
Oshi no Ko: To Save a Star

Have you ever found yourself believing in the potential to achieve something extraordinary in your life? I was once a firm believer in such possibilities. In truth, my life was ordinary but satisfying. I found contentment in spending time with friends whenever I could, and my academic achievements at university even earned me the reputation of a genius. I never truly saw myself that way, but I accepted such compliments with a smile. One fateful day, a close friend urged me to indulge in an anime series called... Oshi no Ko As an ardent anime enthusiast, I willingly delved into its world. From the very first episode, it captivated me. Ai Hoshino—a character of extraordinary charm, capable of captivating anyone with a single gaze. Her life was a tumultuous blend of being an idol and a mother of twins, dealing with the demands of public adoration and motherhood. Witnessing her trials sparked an unusual and strong desire within me—a fervent wish to shield her from the harsh realities she faced. I wish that knife would've killed me instead. Such a thought may seem absurd, even melodramatic, but the series had stirred something profound within me. As I continued to delve into the world of Oshi no Ko, the stories of Ruby and Aqua further deepened my emotional involvement. Their arduous journeys and their struggles tugged at my heartstrings, and I couldn't help but feel immense sadness for them. Struggling to relate to their pain, I could only appreciate the stark contrast between their hardships and the relative comfort of my own life. I desired to rid the world of that despicable excuse of a father, perhaps even more than Aqua or Ruby did. But I had to suppress these feelings. After all, it was just an anime, just a manga... Tragically, my obsession with the series clouded my awareness, and I failed to notice an oncoming truck. The very cliché "truck-kun" became the instrument of my undoing. I lost my life because I couldn't tear my thoughts away from the anime world to focus on reality. Pathetic. In the gloomy aftermath of this unforeseen tragedy, I found myself standing alone in a desolate street, a murder of crows ominously watching over me. Amidst this eerie silence, a haunting question pierced through my thoughts [Do you wish to change Hoshino Ai's fate?] --- My discord server: ava9cEr3eG

DeeplyLostInShadow · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Loyalty Test(3)

Why did it have to unfold this way? Couldn't another person have been chosen for this role?

Yet, as I was naught but a tool, my option was to accept this fate.

Naturally, that night marked the onset of a new chapter in my life—one where I returned home, my eyes swollen from ceaseless weeping.

Detesting my own helplessness, I despised the fact that I would obediently carry out his wishes. Instead of pursuing an alternative avenue of employment, I would adhere to his instructions. I had to get close to his son while simultaneously relaying every detail to the father.

I would become the agent of destruction for an innocent child, all for the sake of garnering Mr. Kyouya's recognition and being drawn back into his orbit. I... was deeply sorry.

The day I first laid eyes on him only exacerbated my self-loathing.

He approached me, a glimmer of curiosity evident in his gaze. I believed myself akin to his other playthings, introduced as the individual responsible for his constant care.

I anticipated many things from a child, but I was taken aback when he simply grasped my hands, his expression one of profound innocence.

"I get it. Kotone-san! I'm so glad you're here! You see, I have to act so mature around everyone else, but with you, who will be watching me almost all the time, I can be a little bit childish, right!?"

Caught off guard by this unexpected interaction, I instinctively bowed.

"...Ren-sama, please address me as 'Shiina'. I am but an assistant; there's no need for such formality."

It stung.

An ache settled in my chest, a poignant reminder of my own inadequacy. Wasn't I no different from my own abusive parents or the classmates who subjected me to relentless torment?

Bearing this wretchedness, I contemplated whether, once my role was fulfilled, I should simply... end it all.

My thoughts were abruptly halted as Ren-sama gently tightened his grip on my hands, coaxing my attention.

"I see. Then, Shiina it is! But don't belittle yourself. You are not a mere assistant. You'll be my invaluable aide. Despite our recent meeting, I hope that going forward, we can foster a deep friendship—perhaps even something closer. Please, look after me."

His earnest gaze felt like a punch to the gut.

I struggled to quell my own emotions, but I faltered, until...

Suddenly, his arms enveloped me in a warm embrace.

"Are you...okay? Should I call for a doctor?"

It marked the first instance where someone's genuine concern was directed solely at me. Even Mr. Kyouya, for all his manipulation, merely sought my intellect as a child and treated me as the mere tool I represented.

So, is it possible for this child to hold affection for me, despite my role as his enemy?

As I pondered this, the tumult of emotions overwhelmed me, leading to my unconsciousness—an outcome, perhaps, of the overwhelming emotional burden on my heart.

When consciousness returned to me, I found myself nestled upon a warm bed.

I blinked groggily, my surroundings slowly coming into focus. The silhouette of a familiar face emerged from the haze of my vision.

No, it couldn't be. Was it possible that Mr. Kyouya... had expressed genuine concern for my well-being?

Instinctively, my hand rose to touch his face, seeking to confirm the reality before me. Yet, to my astonishment, his own hand gently intercepted mine, guiding it to his cheek.

What I felt was startling—a smoothness that was far from the rugged features I anticipated. It was almost childlike in its texture...

As my sight cleared, I recognized that the face I held was none other than Ren-sama's. His concerned gaze met mine.

Quickly comprehending the situation, I withdrew, eager to express my apologies through a hasty bow. However, his small hand prevented me from doing so.

"Shiina! You haven't even spoken yet, and you're already trying to apologize? Relax! I'm well aware that my face is quite charming, so feel free to explore further. But seriously, are you okay? How's your head?"

His words elicited a nearly imperceptible smile, though I suppressed it as soon as it surfaced. How could I allow myself such levity? I was, after all, a wretched being.

Nonetheless, witnessing his genuine concern, something within me shifted. My emotions swelled, causing my vision to blur once more.

"Hey!! Why are you crying? Is everything alright...? Doctor!!"

Ah, so I was crying.

The realization struck me, profound and undeniable.

It seems I was wrong. I could never act against this angel.

I longed to be this child's devoted secretary, friend, and, above all, protector.

From that juncture, the trajectory of my loyalty altered course.

Even if he were to discard me as well in the future, I resolved to accept that fate as I would just end it all. But for now, I yearned to follow the dictates of my heart. To align myself with the first person who had shown me authentic care.

I willingly embraced the role of shouldering the darkest burdens of those who surrounded him, for it mirrored the role I had played throughout my life so far.

Before I could divulge anything to Mr. Kyouya, I had already begun to feed him false information. Thinking back to it, how could he do this to his own son, who wanted nothing but to shine and receive attention?

It felt kind of disgusting.


Time flowed swiftly as I diligently cared for him, devoted to my role by his side.

I exerted every effort to shield him, even though I often recognized it wasn't truly necessary. Ren-sama possessed a sharp intellect, his kindness tempered by wisdom. He understood how to safeguard himself and steer clear of unfavorable situations.

This approach suited him well. An unblemished saint might prove problematic, after all.

Yet, despite my constant vigilance, I sensed there was more to him. Beneath his impeccable acting skills lay a layer of secrecy. However, I refrained from probing further.

The attention he directed toward me was satisfying. He regarded me as a cherished friend and shared significant portions of his time with me, despite my mere designation as an assistant.

Nevertheless, on a day like any other, when he unexpectedly proposed dinner together, a shiver coursed through my body as I remembered the past.

It can't be... what I suspect. Right...?

He wouldn't abandon me as well, would he?