
Chapter 102

"In order to be a true hero, you must always think about the people's safety first. Basically the best possible solution to keep them safe." Me and super were walking down the street.

Well I was. He was slightly floating above ground. "For example. If you were to have a situation where the villian said something like 'Either you die or she does.' then you'll have to spare yourself. Get it?"

I do understand your point but not that many heros would go that far. "This may sound idiotic but it's what heros do." I nodded at the questionable statement and we kept walking. We passed by some people who seemed to know super so we had to stop.

They asked for his autograph and pictures. Things like that. "Uhm..Mister?" I looked down and saw a little boy. He had black hair and grey eyes. A blush was plastered on his face like it'll never leave.

"C-Can I get your autograph!?" He held out a white piece of paper and looked away. I stared for a moment then picked the paper up. I was know around here but this is the first time that someones asked for my autograph.

"A pen." The little boy looked at me and tilted his head. "I need a pen." He stared at me for a moment then quickly nodded his head. He searched around in his pockets for a while, while stammering. "Here you go.." I nodded and took the pen out of his hand.

I wrote my name on it. Well my hero name is what I wrote I mean. The boy was clenching his shirt while I was doing it. "What's your name?" The kid barely heard me so it took a while for him to respond.

"Its uhm..A-Anos!" I nodded at him and wrote something on the paper. "You have a nice name. Its beautiful." I gave him his pen and paper back. "Really?.." His little fingers moved around a bit. I nodded and said "Yes, it is. It suites you perfectly."

His face went redder and he smiled. "T-Thank you! People always say it's a bad name and I guess..." His voice got quieter at the end. I moved my hand a bit and placed it on his head.

I bent down a bit and starred at his face. "Dont listen to them. You think its cool right?" He slowly nodded at me. "Then dont worry about what others say. Your parents picked an amazing name so own up to it. Okay?" I rubbed my hand around a bit and he smiled.

"Okay! Thank you!" He moved a bit forward and wrapped his arms around me. I patted his back a little and smiled. "Anos? Who are you talking too?" A man and women came up behind the little boy.

"What do you mean. I'm talking too..." He turned his head back to me but I was gone. "What!? T-There was somebody there. I promise.." His mom and dad looked at each other then looked back.

"We believe you. Nothing gets passed your eyes after all." The women picked up the kid and he smiled. He looked back for a final time and looked back at his parents again.


"So you got my message huh?" I didn't say anything and only nodded. He tapped my shoulders multiple times for some reason. I guess he was trying to tell me to hurry up.

We continue walking for a bit but as usual, we couldn't go on as their was a problem. "L-Look! That building is on fire!!" We heard multiple screams with sirens all around.

A building with atleast 65 floors was on fire right now. There were people running all around, bumping in to each other while making others fall down. "We have to hurry! Let's go!" He jumped into the air and flew off.

For someone who is supposed to be teaching me, he never tells me what to do. I shrugged it off and started running. I used my scarf to pick the people up while running towards the building.

I ran threw the first floor and it was covered in flames. 'Shit!' I saw some people on the ground. Some were alive while some where already dead. I ran over to somebody and wrapped them up.

I then threw them out of the window and made it so that they would land softly. I had to do this for about 10 people who were alive and 25 people who were dead.

I then ran up some more floors and did the exact same thing. I guess that super was on the upper floors because I was just now reaching floor 14. I quickly started looking around and found a child.

"Your going to be okay. The heros are here." The boy smiled faintly and I threw him out the window with my scarf around him. He landed on a Bush but he'll survive.

I kept looking around and came to the conclusion that everyone else was already dead. There was no body's left aswell as they were only piles of ash. "Its getting hotter." I looked up and jumped. I was on floor 15 now and I started looking around.

"..lp..me." I quickly turned my head around and ran towards the voice. It was a young women with green hair. "Your fine now." I threw her out the window and she landed safely.

"Where are the rest of those heros?" The higher up I go, the less people there are. I breathed out a bit and jumped up again. I saved 2 people on that floor and continued up.

I got up to floor 24 and stopped. I haven't saved a single person since floor 18 now. They were all killed...I stumbled down a bit but composed myself soon after.

I died their from the smoke inside of me but I'm fine now. I shook it off and kept going upwards. I found no one alive which wasnt really a surprise. I kept going up and up until.. "Someones alive in all of this?" I saw a man with fire for hair.

"You must have some type of quirk than can let you be resistance to my fire." He slowly started laughing. "But everyone and everything has a limit."

He stuck his hand out at me and a huge ball of fire appeared. "I'll try to dodge this if I were you." He smiled and shot the ball of fire at me.

It melted through everything like lava and came closer to me. I stared at it and thought about what to do. If I dodge it then it'll go out of the window and it might hit someone who was on the ground. If I take it however then my skin will..

I went with the second option and put my hand up. The ball of fire was getting bigger and bigger and it made contact with my skin. I grunted when it did and started moving back.

"Are you an idiot? Did you actually take that just so the people on the street wouldnt get hurt?" He started increasing the temperature. He has better use of his fire than endeavor.

