
Clever monkey

6 days have passed,

"Hah!" "Hah!"

Jiro was breathing heavily while he was holding a wooding stick like a cane.

"I've been wondering around four days without a food,the stock of meat i have collected was already eaten.Growl!"Jiro said in difficulty before he couldn't stand it anymore,and directly fall on the ground.


"I'm about to lose my consciousness."Jiro thought in his mind before he hardly tilted his head, although he killed a one monster but it doesn't mean he will get the same strength of that monster.

Jiro can faintly see a monkey and a wolf, fighting at each other and it's a such a disappointment that he didn't encounter them before when he have a lot of energy.But Jiro doesn't have a energy to fight them now,so he can only close his eyes for a while and wait for them to come.

"Uwaaa!"the monkey shouted while running,he past through Jiro and didn't know that a single nut fall on the ground.


"Grrrr!"the wolf started to chased the monkey,not paying attention to Jiro's body.

Jiro slowly opened his eyes,the moment he opened his eyes he can see a nut.

"What is that?a nut?but it's much bigger than the normal one?"Jiro said before he used his very last energy to stand up.

"It's a nut!"Jiro shouted excitedly with a single tear on his eyes, without hesitation he took it the nut.

"Wait!is this an edible or not?"Jiro said in a low voice before his eyes started to change into a purple one.

[Skill:Eyes of the truth

A skill that can allows you to read information on the appraisal item.]

[Seed of evolution:

It gave an awful taste of nut when it's fried.Edible.]

"All right,then i won't fried it!"Jiro said while looking at the nut,and without any further Jiro immediately took a bite.

Munch!Munch! Munch!

Jiro widened his eyes, it wasn't because it tasted so good but it was too awful for him that even his body was rejecting it.Can he do anything about it?so what's if it's awful?

After Jiro finished eating the big nut he patted his belly with a satisfied face.

"That's really awful,but to think a single seed was enough to make full."

[The effect of the seed will be activated.]an unknown voice came on Jiro's ear.

"What was that voice? effect of the seed?what effects?"Jiro's asked while finding the source of the voice.

After a while of waiting, nothing replied to his questions.He stand up and inspect his body a little.

"Eh?nothing happened?!"Jiro shouted towards the sky.

"Now then,i shall continue my journey.I'm already full...so first thing to do was to secure some more food."with that sentence Jiro started to walk forward.

An hour have passed,

Jiro looked at the grass on his hand and said disappointedly "It seems like i can only find an edible grass, aren't i?now i need to find it's information."

"Eyes of the truth"Jiro eyes turned into a purple,he looked at the grass with a confused face.


"Why can't i even see it's name?and this question marks too,maybe the Eyes of the truth have a limited information or this wasn't a normal grass?"Jiro said in disappointment,but since the system said it's an edible.

Jiro decided to fried it.

"Ignite."Jiro said, after the grass was fried.

Jiro ate it "It so bitter like a medicine, don't tell me that it's like in novel martial arts medicine"Jiro said and waited for a while but nothing happened.




Suddenly Jiro fell on the ground,and his face clearly tells he knew that would happen.

"I'm an idiot thinking about this grass would be beneficial in my body like in a fantasy novel."Jiro thought in his mind while laying on the ground.

"My body is stiff and i can't move... don't tell me.."

"It's a paralysis?!"

When Jiro can move some parts of his body,he opened his eyes of the truth.

[Paralysis grass:

It's a type of grass that have a strong paralysis,even some strong monster will get paralyzed.Edible.]

"I see.."Jiro said while moving his hand little by little.

"It's the question mark like earlier,so i guess i need to try it by myself to see it's information.It's gonna be a little troublesome."Jiro said while looking at the information about the grass.

Jiro blinked his eyes before he started to move his whole arm.

"The paralyzing effect started to disappear.It seems like i can move my body a little now."Jiro said while clenching his right hand.

[Skill:•Paralysis resistance•acquired]the voice before resounded again on Jiro's mind.

Jiro was surprised on the voice and got up"That voice again?! don't tell me it's a system in a novel or very likely to be a gaming system." he said while pinching his chin.

"Oh!i can move normally now?i thought this will take a little longer?"Jiro said while looking at his hands.

"Status?"Jiro said with an uncertain tone,but suddenly a blue hologram appeared in front of him.

[Name:Kushiki Jiro



Gender:Male,a guy who smell bad


Skill:[Cooking] [Erupt] [Disassemble(temporary sealed)] [Eyes of the truth] [Inventory] [Water pistol] [Healing meat] [Paralysis resistance]

Abilities: Stamina 16,Mp 20, Strength 20, Intelligence 17, Agility 15,Luck A

Work:A guy who lives in the wild forest.

