
Orion's Abdication

When young king Hiro of Naylo is presented with a mischievous stranger, their lives become entangled in ways far more impactful than he ever bargained for: Besides a war to win and a crown to uphold, he really has no use for someone such as this insolent genasi. And far less use does he have for love. This is an original writing project for the PCs from the DnD campaign I play in, set in a Royalty au and focused on two PCs, Hiro of Naylo, an elven bard and Discord, a genasi monk. Its mostly a slowburn romance which ended up far, far longer than expected.

haematicmagic · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Ch. 1: Intruding

„Your liege, you have three visitors this morning, but seventeen inquiries by the common folk and three court cases that require your royal wisdom"

The man's voice was coy and simple, his announcement echoed through the great hall of the palace with ease. Hiro waited until the last sound of it had subsided and nodded. In secret, he was impatient, always bored by his fathers herald, a drafty, elven man whose entire purpose and job was to announce the duties of the day to him.

„Very well, if it's just that."

He muttered back, waving a slender hand. A servant approached with a tray carrying a tea set and, as a careful cup was poured, the young king extended his gaze over the people standing gingerly in the middle of the room. Three groups were made clear, as each figure in front was flanked by at least two silent guards or servants of some kind. Hiro decided to approach them in order. He didn't understand why this was necessary when he had a war to focus on.

The herald followed his king's gaze, got the intended approach and spoke up again.

„Presenting Yasmine Sylvania of House Sylvania, Envoy and Arbiter of-„

The woman he was speaking about stepped forward and raised a hand and did so in a manner that made the servant freeze up. She looked up and her eyes met the kings, something that spoke miles of her bravery.

Hiro considered her. She was fair looking, as anyone of the elven folk, with long hair and determined eyes. Her garbs were relatively simple, white and blue to speak of her high position as a diplomat. The people behind her were servants, at least two of them were probably elves. The third… A woman stood there, closer to Yasmine than the two servant men, and magic seemed to radiate off her like heat from a bonfire. She watched Yasmine with a peculiar expression that Hiro didn't understand. Was that love?

The servant by Hiros side had frozen when Yasmine had raised her hand and waited for a second awkwardly before she spoke up:

„No need for idle introductions, i feel. King, allow me to speak freely."

Hiro waved a hand, showing it was indeed allowed.

„The Trentish Empire and by extension, my honored family, enjoys a long and prosperous relationship with the Kingdom of Neïlo. In fact, we felt indebted to your highness when we heard of the war breaking out. Thus, my family has bestowed a great honor upon me: I am here to offer my services to you as an Arbiter and Diplomat and Strategist in battle."

She bowed, only lightly, once again showing her confidence. She was not necessarily of royal birth, but might as well have been. Her family was famous for several thousand miles from her home and infamous for several thousand more. Hiro realized it was his duty to reply. He cleared his throat, politely.

„Neïlo thanks the Sylvania family for their friendship and consideration and would like to humbly accept this great honor. We will need sharp and wise minds like yours in the oncoming storm. I believe we have a place here in the palace for you and, should you need rest, you shall be shown to them immediately. I will send a servant to you once we meet for council."

Yasmine nodded and stepped back, wise enough to know not to leave unless dismissed.

The second woman did not give the herald a chance to embarrass himself again and stepped forward, falling on one knee and bowing her head. The warriors behind her did the same. Her long hair was braided and fell over her shoulder, her shining full plate armor polished to a shine. When she spoke, her tone was confident, yet measured.

„The Theocracy of Order's Glory sends their high regard and pledges their most established general to your assistance, my Liege. We are but a small territory far south by the edge of Neïlo but we hope that our humble contribution in mind and sword will show our faith in your rule. May I speak freely?"

It seemed forced as she remained with her head bowed and Hiro nodded before, with some embarrassment, realized he would have to speak up.


She raised her head to look at him and big, dark eyes shone with the expression of someone that usually appeared kinder to her fellows.

