
Origin of Chaos: Legend of The Red Tiger

In the world of Zenon, where Psychic and esper powers reigned supreme, Alexander, the prince of Norath, was born without the ability to harness “Zet”, the respected psychic energy. Branded a “dud” by the society, Alexander faced discrimination and hate, even within his own kingdom. However, tragedy struck when a brutal coup claimed the lives of his parents, stripping him of his royal status. He was thrown into slavery along with the other duds at the age of ten, where he was severly maltreated for many years. During his time suffering as a slave, Alex’s rage grew, and he swore to get revenge on the world that had rejected him. His chance for vengeance came after fifteen years, when he and a large number of slaves were forced to go through an inhumane ‘gene-altering experiment’. A huge majority of the slaves lost their lives, their bodies unable to endure the excruciating pain from the experiment. Only five people managed to survive, among which included Alexander, emerging as new beings with supernatural abilities. With their newfound powers, Alexander and the other four unleashed chaos and destruction upon Zenon, wreaking havoc upon those who once oppressed them. However, their rash actions drew grave consequences, ones that were far greater than them. Will they be able to overcome the powerful enemies rising against them… or will they eventually succumb to the cruel fate the universe has laid down for them? **** This novel contains serious bloodshed and gore, please don’t read if you can’t stomach any of this. Note: This novel is only fiction, and isn’t in anyway related to the real world. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/PqCseyu2Kh

Gladstone_ · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Clash of ideals

    "You won't let me?" Alex scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. 


   A low growl escaped his lips as he glared at Lee'on.

   "Don't stand in my way Lee'on… or I'll kill you." He muttered, his eyes glowing intensely. 

    Lee'on wasn't fazed by his threat, narrowing his eyes at him as he continued. "Aren't you curious… about the truth behind the experiment? About what Port'hov really did to us!?" 

   "I wasn't just walking around the lab, I was looking for information… combing through files to find out the truth."

   He slowly stepped forward, tightly clenching his fists in annoyance. 

    "Port'hov has many other labs like this… where he carried out similar experiments, do you think we were the only ones who survived…?" 

   "Don't you wanna know about how many others out there are like us?!" He shouted, his brows knitting together in a slight frown. 

   Alex didn't reply to his question, bringing about an odd silence, which hung thick in the air. 

  "Right now, there's another person, similar to us… wreaking havoc in Vale city. Aren't you even at least concerned about that?" He said, his eyes glowing fiercely as he spoke.

   "Ohh… you mean Brad?" Alex finally replied, his eyes flashing with amusement. 

   Lee'on's eyes widened slightly in surprise, a little taken about that he already knew about that. 

   "I sensed him a little while ago… and why would I be worried about him?" Alex asked, making another scoff.

   Lee'on's brows twitched at his words, the frown on his face deepening as he struggled to maintain his composure. 

    "How exactly do you even think…?" He muttered, smacking his palm on his forehead.

   He was usually very calm, acting as the voice of reason. He had always prided himself in his ability to keep a cool head no matter the situation, only focusing on finding the logical solution. 

   However, for some reason, talking to Alex was incredibly frustrating, and his patience was starting to wear thin.

   "Whatever this experiment is… it isn't simple. There's clearly more to it than we know, and this lab…" He paused, pointing his finger to the ground. "…Is our only chance at getting the answers we need."

   "If you think I'll let you ruin that… then you're wrong," Lee'on muttered, glaring at Alex.


   "Finding answers…? I don't care about anything like that." Alex said, his voice low and deep, echoing strongly through the air.

   He could feel a burning hot sensation within his chest, rapidly coursing through his body with each word that left his lips. 

   "All I know is I'm going to destroy this place…" He muttered, his breathing hot and heavy, with fumes escaping his mouth.

  His teeth began to elongate and sharpen, transforming into long, deadly fangs, and the red glow in his eyes blazed intensely. 

  While Lee'on indeed made some good points, he didn't care much about anything like that.

   To him, this lab was the same one where Quira's dead body had been experimented on, her remains desecrated and hung on the face of a robot.

   While he might not feel as much sadness as one might expect, the situation still angered him, pouring fuel upon his burning rage.

