
Oshi no Ko: To Save a Star

Have you ever found yourself believing in the potential to achieve something extraordinary in your life? I was once a firm believer in such possibilities. In truth, my life was ordinary but satisfying. I found contentment in spending time with friends whenever I could, and my academic achievements at university even earned me the reputation of a genius. I never truly saw myself that way, but I accepted such compliments with a smile. One fateful day, a close friend urged me to indulge in an anime series called... Oshi no Ko As an ardent anime enthusiast, I willingly delved into its world. From the very first episode, it captivated me. Ai Hoshino—a character of extraordinary charm, capable of captivating anyone with a single gaze. Her life was a tumultuous blend of being an idol and a mother of twins, dealing with the demands of public adoration and motherhood. Witnessing her trials sparked an unusual and strong desire within me—a fervent wish to shield her from the harsh realities she faced. I wish that knife would've killed me instead. Such a thought may seem absurd, even melodramatic, but the series had stirred something profound within me. As I continued to delve into the world of Oshi no Ko, the stories of Ruby and Aqua further deepened my emotional involvement. Their arduous journeys and their struggles tugged at my heartstrings, and I couldn't help but feel immense sadness for them. Struggling to relate to their pain, I could only appreciate the stark contrast between their hardships and the relative comfort of my own life. I desired to rid the world of that despicable excuse of a father, perhaps even more than Aqua or Ruby did. But I had to suppress these feelings. After all, it was just an anime, just a manga... Tragically, my obsession with the series clouded my awareness, and I failed to notice an oncoming truck. The very cliché "truck-kun" became the instrument of my undoing. I lost my life because I couldn't tear my thoughts away from the anime world to focus on reality. Pathetic. In the gloomy aftermath of this unforeseen tragedy, I found myself standing alone in a desolate street, a murder of crows ominously watching over me. Amidst this eerie silence, a haunting question pierced through my thoughts [Do you wish to change Hoshino Ai's fate?] --- My discord server: ava9cEr3eG

DeeplyLostInShadow · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

New Life & Goals

From the very first few days of my new life, it became apparent that the Goddess of Entertainment wasn't the most honest Goddess around.

Why, you might wonder? Well, because Earth, and Japan in particular, is enormous. Just consider the sheer magnitude of it all. With a population of over 100 million people spread across an expansive area of 350 thousand square kilometers, the chances of me reincarnating anywhere close to Shinjuku, where the events of the manga take place, were incredibly slim.

Still, it would be ridiculous if I wasn't born where that trash was, so I ruled out the possibility of me being anywhere else.

She said she would be only helping me regarding the year I am born, but she did way more than that.

I ended up in Shinjuku, and my father turned out to be a director at Lala Lai Theatrical Company, while my mother was part of its Production Team.

Talk about a twist of fate. I doubt these two were ever meant to have a kid, but hey, what can you do? I guess this might be the Goddess' messed-up way of pulling the strings, especially considering her connection to the Entertainment Business.

But what hit me the most was the fact I forgot everything regarding my past life.

It felt like I had just woken up from a whimsical dream, unable to grasp any memories of my past life. Anything I tried to recall slipped through my fingers like grains of sand, leaving me with nothing but a vague sense of experience shaping me into who I am.

Yet, strangely enough, it didn't leave me feeling bad about it; I instead felt it was quite convenient.

Moreover, along with this fresh start, I was bestowed with a perfectly healthy body, which I was glad for, as it would only make things harder in the future if I wasn't healthy.

As my mature mind inhabited the body of a baby, playing the role proved to be a challenge. Nevertheless, my disinterested parents provided the perfect cover.

I learned that to avoid suspicion, all I had to do for the first months was quietly drink my milk and play with simple toys, like a cube. My lack of mobility during this period made gathering information difficult, but I constantly reminded myself of the purpose behind this.

Ai Hoshino, the one I wanted to protect, was likely in an orphanage at this point. Regrettably, I couldn't go there to ensure her safety, as I had no knowledge of its location. But I knew that one day, she would cross paths with me, as she would be recruited by Lala Lai. I had to be prepared to keep her away from that despicable individual.

I envisioned impressing her myself and being the one she chose to be with, but for now, this was merely the jibberish of a dreamer.

If I ever wanted a chance to influence events, I had to become an actor. Why, you ask? Because, like Aqua, I needed the Entertainment Business, but our motives were entirely different. Unlike him, I knew precisely what I had to do and how.

My path was clear – I had to murder Hikaru Kamiki socially, and to achieve that, I must become an actor far superior to him. While my past life remained a distant memory, my instinct told me.

I lacked experience in this field, which is why I took advantage of my current situation to hone my skills. Really, why did she have to choose me? If I fail to protect Ai, I will first blame her for assigning this task to me.

Instead of hiding and waiting until I grew old enough not to raise suspicion, I embraced my new identity with determination. I feigned immense interest in the Entertainment world, convincing my parents that I wanted to be a child actor. My enthusiasm reflected well on them, boosting their own reputation in the industry.

The thought of two Entertainment professionals having a child so deeply interested in their craft would undoubtedly paint them as exceptional parents.

Thus, a web of ambition began to weave its way around me, with my cunning at the center.

Truth be told, I...

"That was splendid! Your child is truly talented, Kyouya!"

The words of the Managing Director elicited a "sincere" smile and a graceful bow from me. I refrained from speaking directly, merely uttering a "Thank you" as the praise was intended for my father, who seemed delighted by the compliment. My plan was unfolding beautifully.

Being perpetually immersed in acting for 7 years made it not difficult for me to add yet another layer to my performance. The Managing Director, with his eyes, fixated on profit and talent, was easily captivated.

As I observed my father enthusiastically chatting with the Managing Director, a slight smirk threatened to surface, but I quickly suppressed it. Instead, I maintained the facade of an innocent and curious child, eagerly awaiting the outcome.

"...Truly impressive, Ren! Your father is so proud of you. Daddy will ensure you get a role as soon as possible! You're in luck, as one of our child actors fell ill suddenly, leaving a vacant role in one of our plays. You will likely be called for a small audition to determine who will take on the part but with your Daddy's influence..."

My father's smile ran deep with greed, and I nearly chuckled at the display.

It must be delightful for him to finally be acknowledged. I would love to ask him where he was when my mother struggled to even put up food on the table on some days, but such thoughts mattered little to me now. Love had been absent in this messed-up family from the start, so there was no need to feign affection.

I did not feel the need for a proper father figure either.

Perhaps, I would be called crazy or weird by many people, but what did it matter? As long as I could achieve what I wanted, then I did not care at all.


Author's Note:

Oshi no Ko's timeline is actually really messed up, and I won't bother trying to add my version of that. I will try to not be specific with dates because of it, but just make you understand the period we are in.