

Dare Adebayo and Lexi Daniels,best buddies and CIA operatives. Both special and gifted Metahumans who have always been successful in their encounters with their team. Dare being the main character,gets a new job as a bodyguard to the president's granddaughter who was threatened on her arrival in Nigeria. As he grudgingly does his job as a bodyguard,he realizes the enemies aren't after her but are actually after him and Lexi for a reason,a reason which its answer may be why they were gifted or...cursed. Chelsea,the president's granddaughter on the other hand struggles to fight her feelings of love for Dare while her life is in constant danger. Dare and Lexi have to race against time as there is little left,with Lexi trying to discover who he is and Dare struggling to balance his feelings and duties. Theyb both encounter danger, Mysteries and surprises as the they try to find answers and stop the enemies. Will they succeed? Will Dare and Chelsea fall in love? Or will they lose it all and be conquered? Fund out in this intriguing thriller...OPPOSITES.

GA10 · Romance
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7 Chs


Chelsea got out of her bathtub,letting the water drain from her body. She watched as the water dripped from her hair to her neck,then her 32 C-cup breasts then to her body frame.

She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her. She got out of her bathroom and walked into her room. She settled on her chair right before her dressing table.

She took her hair blower,activating it. The air rushed out,blowing her hair backwards.

Minutes later,she was done cleaning herself and left for the dining room. She was saluted by the soldiers stationed at different points and returned their salutations. She took another turn and was in a passageway. She stopped right before her grandfather's office,took a huge breath and knocked.

"Come in darling." The old man indicated. She paused,wondering who her father had gotten for her. She knew her life was in danger and she had trusted Dare,he was the only one who could protect her,she had thought.

She opened the door with her gaze on the floor and closed it. She looked up and saw a young man, obviously in his twenties and from the way he looked at her,she knew he was somehow related to Dare.

"Morning Grandpa." She greeted and sat on the chair beside the young man,facing her grandfather.

"Morning." She greeted the younger man and relaxed a bit.

"Sweetheart,I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend but you know,your safety is Paramount and I have to ensure that no harm befalls you so I got you another guard just like Dare." He told her. She just stared at him in disbelief. She had not just lost a bodyguard but a friend and she brought him another, well she had no choice but to agree with his decision.

"Okay Grandpa,so he's my new guard?" She asked even though she knew the answer.

"Yes and his name is Lexi." He replied. She stared at him for a moment,he looked a little older than Dare but wasn't as presentable as the former.

"Don't worry,he's also a meta like Dare,he's more or less like a telepath,let's just say an empath." He assured her. She managed to give both men a smile and got up.

"I haven't called Mom and Dad today,I'm going to my room and also,welcome Lexi." She said and got up.

"Wait Chelsea,have you forgotten about the event?" He stopped her. She frowned,obviously out of displeasure.

"Is it a must I attend the gala?" She questioned.

"Yes honey,please just do it for me." He pleaded. She stared at him and sighed.

"Okay,I'll do it." She said and left.

"Lexi,please ensure you keep an eye on her." The president told the latter.

"Absolutely sir." The latter confirmed and turned to leave. He had tried read the president's mind but somehow he couldn't,it just seemed like the older man had concealed his thoughts with some barrier.

As he silently followed Chelsea to her room,he realized it was best he told her ahead lest there might be consequences.

"Chelsea,wait." He called out to her as she was about to enter her room.

She turned and asked. "What is it?"

"I know it's unethical for me to tell you but there's a secret you need to know...Dare is alive and he's on a mission. So he's been unable to contact you." He said. She gasped in surprise and excitement.

"You mean it?" She asked.

"Yeah he's alive but there's more." He told her.

Her expression suddenly changed as she saw his change to a serious one.

"You're in danger Chelsea,that's why you have to attend the stupid gala. When you are there,some CIA agents would come in disguise and kidnap you,taking you to the headquarter where you'll be safe till we stop Scorpio." He explained.

"Are you nuts?" She asked.

