
Angels and Demons.

Time Skip Two months

Location: Salem Outskirts.


A short blonde haired man wearing a brown overcoat stood beside the 'Welcome to Salem' sign. He got a call for a job here.

"Don't want to stay here too long, with what I'm feeling and my luck things are sure to get trippy". He said in his British accent. The universe seemed to agree with him as the man who spoke with angels, fought demons walked into Salem.

"Salem welcome John Constantine, things are sure to get fucked" He said smiling, he loved the thrill.

Daniel POV

Location: Tower Of Fate

I was training my body. I had created gravity changers from dragon ball and I spent time absorbing vitality from the root hair of Yggdrasil constantly strengthening my body, my cells continously being stressed and rejuvenated. Rachel and Raina hung out together with Arella, playing around the tower or learning magic. Arella became a new mother figure for Raina and the family hung out together also learning magic together. Raina took to it like fish to water and the tower of fate gave corrections when a roadblock was reached. It's probably hoping one of us would take the mantle of Dr Fate.

Thought about it but gave a firm no. If push comes to shove I'll probably just absorb magic from it and use it like a giant battery.

I got to creating the AI and with Dr Gero's notes it was a breeze correcting some problems and leaving no loopholes for it to become evil even using a forgotten language to write its code so it's unhackable. It has started to steal from various kingpins giving the evidence to the police transferring fifty percent of every haul into making various charity organizations round the world.

I showed my parents my capsule idea and how it worked and they were speaking to their lawyers presently and all their connections. Seems it'll first be used in the construction field. I had started to buy shares in various companies using different names and let Amy my AI handle the rest.

She had hacked into various government agencies and tech companies so I had a lot to focus on. Would probably need to create maybe nine more to handle various things with full efficiency and maybe creating physical bodies for them like the Androids. A beeping sound rang out as I trained in ten times earth's gravity.

"Sir, one of the chaos listed people just walked into Salem" Amy said through a speaker I had blaring music before.

"Who?" I asked wondering who it was coming into the city. The magical energy in the city was slowly increasing ever since I saved Rachel. It would start to attract some unsavory characters.

"John Constantine sir" she said. My mind entered shock mode as I began to go through various scenarios that I've seen John in. Friend of the Sandman, cheater of death, adrenaline junky, hunter of everything that goes bump at night and chronic smoker and alcoholic. Although he is not as strong as most others on the list he has fucking bad luck and on almost all his missions people die whether friends, family or strangers. For him to come to the US something huge must be coming. I frowned wondering what it could be or even who it could be. I kept doing the katas my body constantly under immense stress, I was constantly channeling the Yggdrasil increasing my strength.

"Watch him at all times, I would have to meet with him this night" I told Amy. She gave an affirmative and music continued playing.

An our later I finished my katas switched off the gravity belt then left it in the room. I took a shower before joining Rachel and Raina in the library. Always so mature for their age, not really like other kids their age.

"Yo, what you guys reading up" I asked. They both smiled at me.

"Well we are looking at good luck charms" Raina said excitedly.

"Raina watched Just My Luck so she wants a permanent good luck charm" Rachel said.

"A good wish" I said rubbing Raina's head as she giggled. "Tell your mom I won't be around this night, something new came up". Rachel nodded and I moved into the shelves looking for a book on angels. Wherever Constantine goes angels follow. I found one then walked out. Raina ran up to me. She stood shyly blushing. I smiled at her.

"Daniel could you bend down a bit" Raina asked. I was tall for my age so I did as was asked.

"What do you-" I was about to finish when she pecked me on my cheek then ran off with steam coming through her ears shouting good luck. Rachel started laughing and I found it cute. I straightened my back and chuckled.

"Well wasn't expecting that" I said. I looked at the time on my watch. It read four o'clock. Gotta get home then pretend to get to bed before going out too meet with Constantine. Still got bed time.


TIMESKIP: Six hours later

Location: My room.

I got dressed in my usual all black outfit with the mask on but without the axe. I had an nth metal belt which I could use to fly without the axe and I slotted all the batteries filled with huge amounts of electricity. I palmed a graphene coin and I turned into it my body gaining this black sheen. I opened my window then flew out closing it behind me then flew towards where I felt Constantine.