  There was no way he would ignore all of that, as well as Port'hov using him as a lab rat to fuel his selfish ambitions, all for the sake of finding out some 'truth' about the experiment.

   Merely thinking about that alone, disgusted him down to the core. 

  "…And no one's going to stop me," Alex said, brandishing his claws at his side.


   He suddenly dashed towards Lee'on, his speed causing a strong gust in its wake.


   Within a split second, he closed in on him, swinging his claws towards his head with power.

   However, as the claws were about to meet him, Lee'on swiftly moved backwards, watching as the claws swept past his face with immense force.

   'He's fast!' He thought, his eyes widening in shock. 'I could barely react!'

   After that first interaction, he quickly leapt backwards, making sure to put a good amount of distance between him and Alex.

  "So that's how you wanna roll…" He muttered, a wry smirk tugging at the edges of his lips.

   Without wasting any time, he quickly released his claws, his eyes shining with a bright yellow glow.

Thick white fur rapidly grew at the sides of his forearms, along with dark black stripes which stretched across the fur, and his arms slightly bulked in size.

   His ears elongated, with light pieces of white fur sprouting behind their pointed edges.

His height also slightly increased, with all part of his muscles bulging slightly in power.


   He growled loudly, revealing a set of sharp, deadly fangs nested within his mouth.

   Alex observed his transformation for a brief moment, a cold glint flickering across his red eyes.

   "I should have expected this… you royals are all the same." Lee'on muttered, his voice a lot deeper, resonating across the laboratory.

   Alex's brows knitted into a slight frown, surprised at his choice of words. 

   "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, briefly pausing his next assault.

   "You all think your ways are so 'right'… and every other person is 'wrong'," Lee'on continued, gnashing his teeth in annoyance.

   "Doesn't matter whether it's the current or the fallen royals, there's no difference!" He said, his chest heaving as he spoke.

   "No difference…?" Alex muttered, the frown on his face deepening in anger. "How dare you say that?" 

   The Ferdi'nand family had been nothing short of good, ruling over the kingdom for many years with a kind and benevolent heart.

   However, they were betrayed by the same subjects they cherished, and their legacy was smeared with dirt.

   The current royal family on the other hand, with Cier'ta as its Queen, was the complete opposite.

  After taking over the kingdom through scheming and betrayal, they brutally murdered all the trusted subjects of the Ferdi'nand's who refused to side with them.

   They even went as far as to kill Quira, using her body parts to conduct inhumane experiments.

  Even taking away the fact that he was stripped of his status and cast into slavery, there was also the mandatory law where they forced little children into slavery, just because they were 'duds.'

   Hearing someone compare them to his family, annoyed him to the core, especially when that person had also lived as a slave, witnessing their brutality first-hand.

   "Don't give me that look…" Lee'on said, letting out a low scoff. "Did you forget… 'Vampville', where your very good family took hundreds of innocent lives?"

   However, Alex simply sneered at his words. 

   "The city was overrun with vampires… it was a necessary sacrifice." He replied, his tone casual and dismissive.

    Lee'on didn't reply after that, only clenching his fists, with his body trembling uncontrollably in anger.

  "Why didn't they ever consider that not all vampires were evil…?" He found himself mumbling before he even realised, an old memory rising back to the surface.

   "Good vampires…?" Alex said, snarking at him.

   Though Lee'on's voice was very low, he was able to easily pick up what he said due to his heightened senses.

   "What a joke." He continued, his lips curling into a mocking smirk.


   Lee'on suddenly reappeared above Alex with a gust of wind, swinging his leg down at his face.


   Sensing the incoming danger, Alex quickly leapt backwards, and kick missed him, slamming into the ground instead.

   A huge crater was immediately created at the point of impact, and a powerful shockwave violently washed over its surface, sending thick chunks of debris flying into the air. 

   "I guess we're doing this then," Alex said, with a wide grin on his face, revealing his sharp fangs. "Fine, come at me Lee'on!"

   Meanwhile, Lee'on pulled his foot out of the ground, his expression twisting into a deep frown.

   'Damn it… I lost control!' He thought, gritting his teeth. 'This is bad…' 


   However, he wasn't given a moment to reflect on his actions, as Alex suddenly dashed forward, launching a powerful punch straight at his chest.

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