
A New Light III

"Arrrgghh!" Volt's combined [Void Beam] managed to shred through Rhino's [Iron Skin] and shields rapidly. It was more devastating than Volt thought it would be. Unfortunately, his arms became numb and he couldn't feel his fingers.

"Do you give up now?" Volt said as he breathed heavily, the attack had effects on them both.

"Ugh. Fine, it is my loss. This time anyway." Rhino said as he picked himself off the floor.

"Then can we count on your help?"

"As long as I can count on yours."

"The start of a good friendship then." Volt cracked a small smile.

"Hah! We'll see about that."

"I have to know, why are you fighting Excalibur and the others? I would think that they only go after criminals or evil doers, unless . . ." Volt raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing. Some punks tried to jump me and I paid them back. Although, I had to use my Warframe since it was the only way I could take on their entire gang at once. I may have also beaten all of them half to death too." Rhino shrugged.

"They didn't try to talk to you first?"

"They did. But I told them to back up their words. Hmph! I managed to injure the two scawny looking ones easily. Only thing they had on me were numbers and their stubbornness almost surpasses yours. They keep saying I'm too reckless and destructive. But I can't help that shit gets in my way."

"Well then, maybe us helping each other will show you the importance of allies."

"Yea, yea. Go help your friend, I have to stash this frame somewhere." Rhino turned and started to head back in to the building. Volt followed but instead of going to the basement, he went to find Frost in the upper floors.


"Hey. You alright?"

Volt had almost run in to Frist on the steps. Frost was taking slow and cautious steps around a corner when Volt turned quickly.

"Me? What about you? Although, since you're still alive I'm guessing you won?"

"Naw, he just brainwashed me." Volt chuckled.

"Well, if you're making jokes, I guess he didn't scramble all your brains."

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm going to need several days of rest. Literally everything hurts."

"I won, so he's an ally now I guess."

"Great, now let me hide this thing and we can get out."

"He's hiding his in the basement too."

Volt and Frost headed downstairs and met Rhino coming up.

"Rhino, wait for us!" Volt called out.

"Hurry up!" Rhino said with folded arms.

"So, how did you beat him anyways? We were being thrashed when it was the two of us. And yet you did it by yourself?" Frost asked with great curiosity.

"Well I-"

(Alan, as another favor. I ask that you don't mention me to anyone.) Nike's voice suddenly filled Volt's head.

(Nike? But why?)

(I won't help again if you do. Simply say you awakened a new power, which is true even if it's only half of one.)

Volt was both confused and conflicted. True, Nike was his benefactor but what did she really want? Although, on the other hand, he hardly knew Frost and Rhino as well. There was no problem to keeping Nike a secret, for now Volt thought.

(Alright, fine. I'll respect your wishes.)

(Thank you.)

"Hey! Your brain finally melted or something?" Frost said as he snapped his fingers in front of Volt.

"Spaced out a little, but that's to be expected since my arms are fried. Let me tell you, I shot fricking laser beams."

"The hell!?" Frost looked at Volt in disbelief.

Several minutes later.

"So, you need help finding your girlfriend huh?" Rhino said as they were finally leaving the place.

"I don't think I'm that lucky. Although, maybe rather, not that unfortunate. She's a little scary." Volt surmised.

"Pffft! I'll say. She knew a lot about me. What's up with that?" Frost interjected.

"Yea, that's why it's all the more worrying that she's gone silent. Can't imagine something worse than fighting Rhino."

"Maybe her phone broke." Rhino shrugged, since Volt told him of how Nyx hadn't responded in days.

"She would've shown up at the game."

"You don't know that. From what you said, you barely know her."

"True, but she did go to a lot of trouble of finding out a lot of details on us. I don't think she'll just ghost us, given all the investments she's made."

"I hope to god, she isn't dragging us in to shit. I've had so much stress since you two showed up. And now Rhino broke my school too. I can only hope things don't get even more messed up." Frost said as he rubbed his temple.

"Well, we have a name and a place to start looking. Leah or rather, Nyx goes to Edison. We'll sneak in there and try to find more about her. And I guess we'll wing it from there."

"That's going to be troublesome." Frost frowned.

"Don't worry, I've already found the perfect opportunity. Next week, they're having a club fair for the school and this time, they're inviting potential transfers too."

"I don't know if you've seen me and Rhino here. But we're juniors through and through, Edison only takes incoming Sophomores."

"Haha, one problem at a time friend. Although, rumor is that as a result of the Skyfall incident, they've lost a substantial amount of the student body. That's why they're clamoring for transfers to replace both their numbers and tuition fees. I also heard that means the standards to get in this time are significantly lower."

"Yea, I just need to sell kidneys huh?" Frost sighed.

"Bah! Those rich kids aren't shit. They just screw around just because they can. I've had to beat some sense in to a couple of them." Rhino said with a smirk.

"I don't know, I've heard some seedy rumors about that place. If we get in to trouble, this might be in a way worse than fighting you again."

"Me? You have some interesting powers. I didn't know Warframes gave us powers too."

"You're telling me! I don't think my human flesh can conduct that energy well. I feel like nerves have all been fried."

The three talked more as they walked along. When the time came to go their separate ways, they exchanged contact information. They all sustained injuries of some kind, even if their Warframes had taken the damage, their human bodies oddly enough felt the after effects too. As a result, they were each looking forward to some days of rest.

I'll try to edit later.

BlankSlime214creators' thoughts