
OP: Injustice (Side Story)

Guys! I fucked up! I didn't know that Side Stories were only for Originals! So I can only put the Side story here! Um... Hmm... If you're new, You'd have to go and read 'One Piece: Injustice Corrected' to understand what's going on.... but for the rest of you! All those little dreams in your heads of wholesomeness and happy endings will be fulfilled in this side story! Banzai Daniel-san! Banzai!

AgentMonke · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Unbelievable Strength!

Galan returned to Marineford and went home.

Olvia took him into a shower and scrubbed his body asking him if he was ready for this and Galan told her that he told her already. She looked sad asking him why he always did this to himself, it really made her sad to see him like this.

His hands gripped his legs, almost drawing blood and the water from the shower mixed with her tears. She cleaned over all his scars and wounds, looking at them sadly, asking if it's worth it.

She really wanted to know because she was starting to really hate this world they were living in…

He wiped the tears from her cheeks and replied that it was worth every single moment. She sobbed and held his hand telling him that no matter what anybody says, no matter what anyone else thinks, no matter how the world views him…

She looked at him with watery eyes, saying 'You're my Hero.'

[Ochako: Oh… Oh… I'm gonna cry!]

[Izuku: Good line, Olvia-san!]

[Katsuki: I'm leaking from my eyeballs! DIE EYEBALLS!]

Toru watched as Katsuki blew up his own face and she sighed, saying "You're really stupid but in a cute kinda way, yanno?" Katsuki barked at her and she pet him, saying "Who's a good boy? You are! Yes, you are!"

The screen continued!

A few days later

Galan was ready to execute Ace, having announced it already. He was already in Marineford! All he needed to do now was wait! All sorts of Marines outside called him asking him to let them come back but Galan only had one sentence for all of them.


Everyone felt their blood boiling at this sentence!

The scene continued!

The day of the War!

Ace was kneeling on an execution stand while Galan stood next to him, saying that Whitebeard's coming for him and has to die because of him. Ace glared at him hatefully and Galan ignored him, addressing the world.

He told everyone that they were plagued by pirates for 22 years but it was because of one man, Gold Roger! And now sitting here is Portgas D. Ace, but his real name was Gold Ace!

Galana left out the fact that his real name was Gol D. Roger and Gol D. Ace, this was because the Government was afraid of the Will of D so they changed his name.

[5 Elders: …]

The scene went on!

Galan detailed Ace's life from his mother who died in childbirth to his explosive rise saying that Whitebeard raised him and protected him but that wasn't an issue anymore!

He reached out his hand and announced that Whitebeard came to him!

As if on cue, Whitebeard's Moby Dick raised from the sea! Countless pirate ships sailed towards Marineford.

Whitebeard laughed and asked if his precious son was okay before smashing the sides, cracking the air!

Everyone watching widened their eyes as two huge tsunamis came for Marineford from both sides!

Galan didn't seem to care asking is Newgate had come to save Ace, Whitebeard nodded and Ace said some nonsense but nobody took him seriously.

The marines stared at the waves in panic but Galan crossed his arms like Whitebeard, who laughed accusing Galan of stealing his moves!

Galan was expressionless and slammed his fists in the air on both sides!

Everyone stared at the screen, sluggishly as the tsunamis on both sides exploded violently! Turning into raindrops on the battlefield, changing the weather completely!

Galan didn't even look at the Tsunami's staring at Whitebeard as he commanded the cannons to fire, but this was useless. Whitebeard smashed down the walls and told them to sail in!

Galan looked at the evil pirates and pointed his hand forward, shouting that they were fighting for Justice! They couldn't retreat! The only way was forward through the wave of Evil! And Evil will be purged from this world!

Mihawk and Hancock on the screen looked at each other, getting dizzy.

These sentences had so many meanings it was unreal.

All the ships weren't even part of Whitebeard's real Fleet! They were all at the back, all the ones in front were just cannon fodder, literally. Galan looked down at the carnage and stared at the gruesome battlefield, completely emotionless.

This is what they all deserve!


The camera zoomed out and showed the entirety of Marineford before zooming out more, revealing a black hand covering the sky, countless strings falling down to Marineford.


[Lelouch: Incredible.]

[Light: I approve.]

Galan watched the screen while tilting his head, there were no waves in his eyes.

Unfortunately, this video ruined his plans.

Fortunately, he was able to do it himself now.

The scene changed back to Marineford

Showing Oars Jr throwing ships into the plaza. Galan told the rest of the Marines to get in there and they left.

Mihawk slashed at Whitebeard, but Jozu jumped in the way. Then he threw an entire Warship at Galan.

But! Much to everyone's horror!

Galan caught the Warshit with one hand, holding it above his head as he looked down at the people emotionlessly.

[Ichigo: This is too fucking exaggerated, right!?]

[Tony Stark: What the hell!?]

[Naruto: I don't believe it!]

[Reed Richards: Jesus!]

[Peter Quill: Oh god…]

Frank was watching and laughed.

The screen continued.