
OP Shota With A Chat Group Full Of Onee-Sans And Milfs

Mc got runned over by a truck… Meets RoB and got 3 wishes… Gets a chat group full of Onee-Sans and Milfs! Yeah this seems about right… [The character and story in this Fan-Fic except the OC doesnt belong to me but to their rightful owners] [Dont expect stable chapter release. I'm just doing this because I'm getting bored writing my other story]

ArturiaSimp · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Meeting Your Friendly Neighborhood God

Hello there, my name is Akira Meru. I'm a full-fledged shut-in who probably hasn't seen the sun and touch grass for at least a decade or so not that big of a deal, my hobby is of no significance and I'm 23 years old, my likes are anime and games my dislikes are Fishes because I don't know how to eat one as pathetic as that may sound.

I'm currently in what you would call The Void or maybe Limbo? I don't know all I can see is darkness I don't even know how much time has passed the only thing keeping me sane is my inner monologues.

Now if this was a novel which it probably is there should be some god or rob coming here right about now.

"Hello, mortal be grateful for I shall give you a second chance with 3 wishes with it." Told you so

"Also no asking questions because I'll answer them for you now 1. There's no real reason for you being chosen. 2. No, you don't need to wish for your memories nor the world that will be in the free package 3. Yes, you can wish for anything. that's all"

'Woah, did this MF just did omniscient on me?'

"Yes I did"

"Oh ok, since you have omniscience you already know what I'm gonna wish right? Well, I'll still tell you for convenience sake… 1. I want a multiversal chat group with its cliche functions, except for me girls only. 2. I want an ability called [Negate] - It allows me to negate anything I want, make it a bloodline ability. 3. I want an ability called [Redirect] - It will allow me to be able to redirect anything make it a bloodline ability too. As for my appearance, I want to look like Gilgamesh from the Fate Franchise as for the world send me to Minecraft."

"Granted, now get lost I wanna sleep"

After he said that I started getting dizzy, so much that I wanna puke all my innards wait hold up can't I just negate the dizziness yes I'll do that.

"Ughhh, I negated it too late." Wait a fucking minute why the hell is my hand so small? and all I see are blocks well this one is natural since I'm in Minecraft also there's a crosshair and inventory here in my sight he'll yes I also got Minecraft's Hotbar now all I need to know is if it's java or bedrock damn I should have specified that one, while I was doing my inner monologuing something I've picked up from the void I suddenly heard what I have been waiting for.

{Multiversal Chat Group Installing}








{Installing has been finished}

{OP Shota(Owner) has joined the group}

{Queen Of Uruk has joined the group}

{Onee-San has joined the group}

{Eldritch Abomination has joined the group}

{Best Milf has joined the group}


[Queen Of Uruk: Hoo! To think this thing can avoid my Clairvoyance just what exactly is this? I've never seen anything like this even through my journey to immortality. So mind explaining this Owner?]

[Onee-San: Umm what's this green thing floating in front of me?]

[Eldritch Abomination: What is this? An Illusion spell?]

[Best Milf: Best Milf?]

[OP Shota has hidden the owner tag]

[OP Shota has changed his name to Meru]

[Meru: Umm, Before I answer your questions do you mind changing your name first? there should be a little pen showing up once you click your name at the top right corner that's all thank you for listening.]

[Onee-San has changed her name to Shiori]

[Queen Of Uruk has changed her name to Gilgamesh]

[Best Milf has changed her name to Mamako]

[Eldritch Abomination has changed her name to Chiyo] (A/N: I'm unsure if she had that name before she met the original protagonist of that series but ill put this here, for now, ill reread it later)

[Shiori: Umm, we've done what you've told so can you answer our question now?]

[Meru: Ask away]

[Gilgamesh: First question what is this?]

[Meru: A device that allows people to communicate with other people in different multiverses It's up to you if you want to believe it or not.]

[Gilgamesh: And how do you know this?]

[Meru: All I can tell you is I've wished for this I can't tell you more]

[Meru: Also it's almost nighttime I need to make a house unless I want to sleep under the stars so ciao~]

[Chat End]


[Help the shota build his house before midnight]

[Timer:5 Secs]

[Participants: All]

[Rewards: Shota Briefs(The greatest treasure)]

[Punishment: Shota will sleep in the cold grass for tonight]


[Meru: Oh speak of the devil I'm meeting you in 5 secs Let's introduce ourselves when you're here]

[Chat end]

After that 4 blinding lights appeared right in front of my face Jesus that hurted my eyes I still haven't got accustomed to my abilities yet so I wasn't able to activate it in time. What appeared before me was the most beautiful existence I've ever seen I'm not exaggerating this or anything the anime and manga didn't do them justice and also that gender-bend Gilgamesh is hot asf

"Hoh, who would have thought that the owner was a kid and he looks like a male me to boot"

"Why does everything look like blocks?"


901 words

anyway, I'll write again tomorrow since I'm getting sleepy also do you guys think it's too rushed?

ArturiaSimpcreators' thoughts