„My name is Pock Boondoggles, first General of the Army of Order's Glory. I am experienced in sword and shield and with me are five hundred men, paladin and warriors alike to assist you in the war effort. I hope to-„

And now she looked over to her elven counterpart, who stood there and tried to stare indifferent,

„Work together with all your allies and bring our region to a swift success against the enemy."

Hiro noticed both the tension between these two and the short hesitation before the gnome had stated her name and took mental note of it. This would be a hassle but it was right - Enemies of Neïlo were approaching and Hiro could use feeble minds to assist them.

„Be at home in my court, brave general and be as welcome as you can. You, too, shall get quarters here in the palace and shall be sent for once we discuss the tactics. As you may know, our enemies advancing from the west have taken four villages since the beginning of the week, so the crown is grateful for your allegiance."

With that, Pock nodded, rose to her feet and stepped back, looking over to the last person waiting. Hiro, too, turned over his gaze to consider the third figure.

They were once again very different from the two before, dressed in a colorful gown and wearing a multicolored mask. They stood tall, hands behind their back, blue hair falling in a choppy cut over their muscular shoulders. They looked dirty, so Hiro assumed they must have long distances behind them. Behind them stood two royal guards, they must have arrived alone.

They neither spoke nor bowed first, the king mused they must be of equal standing to him if they dared to act like this.

„And who are you? Are you here to also pledge your countries allegiance?"

He asked, keeping his voice cool to hide his curiosity. The figure started lightly shaking, then making a weird noise. Lady Yasmine, General Boondoggles and their respective companions all turned their heads as the assembled crowd realized the stranger was laughing.

„My name is Discord and I-„

Halfway giggling, halfway speaking, the figure took a step towards the king. As soon as they did so, the guards behind grabbed them by the shoulders and pushed them to the floor, into a kneeling position. Chains rattled, now it became apparent that their arms were chained behind their back. One of the guards gave a bow:

„Honored king, forgive us. This man is not a noble visitor like the others at all, he is a lowly thief. We discovered him close to your chambers, clutching a golden chalice and we figured you would perhaps like to speak to him before he is beheaded."

Hiro felt himself blush with embarrassment at having mistaken this low-life for some sort of figure of importance, but perhaps it had been their colorful clothes. Fine, then, it was time to appear stern.

„Oh, lowest of the low. What brings you to steal from your king?"

Hiro asked, lightly raising his chin to appear more regal. The figure, still forced to kneel, shrugged.

„Well, obviously because it is so infinitely easy to live in your kingdom without starving to death, I simply did it because I just wanted to know what it is like to be beheaded."

Their voice was dripping with sarcasm but the joke was lost to the tension in the room.

„I meant, scum, that I wonder what causes you to steal from the palace of all places."

„You get beheaded for theft, whether it's from you or the lowest bakery. If I steal a loaf of bread, worst case scenario I get beheaded like that poor fellow last week. Best case scenario I am fed for a day. If i steal from you, worst case scenario i get beheaded and best case scenario i am fed for a year. It appears logical to me, does it not?"

Hiro sighed. Something about that logic left a bitter taste in his mouth, not just because of the over-brewed tea but because of the fact that his people had to think like this. He addressed the guards.

„Unmask them."

With one swift motion, the man rushed forward and tore the colorful mask off the figure's face, who winced and shook their head. The guard dropped the mask in front of them, but for some reason, they lowered their head finally, their blue hair covering their face.

„Look at me, peasant."

Hiro said, his voice having reached sub-zero. When Discord refused, Hiro stood up from his throne, something which made even the tea-boy stumble back. Another wave of the hand made the guardsman step up again and grab them by the hair, pulling their face up. It was scarred and had clearly not seen daylight in a while, one eye was just an empty hole. Everyone at an angle where they could see them was instantly taken aback.

„You are right, in all but one thing."