"Relax,your grandfather know about it but he just doesn't want to tell you now for security reasons." He assured her.

"Security?" She wondered.

"Yeah,he can't trust anyone but us and please trust me,you'll be in safe hands." He assured her. She sighed and stared at the floor for a minute,she found it easy to believe him just because he had mentioned that Dare was alive. She actually had expected him to be but not after what happened,she saw Kabala stab him.

"Perhaps there's an explanation for that." She said and agreed.

"Okay,I agree. Now brief me on what's to happen."




Scorpio was sitting on the roof of the tattered and dilapidating house,overseeing the activities on the streets. He smiled with content,knowing he would soon achieve what he had wanted. Suddenly his mood was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He took it out of his pocket and smiled,it was his informant.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Scorpio,those guys are planning something. They want to kidnap Chelsea at the gala and transport her to the CIA headquarters where she'll be safe till they bust you." The calm voice said over the phone.

"Really? Well I guess that's good. Thanks but keep doing your job,send me any information you can get." He said and hung up before the caller could say another word. He then dialed an unsaved number on his phone.

"Boy,I think your revenge plan would be given a little boost." He spoke into the phone.




The gala as expected was one deluxe and exquisite celebration. Guests trooped in, including some ministers and also several big names in the government. The gala was one to celebrate and also enhance the cultural beauty of Nigeria with other countries, especially those who sent Representatives.

Chelsea was seated beside her grandfather,looking fatigued,all the talk was boring her,including the boring entertainment. The only think that seemed to excite her was the dance session and she was mesmerized by the beauty of African dance.

Later on it was time for her to leave and she was heading to her helicopter with Dana by her side while Lexi was some meters away from them. Several soldiers also guarded her,not willing to take any chances.

Suddenly,there was an explosion and the affected thing was the helicopter which had its body parts flying around. Lexi saw the pilot tear into bits due to the explosion and was shaken,this wasn't the plan. He and the soldiers began to guard Chelsea and led her to a safe place. Chelsea herself was disturbed,she trusted Lexi but his method of getting her safe had just costed a life.

Lexi began to hear some really dark thoughts and he knew things were not good. He rushed towards Chelsea and made to grab her but a bullet sunk right into a soldier who was before him and he fell,causing a temporary obstruction to him. He looked around and saw that the soldiers were falling. He ran towards Chelsea and made to grab her.

"Was this your plan?" She asked.

"No,our agents who were supposed to enact the plan are probably engaging them. Let's go now." He told her and began to lead her away.

Suddenly someone tackled him from behind and he fell heavily. He turned and directed the butt of his gun towards his attacker's head,the attackers fell off him and without thinking,he shot the attacker. Chelsea was in fright as another attacker stood before her. He knew shooting the attacker could be disastrous because the latter had already acknowledged his presence and was awaiting him to make a move. He rushed towards the attacker and kicked his knee,surprising him. As the attacker's legs bent a bit,he shove his shoulder into the person's collar bone,breaking his neck immediately.

"Let's go." He told her and grabbed her hands. As he was leading her outside,he was stunned by a blast that shot him on the floor. He was weak and his powers stopped working. He looked up and saw the person standing before him,his eyes widened in shock as he saw it was RPG,Scorpio's former teammate.

He managed to get up thanks to Chelsea's screams but he was too late,she had already been hurled into a black van. He stared at his attacker and quickly shot the turned of the van but nothing happened,they were bullet resistant. He was taken by surprise when RPG drove a blow to his unsuspecting face and he fell on the floor.

His mind was already fading off alongside his consciousness. RPG stood over him with a demeaning look and raised his foot to crush Lexi's head. He stopped and tilted his head sideways.

"Shit." He cursed and disappeared.

Lexi's eyes just shut down as some of his agents had now come to his rescue.




The island of Tarabo,a rocky island located in the Atlantic right on the Western point of Nigeria. It's usually unnoticed due to the weather conditions. It was also rumored by the commoners that spirits and cannibals lived there because people who went there barely or never returned. Since the only route the villagers knew to the island was the Eastern route,they had no idea that it was some sort of death sentence due to the rocks and powerful currents.

