

A mix of silly pranks, endless teasing and fierce loyalty making them beautiful and powerful. This is a story of four brothers that brings to light the power and beauty of their siblings bonds. The love and support they hold for each other.

serapah_noor · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


"In the legends it is said that the four guarantors, powerful beings watch over and protect the three realms in which we reside in, and even more. These Monarchs are believed to possess immense wisdom, strength, and supernatural abilities, making them the ultimate guardians of our worlds."

"It is a fascinating tale that has been passed down through generations, captivating the hearts and minds of all who hear it."

"According to the legend, the first monarch is responsible for the realm of light. He is said to be the Keeper of the Celestial Realms With his benevolent presence that bring warmth, illumination, and hope to all who dwell within these realms."

"This celestial being is believed to have dominion over the vast expanse of the cosmos, overseeing the movements of celestial bodies and the cosmic energies that shape our universe."

"This Keeper of the Celestial Realm ensures the stability and order of the celestial realm, guiding the stars and planets in their eternal dance."

"The second monarch, on the other hand, governs the realm of dark. While many may fear the darkness and it's mysteries as not much is known about it regardless, this monarch ensures that the balance is maintained."

"The fourth Monarch However is known as the Guardian of the physical and the Spirit Realm. This ethereal being is said to have a deep connection with the spiritual energies that flow through all living beings. He has the ability to manipulate the very elements of nature, controlling the earth, water, fire, and air. This Monarch also maintains the delicate balance between the physical and spiritual realms..."

"These four guarantors, with their unique realms of influence, work together harmoniously to safeguard and nurture our existence. Their presence reassures us that we are never alone, and that they are always watching over and guiding us on our journey through life, while the legend does mention these four guarantors as the protectors of the three realms we know… some believe that their influence extends even further. It is said that they watch over other realms and dimensions, ensuring the balance and harmony of the entire multiverse."


"The first Monarch is the strongest! Right Father!?" the little boy interrupted Edward mid-way.

"Big brother is strength all that you can think about?" the young girl scoffed before she looked at her father and said politely" Father…? You forgot the third Monarch!"

These two children were always arguing, over even at the silliest of things.

"Oh yes!?" Edward was lost in thought, he continued, "No!... The third Monarch?... I did not forget him..."

With a friendly tone, he started to explain, "Ray! The numbers do not indicate the strength of the monarchs but rather... one may say... their age."

"And Amila, 'His Majesty' The third Monarch… he is said to be the Warden of the Unknown. This enigmatic being is said to possess knowledge and power beyond mortal comprehension." Ed paused for a second "He is said to guard the boundaries between the known and the unknown, protecting us from any dangers and mysteries that lie beyond our understanding. …He is also said to keep a check on the other three's realms. It is believed that this guarantor holds the key to unlocking hidden truths and ancient wisdom… also Ray!... Back to your question, 'His Majesty' the third might… just… be the strongest.. amongst the Four Monarchs."

Edward's voice conveyed a sense of doubt and ambiguousness as he shared his knowledge about the Monarchs.

"Ray, you see, the Monarchs are not merely rulers but guardians of the realms. They possess unique powers and responsibilities, and 'His Majesty' the third holds a significant role in maintaining the balance and order within the realms."

With a smile, Edward continued, "The Monarchs' strength lies not only in their power but also in their wisdom and ability to maintain harmony amidst chaos. Each Monarch has a unique purpose, and together, they ensure the realms are protected."

Ray couldn't help but be amazed by the immense responsibility placed upon the Monarchs. It was a world beyond his wildest imagination.

"Are we searching for the third Monarch? Or is it the fourth Monarch? Since you know… He is supposed to look after nature; we are a part of nature right?" Ray thought out loud as he turned to his father, Ed nodded.

Ray was eleven at the time, a bright child indeed but he was a child, hard to deal with.

Ray's privileged upbringing and lack of companionship his own age seemed to have contributed to his snobbish demeanor. Being the first-born child, he was showered with attention and material possessions by the adults in his life. This constant pampering may have fueled his sense of entitlement and superiority over others. Furthermore, isolation from children of his age prevented him from developing necessary social skills and empathy. Without the opportunity to interact with peers and build meaningful relationships, Ray grew accustomed to a solitary existence, relying solely on the companionship of adults who often indulged his every whim.

If one talked about appearance, Ray took after Edward, He had chestnut brown hair and upturned chocolate brown eyes, that possessed an air of maturity beyond his years. His thin lips and oval face added to his overall charm, making him a noticeable figure in any crowd.