I found him coming out of a bar buzzed as usual and smelling of smoke. He finished the cigarette he was on and he started walking away bringing another from his pocket and lighting it with fire from his finger. He walked into a deserted alley and I could tell he was waiting for me.

I flew into it and landed in front of him.

"You shouldn't be out at night in this city kid, you might meet the bloody boogeyman" he said in his trademark British accent. I made my hand into a sword then sliced the dumpster close to us into two. That should be a decent enough reply.

"Well you do have a useful skill set I see" John said trying to get a better look at me in the dark alley. He seemed on guard.

"John Constantine, You may call me Hollow, resident of Salem" I said "I would like to know your reason for being here".

"Well I came here when I saw a letter on my bed and then-" John stopped. I kept standing watching him wondering what shut him up before I noticed that it was quiet, too quiet. All around me was nothing moved and my senses were blaring at me that something was with us.

"Hello John, been a while" a white man in a black suit walked into the alley. "Sorry I'm late, got held up".

"Radueriel you sent the letter" John said frowning "if I had know that it was you I wouldn't have come here".

"We both know you love the rush, and you can call me Rad John, after what you went through for me you deserve it". John raised up his left hand removing the glove there.

"I lost a toe, John Constantine loves thrills, not losing body parts" John said still with a frown on his face and Radueriel shrugged "Really should stop getting jobs from you winged folk". My mind started analyzing everything that they were saying.

"The pay is always good, you know that" Rad said smiling. "Now to the matter of importance, Enochian gold was stolen from heaven". John's eyes narrowed at that after all they were various uses for this holy metal.

"I was tasked with finding it and followed a trail to Ireland where I found a dead leprechaun missing his lucky coin then to Salem where the trail ended" Rad said.

"Couldn't you just find the person, maybe another of your brothers could help" John said.

"I can't, the situation in heaven is in chaos and most of my brothers are busy, also all the energy in Salem presently is jamming my senses" Rad said.

"Yeah I felt that too when I first got here this morning, what is going on in the Silver City" John asked wary of what could have caused the powerful angels to be in disarray.

"I'll tell you for your protection" Rad said "Lucifer has left hell and abandoned his duties as lord of hell, the angels are out searching or him". John looked speechless and my mind was in shock too.

'Fuck you Overvoid, dumping me in a universe with fucking Lucifer Samael Morningstar'

"That's why they could only send me, so I give you a while to find the gold cause in the first place mixing forces for both pantheons is not a good idea and I can't leave such a reality warping metal on earth" Radueriel said. "At the sign of anything dangerous I'll smite this city and everything in-". He stopped due to the blade at his throat. He smiled.

"I felt that your time was not put on hold" Rad said. I knew that this was a bad idea but my body moved on reflex.

"You shall not harm this city" I said "or I'll feed on angel in the morning". 'Fuck what am I doing'. Rad laughed.

"Even if we do battle and I die, of which I can't but instead reappear in heaven, this city would die after the world goes up in flames, Enochian gold is that dangerous in the wrong hands" He said. Constantine looked at both of us and lit a new cigarette.

"Really should've become a lawyer or some shit" John said breathing out smoke like a car exhaust.

"You're interesting boy I'll give you that, you can search for the gold with him, do find it quick" Radueriel said as wings spread on his back, he jumped back then flew off and the sounds of the city resumed once more. I was pissed and Constantine could see it in my body movements.

"Angels aren't all they are made out to be huh, All smite this smite that, they should copyright the word" John said. "Rad the fucking bastard, leaving us with no bloody leads".

"We need to find a precognizant" I said. John looked at me with a stupid look on his face. "A seer John, a motherfucking seer, got any contacts cause if not we're so screwed". Searching for a real one in a city known for mystic arts would be annoying as hell. So many quacks around.

"Americans, so impatient I wanted to get a coffee first" he said as he pulled out his phone "so I'm not gonna be calling you Hollow am I".

"I don't give my name to people who are willing to be possessed to get out of a situation" I replied. We started walking out of the alley.

"Fair enough" he said shrugging as he put his phone onto his ear. "Hello... really I mean no trouble, I just need a few clues... money *cough cough* of course I got money... five hundred bucks sure that's not too much (he said with a sad look on his face)... yeah I'm coming right now thanks". He cut the call. He looked defeated and gave a sigh.

"Broke ass, I'll pay. Wonder how you got into this country with your cheapskate ways" I said. He looked joyous now.