Helicopters began to fly into the island at different times,that indicated that the buyers for the sales were arriving. Dare and a middle-aged man(actually an agent) dressed in a white regalia also were flown to the island for their mission.

The helicopter landed and they both alighted it. The island was already getting full for the section the guests were to come and buy the women and girls. Some agents arrived in speedboats,pretending to be buyers too and were interested in the sale.

Then the sales began with the auctioning of women as sex slaves and regular slaves. The agents wasted no time in bidding and getting most of them. Since they weren't really the major part of the sale,payments weren't made immediately,they were to be made after the sale.

The person auctioning the girls was a woman who had this evil look, Dare had expected it from a woman who laughed as other women and girls were sold.

Also,he was astounded with the sighting of Don who was seated in a corner of the stage where the girls were brought out. He had a serious look on his face that told that something was wrong.

While he was still in thoughts on how to get the girls inside the building they were brought from, he was startled by a cold, soft feeling on his crotch. He was dressed in light textured jeans so he felt the wet cold feeling and another warm one enveloping it. He looked below the table saw a lady whose mouth was on his crotch,her tongue was stretched out and she latched it upon his genital which seemed to be fuelled with his blood instantly. Before she could do something else,he pulled her up and ordered a glass of Hennessy mixed with white Walker. He wasn't a drinker but he needed something to just get the girl away from him.




Tom was dressed in black jeans and gold colored shirt,walking through the passage. His job,according to his mission was to be bringing the girls up for sale. He knew his plan and it was getting to the point where virgins and underaged girls were to be up for sale. He wondered how he was going to take out the guards who were armed and ready to take out anyone who wanted to try something funny.

He wondered how he was going to pull this off. Just then,he had the perfect idea,he called their attention to a small hole in the wall which he had just created and dropped a stun grenade in their midst. He could see them and quickly gunned them down. He opened the door to the large hall where the scared girls and women were and got in.

"I know you're all scared but I'm here to rescue you." He told them. The seemingly hopeless people now had a glimpse of hope on their faces.

He walked over to the Western side of the wall and punched into it,the wall cracked and it broke, revealing a tunnel well built for the operation. He motioned to them to come over and told them.

"You should walk through this tunnel. At the end there's a submarine awaiting you and you'll be transported to the government authorities who would keep you safe. They had doubtful looks on their face but a woman amongst them stood up and urged them to go.

"He's here to rescue us,why are you scared? Do you think he's one of them. Even if we're not sure of where we're headed,let's go and at least be free from this hell." She urged. They all now agreed and began to walk into the tunnel. As the lady was about to walk in,he stopped her and handed her a gun.

"Thanks agent Cindy. You'll probably need the gun in case you're intercepted." He told her.

"You're welcome Tom." Agent Cindy who had been undercover replied.

Tom ran out and saw that there were people awaiting him, co-workers who had known of his act. He was amused when he realized they were all armed except for two...they were metahumans.




The auction for virgins had begun and the woman presented the first virgin who was a teenage girl,probably 15. He was mad but had to choice than to wait.

"Here's one of our most prized specimen,she's a Yoruba beauty and take a look at her smooth skin. If you aren't convinced ladies and gentlemen,then see her endowments." The presenter said and ripped her gown off,revealing the girl's naked body.

"Isn't she worth something. So ladies and gentlemen,begin the bid. Nothing less than $50,000." She continued. One man shouted "100,000."

Another raised the stake to 350,000. Dare saw the sadness in the girl's eyes and was mad. He got up and yelled. "One Million." Everyone was taken aback,they weren't expecting someone to pay this much for just a girl.

Even Don was taken aback and motioned to his guards to give him a coverage of the boy,he was getting suspicious.

"1 million?" The lady asked to confirm his bid.

