

stories of several characters in the same universe

BoltMoon · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


And why do you need me? asked Phanias, still skeptical.

We need you because you are one of the few who have the resistance gene. You are able to withstand the high doses of radiation the machine emits when activated. You are able to enter the transition chamber and be transported to the new world we are going to create. You can be one of our pioneers, our founders, our heroes.

And what about the others? With those who don't have the resistance gene? With those who don't want to be part of your plan?

They will be eliminated, Phanias. They don't deserve to live in our world. They are weak, inferior, useless. They are the garbage of humanity, which caused the destruction of the planet. They are our enemies, Phanias. And we're going to get rid of them.

Phanias felt a chill run down his spine. He realized that Pierre Sabeur was a madman, a megalomaniac, a tyrant. He realized that the Victors were a cult, a criminal organization, a threat. He realized that he was in danger, and that he had to get away from there.

I don't want any part of this," Phanias said, trying to get to his feet.

You have no choice, Phanias," said Pierre Sabeur, pressing a button. - You are already trapped in our trap. You are already ours.

Suddenly, the doors to the room slammed shut and locked. A siren began to wail and red lights flashed. Gas began pouring out of the ventilation shafts, making Phanias cough and sting his eyes.

What are you doing? cried Phanias, choking.

I am preparing you for the journey, Phanias - said Pierre Sabeur, with an evil smile. - I'm sedating you so you don't resist when they take you to the transition chamber. I'm giving you a chance to see the new world before I die.

To die? Phanias repeated, confused.

Yes, die, Phanias - confirmed Pierre Sabeur. - Do you really think we're going to let you live in our world? Do you really think we're going to accept you as an equal? You're just a guinea pig, Phanias. A necessary sacrifice for our success. You will die as soon as the machine activates. You will die along with everyone else who is not worthy of our world.

Phanias felt a wave of anger and despair wash over him. He knew he had been tricked, betrayed, used. He knew he had been sentenced to death by a madman who wanted to play god. He knew he had to do something to stop this.

He looked around and saw a pistol on Pierre Sabeur's desk. He used the last of his strength to crawl over there and get the gun. He aimed at Pierre Sabeur and fired

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