Not so the King, who had carefully left his throne and stepped down the many stairs, closer to the thief, but still keeping a distance.

„Which would be?"

From here, he could see every movement under Discords skin, the tense breaths as he approached and the little whinces of pain at being grabbed by the hair. It was… curious.

„You did not bow to me. This makes your crime not just treason and high theft but infamy before the king. That will get you hanged. Not beheaded."

Once again Hiro watched closely as they bent their back out to start laughing, a hoarse and short chuckle that echoed through the great hall. When they looked back on the king, there was a twinkle on their one remaining eye.

„I'd like to see you try that."

Hiro crossed his arms in offense.

„Excuse me?"

„I said; I would like to see you try. Hanging rarely ever breaks a neck, most likely you'll choke to death. And that won't work on me. I don't breathe."

There was a minute of silence as everyone in the hall soaked in the audacity of this thief. They shrugged once again.

„Just get it over with, then, behead me. I would hate to have to stick around until a few months from now when the enemy will claim this palace, undoubtedly."

„What makes you say that?"

„Well, if not them, then it will have been the Trentish Empire."

The tension burst. Yasmine, who has been pretending not to listen the whole time, stepped forwards to see him, her voice cracked like a whip.

„You shall watch your mouth."

Discord looked over to her.

„I shall not. What are you going to do, behead me twice?"

One of her hands, somehow, found a dagger that should not have been there. It tensed around the silvered hilt and, at the same moment, all the guardsmen gripped their helbards tighter.

„There are fates worse than death, trust me."

Pock looked between the two parties with careful consideration and seemed like she was about to step in when the king cried out:


It was so rare to have him raise his voice above a cold, neutral tone that even Discord flinched back. Wounded silence settled over the hall again and Hiro turned again to the genasi, basically fuming.

„Explain yourself, lowest of the low."

They nervously cleared their throat.

„Well, you just said the enemy, whoever that may be, is advancing on our kingdom and has taken five towns? And yet the people in the streets don't even know of a war yet. No king worth his salt will let this pass by in silence, there will be revolts if you keep it silent longer. And once the people claim the streets and then your head, either the Sylvanians or the enemy will descend upon the remains of this place like vultures."

Yasmine stepped up again, hand pressed on her chest in a false plea.

„I assure you, King Hiro, that I am absolutely loyal to you-„

Discord scoffed.

„Oh, hey, I don't doubt that, but your family didn't get to be the infamous legends they are without being opportunistic to some degree."

They snarled, staring directly at Yasmine, as much as their position allowed. She hesitated,


But stayed silent. And so did the thief, clearly considering their work done. Hiro stood between the two, making a mental note at Yasmines sudden willingness to defend herself. Between the gnomes' hesitation at her own name and the elves' defensiveness, he realized he couldn't trust them as far as he could throw them which, with his physique, wasn't far.

„Are you a diplomat down on his luck?"

He asked the thief, trying to figure out how they had made such a scathing observation. Could he really trust no one to be honest with him?


It's not as if he had expected for Neïlos allies to come without a demand but this was ridiculous. He was surrounded by groveling friends and servants and yet more alone than ever.

„A scholar then, an acolyte?"

Did they all have hidden agendas?

„Far from it."

Did anyone here have an honest cause?

„A magician? An adventurer perhaps, or something of that sort?"

Well, no one except this disgrace of a commoner. All they wanted to do was die and perhaps eat, it seemed.

„Not really."

Hiro felt the need to be alone, so he made a call. It felt weird, going off the expected course, but perhaps this would make him less predictable and thus, exploitable.

„Your babbling amuses me. Guards, get them to the dungeons, do not let the executioner near him."


Said the guard.


Said Discord. Hiro gave him a steely gaze and spun around, walking back to the throne.

„You heard me. Vermin, you shall live for now, perhaps because I am so very bored, perhaps because your pathetic thoughts have amused my spirits ever so slightly."

