
Chapter 2

While being experimented on in the dark room, the other people, children mostly, were watching with pitiful looks, as they had to go through the same things as him, and it was painful...

Even though he was tortured every day for one year, he never gave hope, he had became friends with a lady who looked around in her mid 40's, with long black hair, she always told stories about her life and she wanted to world to be in peace, without those monsters and criminals, he got inspired by these words, and every time he was finished being experimented on, he would also do exercises.

But all this came crashing down one day, he found the lady he considered a mom, dead...

He could not believe his eyes, 'no...no, NO! "BASTARDS!!!!!", the boy had lost it, and he snapped.

The boy calmed down, but in his eyes he planned to kill the doctors once and for all, but a voice stopped him before he could act.

"Hey kid, stop what ever you're thinking...It wont work, I have already tried..." a voice of a small girl said.

He gritted his teeth and did not care, and he tried punching the cage bar's with all his strength, he kept doing this, even though his hands were all bloody at the end, broken, but healing at a visible rate.

The boy started crying, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, he kept on crying. The doctor's took away the only thing that managed to keep him sane in this year.




2 years later...

"Hey, tatsumaki...?"

"Yeah, toshi?" Since the boy did not have a name, she decided one for him, they had talked to each other after toshinori's friend had died, she wanted to comfort him, she did not want him to turn out like her, so she decided to talk with him, but eventually they became friends, they never saw each other, but tatsumaki knew it was working as he had opened up to her alot after one year.

"Do you ever think, we could get out of this place...?"

"..." tatsumaki did not answer.


"W-what was that?!"

"I don't know! but it does not sound good!"

the two children were panicking, while doctors were fleeing past them, the two tried to get them to help them out, but none answer'd and kept running.

Soon the giant monster appeared and was wrecking everything, the two children's doors were burst open. They tried to run away, but something happened to the monster, a man in some cool armor killed the monster, toshinori was hiding while looking at tatsumaki heading towards the mysterious man, and asked his name, "The name's blast kid, now go, you need to get out of here!", with these words blast left the place.

Toshinori was looking at everything, he was swearing in his mind that he was to weak, he swore to himself that he will get stronger.

Tatsumaki ran to toshinori and grabbed his hand and ran, while toshinori was still confused, he ran with tatsumaki to, god knows where. But one this is for sure, toshinori has unlocked his hidden power, a power that will soon shock the world.

I don't know if tatsumaki went straight back to her family or not, as it mentions in google, once she became a adult, she signed up for the hero association, so im gonna assume she just got money, bought a apartment, lived there until she was able to be a hero and started earning money and her fame. So im gonna go with that.

Also the MC will be WAY WAY stronger than prime all might, so yeah.

As you already know, he has quicker regeneration than regular all might in his prime, and more durability even without his unlocked potential.

RAAAHHHHHcreators' thoughts