
Welcome Newbie

My name is Mi Sun.

I am a proud student of Qiak, a school made for specifically the elites.

Elites meaning the billionaire kids.

But on getting to the premises of the school i realized that money does not open all doors.

Sometimes it may just be your intellects and smarts that can make or mar you.

The school had a large field filled with Elites.

The only two people I took note of were both far richer than I but they seemed to like me.

Their names you ask?

Parkyu Jin and Parkyu Rosa

They both had the keys to the pillars of the school.

I shall continue with the introduction later....

Right now is the inauguration of the new elites into the school and apparently we got our own Qorb.

A Qorb is an inter-dimensional device that can harness intelligence,power and magic.

We had all lined up on our individual lines and awaited the headmaster to come talk to us.

He eventually came and gave us the homecoming speech.

I was called upon to take my swearing in oath and also be bestowed upon my Qorb.

My Qorb's name was Pixela.

A Female Qorb.

As I was headed towards my dormitory, a random guy came and stopped me.

The next thing I heard was

"Welcome Newbie"