"Are they real? Like… why wouldn't they do something about the war if they are responsible over us? Do they not care unless asked…?" Amila had a point here, if the Monarchs had really existed then… were they really so indifferent? Should they not be held responsible for this too? If you are given power you also have to take responsibility! That was what she was taught.

Amila, who was nine at the time, displayed a level of maturity beyond her years aswell. This observation often intrigued Edward, leading him to ponder the origins of the child's remarkable qualities. He couldn't help but question if Amila had inherited these traits from her late mother, as he himself did not possess the same level of brilliance. The notion that she took after her mother seemed to resonate strongly within him.

Though he had no firsthand knowledge of Caroline's childhood, Edward found solace in watching Amila's growth, as it provided him with some semblance of insight into her mother's past. Even in terms of physical appearance, it was apparent that Amila had inherited her mother's genes. Her striking sky blue eyes held a bold and captivating gaze, while her ash blonde hair cascaded beautifully around her face. The shape of her cute little upturned nose mirrored her mother's, and whenever she expressed frustration or annoyance, her nose would scrunch up just as Caroline's did.

'Her heart-shaped lips and free lobed ears perfectly complemented the small, round face that housed them.' he thought

It became increasingly evident to Edward that Amila had not inherited a single feature from him. Their physical dissimilarities extended beyond appearances, as their personalities differed greatly as well. Amila possessed a unique set of traits and characteristics that bore no resemblance to Edward's own. In every aspect, she seemed to take after her mother, always leaving Edward in awe of the beautifully crafted individual she had become.

 "Whether these legends hold any truth or are merely tales passed down through generations," Edward looked rather Haggard as he continued, their seemed to be something eating his conscious and this tiresome journey did not make his worries any less than they already were.

"But they are our last ray of hope as they serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of our world and the need for guardians to protect and preserve it" he looked at the sky "let us hope they are not just mere stories"

"Father? How do the four Monarchs look like?" Amila questioned yet again as curious as ever before…

"Hmm…" Edward thought for a second "we don't know for sure… but we do know that they do not look like ordinary people…."

"Not like ordinary people? Do they have wings? Or perhaps they have a horn or many horns maybe a tail or I know! Tails many maannhaha-?" Ray started laughing as his imagination ran wild.

"But then how will we recognize them?" _Amila rolled her eyes at Ray.

"The only thing we know about their appearance is that all four of them have very similar features with completely different hair colors..? and that the colour of their eyes is said to be same as well…" Ed hesitated "I really do not know how"

"It was said that they possessed an aura of power and authority that sets them apart from ordinary individuals. Their presence or the way they carry themselves could make them recognizable… they will have to rely on their intuition and observation to identify them."

"So…? Like… we don't really know anything useful?  Not how they look like? Not even that if they are real?" Ray jeered looking at Edward.

"Why are you so stupid? You really think father doesn't know that much? You Smart Aleck!" Amila rebuked as another argument rose amongst the siblings.


There had been a War for over seven years in these lands. Initially, this war started as a fight between humans, but as of now, humans were not the only species participating in this madness.

The races that neither took any part in this war nor showed any interest, from the beginning to this particular day, were also unfortunately aimed at, such as the elves and the dragons. As a result, mother nature had experienced a major setback, which, of course, resulted in many different forms of natural disasters.

The once peaceful and harmonious existence between humans, elves, and dragons has now been disrupted by the ravages of war. The prolonged conflict has not only claimed countless lives but has also strained the delicate balance of the natural world.

Elves, known for their deep connection with nature, have suffered greatly under the weight of the war. Their forests, once lush and vibrant, now bore the scars of destruction.

The magnificent dragons, majestic creatures of ancient lore, have been hunted and slain, ...their fiery breath extinguished forever.

With the involvement of multiple species, the war has wreaked havoc on the environment.

The land, once teeming with life, now lied desolate and barren.

The air, once crisp and pure, now carried the stench of smoke and decay.

The water, once crystal clear and abundant, now runs polluted and scarce.

The consequences of this war extend beyond the physical realm. The loss of lives and the destruction of communities had left a deep emotional and psychological toll on those who remained. Fear and distrust had become the norm, eroding the bonds that once held these lands together.

As the war only… continued… to escalate even further.

As if the events leading up to this point weren't already devastating enough, the empire, which had been tirelessly attempting to bring an end to the bloodshed, found itself under attack. Eventually, the rebels succeeded in overthrowing the great empire, further exacerbating the dire situation.

In this cruel twist of fate, the rebels executed the king, extinguishing any remaining hope for humanity.

