

Dare Adebayo and Lexi Daniels,best buddies and CIA operatives. Both special and gifted Metahumans who have always been successful in their encounters with their team. Dare being the main character,gets a new job as a bodyguard to the president's granddaughter who was threatened on her arrival in Nigeria. As he grudgingly does his job as a bodyguard,he realizes the enemies aren't after her but are actually after him and Lexi for a reason,a reason which its answer may be why they were gifted or...cursed. Chelsea,the president's granddaughter on the other hand struggles to fight her feelings of love for Dare while her life is in constant danger. Dare and Lexi have to race against time as there is little left,with Lexi trying to discover who he is and Dare struggling to balance his feelings and duties. Theyb both encounter danger, Mysteries and surprises as the they try to find answers and stop the enemies. Will they succeed? Will Dare and Chelsea fall in love? Or will they lose it all and be conquered? Fund out in this intriguing thriller...OPPOSITES.

GA10 · Romance
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7 Chs


It's been over a week and Chelsea hasn't gotten over the fact that Dare was gone. She missed him. Even though the moments they shared was little,she felt them as fun. The only fun thing she ever experienced since she got to Nigeria.

The President on the other hand seemed unaffected by his missing status. "Don't worry,I'll get you another Bodyguard" he always replied every time she made inquiries on Dare.

She remembered seeing him die but his teammates could have at least done something to save him or give him a proper burial.

Just then,repeated knocks landed in her room's door,jolting her out of her thoughts. "Who's there?" She asked.

"Chelsea,his Excellency instructed that I checked on you" The calm voice of Dana replied,easing her off her thoughts.

"I'm fine,don't worry about me" she replied,trying to dismiss Dana as soon as possible.

"Okay. Can I see you?" Dana asked.

Chelsea groaned,she had no idea in why Dana was kind of stalking her but she had no choice than to answer politely,it was something she had learnt from her mother.

"Okay,come in. The door's unlocked" she replied.

The silver handle moved and the door slowly opened revealing Dana who looked calmer than ever.

"Chelsea. You seem to be bothered dear" she stated, tidying up the almost messy room.

"No I'm not" Chelsea objected,resting her gaze on her pink blanket.

"Yes you are. You wouldn't mind spilling it out? You know as they say...A problem shared is a problem half solved" Dana voiced,sitting before her.

Chelsea sighed and faced the older woman. She looked into her eyes,realizing she had similar characteristics with her mom. Her smooth, oval face with brown eyes and long hair. For a middle-aged wan, she looked extremely beautiful for a woman of her age.

"It's Dare. He died saving me but I haven't heard anything about him since" she replied.

"Oh Dare...He was such a good kid. I only met him for a day but he was respectful" Dana stated.

"Yes *sighs*. I kinda miss him" she stated.

"But you only met him for a day?" Dana protested.

"Well...Not really. I knew him four years ago. It was a three-month youth empowerment program in South Africa and he was a fun guy though I hated him then" she replied.


"Well...He was a Playboy. He had literally played all the girls there and was hitting on me. Though,he told me I was different from the other girls and that he only wanted to be friends with me,I humiliated him, believing that was one of the numerous tactics he used on girls" Chelsea explained.

"Wow,so you never talked to him after that?"

"Yes I didn't. I felt he disrespected womanhood. It was later I found out I was wrong. He wasn't actually playing the girls,they were the ones throwing their selves at him while he just maintained a platonic relationship with them"

"Did you apologize to him?" Dana inquired.

"No I never did. I felt embarrassed with the truth. I felt apologizing to him would birth this Chauvinist trait in him and he'd feel I was a desperate girl" Chelsea announced.

"Oh that's messed up" Dana chuckled softly.

"So...What's next now?" Dana asked after a brief moment of solace. Chelsea looked up to the older woman with an expressionless look on her face.

"I dunno" she shrugged. "Its just that,I miss him."

Dana got up and smiled. "Sometimes dear,things are just meant to be what they are. He's dead,it's his destiny." She advised,placing a palm on Chelsea's shoulder.

"Yeah,it is what it is" Chelsea complemented and lay on her bed.

"Take care dear,do not hesitate to call me when you need me" Dana said and left the room.

"*Sighs*. Dare,I know you're not dead,you can't just die like that" she expressed after minutes of thinking and fell asleep.




The president's personal assistant,Mr Daniels,a bald, middle-aged man walked up to his office's door and landed three quick knocks on it.

The two security guards bothered not to stop him for they knew who he was and what he was there for.

"Come in Daniels" the president approved and the latter opened the door,walking in.

"Good day your Excellency" he greeted,slightly bowing.

"Have a sit Daniels,it's been a while. So how was your vacation?" The President asked.

"It was great Mr President. My family was really excited I could spend some time with them" he replied.

"That's good" the president complimented and rose from his chair. He walked towards the window which was closed in a transparent,unbreakable glass.