"Yes,one Million dollars in cash right here,right now." He said. She smiled and knew something was wrong,perhaps the girl had something in her that made him bid for her at such price,she looked over to Don who also had the same thoughts,he gave her a go ahead to proceed with the sale and immediately, Dare gave the girl to a fellow agent who took her to the speedboat. Another gave him his briefcase and he brought it forth.

"I'm paying directly to Don,I'm the highest bidder tonight and I want to show Don my love for his brand." He told her. She was amazed and to just make Dare oblivious to their plan for him,she gave him a peck on the lips.

"You're one darling." She said.

Don had a feeling he knew the kid,he felt he had seen the young man before.

As Dare neared him,his eyes widened in shock.

"Hey pal,you just seeing me?" He asked. Don growled in anger and made to move,Dare immediately swung his suitcase against Don's head,causing him to fall on the floor. Before both guards could react,he disarmed them with the suitcase and punched one's head. The second made to hit him but he spun and grabbed his hands, hurling him to the floor. The auctioneer brought out a gun and corked it,she shot and he dodged. He threw the suitcase at her and she fell. The buyers had now made to leave but the men in the security room already had that covered,they ensured the walls were brought up,hence,trapping everyone inside. The buyers and the staff began to scamper,finding somewhere to be safe.

Suddenly gunshots from inside the house startled them and Don's men emerged,ready to take on Dare who had a smirk on his face. He sped around them, causing a slight tornado to evolve. As the tornado rose in the air,he sped through the tornado,causing a burst of wind power to scatter the ranks of the men. He suddenly sped around and was now before Don,having this new,smooth look.

"Like what you see Don?" He mocked.



Kabala and Stella sat atop the hill,waiting for any signal or sign of trouble so that they would swoop right into the action. So far they had nothing. Just when they thought they wouldn't get busy,they noticed that their agents were escaping with the rescued girls and had placed them in the speedboats which the drivers were ready to take them away.

Suddenly Don's men emerged from behind and began to shoot them. Their men who were caught unawares began to fall and they knew it was time to act. Kabala teleported right in the middle of Don's men and with his sword stretched,he spun,cutting through the men. He stopped and faced one who wanted to shoot. He teleported behind him and stabbed him. He pulled the sword and used the hilt to hit another's jaws. He grabbed him and used him as a shield against the furiously shooting men who aimed for him. He smiled as they began to fall one by one.

Stella was having a great time with being the sniper. She needed not to be told to start her attack and she had just reduced kabala's workload. She felt something move behind her and rolled aways,evading an axe from cracking her skull. She scooped some sand and threw it into her attacker's eyes then rushed towards him,spearing him to the floor. Due to his strength and size,he wrestled her off him and made to blow her.

She suddenly sprouted a little knife from her wrist and slit the man's throat,killing him instantly.

She looked ahead and saw Kabala was done and was just watching her.

"Asshole,you couldn't even help me." She yelled.

"You know as they say;what a man can do,a woman can do better." He replied with a soft chuckle.

He saw that the walls had now risen and he sheathed his sword. His comms beeped and he answered.

"Um guys,I think I'll need a little help here." Dare said and cut communication off again. He teleported beside her and grabbed her wrist.

"Leave me sicko." She complained.

"Dare's in trouble,we have to help him." He told her. At she mention of Dare,she relaxed and then both of them disappeared.




Tom stared at the two metahumans and at the other armed men,he knew fighting them all at once would be a Herculean task but he was willing to face it. Hercules had super strength so did he.

He held the handle of the thick, titanium door and suddenly yanked it off. He shot two men and hid behind the door. He could see them through the keyhole of the door and began to aim them,shooting sporadically though. One way or the other,the metahumans weren't affected.

He swung the door towards the rest of the men and cleared them off the way. He stood back, awaiting them to attack.

