
Oshi to Oshi

Make sure to check the auxiliary volume! Niimi Kousei is an avid high school student and passionate Vtuber who spends his time streaming and admiring idols, with his favorite group being "Lucky Star." However, his world turns upside down when he discovers that not just one, but three of his beloved idols are fellow students at his school. upon accidentally encountering each of them, he notices his own Vtuber persona on their phone wallpapers. Surely it’s not pure coincidence that they watch my stream… right?

Yamiru · Politique et sciences sociales
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53 Chs

Close Call

I felt a sense of urgency and unease as I realized that Tsukasa, Yuki, and Nao knew about my online persona as Kou-kun.

After waiting for a few hours, I decided it was time to make a move. I stood up from the sofa and quietly made my way upstairs, hoping to change the account on my computer before it was too late.

However, as I reached the top of the stairs, I noticed Tsukasa sitting there, engrossed in her phone. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Should I ask her to move? But then she looked up and greeted me.

"Tsukasa-san, what are you doing here? I thought you were in the living room," I asked, trying to hide my anxiety.

"Oh, Niimi-kun, I'm just contacting my parents."

I contemplated whether to ask her to step aside so I could pass, but before I could speak, she read my thoughts and moved to the side.

"Going to your room?"

I nodded, "Yes, I need to... take care of something."

She rubbed her chin and gave me a mischievous grin. "Mind showing me your room?"

I felt a jolt of panic at her request. "Why would you want to see my room?"

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Because I'm curious, of course!"

Yuki joined us, adding her own enthusiasm to the mix. "I want to see Niimi-san's room too!" she exclaimed.

Reluctantly, I led Tsukasa and Yuki to my room, As we entered, I could sense their excitement building.

Tsukasa looked around, taking in the surroundings with a keen eye. "So this is where NIimi-kun spends his time," she mused.

Yuki, on the other hand, seemed more fascinated by the decorations and items in my room. She picked up a figurine from my shelf and examined it closely. "This is so cute! Where did you get it?"

Tsukasa raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "You're hiding something, aren't you, Niimi-kun?"

My heart skipped a beat. Did she suspect something? I tried to maintain my composure and play it off. "N-No, not at all! Just a regular room of a regular guy."

Yuki giggled, "It's cozy in here. I like it."

Tsukasa glanced at my computer. "This is a good computer... Mind if I take a look at your setup?"

I quickly stepped in, attempting to divert her attention. "Ah, actually, my computer is acting up at the moment. It's better not to touch it."

Tsukasa smirked knowingly. "Is that so? Well, I guess I'll have to satisfy my curiosity another time."

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that I had managed to dodge that bullet.

"I'm bored~ Kou-kun was supposed to be streaming today, yet he's not here," Yuki complained with her voice filled with disappointment.

I straightened myself as I sat on my bed. "I-I see. What was he planning to stream?"

"Minecraft," Tsukasa chimed in, her eyes filled with anticipation.

"Ahh, I-I see."

Yuki began to bite her nails, "W-What if something happened to him? Ahhh, I want to hear his voice already!"

I smiled awkwardly, looking away. "W-Well, I'm sure he's just busy with something. Don't worry too much."

Tsukasa turned to Yuki, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "How about we watch the VOD of Kou-kun's previous streams?

"T-That's true! Let's do that!"

The two sat down beside me, and Yuki opened her phone to watch the VOD of Kou-kun's previous streams.

Tsukasa leaned closer to me and whispered, "Sorry about her... Yuki can get a bit obsessed when it comes to Kou-kun. She's really drawn to his gentle yet cool voice... Although personally, I prefer your voice~" Tsukasa then blew gently into my ear, causing me to jolt up in surprise and blush.

"I-I see..."

So Yuki's a yandere!?

Tsukasa's playful behavior might just be her way of teasing and having fun. After all, we were friends, right? But the lingering uncertainty made me feel slightly on edge.

Meanwhile, Yuki seemed completely engrossed in the VOD, not paying much attention to the interaction between Tsukasa and me.