He looked at the beautiful sky and smiled. It had been a while he had taken a break. He remembered the old times when he was still a senator and he'd go on trips to Kenya,South Africa and other African countries with plenty nature Parks with his wife and daughter when he was on holidays.

Those trips he cherished for he loved nature but his daughter had always despised them and in turn,despised him. Leaving him as soon as his wife passed away.

For those years his daughter left,he felt devastated,devastated with the loss of his wife and his daughter's entrancement. He was glad to hear she was married and had a beautiful daughter even though she never told him any of that.

He always pleaded with his daughter to come and spend some time with him in Nigeria but she always turned his offers down. Seeing she wouldn't agree,he begged her to at least,allow his granddaughter come over to him and spend sometime with her old man which the she still disagreed to.

He was glad to know that his granddaughter who was already a fine young lady agreed to stay with him after years of pleading with his daughter.

Now that his granddaughter was here,she wasn't to have peace as an anonymous personality had threatened to end her. Even though he tried getting the best security for her,the young man he had hired was now gone,he knew not if Dare was alive or dead because every response he had been getting from Peter was to not worry.

"Chelsea" he thought,was really affected by Dare's disappearance,he hoped things would get better, especially with the was his leadership of the country was flopping.

While he was drowning in his ocean of thoughts,his attention was brought back to reality by his personal assistant who,discomforted by his boss's silence,called out to him.

"Mr President. Is there a problem?" He asked after the older man settled on his chair again.

"Yes,there is...I've got a lot on my plate right now" the President stated.

"Mind to share? There might be a solution" Daniels replied.

"Oh,okay. You see,I was threatened by a guy who had promised to end Chelsea. I was really scared so I hired a metahuman Agent as her bodyguard but still,that didn't do the magic. He died rescuing her from a kidnapper.

Now, Chelsea's been disturbing me,asking me to contact the organization I recruited him but the thing is that I've contacted them and they have not given me a direct answer" he explained.

Daniels smiled,comprehending the situation. "So...Was he a superhuman?" He asked.

"Yes he was" the President replied.

"Well,we could hire another from the organization. What organization was he recruited?" He interrogated.

"The CIA. And he was a young man, probably the unique amongst them"

"What was his name?" Daniels asked again.

"Dare Adebayo,goes by the code name Agent 10. He's 20"

"I think I know him. My foster son,Lexi is also amongst the CIA's young Bionic agents and he also belongs to the same team with that Dare. I'm thinking he could replace Dare since he's the next best agent there" Daniels affirmed.

"You have a son of that age and category,yet you never informed me?" The President asked,rising.

"No you can't understand...The thing is that he never really told me. He just came out to me some months ago and that was before the vacation" Daniels explained,sounding calmer than the still water of a lake.

"Okay,you can bring your son but warn him to not meddle in our business. If he does, he'll be gone" The President warned.

"Yes,I would warn him. So about him...Has he summoned you yet?" Daniels changed the topic,putting up a serious look.

"No he hasn't,I hope he doesn't cause havoc" the Older man replied.

"I also hope he doesn't. God save us from this shit"





In Dare's lounge,the team of Lexi,Dare,Kabala,Tom and Stella gathered around. They all, except for Dare shot deadly glares at Kabala who looked calm and strong.

"Well,why are y'all staring?" He asked, now getting bothered by the prevailing silence and stares.

Tom,who seemed to have a little grudge against Kabala,just shrugged his shoulders and scoffed.

"I don't see why we're all still mad at him guys,let's forgive and forget" he said.

The glares were now transferred from Kabala to him. He looked at them and gave a "What?" Look,not minding their rage.

"Guys anger isn't the best option right now. We've got a whole lotta shit going on" Dare intervened,stopping the outburst about to occur.

"Okay,so what is it?" Stella asked,calmed by Dare's voice.

"I think Kabala is in the best position to explain" Dare pointed at the mentioned.

Kabala chuckled and grabbed a bottle of coke from the center table before him. He opened the lid and drowned half the content of the bottle in just a single gulp.

"So...As Dare was saying,we've got shit coming for us. The whole threat directed at Chelsea isn't really about Chelsea,I think it's about Dare and y'all here at the CIA.

The person had obviously planned this,knowing Dare would be selected to protect Chelsea and if he's alone,there's a probability he'll kill him" he explained.

"Okay,that seems evil" Lexi chuckled. "I'm loving this"

Stella shot him a deadly glares before refocusing on Kabala who continued.

"So the person hired me to do his dirty job of using her as a decoy to kill Dare. Fortunately,I have changed and decided to spare him.

Now that everyone thinks Dare's dead, he'll move on with his next plan or stop which I have no idea about.

The only thing I know is that the Mastermind is my brother, Scorpio and he sure has a really evil motive behind all of this."

The moment he landed his last sentence,they all jolted,startled by the fact that the enemy was an ally of their supposed enemy.