The crown prince, a witness to the horrific scene, had concealed himself and his two young children in the main hall, behind the pillar. Underneath his protective cloak, he shielded his son Ray, aged eight, and his daughter Amila, who was merely six at the time.

The Royal Prince Edward swiftly made the decision to flee with his children. In his possession was an unnamed book, entrusted to him by his late father, which he retrieved from the Royal treasury. The book held secrets and knowledge, carefully imparted to Edward by his father.

The late king had long anticipated his impending demise, and in preparation, he entrusted Edward with the knowledge of every hidden passageway within the palace, as well as any possible escape routes. The king went to great lengths to ensure his only child's safety, even going so far as to construct new passages for escape. He had instructed Edward to take with him a book, its title concealed, and to find "them" at any cost. The king believed that Edward would be humanity's last hope following his own demise, and that if he were to perish, it would signify the failure of negotiations in this ongoing war of madness.

At the time, Edward was perplexed. He had no knowledge of who exactly these mysterious individuals were that he was meant to find, nor did he understand why he needed to learn ways to escape. After all, his country was a neutral state, uninvolved in the war that ravaged the surrounding nations.

With a heavy heart and a determination to protect his family, Prince Edward embarked on a perilous journey to the north, seeking refuge and a means to challenge the rebels' oppressive rule. The weight of responsibility rested heavily on his shoulders, as he understood that the survival of his bloodline and the hope of restoring peace lay squarely on his shoulders and his alone.

The book navigated to a city called 'Aras' which was said to be nestled amidst towering mountains, its existence known only to a select few. Edward relied on the fragmentary descriptions from the book to guide him towards his destination. The city held the key to unlocking the secrets of the Monarchs who guarded their and many other realms.

It was a perplexing situation for the person holding the un-named book. With minimal information provided, they were left to wonder about the identity and nature of these Monarchs. Were they ordinary individuals or beings of a different kind altogether? The lack of details made it difficult to determine.

…Two lines were repeated in bold on almost every leaf of the book,

"The most approachable one is the first Monarch"                                                               


However, amidst the uncertaint, the first line indicated that the first Monarch was the most approachable one. This implied that out of the four, this particular individual might be more accessible or easier to interact with.

Although It wasn't his choice to make if he would meet the first, third or the other Monarchs…

This wasn't time for him to be scared either… regardless they find the Monarchs or not they would die, so it was worth taking a chance at least,

Edward continued his journey, his mind now consumed by thoughts of the mysterious Monarchs. As he ventured deeper the air grew colder with each step he took towards Aras.

Days turned into weeks as Edward traversed treacherous terrains, battling fatigue and uncertainty. He knew that the answers he sought were within his grasp, and he couldn't afford to be intimidated by fear or doubt. The fate of the world rested on his shoulders, and he was prepared to face whatever challenges awaited him.


"This is no time to be a coward Edward! …you have to find them" Edward told himself secretly wishing …he would not.

"Father Will they help us for free?" Amila asked lost in thought

"Fir…" Edward  hesitated for a moment then continued with guilt "the first Monarch, he is nice so he might not ask for anything… the book says that the second Monarch is only fond of the third monarch… we have nothing to offer to him either… the thir.. His Majesty likes Children…" Edward gulped as he continued "especially… intelligent little girls so how about you ask him for help? He would surely listen to our cute little Amila"

"I'll make sure that The Majesty helps us father" Amila said with a bright smile.

"Of course…." Edward whispered with much culpability.

"And the fourth?" Ray inquired "what does he like?"

"Fun…" said Edward "he might just help us thinking it would be fun to…"

The fourth monarch, according to the book, was the most playful and mischievous of them four. It was believed that if they could gain the favor of this particular monarch, their fortunes would change for the better. But was this just wishful thinking? Were they grasping at straws in the face of adversity?

'Surreal' Ray had thought… father was being way too delusional regarding this… they had been searching over three years for something they didn't even know existed… and not only that… Father also thought that the first monarch would help them because he is nice and what was it? The fourth Monarch would help them because it's fun? He could never have imagined that father was capable of thinking of things with such level of unreason-ability…

His father was always a rational man… but after his grandfather's death he… he was just so unpredictable…. Anything he said or did no longer made any sense,

Maybe this is how one acts when they are cornered on one side with no possible way of escaping… this was their condition right now anyway.

But everything aside why was Ray so sure if they met one they would meet the forth one? Was he perhaps also growing senile as his father's nonstop cliché talk about the Monarchs continued…?

'Well whatever we'll see eventually anyway' he shrugged.

if there are any mistakes please let me know. Thankyou!❤️

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