„Take him away. Honored Lady Sylvania, please forgive these troubles, I trust your loyalty completely. You and General Boondoggles and your delegations too - please be led to your quarters, be at home and rest. I shall call you in for the first strategic meeting tomorrow.

And with a wave of his hand, he dismissed the crowd without even looking back at them. He just wanted them to be gone, to move on. The shuffling of fabric and armor was music to his ears as he felt a weird feeling creep up inside him. A weird, warm tension. As Discord was dragged away, Hiro could hear them complain about the mask being left behind.

Later, when all his duties were finished and the servants dismissed, he walked over to the little wooden shell on the floor and picked it up with careful fingers.

The next day, Hiro arose from restless meditation and proceeded to slowly wade through his daily routine as always, mind drifting. He was bathed, dressed, the crown was placed in his long, white hair, his robe was draped over his slim shoulders.

When he was ready, he stepped over to a guard and muttered an instruction:

„Bring me the prisoner, the one from yesterday. Make sure they are shackled well and bring them to the war room."

Then, he himself proceeded to what was officially named the war room, a tall, oak-paneled room decorated with globes, scrying tools and maps and officially used for the purposes of strategic discussions.

He called for tea and it arrived, he drank a cup, stared out of the window into the twisting snow troubles outside and waited.

A few paces after his last sip, the door was flung open and three men stumbled in. Two of them were guardsmen, the third a bloodied and severely bruised Discord, who stumbled in seemingly blind.

„Your majesty, I apologize for the state of the prisoner, they resisted."

Hiro looked at the guard and put down his teacup a little too firmly at the sight of the imprisoned ones blood sullied clothes. It seemed to come from a small gash above their eyebrow, but they looked rough in every capacity. Normally, Hiro didn't see the people that were sent to the dungeons by him as he didn't attend executions and didn't prance around with the common folk, so he was a little taken aback.

„I didn't address you. Leave us."

The guard bowed and stepped outside, closing the heavy oak doors behind himself. Discord stood there, staring, hands shackled in front of their body.

„You are to bow when you meet your king."

Hiro said absentmindedly, picking up the wooden mask he had found a day before. This little gesture made Discord's eye light up like a child on christmas.

„You brought my mask!"

Hiro shrugged and started to walk over, staring at the mask in his hand.

„I had no use for it. It's dirty, too."

Discord snickered.

„I beg for forgiveness. Had I known I would have been brought before my king for treason, I would have washed it."

The king had reached them and handed back the mask.

„Why do you wear that thing? It is off putting."

Discord took it, careful not to touch the elf and, with some difficulty due to their shackled hands, put it on, giving the smallest sigh of relief as it settled into place.

„Less so than my face."

That answer seemed to satisfy the royal, who stepped back to his place by the window and stared out. Momentary silence fell over them. Outside, the snow and wind howled and inside, dying tulips were the only dot of white in a world of dusty brown and gold.

„Are you keen on dying?"

Hiro asked eventually, not looking at Discord. The genasi made their way over to the map table that dominated the room and stared, curiously, without touching.

„Not particularly."

The snow outside was dancing like petals in the wind. Far down, in the garden, everything was dead and dusted in white.

„Then why did you act like a dead man walking when speaking to me before?"

„Well, because I was, wasn't I? I was sure then and am sure now that King Hiro the merciless will have me put to death. Will he not?"

Discord spoke swiftly and as Hiro turned around again to look at them, their eyes met. A golden one and a dark hole that told a tale of pain and loss and two red cherry pits in a snow-white face, which told a tale of restraint.

„A smarter thief would have groveled in the dirt to beg for mercy."

Hiro brought up, stepping to the table again. They were across tables from each other and Hiro gently lifted up the teacup and drank the last drop of lavender tea.

„Correction, a lower thief. I have standards."

They almost seemed like guests now, here, behind the closed doors, talking freely. It was clear that Discord was not at ease about this at all, in fact Hiro could tell that they were quite nervous.

