
OP: Injustice (Side Story)

Guys! I fucked up! I didn't know that Side Stories were only for Originals! So I can only put the Side story here! Um... Hmm... If you're new, You'd have to go and read 'One Piece: Injustice Corrected' to understand what's going on.... but for the rest of you! All those little dreams in your heads of wholesomeness and happy endings will be fulfilled in this side story! Banzai Daniel-san! Banzai!

AgentMonke · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Urano's 'problem'

[Izuku Midoriya, Ochako Uraraka, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, and Toru Hakagure have already been rewarded, skipping process.]

[Homeroom Teacher, Shota Aizawa- Quirk Evolution, Gabimaru Template, and Calm-Calm Fruit: Erasure Quirk is now a targeted toggleable list, no longer requiring constant eyesight.]

[Class-1A Student, Yuga Aoyama- Quirk Reformation, Light-Light Fruit abilities without Elementalization: Quirk is no longer incompatible with the body and no longer simply used from the Navel.]

[Class-1A Student, Mina Ashido- Acid-Acid Fruit Quirk enhancement: Able to become, produce, and control Acid/Acidic substances as well as Elementalize.]

[Class-1A Student, Rikido Sato- Quirk Enhancement: Body now stores unused sugar in the cells for later use. Using the Quirk will no longer reduce intelligence and the sugar to strength ratio has increased by 5 times.]

[Class-1A Student, Mashirao Ojiro- Quirk Redevelopment and Evolution (Kagune) : Tail may now be retracted and extended, the skin on the tail will now be harder than steel and it will be able to be controlled much more precisely as well as extend much farther than before.]

[Class-1A Student, Koji Koda- Whisper-Whisper Fruit Quirk Enhancement and Evolution: Ability to communicate with any and all animals is increased. Range of voice is limitless, as long as the creature is within range to hear Koji's voice they will obey his commands as well as warn him of coming dangers, able to return communication telepathically.]

[Class-1A Student, Kyoka Jiro- Sound-Sound Fruit Quirk Enhancement: Will no longer be limited to sending Heartbeats from Earjacks. Any part of the body will be able to emit sound as well as the ability to use Echolocation and alter soundwaves of anything that makes noise. Silencing or Enhancing volume of virtually anything.]

[Class-1A Student, Tsuyu Asui- All Frog-Frog Zoans Quirk Enhancement, Simplification, and Evolution: All Frog-like abilities enhanced. Poisonous Mucus enhanced. Sonic Croaks added. Thermal Vision added. All around improvement in physique, speed, tongue length, etc.]

[Class-1A Student, Tenya Ida- Speed-Speed Fruit Quirk Enhancement: Engines are merely decorative. Entire body is capable of moving at immense speeds far faster than before. Immune to collisions from Speed itself. Enhanced Durability, Strength, and metabolism. Note: May die of starvation if overused to excessive extents. However, Quirk Awakenings still apply. Note 2: Speed is increased, however reaching Speedforce levels is impossible.]

[Class-1A Student, Denki Kaminari- Rumble-Rumble Fruit Quirk Enhancement: Able to produce, become, and control lightning. Will no longer lose higher cognitive functions due to excessive use.]

[Class-1A Student, Eijiro Kirishima- Hard-Hard Fruit Quirk Enhancement and Armament Haki: Hardness is improved drastically as well the ability to heat up hardened parts for further destructive abilities. Hardness will improve with practice and Armament Haki has been explained.]

[Class-1A Student, Mezo Shoji- Mimic Octopus Zoan and Flower-Fower Fruit Quirk Enhancement: Anything an Octopus can do as well as forming replicas of other organs and appendages everywhere. (Currently Limited to own body) Will revert to normal Human, however current form will be Hybrid base form, and full form will be an octopus.]

[Class-1A Student, Hanta Sero- Organic Spider-Man Quirk Restructuration: Tape is gone, replaced with organic Web Shooters from the wrists as well as ability to climb walls and sense danger. Super Strength, Agility, and Reaction Speed are not included. However, overall physical enhancement is granted and form is restructured to suit new Quirk better.]

[Class-1A Student, Fumikage Tokoyami- Dark-Dark Fruit, Nara Clan Shadow Jutsu, and Dark Shadow Quirk Refabrication and Evolution: Ability to control and produce Darkness as well as manipulate basic gravity. Complete flight and Dark Shadow's speed, strength, and versatility increased. Light Based Quirks can be nullified with physical touch. Nara Clan Jutsu properties and Abilities integrated with any darkness controlled as well as Dark Shadow.]

[Class-1A Student, Momo Yaoyorozu- Arc of Embodiment Quirk Evolution: No longer requires time to create larger items. Insufficient Understanding of items will lead to less powerful productions. Able to create constructs out of all skin or thin air, imagining an item will cause it to appear. All around Physical Enhancement applied. Excessive use will lead to weak periods due to energy source changing from Magic to Minimal Stamina. In addition, hair or articles of clothing can also be used, simply restructuring them into something else. Does not require equivalent exchange, example: A nail clipping can be turned into a Nuke. A single strand of hair can be turned into a tour bus. Note: Imagination is limitless, primary user claims this Magic is invincible. Note 2: Cannot create living beings.]

[Reward Session complete!]


[Ryu: Bruh.]

[Urano: Tell you what, I was shocked at Gabimaru template… And here I thought my omega cute sister was the big boss now…]

[Light Yagami: You have a serious sis-con problem.]

[L: I agree.]

[Lelouch: I agree.]

[Fubuki: I agree.]

[Tatsumaki: I agree.]

[Ryu: BRUH.]

[Urano: What do you clowns know?! Only a real man protects his ultra cute sister! You just wouldn't understand this type of familial love!]

[Sanji: I agree. How could you possibly understand a brother's love for his sister? Let me tell you, I would fight all 4 Emperors at the same time to save my sister!]

[Reiju: !!!]

[Nami: Wow, Sanji…]

[Sanji: Of course, maybe she has a few friends…]

[Nami: And he's back!]

[Reiju: Why was I touched…]

[Urano: Heh! I'll fight as many suitors that come! Izuku Midoriya… Heh… Just that.]

[Izuku: ????]

[Urano: You think you're good enough for my sister!? HAHA! I will flatten you! A PANCAKE! PANCAKE, YOU UNDERSTAND?!]

[Izuku: !!! So violent!]

[Ochako: URANO! AHHH!]

[Urano: Hmph! I love you too! Let me make a statement! In the future, the number one can only be my sister! In the spirit of living free and easy, relaxing every day without worries, I'll just make her the top hero. I'm too lazy to do it myself. Endeavor, who?!]

[Endeavor: …]

[Tenya Ida: This makes no sense. You're too lazy to become a Top Hero but you'll put in extraordinary effort for Ochako…??? This… conflicting meanings in two sentences!]

[Urano: This is called a Brother's intense love for his sister, understand four-eyes!?]

[Tenya Ida: Ahem! Yes, sir…]

[Urano: Hmph! Good! Beat up that Midoriya kid and maybe I'll take you in as a lackey in my All For Ochako gang… AFO for short.]

[All-Might: PFFFFFFT!]

[All For One: …]

[Uchiha Ryu: HAHAHAHAHA!]

[Urano: Also known as Ochako Freedom Agency… OFA for short.]



Ochako covered her face, all red, as she floated up in shame and embarrassment. She bounced off the ceiling, saying "Noooooooo…"