
Chapter 78

"Kenji. I'm not saying you have to listen to me but as the god of time, I'm telling you to not look into his future."

I was talking with old man, chronos.

"Why shouldn't I?" He stared at me then said "If you look into his future then you might go crazy. You were paranoid about his future earlier right?" Crazy and paranoid? What are you on about old man?

"You were telling yourself that you wanted to look into his future but you never did. I honestly dont even know why your so intrested in this particular boys future anyways."

I did want to look into his future but I was..

scared? No I wasnt scared. I was just worried about his future and if the government would be controlling.

"Kenji, all I'm saying is dont look. This exact situation happened with another time user and he went crazy from what he saw."

Well that's him. I wouldn't go crazy over something like this. Come on chronos. "I'll be fine old man. I can admit that I was stuck in a loop with myself but I got over it. I decided that whatever I see wont affect me."

He slowly opened his eyes when I said that. They were bright gold with a clock pattern which was black in color. "Kenji Skies. The only person in existence to be able to get passed these eyes. I can't see your future at all or even your past for that matter."

What does he need my past for? "Good ahead and look. I can tell that you made up your decision from the moment you got here." He then closed his eyes again.

I shrugged my shoulders and closed my eyes aswell. I got the picture of Gasper in my head and looked into his future.

It was peaceful and I was in it. I was even holding his hand at one point for some odd reason. As everything was going smooth, it turned red. Fire, blood, decomposed bodies. Everthing bad was around me.

What was this!? What the hell was this!? I was screaming inside of my own mind. I looked around then looked down. That's when I saw him. He was laying down on the ground with blood all over him.

Stop this.

He was crying but smiling while I was.. I was.. I was impaling him!? He coughed up blood and I turned the pole that was stuck in his chest even more. He continued coughing up blood after that.

Why am I doing this!?

I turned the pole one last time and his body stopped moving.

What the hell am I doing!? My eyes opened and they were wide. I then got up and stammered all over the room. I then saw another future of the same thing but with a different weapon. I continued seeing countless futures.. Trillions upon trillions, I saw him die by my hand.

"What the hell is this chronos!?" I walked over to him and started shouting. He didn't say anything however. "Why.. Why would I kill...? No, that's not even the problem." I then started walking backwards. "I-I..I was laughing while doing it!? What's wrong with me!?" I fell to the floor and started rubbing my head.

"I killed people before and smiled but no..Not like this. This was different. I was doing this because of my own will. My own hands and body. My own body and hands. Everything was like that because of me." I got up from the floor slowly then stared at the ceiling.

My hair was covering my eyes but I continued to stare. "Your still you right?" I said nothing to him. "Good. Now that you saw the future, how do you plan on changing it?" I slowly put my head down and headed for the door.

I opened it and walked throught nothingness.

"Kenji Skies. The only man's future who I can't see. Even before death, his future was always a blurr."


"Why did you do that? Why did you make it like that?" They starred at me in confusion. "You..You put me on that path. Destiny and fate. You both put me on that path."

I pointed at them and they froze up. "You sick bastards. If I didn't have this power then I would have still been on that journey right?" I then started cackling with my arms stretched out.

"Well let's see your fate and Destiny." I snapped my fingers while my head was bent backwards. Their eyes flashed and they saw it.


They didnt have one. "I'll erase you both. You guys.. You guys sit up here, control everything and laugh it off. Your honestly sick."

Destiny can be cruel and so can fate. But these bastards just do what they want. They took away that one kids arms when he was already at an disadvantage. They even made it so that a reincarnated person like me died on day one.

Just for fun.

"I'll create a system where you guys dont have a role. It will be random and no one can complain. You gave me trillions of futures with me killing him. You must have had a huge laugh when made that Destiny huh?"

I started laughing louder.

They both then got on the ground. "N-No! That was..!" I looked at them closer. The left side of my hair was covering my left eye. I tilted my head up a little and stuck my hand out.

"Good bye fate! Goodbye Destiny! You are done giving people their bullshit! Controlling things from behind the scenes and all! Laughing at their downfall when you caused it on purpose!

It's all over now!"

They both made faces of horror and stared at me in the eyes. "We will stop! I beg of you!" I snapped my fingers and they disappeared into particles.

The realm started cracking and it broke down. I fixed it all in an instant then made the new fair system. I sighed then closed my eyes again.

I only saw about 10 futures out of a billion where I killed Gasper. It was better odds then a trillion to one.

I smiled a bit and floated around. 'I'm kinda crazy you know. Killing destiny and fate because of a single person. A guy for that matter.' I closed my eyes and started thinking.

Maybe I did to much. Yea maybe.. Wait no. I should have killed those guy in the beginning. Maybe my parents would have lived longer. Maybe what happened to eri wouldn't have happened. Toga aswell.

