
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantaisie
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472 Chs

Chapter 368: Rite of the Avery part 1


[At Challenge Dungeon]

[New Holy Beast of Earth, Shielding Ant Aries point of view]

Eating all the time while not moving, it's dull. Maybe because the one that I take after, both appearance wise and name wise is someone that hated to sit idle, so it's affecting me. Still, this is a must as I have to gather all my power, to help the ten heroes on their against the Fallen God

"What was that? An earth fairy you said?" [Ant Aries]

I see. I see. Basically, one of the worker ant told me that a peculiar earth fairy wanted to meet me, and true enough, it's kinda peculiar. When one think of earth fairy, the typical fairy appearance brimming with earth mana come into picture, but this

"I have a message, from The Fairy Queen, Titania for you O Holy Beast of Earth" [Earth fairy]

"Please, tell me" [Ant Aries]

The earth fairy, which basically a clump of earth mana in the form of red brown sand, tell me the message from The Holy Beast of Mirage, Fairy Queen Titania


[At Kiserre's castle]

[SS rank adventure, The Saga Khamishah point of view]

With evidence of the newly resurrected True Beastman Group on their move, last spotted on The Exchange Land, taking an ancient tunnel that bypass this country and went straight to the Forest Dungeon. Their numbers more than double than what any one of us can anticipated. Strange, but make sense, there are multiple reports of them using some strange sort of hypnotism etc just to recruit their new members, but with that many numbers, something else in on the play. Something that's mysterious and is sure to bring a headache in the future should we not uncover the truth.

"That's why, I ask your permission to investigate it myself" [Khamishah]

"And us two as well your highness" [Anjin]

"I understand the situation, but given how the tension between the two religious faction are rising more so now than ever..." [Queen Rinz]

She's thinking something. I understand the situation. Maybe one of us should just stay behind and help control the situation, preferably me. Should that decision come, I won't mind it one bit as

"Ah, it finally arrive" [Queen Rinz]

"What has arrive?" [Kucin]

"Bobunny main body" [Queen Rinz]

"Bobunny? As in, the rabbit golem Ash created back then?" [Khamishah]

What is she thinking? Why did Bobunny suddenly come here?

"It's been a while since I last enter my private lab. How about you give me some time before I decide something" [Queen Rinz]

"""Yes!!!""" [Khamishah, Anjin, Kucin]

She's an astounding magic scholars in the past, I wonder what she will do with Bobunny? Last time, she single-handedly created the entire fortress defence magic on this castle, and my gut feeling as someone close to her tell me that...


[At New Headquarters]

Holy Beast of Fire, Hell Tiger Har

Holy Beast of Water, Ice Dragon Reshir ✓

Holy Beast of Earth, Shielding Ant Aries ✓

Holy Beast of Wind, Eternal Wind ✓

Holy Beast of Mirage, Fairy Queen Titania

Holy Beast of Dark, Time Keeper Az ✓

Holy Beast of Light, Mysterious Angkasa

"And Titania tell us that she's next, and she will give us her blessing right after the rite of Avery" [Charlotte]

"Which mean..." [Rean]

All eyes on Farhah, as she's after all, the elusive Avery that's targeted by The True Beastman Group for her white blood

"I understand. I will tell you a little bit of my past first before telling you what an Avery actually is" [Farhah]

And Farhah, after gulping for a bit, started to speak

"There's this clan of elves, that's special and unique as compared to other, since within this mysterious elf tribe, an Avery will always be born from them. The timing seems random, sometimes, after one Avery died, the next Avery is immediately born, and the way to know about it is by..." [Farhah]

Using her wood magic, she make a small splinter that prick her finger just a bit. I'm sure that isn't the most hurtful thing that any one of us ever experienced, we experience much worse pain, but the sight of the splinter grazing Farhah's little finger make me close my eye for a bit

"This white blood. Somehow, what once red suddenly becoming white, and incidentally enough, during that time..." [Farhah]

"During that time?" [Singa]

Farhah look at Singa, rather immensely

"During that time, a female lion and her companion. A boy and a dark lion came visiting us, and accidentally discover this white blood of mine" [Farhah]

"You mean..." [Singa]

"It seems plausible, though not like I remember ever meeting you, but I do remember a group of beastman attack out tribe, killing my parents and sold my tribe to the slave market as the Avery Tribe" [Farhah]

(I remember saving some of them... I see. The timing do fit rather nicely) [Saint Louis]

"I'm sorry..." [Singa]

"It's fine. It could be other as well. Just that, in order to understand why Avery almost always appear from this tribe, us Elf have our own childhood lullaby telling the tell of it, but unfortunately..." [Farhah]

"You don't remember it, don't you" [Karon]

"Worse. I never take initiative to memorize it, as I wanted to keep my secret as Avery save. I thought maybe if I averse myself from anything Avery related, they wouldn't find me, but I was wrong" [Farhah]

"Well, if it's a song, you could always rely on me. Plus, I do seem to recall asking Mr Filvisar about it during our travel. Just give a minute" [Seraph]

And it take her only ten seconds to remember it, and from the lullaby, I can tell that

"So basically, a group of warrior elves help the ten heroes on the past, as their tribe leader was in fact, an orphan under the care of The Traveler King who in turn, become the ten heroes, am I right?" [Elise]

"That seems to be the case from the lullaby that I remember" [Seraph]

"So, if we take into account that this tribe is rather, close with mother earth, then it isn't far fetched to say that mother earth favour this "Avery" tribe, thus, an Avery will almost always be born from them" [Kara]

"Which is why, as of now, I am the Avery from that tribe, and as an Avery, I am, in a nutshell, is what Charlotte is to the mermaid" [Farhah]

"You mean!" [Charlotte]

"That's right. An Avery, after his or her rite, will be the leader of all elves tribes. So, I am right now, an elves princess" [Farhah]