„Besides, would begging have actually made you spare me?"


They seemed to just be rolling with the punches, taking everything as it goes. Even their life and the crown they took lightly. A disgraceful life to live, Hiro maintained.

„See? You're not the kind of king that gets persuaded easily by groveling."

They said, the closest they had come so far for a compliment. Hiro placed down his tea cup and went around the table for more, feeling Discords eye gaze at them.

„So why did you call for me, milord?"

Hiro started pouring, standing now only a meter away from them. They stunk.

„That's not how you address a king. The correct title would be „your highness", more likely „your majesty"."

He muttered absentmindedly to which Discord gave a giggle.

„I'm sorry, milord. I wasn't raised around nobility."

The elf looked up, suddenly interested.

„Are you from the republic?"

„Ancona? Unlikely. Are you gonna answer my question, your majesty?"

Hiro took up the cup and drew a long sip, holding onto the awkward silence it created, slowly tasting every sip of the lavender brew and only answering once the taste had faded from his tongue.

„I was intrigued by your nerve. I thought it was simply because you had a death wish but-„


Once again their eyes met and Hiro realized that the weird feeling from yesterday was mixing with the tea in his stomach. Did he feel threatened by this chained up, beaten figure? Why was he indulging them?

„You're simply honest towards me."

„That's ironic."


Discord's masked face stared indifferently at the prince and somehow, Hiro regretted having given them back the mask.


The genasi turned their gaze away but Hiro continued.

„You didn't want anything from me, you don't expect to be spared or to rise up in rank therefore you can speak freely to me without any repercussions except the ones you are already facing."

„True. Like a court jester."

It was a joke, again, but their voice had softened somewhat as if sensing that the king was about to come forth with some rare piece of mind.

„Just less amusing. For someone to speak honestly to me… It is rare. And there's some accuracy to what you said about the war."

Tracing the rim of the cup of tea, Hiro stepped back and turned to the table, overseeing the bleached and tea stained map of Neïlo and the surrounding countries.

„So it's true? There is a war?"

Discord asked, their voice stumbling all over themselves. They leaned forward, perched on the table.

„Brewing, yes. It's unclear, none of the spies have yet returned."


Hiro looked up and Discord's hands were off the table before another heartbeat had gone.

„Restrain yourself."

„Once again, I ask, what will you do, behead me twice?"

„I am playing with the thought of not beheading you at all. For now."


Hiro put the cup down again and tried to stare in a commanding way, although who knows how to command one that isn't keen to follow, much less live by your word?

„You are honest, are you not? You have no ties to my father, not even to Neïlo since you seem foreign. You're not the type to flatter me or prey on my youth like my servants, either. I could- no, should kill you, but as long as I hold off, you have a good reason to stay truthful."

Discord stared for a second, drinking in the stated and the implied meaning all at once. For someone so low of birth and character, they were quite quick, the king thought.

„So- I'll get food?"

Nevermind, he mentally added. But then again, they had broken in here to steal a chalice for food, who knows how long it had been since they last had something to eat, much less something of value. Hiro found himself sizing up their body, realizing it was wiry and wispy, though not untrained. Dangerous, his subconscious added.

„Pathetic as that is, yes, I suppose."

„What about these?"

Discord asked, raising the steel manacles around their hands, which made a dangling sound.

„Staying on. And you will watch your mouth."

Discord lowered their hands again and nodded, resigned.

„Yes, yes, if i say the wrong thing, I'll get the guillotine."

Hiro leaned forward on the table and felt the crown just ever so slightly shift on his head - a wrong movement, perhaps. His father would scold him for that now, was he still alive.

„No. If you lie to me, you get beheaded. And not by guillotine, by sword. I will not harm you for speaking the truth or giving advice, that's the point. But, listen closely, Discord-„

„You remember my name?"

„Listen!", He flared up,

„If you insult my guests or undermine my position as king, I will not hesitate to have you executed, alright? You are still a low-life and a traitor, do not think that this redeems you."

