
Making a decision

"Option 1," Calley started.

"The student will receive a personal dormitory apartment that he or she will not be required to share with any other students."

The instant the professor announced this first reward, Hade could swear that he saw a mysterious glint twinkle in Naomi's eyes.

However, like the oddball she was, it immediately vanished without a trace only a few milliseconds later.

Calley, oblivious, continued:

"Although this personal dormitory will be a bit smaller in comparison to the other compulsory joint dorm rooms, you will still get the same benefits which include but are not limited to;

"One," she said as she raised her forefinger.

"A training room of your very own and two, personalized training equipment of your choice. Of course, there are other perks which I'm not at liberty to reveal unless one of you ultimately chooses this option," she divulged.

'A whole dormitory room to myself!' Hade was charmed.