"If he's your brother,why can't you fish information about his plan from him?" Stella threw her question,hoping she was going to find a loop in his story.

"I don't know where he is. He calls me when he wants to see me" he replied.

"How do you expect us to believe you after what you've done to us in the past?" Tom questioned,feeling agitated.

"You just have to. I swear,I have changed. If I wanted to I could have killed Dare that night but I didn't. I'm sure there's something big and that's why I'm informing you guys right now" he explained,raising his arms in the air.

"Guys I think he's telling the truth,let's believe him" Tom stated.

"Okay,I believe him too" the guys gradually said.

"Okay guys,now that we're on the same page,I've got something bigger to share with you" Dare explained

"Okay,go on"

"Well,I think our president might be hiding a very big secret and I'm sure it's dangerous." He stated.

"Why do you think so?" Lexi asked.

"Well...He and his vice were discussing on something,ensuring that I never meddled into their business and from what I heard that night after spying on them,there's a big threat looming above us all" he explained.

"Wow,crazy things are happening" Tom exclaimed

"Yeah,crazy things. Come to think of it,what if both dangers are related?" Lexi asked.

"Possible" Dare chirped in.

"But Scorpio's plan has something to do with us,maybe a secret that we all hold but aren't aware of and he wants to eliminate it" Stella added.

"Yes,so what do we do?" Tom asked.

"I say we first solve this Scorpio issue then we'll go spy on the President next" Lexi said.

"Wait,you guys have been mentioning Scorpio,do you mean this Scorpio?" Polo interrupted,displaying an image of Scorpio on the huge LED TV screen on the fire wall in the room.

"Yes he's the one" Kabala snapped his fingers.

"Polo...Get me everything we need to know about Scorpio" Stella instructed.

"Good...Scorpio,as he is well-known,never submitted his real identity but results from a Japanese high school shows he was named Ben,his surname being Oisho.

He has a criminal record for man slaughter and served half of a ten year prison term which he was granted pardon in 2019 by the vice president.

After that,he appears in the Special Ops services in Nigeria which is odd because he was never an armed force personnel. He went rogue last year after a mission in the Sambisa forest,turning against and killing all his men. And since then,he has been under investigation and arrest which he has surprisingly escaped from." Polo explained.

"Good and that's where his history ends?" Lexi asked.

"Yes" Polo replied.

"Wait,you said he was granted pardon from his manslaughter term by the Vice President and he surprisingly ends up in the special Ops services?" Dare asked.

"Yes" the rest chorused.

"That means he and the vice president with or the not with the president,know about this" he added.

"So what's your aim?" Stella asked.

"We have to get back into the white house" he replied.

"I totally agree but bro we need to make our own investigation. Tom and Kabala would go and make inquiries at the former prison he was an inmate and then we'll meet up with the director of the special ops forces to gather information about him." Lexi said.

"Why me and Tom?" Kabala protested.

"Just do as you're told guys,if BJ was here we'll already be on a new plan. Anyways,Kabala's teleportation would be useful." Dare chided.

"Wait guys,where's BJ? It's been days since I last saw him" Stella inquired,looking around.

"I dunno. Since that night,he hasn't replied my texts and calls. I even threatened to screw his mom *chuckles* but he ignored me" Lexi explained.

"Well, we'll find him later,for now,let's get to work"




It's been days,days since BJ last saw the daylight,days since he brooded over his uncle's death. He had vowed to avenge his uncle,even if it meant that he was going to betray his friends and turn against them.

In his house's bathroom,he laid in the bathtub,enjoying the cool water that calmed his cold and isolated nerves. He relaxed,taking cool breaths.

He opened his eyes,realizing there was someone behind him,he turned his head around and behold,was Scorpio who stood elegant and tall.

BJ's calm state just made him remain in the bathtub rather than react.

"Benson Junior" Scorpio called out to him,BJ looked at the older man who knew who he was. He scoffed and sat up.

"What do you want from me?" He asked.

"Whoa,you never bothered to know who I am" The former stated,waving his arms rapidly.

"I know you would still tell me but tell me what business brings you here first" he replied.

"Okay. I'm Scorpio and I see we have the same aim,anger and hate towards Dare. I'm here to help you get revenge on him,we destroy him together" he explained.

"It's a nice offer but what's in it for you?" BJ asked,his intelligence tingling. He wanted to avoid being played.

"Well...It's a reason you wouldn't want to know. And I assure you,you can't trust me but I shall do you no harm. It's only when you call war that I'll strike" he confirmed.

BJ stared at the man before him,he had seen him before and that was his penultimate mission for the CIA. He remembered Lexi taking him out but he didn't know how he escaped. All he knew was that he was going to be a dangerous Ally and he was ready to take his chances against Dare.

"Okay,I'm in. But...No funny business" he warned.

"Good" Scorpio said and in an instant,he was gone.

To be continued.....