

In the beginning, there were Humans and Demons. As two opposing species, they didn't get along from the very start. To this day, they haven't found a peaceful solution to end their conflict with each other. They decided to turn what once was Earth and divided it in half, since they govern a different part of the planet, they named each side differently. The Human side was called, Oasis because they thrived compared to the demons as they used human structure and agriculture to keep themselves sustained. The Demons called their side Inferno as they raised up the heat and begun to conquer that side of the planet. I hate the fighting, but each side has been hurt for too long and peace seems like a pipe dream. Till the day an unlikely encounter led two high ranking nobles, a Human Princess and the Demon King, too meet and accidently fall in love. And that love led to me, my name is, Orion Asmodeus Prong. I'm also the Human King, Orion Prong lll, and the Demon King Asmodeus. This is the story of how I bring about peace among both the Humans and Demons