to Rad.

"So where are we going" Rad asked.

"A safe house of mine, John can use magic but most of them have dire consequences that I don't fancy, got a stock of some weapons he could use, give him good options too" I said. I acquired an apartment building so I don't have to bring everyone I save back to the tower. It'll also act as an office when I start heroing for real, like Jessica Jones but for free. So I could meet real people who need help with the supernatural and other things.

"True, summoning Nergal should never be an option" Rad said. John sighed and started working on a nea ciggarette. "Well I'll fly above you guy-"

"I could fly too but since John can't and I have to take a cab you do too" I said and Rad looked sad.

"Making me feel so unuseful, was expecting an easier job then be outta this country" John said sighing. The con of John Constantine, at his weakest without enough preparation, but given enough time to think on the fly he is at his most dangerous and reckless. I am trying to keep him as anti reckless as possible as him being reckless is not safe for me at all or Salem.

"Cheer up, next time you have a job in the US I'll provide your weapons for free" I said.

"Even these guns?" John asked smiling once more.

"Yeah even the guns" I answered as the three of us walked out of the church. My rune magic is improving every day and as my brain continues to develop I'll have more and more ideas. I'll use Constantine to test whether they work out as planned. Just hope none turn out to be duds in the middle of a fight. I shivered at the thought. It's John so he'll survive, he always does. We looked an odd group. Two men, a clean one in a suit and tie, the other a scruffy looking man in a trench coat and a kid with skin like black glass wearing a hoodie and a mask.

We stopped a cab and got in. It was a quick drive to my safe house. As I stepped out I felt something. The front of the place had a huge tree. I quickly summoned my chakrams throwing them into the shadow at the foot of the tree. A guttural scream was heard. I walked towards the shadow of the tree pushing my hands in where I could feel my chakrams and pulled out an imp looking creature.

"Must've been following us, pesky little creatures, shadowwalker demons" John said. I tore it apart with my hands and placed the chakrams on my back. It could turn into a favorite weapon of mine. Not more than Stenyxor of course, but Stenyxor uses so much energy so I can't bring out its full potential, yet of course. Rad whistled.

"That's one aggressive kid" Radueriel said all smiles like usual.

"We are using the back" I said, we walked to the alley and I flew up dropping the ladder for the fire escape for John and Rad. We reached the window and its frame was covered in runes. I input my magic into it and it read my my magic signature. The window popped open.

"You seem pretty good with runes, your guns, the chakrams and now your apartment window" Rad said "An amazing feat for someone your age".

"Amazing kid eh, can't wait to see what kind of weapons you have in there" John said with a smile on his face and rubbing his hands together in glee. We entered the apartment. Or at least 'we' tried to. Only John and I could enter.

"Why can't I get in" Rad asked as he tried to push his hand against a magical field in front of the window.

"Built on a leyline nexus and heavily runed, it won't allow non humans presently, may have to edit that in future, just wait outside like a good boy" I said leading John away from the window. I could hear Rad grumbling about where I learnt runes strong enough to block a high level angel while John started laughing.

"You got a nice place kid" John said amazed that I could afford this place and pay all the bills.

"I'm creating a team John of people who fight mystical and interdimensional threats" I said.

"Don't really do teams kid, Most of my friends die" John said with a sigh.

"I know, I just want to offer an associate and advisory position to you" I said and looked at him. He looked thoughtful. I prepared to pull out the ultimate closer. "I'll pay you like twenty thousand dollars a month and an extra twenty when you help us with cases". I could see his eyes turn into the dollar sign. I planned to put everyone that'll be on our team a payroll similar to the justice league.

"I accept, what would this group be called" John said "it has to be a cool name cause I'm in it and something to put fear into our enemies". I immediately thought of one of my best DC comic book series.

"It's gonna be called Hell Blazers" I said smiling. He nodded his head.

"Cool name, would've thought of another but you're Mr Moneybags" He said. I chuckled then opened a room with seals by pressing some of them like a keypad and injecting my magical energy into them with each finger. The door clicked open to a room bigger than it should've been filled with various weapons. All results of the year it took to make Stenyxor. One the left side held guns I had bought from the dark web or stolen from illegal gun depots. On the right side held short range melee weapons from knives to swords to axes to knuckle dusters. In the middle held long range melee weapons from spears to maces to halberds to pole armed axes and also one or two bows. John had no words to say at the room.

"Hurry up we are on a time limit here" I said. He nodded his head and followed me in. "The guns are all runed but for most the bullets are not, you could take the shot gun which all sixty bullets are runed, maybe two uzis which has no runed bullets" I said pulling those two out and dropping them in a bucket. I put the shot gun bullets in the large bucket too. Then walked over to the other side taking a sword made of a vibranium-uru alloy and two adamantine knuckle dusters with sharp points. Both were runed.

"Good choice but how am I to carry all those" he said when I threw a Nike bag in his face.

"Pocket dimension, it's not infinite but it is like the size of a small room, non perishable goods only though, the bullets are put in their boxes which automatically transfers bullets into the guns so no need to reload" I said and John constantly nodded his head.

"You're good" John said. "Let's get to blessing the wea-, what are you doing?!". He was shocked when he saw me dumping the holy oil onto the weapons in the bowl.

"Ever read Harry Potter" I asked John to which he shook his head. "In the book there's this sword called the Sword of Gryffindor created by goblins, it was enchanted and runed to take and become stronger, so whatever it came in contact with it would become more resistant to it but also take properties of it".

"It was touched by basilisk venom and became a poisonous sword that could kill with a cut, I took that idea from the book, being a rune master means that you must be as creative as possible" I finished.

"Bloody hell, that's genius" John said as the weapons soaked a bit in the oil. In about two minutes of John telling me how amazing I am we brought them out and cleaned them up. We put them all into the bag and placed the shotgun bullets into tits box before placing it in the bag too.