„And yet you trust me more than your servants."

The ever-smiling mask now matched the sly tone of their voice and Hiro felt revulsion bubble up inside.

„Trust needs to be earned, believe me."

He snapped, as Discord already began another retort.

„Oh, I-„

Thankfully, they were saved by a guard who stepped into the room curtly without knocking. Hiro would have scolded him for that but somehow he was just glad, for the weird feeling and the weird tension had both dissipated like morning dew under the sun as soon as they had ceased to be alone

„Your Majesty, the esteemed guests are here."

Hiro sighed, realizing it was too late to send the prisoner away without making a fuss.

„Already? Alright. Please, ask them to enter. You, discord, hold back."

The guard nodded and left, keeping the door open. Through it stepped the Gnome, General Boondoggles and the elf, Lady Yasmine.

„Your Majesty."

Pock said shortly, bowing as deep as her simple yet strengthened gown allowed.

Yasmine entered after her, followed by the woman that had stood behind her in the throne room, the one called Ayano, as Hiro had been informed. She did not waste time on greeting the king, which was fine by him, really, and instead spotted Discord.

„Why is the clown here?"

She asked sourly, her accent coming through.


Pock and Discord asked at the same time. Yasmine nodded and stepped over to the table, Ayano remaining in the room but close to the door, politely smiling and radiating tension like a small volcano of bad energy.

„Their gown is just as off putting and colorful as that of a jester."

Pock looked over to Discord as well and Hiro had the feeling that they were mayorly restraining themselves to only, mostly, make relevant comments as the two guests gawked at them like worried or, in Yasmines case, disapproving mothers.

„Are they alright, your majesty? May I address them? They are bleeding."

Pock said, in simple words. Her eyes were pinned on the blood encrusted collar of their shirt. Today, she wore her hair open and the king could spot a hint of an undercut peeking through the dense chestnut curtain of hair, a curiously modern cut for a soldier from a theocracy. Hiro lightly bowed his head in agreement:

„We are allies, all of us, you may speak freely."

As Pock stepped forward, Discord drew back and spoke up, looking to Hiro:

„Is that wise? While the servant is still around?"

Before they had even really finished their thought, Yasmine had already returned a hand to her dagger, glaring now at Discord with a gaze that would make a scarred war veteran soil his pants and cry for his mother.

„Ayano is NOT-„

She began, but Pock cut her off by placing a hand on her arm.

„Please, fighting is not allowed here, this is the war room after all."

Yasmine spoke again, quickly, clearly, rushed, looking between the other three in the room like a hunted wolf. And just like a wolf she seemed to be ready to tear this place apart for her companion. Hiro couldn't help but feel a sting of jealousy, even though his face remained impassive.

„Where i go, she goes. I trust her to death and beyond. What I would rather question is why the thief is here when we are about to discuss measures of politics."

With that, she spun around to the king and Hiro glanced down at her hand which was still holding onto the sheathed dagger. She followed his gaze and took her hand off. Even she recognized how thin the ice could be around him.

„They will give their council as well, although i won't hesitate to throw them back into the dungeon should they give you or your companion any further trouble."

Hiro said, sternly, hoping that this would give a rest to the issue.

"They are injured."

Pock repeated. Discord waved off, as much as they could with shackled hands.

"Its nothing."

"It's a head injury."

She said, incredulous. Yasmine glanced, voice dripping with a sarcastic bite.

"General Boondiggle, are you implying there is much to be lost with them in the mental department?"

Pock stared back and for a second they seemed to fight a silent battle. Hiro could already tell that this would be a fun war to wage.

"I understand that you are gravely insulted by them but this can't stand, can it? They could-"

Pock seemingly was looking for a good excuse to heal the clown that couldn't be misinterpreted as mercy.

"Bleed on the royal carpet…."

In the awkward silence that ensued, Hiro once again played peacemaker.