I should go back now. I'm starting to over think things again.


"Kenji Skies. You, Me. Outside! Right now!" I looked at the guy and stared. He snicked when I didn't say anything and walked up to me. "You bastard! Did you humiliate my sister!?"

He was yelling right in my ear. His sister tho? I see now. This really is a Chinese novel. I just hope the dad and his dad and his dad doesn't do anything. "I'm talking to you!" I looked at him and plugged my noise.

"You sister attacked me first. I was defending myself." He stared at me and smirked. Time then sped up for me only.

He swung his sword at insane speeds but I caught it. "Wha-!?" I plunged the sword into my chest and time slowed back down. My body hit the desk and my eyes were open. "Ken..ji?" I looked through my own head and saw Gasper. His eyes were moving all over while starring at my 'lifeless' body.

"Kenji!!" He put his hands on me and started to shake me. I didnt wake up tho. "You... What have you done!?" His eyes then went from pink to red. "Wha- He did that to himself!" The man then started looking around like people would agree.

Gasper wasnt having that answer and his eyes grew redder. In the next moment, a huge figure of..death? appeared. "Wh-What is that!?" The kid slowly back up and fell to the floor.

His goons and everyone in the class did aswell. "You..You did this. You did this to him! I wont forgive you! I wont forgive you at all!" He started screaming and the illusion started moving towards them. He swung it scythe in his hand like it was playing around.

It got close to the boy and swung his scythe down. The boy put his hands up in a defense pose and looked away. The scythe swung down and landed right in front of his crotch. It then disappeared and Gasper started falling towards my back.

"Ken...?" He hit my back and passed out.


...ive." I went with the act and passed out aswell. I didn't want to deal with him so I decided that this was the best course.

I started waking up and I saw a huge figure. They allow bears in here or something. "Thank you nurse. I'll talk to my son when we get home." The nurse nodded and looked over to me. "Ah! Hes awake. You can stay and apologize now."

My curtain was swung open and I saw them. 2 women with black hair and red eyes and 2 men with black and dark blue eyes.

"Your awake!? You recover fast son!" The man beast came up to me. "I'm Harry smith and this is my family! Marcus, my son, Claudia, my daughter, and Mary, my wife!" He then extended his hand out to me.

I had a thought and smiled in my head. "G-Get away from me! He-He stabbed me and.. and.. If your related to him and her the-then you might do the same aswell." I was making a fair point to be honest.

"You might want to leave. He seems pretty spooked." This nurse by the way. She looked way better than recovery girl. "Y-Your right. We will talk later to him later then! The nurse nodded and they left. That Claudia girl looked concern for someone.

Must be her brother.

I layed back down and stared at the ceiling. 'Gasper. You hear me?' I didn't hear a response for about 10 minutes untill..'Ken..ji? Your alive!?' I gave a mind nod at him. 'Thank goodness. I- I thought that something bad happened to you.' He started sniffling after saying that. 'I'm fine. He just caught me off guard that's all.' I gave him a mind pat and he rubbed his eyes.

'Where are you Kenji?' I also wanted to know where he was at. I looked around the room for a while then smiled. I pulled back the curtain and he was their. "Hey Gasper. How are you today?" I closed my eyes and waved at him. "Its fine since I know you're okay now!" He smiled back at me and I looked away.

"Nurse. I have to pee but I still cant feel my bottom half." She looked at me and got up from her chair. She pulled my curtain back and saw me. "Can you help me please?" She stared at me and sighed. "Fine. You should be healed already but I guess that your not fully healed." She turned around and grabbed some gloves.

She put them on and grabbed a tube.

She sat it down by my arm and started unzipping my pants. My boxers soon revealed them selves. She giggled a bit when she saw the shrimp designs. She grabbed the tube and then pulled down my boxers with her other hand.

"Jesus christ.." She stared at it with her mouth opened. "Nurse! I have to pee! Hurry!" She snapped out of it and nodded. She brought it closer to my junk and moved it inside the tube.

"You can..You can go ahead now." I nodded at her and grunted.


"You can start now." I nodded again and said "Yea I guess it was a false alarm. My bad." She snickered at me and removed the tube off of me. "Kid. You need to stop drinking apple juice. Your already ready for the real world with this much."

I nodded my head at her and she put my boxer back on. She pulled my pants back up and zipped them up aswell. "I'm going home kid. Rest in here for the whole night If you want." She closed the curtain and left.

"So Gapser. Do you want to sleep here tonight?" I looked his way and saw him staring at me. No, at something else. "Uh huh" He nodded his head slowly. My eyes are up here mane.

I forgot that he was there to be honest tho. My fault Og. Well, the whole class of 1-A has seen it so this isnt much.