"Illegally of course" he said too matter of factly for my liking, probably hasn't won his house of mystery yet. I sighed. Why did I choose DC anyway?.

TIMESKIP: An hour with John Constantine later.

Location: In front of Juliana Sooth's house.

John and I hopped out of a cab we used. Would've been weird seeing a boy made of what looks like black stone and a man who kept lighting cigarettes with his fingers. At least there were no accidents so we probably weren't the worst he has seen. The life of a cab driver.

"We're here" John said stating the obvious. I kept quiet as we walked towards the one story building. We reached the door and I was about to knock when the door swung open and the hottest woman I've ever seen stood before me. She was white with black hair and white coloured streaks running through it, stupendously huge breasts and a waist to hip ratio could cause the fall of an angel but there was one thing, she was blind. She was wearing an Elvis t-shirt too small for her and blue jeans.

"Seers of the Tiresias family are born blind, there is one every generation" she said smiling at me before turning to John with a frosty smile "didn't know you carried kids with you now, looking for your Robin?".

"Normally I wouldn't but there is a cause for that besides he has a good skill set".

"I'll stop asking asking questions because after the last time I really don't want to know about your cases, did you bring my money" she asked. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a thousand dollars and handed it over. She collected it with a raised eyebrow but didn't ask questions.

She led us through the pretty normal house except for a few runes I noticed here and there.

"So you one of those metas" She asked me.

"Pretty much" I replied as we reached a locked door "You?".

"Descended from the Greek seer Tiresias but also a meta" She said smiling at me.

"Cool cool" I said as she opened the room. We walked into what seemed to be an art room but I could find no paint around.

"You paint" I asked.

"No" she said grabbing a huge white paper and laying it out on the ground then getting a bucket of what looked to be iron shavings then dumping it onto the paper.

"I see" I said.

"Minor ferro-kinetic abilities" Juliana said. John didn't make a sound since we entered the house. Shocking cause I couldn't get him to shut up on the ride here. I looked at him and he mouthed 'she threatened to cut my dick off once'. I nodded in understanding before turning back to Juliana who started smiling again. She crossed her legs then sat down in a lotus position. With my senses I could see her begin to connect with the world around us then the iron shavings began to rise bit by bit and started to move on the surface of the paper. In like five minutes she was done and we had an image of a boy around eleven. Juliana looked fatigued.

"So an image of a kid in a room in a huge city is all we got" Constantine said "great just great".

"Sorry it's a bit harder to seer nowadays in Salem and it seems like they were hiding their tracks well" Juliana apologized.

"Don't worry, it's enough" I said "Could I get your phone" I asked Juliana. John only had burner phones. She handed me a Wayne tech phone. I took a picture of paper and sent it to an email I made for Amy(my AI). Immediately she replied sending an app that I containing everything about the boy and a locator using cameras around the city.

"Got him, could I buy your phone off you" I asked to which she told me I could take it for free. I pulled out her SIM card and handed it to her. We walked out the house and I turned to her giving her thanks and that I'll visit again if I have any problems. John and I then started walking into the night.

"So amazing woman huh, Hot enough to be a succubus" John said.

"That's not even the best part about her" I replied.

"Kids don't know nothing about women, what is the better than those bloody tits" John said.

"The fact that she could make you shut up" I said in my matter of fact tone. John mouth dropped and I smiled. Let the quiet reign for a while . We found a cab and got in and I told him the address of the boys mother.

"So what's about the kid" John asked.

"His name is Joseph Garcia, he turns eleven tonight, no father in the picture just a mother named Rosa, we are going to their house now" I replied.

"And you got all this information how?" He asked to which he got no reply. After a while he spoke again.

"Is it the same reason you knew me by any chance? Just want to know if there's any way to protect myself more" He said.

"The only people possibly after you are loan sharks John, and no you're kinda famous in the magical circle" I said.

"Well a person as charming as me has to be famous" He said puffing his chest out and stroking his chin. The cab reached the street that the apartment was on and I asked the driver to pull over. I paid the man and we walked towards the apartment building the Garcias lived in. I tried sensing the auras in the building then I pulled John into an alley beside the house.

"What's-" John was about to finish when I clasped my hands over his mouth.

"Demons are in the building" I whispered in his ear.

Chapter End



"The sacrifice of our lord shall not be in vain, it would be this city, then this world".