
Origins of the Shadow Realm

It's a co-lead type of story, about a girl and her "shadow" I should warn you now, this is NOT a book of kisses and rainbows...

CozmicCatto · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 12


Due to your massive mana consumption despite low storage,

You have been awarded with Mana Regeneration

You have gained another magic, so you have gained the ability to learn new magic faster

Title: Mega Mage

You have repeatedly healed you and your host, truly showing you care for others

Defensive spells and healing has now been doubled

Title: Medic


[Um, surround me]

*The various blood lizards lay down around the sad puddle that is Zal's body island and form a protective circle*

[I could get used to this]

[Oh yeah, and if you're wondering how we are now ok, I'll explain when Zal wakes because I am NOT repeating myself]

[Ooh Idea]

[Morph, Reshape]

*The various lizards have now turned into various SNAKES*

Blood Snakes: *Hiissssssssssssssssss*


Due to your imagination, Morph and Reshape skills have been consumed, and have joint evolved into Transform

Blood Magic Lvl 2

Blood Sacrifice Lvl 3

Blood sacrifices can now evolve when enough death mana has been accumulated, to the individual

Due to insufficient mana storage, all current blood sssssservants *I'm sorry couldn't help myself* shall combine into one and evolve once


[So, no army. Boo]

*The army of blood snakes has...combined into one big-ass fucking King Cobra*

King Blood Cobra: *Hissssssssss*

[Booo, I wanted a effin army]


Congratulations on forming you King Cobra

King Cobra has learned the skill: Acidic Blood Spit


[...I take back everything I said]

King Blood Cobra: *Hissssssssss, thank you my lord*


King Blood Cobra: I have gained enough death mana and have formed a small consciousness

[...welcome to the team]

King Blood Cobra: Glad to be here

[Now that you are a sentient individual, it's kinda rude to just call you a regular servant; you're royalty now; so your new name is Kunshu]

Kunshu: I thank you my lord

*Zal awakens from her deep slumber*

Zal: Ugh, my everything hurts

Kunshu: Who is this?

[My wife, so be nice]

Kunshu: Ah I see, in that case

*Kunshu dives underneathe Zal and Yami, coils up, till they're sitting upright on his body*

Kunshu: Good morning sleeping beauty, it's nice to make your aquaintance. I am Kunshu, your new servant

Zal: Yami what the fucks going on

[See, it's like this...]

Hehe, *in Gollum impersonation*

Feed me stooooooones, mai precioooooooosss

Ze end is neAr, be readee

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts