

" I think this is where we say goodbye, it has been a pleasure journeying with you guys," Dalah said as she put a radiant smile on her face. Voku and Zilla turned to each other and smiled, " The pleasure is all ours, thank you for keeping us company, and you too Mula, but try to improve on your joke" Voku said as they all burst into laughter. They went separate ways as they walked into the city.


"Am sending you on this very important mission, to give you an opportunity to prove yourself. You will return victorious and become my right-hand man or return as a failure then face my wrath," Darka spoke seating on his throne as Zeud kneels down in front of him. "Yes master, thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve you and prove my loyalty to you, I promise I will never fail you, master," Zeud spoke in reverence of Darka.

"Rise Zeud, Son of Tarma, enough of the words, now let me see some action. Tear down kingdoms, rip out the heart of men if you have to, just bring back every last one of those children, or die trying." Darka said as he stood up on his feet.

"My lord, I will go to the deepest part of the earth and even the great beyond, just to serve you and prove my loyalty. I will fall at my own sword if I fail you, my lord, this I swear on my whole existence," Zeud spoke as he put his face to the ground in adoration of Darka.

Darka turned as he looked at Zeud with a pleasant smile on his face, "Rise Zeud, and take off your armor" Darka commanded and Zeud stood up and took off his armor of war. Darka walked closer to Zeud and he breathe out of his mouth Thick black smoke that posses Zeud as he screams in pain and put his face to the ground.

After a while, Zeud stood up like he just raise from the dead with his eyes turning from brown to tick Black, and black veins grew at the sides of his eyes. "Go now Zeud, and bring me my treasures," Darka commanded as Zeud nod's and went out of the throne room. Darka slowly walked back to sit on his throne as he crushed his fist.

"I wonder how we are going to find the mage in this big town, do we go asking everyone we see?" Voku complained looking round in confusion of which path to take. "Dad said (deep into the west lands), this is the 4th(fourth) town we've gotten to so far, and I think it's fair enough," Zilla said as she stood with her eyes fixed at the door of a brothel.

"Where is the most likely place to find someone who knows everything and everyone in the town?," Zilla asked as she gave a cute look at Voku. "Wait for a minute young lady, don't tell me you are going in there. This is the den of thieves and dangerous people, we might get our stripped of the little gems we have left." Voku said with fear written all over his face.

"Relax boy, we've got this, besides we got abilities and it seems not a lot of people have that around her so you see, we're good," Zilla concluded as walked into the brothel and Voku followed holding Osmond very close as he wondered within himself.

They walk in and got themselves a table as Osmond giggled at the sight of a fat lady passing by, "This little bully, what was that for?" Voku said with a fixed look at Osmond.

"Let him be will you, he's just amazed at the sight of new and funny-looking people," Zilla said as both of them laughed trying to avoid making loud sounds. "So what's the plan now? how do we get any information off these people?" Voku asked Zilla as he gazes around the room.

"I told you, leave that to me," Zilla said as she stood up from their table and went to another table where two men with long beards and scared faces sat. "Hey there scared face men, am looking for a very powerful mage around here," Zilla said as she winkles at them with a grumpy smile on her face.


Voku ran out of the brothel as the men threw Zilla out along with her staff. "Come on, that's not fair. What sort of people are these, so aggressive," Zilla spoke complaining as Voku laughed so hard like his eyes were to fall off and Osmond giggled so hard. "I told you but you wouldn't listen. leave things of these sort for me girl." Voku said as he gave Zilla the baby and walked in boastfully. "wooo" Voku's voice was heard from inside the brothel as he was tossed out also and landed on the ground with his feet to the sky.

Zilla laughed so much that she fell to the ground holding her stomach. Voku looked so ashamed of himself with a downcasting look on his face as Osmond made baby sounds like he was mocking Voku, "Oh wow, really funny" Voku said as he stood up and picked up his stuff from the ground.


It's late-night, Zilla and Voku still walking through the streets of the city, tired and discouraged with Osmond crying. "Is there a spell that can keep this child from crying ever again?" Voku asked in frustration. Zilla was so tired that she looked for the nearest corner to rest.

"We can't stop right now Zilla, this place is so creepy and dark," Voku said looking frightened. "I just wish there's a spell I can cast that will make things go back to the way they were back in the village," Zilla said falling to the ground to rest her back as Voke leans to the wall.

"Yes of course there is a spell for that, you just don't know it, yet," a voice came from the dark as Zilla rushed standing up in fear and voku stood up straight "Oh no, not another invisibility spell," Voku complained as he struggles to look into the dark as they both walked a bit further into the dark.

"Huala," An aged man said from behind them, as they turned to look who it was, he waved his hands to their face as they passed out.

hello guys, please as usual, drop your comments and suggestions...thanks

BloodRaidercreators' thoughts