"Welcome to hell son." The attacker said and rushed towards him. As Tom felt to dodge and smash his head on the floor,something pierced his legs and he screamed in pain. He turned to look at the perpetrator but the other man just stood in his previous position,smiling. He managed to pull the metal out of his legs and barely missed being hit with a bigger piece of metal. He threw the metal towards the standing man and to his surprise,he blasted it with a plasmic effect that melted the metal. His eyes widened in shock and surprise with what had happened,he knew he had to up his game now.

He reached for he first attacker but the later drove a punch to his side. He gasped,his eyes widening as he received another on his spine. He tried to move again but was taken down by the other who blasted his with mild but forceful flames and he fell.

"It seems you're pretty fucked up." His attacker said and held him by his shoulder.

"Don't kill him,the boss needs him." The other man said after receiving a transmission from Don.



Kabala thrust his sword forth,stabbing the man about to land a blow of his axe on Dare. He turned and spun midair,directing kicks to three others.

Stella rushed from behind and used her whip to grab a man by the neck,she smashed him into a woman who was advancing to her. She brought out her gun and began to shoot. She knew the Kevlar she was wearing wouldn't protect her for much longer.

She looked up to Dare who now had Don's neck in his grip. A slash of electrical currents zapped him and he fell. Behind him was the auctioneer who had a huge gun in her hand.

She was too distracted to notice another worker sneak up on her and land a blow on her neck. She fell on the floor,totally exhausted and down.

She looked at Kabala who was somehow subdued too and was astounded. She realized that they were busted and would soon be executed but there was nothing she could do. The best were already subdued.




"Finally,the notorious Agent 10 is now in my captivity." Don said after minutes of clapping and laughter. His workers also laughed alongside him.

"You know for a billionaire,you're pretty annoying." Dare sneered in anger.

"Oh I'm annoying. At least I'm not under captivity. Now tell me Dare,where are the girls?" He asked with a tone of seriousness.

"None of your business." The latter sneered. He was already frustrated. It was over ten minutes and the island had been locked down. One way or the other,all the girls were already gone and he was mad.

"Okay,it seems you wouldn't talk?" He said after minutes of grumbling.

"Finally,you get the damn picture." Dare said with a smile. Don began to laugh and patted his shoulder.

"I know you well boy. I know your strengths and weaknesses. Anyways,it seems those girls aren't useful to me anymore." He said and removed his hand from his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Dare eyed him.

"Since you're all very valuable citizens of Nigeria,I'm sure the government would pay anything to ensure you're all alive." He said. They guys knew what his plans were at that statement.

"I've lost a lot today but with you guys now,I'll gain twice of what I've lost." He said.

"And how much will that be?" Kabala asked.

"Let's say 300 million Dollars." He said.

"No man,that's too much." Dare protested.

"Well,your opinion isn't needed." He snapped.

For a moment,there was silence.

"You know you're stupid right?" Dare broke the silence.

"Shut the hell up."

"If you aren't,you would have noticed that these guys are really weak?" Kabala added.

"What do you mean?" Don's eyes widened.

"Because this...IS AN ILLUSION."

Suddenly there was an explosion of light and the screams of Don and his men were heard. By the time the light died down,he saw the team of agents all standing before him with the ones he had subdued.

"No,it can't be." Don uttered in disbelief,watching the clones melt. He looked down and saw he was already cuffed,so was everyone in the island. He knew it was his fall,he had been busted. Before he knew it,he was already apprehended.

An hour later,the guys were now in a helicopter on the ride back home. It was evident that they were exhausted.

"Thanks for coming Stella." Dare appreciated.

"You're welcome,it's pretty amazing with how fast you are." She reciprocated.

"Well thanks,I'm just glad this was another successful mission." He agreed.

"Yeah. I just hope Lexi's done with his job,we need to party really hard." Tom concluded and they cheered.

To be continued.....

Wondering how they worked it out? Well Stella had created clones of them on the Eastern part of the island and as they were in the midst of the action,he quickly swapped him and Tom with their clones and as for kabala and Stella,they had swapped with their clones as soon as Kabala teleported from the outskirts of the island. And that's how they managed to pull a fast one on the unsuspecting Don,shout outs to the guys.