
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantaisie
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472 Chs

Chapter 263: Stopping the fallen god awakening part 6


Without a moment delay, the clash between Agnes and I unfold, amidst the minion of God of Death fighting the devils being summon by the fallen god.

The rod weapon of her, it's different from the one she uses last time. I could tell the quality of it is far superior, maybe being made from the same material as my scythe

As the clashing sound of the two metals ring throughout the battlefield, the fallen god unleash it attacks as well, and before I realize

"This is!" [Ash]

The same as back then, I am about to be transported into a different dimension!

"Ash!" [Linda]

"Resonate your space mana with ours!" [Lady of the Holy Death]

"Right!" [Ash]

And by a thin of hair, I manage to escape from the clutch of the fallen god, only to get assaulted by Agnes with her explosive rods

"Dammit!" [Ash]

"Capture him!" [Agnes]

"Right!" [Devil commander]

A very strong looking devil use his axe to chop my left hand, and once again, I narrowly escape it, only to get pierced in my thigh by one of Agnes's rod. It stuck in between my muscle, narrowly misses the adjacent blood vessels before


"No! Extreme defense up!" [Ash]

The rod, it will explode! As I try to detach the rod, I buff myself with absurd amount of mana into the thigh, in the worst case scenario that is


"And this as well" [Devil commander]

"Arrghhh!" [Ash]

"Look at you, in such a pathetic state" [Agnes]

"Ash!" [Linda]

My left thigh, part of it is no more, and as for my right shoulder, there's nothing left after being chopped by the devil commander

They're strong... Rean, Elise, Kara, Mara, Lara, Nara, Zerolith, Karon, Farhah, Singa, Savel, and Charlotte... They have to face them, and if the fallen god really is to awaken now, none of them will stand a chance...

I'm scared. I'm really scared, but

"Extreme attack up. Extreme speed up. Extreme inferno. Rich oxygen air. Rich nitric oxide! Extreme time acceleration!" [Ash]

"Stop him!" [Agnes]

If I didn't act now, it's all over, and for that, there's only one thing left to do

"You will not sto..." [Devil commander]

"Keep going!" [Linda]

Linda surprise attack decapitate the devil commander

"Suicide bombers! Go!" [Agnes]

"No" [Lady of the holy death]

The two suicide bombers are transported near Agnes through Lady of the holy death space magic, injuring Agnes in the process

"Devil goblins!" [Fallen god]

Sensing trouble, the fallen god summon multiple devil goblins, and yet

"Pathetic. Mere number means nothing for an emperor of death" [King Yan]

King Yan quickly use the soul of the devils that were floating around, as a weapon. The scattered soul pierce technique, Lara and Nara had enlightened the technique to me, but this, this is on a whole new scales

"Miasma" [Fallen god]

"Grr..." [Mot]

With his large coffin, Mot blocks the incoming miasma attack, taking all the damage to itself

"Tchh, guess I should be the one to end all of this!" [Agnes]

"No! You will stay here!" [Thanatos]

Thanatos clash with Agnes. The path is clear, all that's left is to get close and


Don't worry about my body. Don't worry about the aftermath, just pour all of my energy to destroy the portal

The fallen god retaliate back, and

"!" [Ash]

"STOP!" [Fallen god]

The fallen god black arms, it went out from the portal and it pierces my thorax and abdomen, my mana is getting weaker and weaker, and so does the explosion magic, still

"I WON'T GIVE UP!" [Ash]

As the black miasma begin to spread throughout my whole body, I begin to loss consciousness, and just when the second wave of attack about to strikes me


"We know. We had mentioned this before, but for that, we are grateful" [Vincent]


"We know, but if it means giving extra time for our twelve kids, then it is worth all the effort" [Maria]




Black. It's pitch black. Reminded me of the time I first met with Goddess Achalasia and God of Death

"Ash..." [Goddess Achalasia]

She looks depressed, but, there's hope in her eyes...

"I see... Goddess, may I have one last request?" [Ash]

"I will tell them your final message" [Goddess Achalasia]

"Thank you" [Ash]

Rean. You're strong. Stronger than you realize. You just lack confidence in yourself. In a way, it's my fault as well, being overprotective

Elise. If Rean is the brain, you're the heart for your siblings. Always be there for them with your never ending compassion

Kara. Don't be shy. Be more like your mother. Confidence and graceful in every step of her. I know you can do it

Mara. I won't tell you to stop your tomboyish act, that's part of your charm, but please learn from Qis to further polish it. Somehow, I have this feeling you both are rather similar

Lara. Nara. Please forgive me for not giving you a separate message, but I believe both of you have what it takes to surpass me. The three of us have similar power and blessings, but I'm sure both of you can become even powerful than I am

Zerolith. Think first before doing anything. There's nothing to gain by constantly rushing around, and please, even though you didn't show it, there's still a bit of dissatisfaction left toward Rafiah. Please, just let it go

Karon. You're a strong boy. Calm, cool and don't let this good qualities of yours be wasted by whatever is haunting you. Sorry that I couldn't be there to solve it with you

Farhah. In a way, you're rather similar to Zerolith. I'm sure the weight of your responsibility as an Avery will always be in the back of your mind, but you're not alone. Please, trust them, they're strong and they will not find it a nuisance to help you

Singa. Childish as you are, I can sense a strong chevalier and noble feeling. Like a budding flower, please, fertilize it well and it will become an asset for you in the future

Savel. You're always obsess with becoming a strong dragonewt. I'm sure the reason why the Holy Beast of Water, Reshir entrusting his blessing to you is because he could see the potential in you. So grow up and become a strong dragon in the future

Charlotte. You sure are mysterious one. I could ramble all day long about you, but, thank you for the flower back when we first met. I have this feeling, you will become someone important in the future, but don't let that change your happy go lucky attitude

and finally

"Diana. Please, take care of them..." [Ash]

With that, the God of Death swing his scythe, ending my life.

Everyone... Thank you


[Saint Louis point of view]

My vision. It's becoming dimmer with each passing minute. This must be the aftermath of over using my light mana to its absolute limit


Fallen god, Ash manage to stop its awakening, but at a steep price. His body, Linda said that Ash's body is nowhere to be found. If possible, all of us here would like to search for it, but now is the best time for us to left the holy palace nation undetected

"Please. Take care" [Guard]

"We will send you someone trustworthy to keep you updated" [Faris]

"That go for all of you as well. Please, stay safe" [Seraph]

"I'm sorry, but please go now. We can't afford to let any other guard see you leaving" [Guard]

"Right!" [Alaric]

"Thank you for what you have done" [Saint Louis]

"..." [Linda]

With that, we departed, toward Estel