"Please, General, be my guest. But then let's proceed. There is much to get to."

"Of course, King."

Pock said, swiftly stepping over to Discord, who first leaned down and then, once they realized this looked ridiculous, knelt for them. A word was spoken, the wound closed. Noticeable tension left the genasis body and Pock seemed satisfied. Hiro watched, once again feeling far away from the actual happenings around them, speaking with a hollow voice:

"Your companion will stay, so will Discord, for now. Now, let's proceed."

Relieved that the moment was gone, the three nobles stepped over to the table and oversaw it. The two outcasts, different as can be, one the silent and smiling Ayano, the other the shuffling Discord, remained at the outskirts of the room and therefore, conversation.

"Have you sent out spies yet?"

Pock asked, overseeing the terrain and current placement of troops represented by small painted wooden statues on the map. Hiro sighed.

"Yes, so far no answers. They're not coming back."

Pock nodded.

„So, we sent out more? Armed this time, so they can defend themselves."

She said, looking around for approval. Yasmine shook her head.

„No, it's best to leave them in the dark as long as we can. Send rangers or something, disguised as urchins and farmers."

"If they're killing our spies, wouldn't they already know we're spying on them?"

Discord chimed in from the back, heads turning towards them.

„That is right…"

Yasmine mused, seemingly conflicted.

„But we don't know that. The region of the border that we are talking about is shrouded in deep forest and they could be falling prey to something else, in which case a ranger is a good idea. We cannot be sure that the enemy is killing them, so it's a bad idea to blow our cover right off the bat."

She explained and Hiro found himself agreeing. It was a good thing, perhaps, that he didn't have to face it alone. Before they arrived he had been lost among the maps and books like a child in the woods. Their rivalry gave the conversation structure and bite, an urge to arrive at a solution. If he could now figure out all the secrets he had caught mere glimpses off, it would be all the better.

„We need to mobilize forces here-„

The General pointed to a spot on the map,


Then another,

„And here. Urgently."

And a third. Hiro shifted the little wooden statuettes.

„This could be done by the end of next week."

He said, surveying the new arrangement.

Yasmine leaned further over the board and opened her mouth to respond.

And that's where the meeting started to blur. They talked for a long time, long enough that Hiro went through three pots of tea and Discord eventually ran out cheeky remarks. At the end, Hiro was tired, not just of battle tactics and the bickering of the three of them, not just of Ayano's stares and Discords quiet chuckles and things only someone like them could find funny but also at the prospect of a war. They had a plan, now all they were doing was decorating themselves with small talk and indulging him with false flattery.

Eventually, he waved them out, tired at last when Pock kindly complimented the tulips that had been quietly wilting on the table all this time while moving them aside to make room for the cavalry figures.

Yasmine made her excuses and left, Ayano slipped out behind her and Pock joined them too.

Silence sunk over the room and Hiro broke it only to give a deep sigh and burrow his face in his hands. A king, standing alone, can afford to bow his head. Noone will see his crown slip.

Polite coughing ripped him out of his silent yet comfortable despair and made his eyes dart over to the corner of the room where Discord was standing like a mismatched statue and staring at him. Hiro felt shame well up inside of him.

„Should i leave?"

They asked, voice lowered.

„The guards will return you to the dungeon."

That was not really an answer and they both knew as much. Hiro wondered, not for the first time, why this crooked man wore a mask in the first place and whether, they too, slipped up behind it. Then, he asked himself why that thought came to mind in the first place when there was nothing worthy of wasting thought on about this urchin.

„You did well, I think. Honestly."

They said, still standing there. The seriousness of their voice made the sickly feeling return, stronger than before. Hiro felt his cheeks heat up.

„You are crossing a line. Guards!"

He pushed out, the door springing open before Discord could respond. Hiro stared down once again at their empty teacup and didn't look up as the genasi was grabbed by two men at once and dragged away.

Liars, the lot of them.