"Just will what you want from the bag and it will appear where you want it to" I said. I walked back to the gun section and picked up a gun I made. It kinda looked like a flare gun. I opened a case and that had two little battery looking discs and inserted them into the gun. John watched with interest.

"Now this is the NWP gun or the nth wave pulse gun, it shoots concentrated blasts of nth wave which destabilizes magic and their users not allowing them to use magic for a while" I explained "it has two magic batteries in it cause that's what it runs on and has an effective range of about ten to twenty meters". I lobbed it over to him.

{A/N: Similar to how EMP guns use electricity to work.}

"Nice, not getting anything for yourself?" John asked.

"Nah I'm good, return all the weapons once you are done, the gun is made of an anti-magic metal so you'll have to carry it on you" I told John. He nodded his head. We walked out the room, the door automatically closing itself and went to the window we came through. Rad had a strained smile on his face.

"Really, thanks for leaving me out here" Rad said. I shrugged as John climbed out and I went after. The window automatically closed itself.

"Let's go" I said. We all climbed down and walked toward the road. It is easier to find another cab in this part of the city. We stopped one and all got in. The location of the tracking devices is a run down church. We are about two blocks away when I felt a surge of magic and something changed in the void. The order of the world is shifting. I turned to Rad who is looking in the direction of the church.

"This is bad" he said. We stopped the cab and I quickly paid him. I picked up John in a bridal carry not carry for his protests and Rad and I flew to the church. We tried to fly in but hit a barrier. We dropped down on the road in front of the church.

I let John stand on his feet. Rad wrinkled his nose.

"Deconsecrated, far worse than unconsecrated" He mumbled in annoyance.

"A magic barrier, this would be annoying" John said.

"It seems specially made to resist angelic powers" Rad said as he punched the barrier. It shook a bit but stayed up. "We'll need to find another way, I'll need to conserve my strength for whatever level demon is in there".

"John, kindly NWP this thing" I said. John looked stunned probably wondering how he forgot about the gun.

He pulled the gun from his holster and pointed it at the barrier. He pulled the trigger but there was no sound. I could feel the magic barrier basically short circuit then go off. I walked onto the church grounds pulling out my chakrams. I could feel the malevolent energy saturate the air. About a hundred demons of varying sizes poured out. All in their true form with about three having two sets of wings.

"This is worse than I thought but still manageable" Rad said. I peered into the church with my sensing ability past the demons and I could see the cause of the change in the balance of the universe.

"John know anything about a golden frog that sits on golden coins, it has various precious stones embedded into it with a gold coin in its mouth" I turned to look at John who had a look of horror on his face then I turned to Rad who was no longer smiling even his aura changed as he brought out a weapon from nothing. It is a plain double-edged sword with some enochian words written on the flat of its blade. Rad is fully exuding holy energy now.

"The Jin Chan, one of the paths to apotheosis" Rad said as John willed the two uzis into his hands. "This is more dangerous if they've used enochian gold for the coins and the lucky coin is in its mouth".

"Of course we did" a voice called out as the strongest demon I've ever faced with energy potency similar to Rad's walked out. It's energy was filled with rage and he seemed to exude it.

"Aeshma, it's been a few centuries" Rad said. Aeshma stood in a human form with black hair, red-golden eyes, caucasian skin and horns on his head. He was dressed in a red and black suit.

He sent a message to John and I telepathically.

'The ritual just started so the eye of the frog should be closed but it would open once it is done, once it does that would be the end of your Salem'.

'So we just shoot it with the gun' John thought back.

'No, that won't work, the pulse it would give won't be strong enough, same way you can't use a small EMP to kill a power plant, could we destroy it?' I replied.

'No, with the amount of energy powering it, it is impossible' Rad replied 'we have to kill Aeshma to stop it'.

I began to absorb electricity from my belt and electricity began to crackle on my body. Guess that's what signaled the start of the fight as the demons except for Aeshma charged. Rad flew to meet him. I charged leaving the lower demons to Constantine who started shooting at them.

"You think your sad excuse for a team can defeat our lord" one of the double winged demons said. He looked to be their leader. "The Jin Chan is a karma device, as the eyes begin to open it would start to absorb the good karma of Salem, this city's end is nigh, abandon all hope".

"The sacrifice of our lord shall not be in vain, it would be this city, then this world" The other demon said. More electricity began to show on my body.

"From the commander of a legion to the leader of a hundred demons, all a worthless sacrifice" I said as I moved as fast as I could punching one with the chakram in his stomach. He doubled over.

"You bastard" he coughed out as he reached for his magic only to feel it leaving his body through the fist on his stomach. My eyes began to glow red.

"You chose the wrong city to do this" I said. The demon tried to strike me but I stepped back and kicked him in his face sending him back. A red aura began to leak from all over my body as I got into a fighting stance.

"I'm going to kill you" I shouted as the other two demons charged.


Klarion the witch boy sat on a tree petting his pet cat Teekl when he felt the balance of the world shift. He started to go over various things that could have caused it.

"Cthulhu mythos cult? Hmmm, Doesn't feel like them, Hate those guys" Klarion said "Could it be caused by human science?". He shook his head muttering a "no". The balance shifted some more.

"Feels more magical in nature" He looked to Teekl "What do you think, wanna go check it out, have some fun". The familiar gave a 'meow' and Klarion snapped his fingers. He teleported to Salem sky and was floating near the abandoned church. He took a deep breath as the balance of the city began to shift into chaos. He smiled in ecstasy.

"Oooh Jin Chan, brilliant" Teekl thought. He began to pull his non-existent beard. "This gives me an idea" He said as he began to laugh.

Chapter End.