
Operation Cultivate System

AymNatDon · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Beginning of a new Journey

Hello, my name is gorgon, my hobbies? I like to fis- wait.. What is this? It feels soo peaceful.. am I sleeping?? Uhmm self it's time to wakey wakey..

As I slowly open my eyes I see... I seee... A rabbit?

"A rabbit? Seriously? Did u hit your soul's head or something?? I'm not a rabbit you pitiful human, I'm a mythical beast called syraph, well for you, you can just call me-" Said Rabbit but interrupted by gorgon

"Well, rabbit is rabbit so your name is rabbit, By the way where am I? Am I dead?? Why is this place soo bright.." said curious gorgon.

"Is this heaven? Nooo I can't dieee alreadyy I'm still a virginn I still haven't got a haremm.." Said gorgon while kneeling depressed.

*Rabbit laughs in relief*

"Slow down human with your questions, first of all, this place is called the inner mind, this is the place where your soul is connected to me," Said Calmly Rabbit

As gorgon stands up, Rabbit taps on one of his feet *tack*, as soon as gorgon heard Rabbit's tap gorgon's memories suddenly flashed before his eyes, his head got heavy, his body was weakened to the point where he falls to the ground, then the terrified look he gave, he saw his OWN DEATH.

"H-how? I was burned alive??"Said Shocked gorgon

*Rabbit sighs in relief*

"Seems like I've got some explainings to do"Said Calmly Rabbit

"When you first came here I implanted some fake memories so you can't be pressured by your own death," Said Calmly Rabbit

"S-so my name is not gorgon??"Said Shocked (gorgon?)

"Yes, your name is not gorgon. Your name is Sam or Sam Santos, that's your full name"Said Rabbit

"God Said other people's inner mind crumbles when they receive their death memories, they can't withstand the shock, that they disappear with the inner mind, you are the first one to overcome this. for that you shall receive all your memories."Said Proudly Rabbit

As Rabbit taps his other foot *tack*, Sam regained all his memories

"What the f*uk?? Could you pls give me a hint once you do you tappy things" Said Surprised Sam

*Sam gave the deepest sigh*

"I lived a stupid life ain't I? I was born in a wealthy family, I was adored by my parents, but as soon as I turned 10 yr old I was sent to the cultivation school but I didn't get accepted because my meridians are broken.." Said Mumbling Sam

"Soo then my parents came to this old man said he can restore my meridians but they.." Said Sam

"trapped me in this shed and b-burned me alive." Said Sam while he looked down the ground

Sam realized his feelings were betrayed by his own family, tears run down but sam stood up and said "so rabbit what do I do now?"

"God has given you a new body, in that body, you will receive its original owner's memories, the owner is somewhat like you so we decided that you will take the task, once you wake up a system screen will appear in your eyes, just press the start butto- looks like times up" Said Rabbit

Rabbit begins to flout but Sam begins to sink the floor suddenly became sticky. Sam is suddenly unable to see as he can only hear Rabbit's word

Rabbit chuckles while saying

"Goodluck our Champion, Now shall we begin our