Title:World traveler, reincarnated,higher being protection,cat hunter.

Condition: Evolution 0/1]

Jiro was surprised and said "What's this?was this there before?"

"Waaaa! huhhuuu!"

A faint noise delivered on Jiro's ear,Jiro looked at the bush where the noise came from.

"Hmmm~this voice seems familiar."Jiro said before he walked towards the bush.

Jiro peek behind the bush,and he can see 4 brown haired monkey.

The three monkeys were jumping and looking at the evolution seeds,and the other one was making a some kind of potion.

"Those many seed can filled my stomach....I must obtained them by any means."Jiro said while rubbing his chin with his right hand.

"Should i take it from them with force?those monkey look stupid....and it ran away from the wolf earlier."

"Well, let's check their status in case.Eyes of the truth."Jiro said calmly and his eyes changed into a purple one.

"Hmmm~ let see,clever monkey....eh?"Jiro looked at the level of the monkey and rubbed his eyes.

[Clever monkey:Level 130.]

"Huh?"Jiro spaced out while looking at the status, before he awakened and shouted in a low tone "Level 130?!"

"Don't tell me it's stronger than the cat before?and there's a 4 of them and in total of Level 520,i should wait a chance." Jiro said before crouch down on the ground and observe the monkey.

Jiro observed the movement of the clever monkey and it seems that they will go off somewhere in the forest.

"Lucky~they're of somewhere, now's the time or never!"Jiro suddenly jumped out where he's hiding and run towards the evolution seeds.

"There's 9 pieces."Jiro started to pickup the evolution seeds and then put it in his "inventory"

"Inventory was really a convenient one... speaking of which."Jiro said and then turned his head towards the potion.

Jiro walk towards the potion and crouch down,he picked up the potion and looked at it.

"Wow,it seems that looking at this close it's more likely some kind of ordinary potion."Jiro said while looking at the green potion.

"Well then, eyes of the truth."Jiro said before his eyes became purple and looked at the potion dumbfoundedly.

[Potion: recovery

Highest grade.]

Jiro look like he lost a lot of blood and thought in his mind "I'm expecting it to be a normal agility potion,but it turned out to be recovery potion most of all it's a high gradd.Clever monkey,what?a frightening monkey."

Jiro look towards the grass below him and said "The ingredients for this..which means that this mountain grass or herb is.."

[Mountain herb: special]

"Amazing, just as i thought."Jiro said before he bend down back and started to pick up the herbs.

"I'll collect it,all of it!what an unexpected harvest i have!You have to take the grace that was given to you."Jiro said shamelessly.

7 days have passed,

Jiro was eating a evolution seeds,and he gotten used to it no matter how horrible the taste of the evolution seeds.And most importantly Jiro thinks that this seed was very valuable since no matter how far he got he didn't encounter a single one of them.

Jiro tried to find some food,but he can only see an eatable mushrooms so he had no choice but to eat it and before he eats the mushroom he fried it to make it much delicious than the raw.

And this is what he gained in many mushrooms he have eaten.

[Sleep resistance, petrification resistance,charm resistance, confusion resistance]

"There's still a left over other than the evolution seed is the other mushroom,If the Eyes of the truth see that this is an inedible then i'll throw it away."Jiro said while holding a purple mushroom on his hand.

"Eyes of the truth!"


"Damn!"Jiro bite the mushroom,and waited for the effects.

"Yes,nothing happened!"Jiro was celebrating the non effect of the mushroom but suddenly he felt sick "Blurgh!" Jiro vomited a blood,and he felt weak so with no other choice he sat down on the ground while a blood dripping on his mouth.

Jiro took out 1 of the sing evolution seeds on his inventory,and without any hesitation he eat the evolution seed.

"Hmm~this evolution seed save me a lot,was the effect will be the detoxification but i eat a lit of them?"Jiro said while holding his neck and trying to vomit all of the mushroom he just ate.

[New skill:•Poison resistance•acquired, Eyes of the truth has increased.]

"So it increased?" Jiro said before he stood up on the ground.

[The eyes of the truth have become an intermediate level.]


Jiro suddenly detect someone presence on his back,he turned around but he was meet by the kick of the monkey.Jiro fly out

"Va!"the monkey said while his veins we're popping out.

"Damnit! it's hurts so much,if i only have a hea- that's right the potion."Jiro said while holding his stomach that was full of blood before took out a glass and drank it all at once.

Instantly the injury that he received from monkey was gone,and it's effect was just like the meat of the cat before.