I got pushed back and I got closer to the window. "Why...Why did you do this!?" I screamed out at him which made him laugh. "For fun. Obviously." He smiled at me which made my eyes widen.

"For fun huh..." I pushed the ball of fire away for a moment. "You truly are.." It came back at me almost instantly but this time I caught it. My sleeves were already burnt off and my skin was black.

"Your time is up.." He slowly smiled and the ball of fire exploded. I flew back and went out the window. My body was moving around in the wind as I started falling towards the ground. 'Too powerful and hot..'

My body should be ash right now. It wasnt however and I was feeling the full fury of his fire. As I was thinking that, I saw the man walk up to the edge of the broken window. "Your still not ash..You really are something." He frowned a bit and started walking away.

I gritted my teeth at that and my scarf started moving around. I launched them towards the man and grappled onto his arms. "What!?" I propelled myself at him and he fell back.

He however made two chains and anchored himself down. This helped me however as I came up behind him in the sky. He slowly turned his head at me with his pupils bouncing around his eyes.

I punched him in the side of his face and he went flying through the building. He hit the ground multiple times and eventually flew out the other side of the building.

He busted through the glass but quickly regained his posture. He then flew at me and grabbed onto my neck. We flew back out through the hole and he started going up. whiling flying into the sky, he got hotter and hotter. "You should have stayed down!" His voice was deeper and his whole head was covered in flames.

I tried losining his grip on me but it failed miserably. He then made a ball of fire around us which made my skin start to peel off. I struggled more and more and kicked him in the stomach.

He soften his grip for a second but it was enough time for me. I quickly undid his hold on me and kicked him in the stomach again. We both then flew off and separate directions. I glanced over at him and saw that he already regained his composure.

He had fist of flames now with fingers made of bones. I flew over to a another building and crashed into it. I kept hitting floors after floors until I finally stopped. "This guy is the strongest villian I've faced in this world." He surpassed nine easily with some other people aswell.

He's faster than light without the use of his powers as well as he.."I've got you!" He flew in through the building, melting everything in his path. I quickly got up from my crater and jumped to the side.

"Just die. Your getting really annoying." He looked over at me with his head completely gone. He was only bone now. "You've ruined my plans now so just die already." He held both of his hands out.

He then put them together at the base with his fingers sticking out. A small bit of fire then formed. It got bigger and bigger and I backed up a little. The whole building above us was completely melted and destroyed. "This.." He paused and started laughing. "This should do it!"

He grunted a bit and the huge ball of fire came at me. "This..is bad.." I would definitely die if this hits me. I sighed a bit and stared at the ball. I could feel the heat already even if I was 100 feet away from it.

"Burn to ash!" The fire collided with me and a huge explosion went off. The whole building shook and melted down like ice in the summer. I had my hands up waiting to be turned into a pile of ash but it didnt happen.

"I'm here so I'll save you." I looked ahead and saw black hair. "Your fine now." He looked at me and smiled. There was a green ball around us and the smoke started clearing up. We were on the ground now with people watching us.

"Hurry up..I can't last much longer..." A little flash happened and a child appeared infront of me. It was that kid from earlier. "You shouldn't be here. Go away." I picked him up from his head and threw him away. The green ball disappeared when I did and I looked at the villian.

I was thankful for his help but I cant really thank him now. "Hahaha." He started laughing weirdly. "How dare you..." I rushed at him and he shot out multiple balls of fire. I dodged them all and got up to him.

He made a wall of fire infront of him and I slid passed him. I got back up and punched at his back. It connected and he flew away. I then disappeared and reappeared infront of him.

I timed it perfectly and lunched under his face. He was sent into sky and a couple of bones came off of his face. I shifted my feet a bit and the ground broke underneath me. I propelled upwards and pulled my fist back.

I then punched him in his face again and he went up some more. "What happened to your flames?" He glanced at me before going up. He then turned into a ball of fire again and charged at me. He basically appeared infront of me and grabbed my neck. "You want fire right?"

We flew into the ground and it went up in rubble. We crashed into the sewer and both got hit away. I got up while panting and so did he. "Damn it! I can barely muster up a single flame..." He was talking outloud now.

He soon stopped looking at his hand and stared at me. "I guess that this is the last move." I ignored him and started running towards him. He did the same and started running towards me.

We both yelled out and we punched at each other. He had fire in his fist while I had nothing. He had his hand planted in my left side of my face while I had my fist in his right.

We stayed in that position for a while then one of us fell down into the dirty water. "I...won." I slouched down to the ground and fell into the water by him. He had white eyes now with foam coming out of them.

I was lucky that he had a draw back. The more flames he uses the weaker they get. He drenched a whole building in fire and also used that big fire ball against me. I assumed that he would have escaped after killing me but he saw me alive.

He must have been personal so he decided ro finding me off.

I slowly got back up and stammered to the wall. My clothes were torn up but I didn't care. As I was doing that, I heard a small laugh. "Your too careless." A fire ball was throw at me and I dodge it. It however hit a gas pipe behind me and my eyes widened.

I tried jumping away but it was too late. A huge explosion went off and I looked over at the man. He had a barrier of fire around him so I guess that this is how he survives.
