
OP: Injustice (Side Story)

Guys! I fucked up! I didn't know that Side Stories were only for Originals! So I can only put the Side story here! Um... Hmm... If you're new, You'd have to go and read 'One Piece: Injustice Corrected' to understand what's going on.... but for the rest of you! All those little dreams in your heads of wholesomeness and happy endings will be fulfilled in this side story! Banzai Daniel-san! Banzai!

AgentMonke · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Is this a Devil Fruit power?!

His real purpose was to build a nuclear mechanism that would propel Mercury out of its orbit and send it into the sun, causing it to explode and swallow their entire solar system!

The Humans were appalled and revoked Manuel's diplomatic immunity to arrest him, but Manuel revealed that he had a deadman switch and escaped, returning to Venezuela.

He was reviled as a criminal by the country and killed by an angry mob!

Bill Hines constructed a device to boost intelligence, but found that it could also implant beliefs! The Governments of the World allowed him to plant victorious beliefs in the populace that was quickly succumbing to defeatism.

However the plan was quickly terminated as it was seen as a crime against humanity.

Luo Ji refused to work for years until he remembered the conversation with Ye Wenjie, his former teacher.

He was walking on thin ice before falling into a freezing cold pond, in the pitch black darkness he was enlightened!

He quickly got out and ordered a plan!

Under the guise of a magic spell, Luo Ji said that he would curse a star 50 lightyears away, but he really just broadcasted that star's location into the universe, using the sun as an amplifier.

After this, Luo Ji and Bill Hines along with their families were cryogenically frozen to hibernate and come out in the future when technology was more advanced for their plans.

However the Trisolarians launched probes that would reach the Earth in 200 years.

The chat went up in flames.

[Bruce Wayne: These scientists are insane! Dooming the Human race like this?! Before the Trisolarians would even arrive, the Earth would be dust.]

[Steve Rogers: I agree. There's always the option to fight!]

[Loki: You two are idiotic. This is their best solution, rather than be conquered they would rather die! Hahaha~ That Ye Wenjie woman is interesting…]

Tony frowned in his workshop, "Broadcasting the location of a star 50 lightyears away? He wouldn't…" Tony's eyes widened in shock!

Galan watched the screen and snorted, he gained some relative knowledge of universes and space during his quick study session.

Olvia was confused, "A spell? Is this guy crazy? They have magic?"

[Galan: Wow! A spell, like magic?]

[Loki: Idiot!]

[Galan: Hahaha! Sometimes I think Devil Fruits are magic too! Ah! Wait! Is this a Devil Fruit power!?]

Loki started smashing things in his cell, shouting "DAMN MORTAL! DO YOU EXIST TO AGGRAVATE ME?!"

Olvia turned to Galan, asking for an explanation with puppy dog eyes, Galan looked away, saying "If my speculation is correct… This spell should destroy that star completely… Possibly many planets around it as well." Olvia was stunned, "Huh?! How? Magic couldn't possibly do such a thing. Even if it exists in this other universe, if they had such magic, they could destroy the Trisolarians!"

Galan frowned to himself and replied "Yes, but. It's not magic." Olvia rolled her eyes angrily "I know that! I'm not an idiot!" Galan snorted gently and looked at the screen, typing something in the chat as he explained to her "The Trisolarians attacked Earth as soon as they found it, why is this? They could've used diplomatic means, no?"

[Galan: Also, what's a planet? Star? I thought the sun was as big as a children's soccer ball!]

Galan continued "Along with the questions from the woman responsible and the darkness around Luo Ji…" he frowned deeply, "This universe is very very dark… Essentially, 'I only trust myself, who knows if you want to kill me or not.'"

Olvia was stunned and Galan explained in more detail, "Let's say, you're in an underground drug den. You brought a team, but all the lamps went out. You're in pitch black darkness and you hear a noise. You have no idea who it is, they don't either. So you shoot!"

Olvia's eyes widened and she said in shock "This is too sad! Then all Planets are like this?! You strike first or die?! How can we live in such a dark universe?!" Galan sighed lightly, "I don't think our universe is like this. Enel said that he saw Space Pirates on the Moon. We watched him go back."

Olvia snorted in annoyance, retorting "Yeah, I remember. I also remember you not taking me to the moon for a vacation!" Galan just ignored her and turned back to the screen.

He looked at the chat and ignored Loki.

Other people also thought he was an idiot.

Galan curled his lips slightly, watching the video again.

200 years passed!

The world was more advanced, however many things were lost because of Sophon, the improvement of particle-physics and supercomputing were a complete bust.

The Governments has thousands of ships much faster that the thousand Trisolarian ones! They were so sure of their victory that they scrapped the Wallfacer plan!

However at this moment, Bill's wife revealed herself to be the last member of the Trisolarian traitor organization and her husband's Wallbreaker!

She revealed his plan to the world!

Turns out, Bill's device was the opposite! To establish that Victory was impossible! That Humanity should escape as soon as possible to not be wiped out! But how was this possible?!

The Government realized that their fleet might've been the target of this plan to escape the Earth, unfroze spaceship generals from 200 years ago, Zhang!

However, what they didn't know was that Zhang was a secret defeatist agent this entire time! He sedated the Largest ships' entire crew and escaped with them, but the fleet sent 4 more ships after Zhang's as the rest of the Fleet faced the Trisolarians head on at Jupiter with a fleet of 2000 warships!

However, the so-called 'probe' was actually just water droplets.

The water droplets were collected by a scientist and he looked at them under a microscope, only to see a clear reflection! He was shocked and magnified to the maximum output only to see the same clear reflection!

This was a disaster!

These Water droplets were not made of water but metal!

They were bullets composed of an impossibly dense material. Instead of attaching at the atomic level with electromagnetics, they were forcefully bonded by nuclear attraction! This meant that each of these Water Droplets were just as, if not moreso, dense as a neutron star!

The scientist collapsed in despair, these water droplets would not only destroy their entire fleet like going through paper, but the Earth was the same! These drops could cut through the Earth just the same!

In a matter of moments, the Fleet of 2000 strong was reduced to only 2!

These two ships didn't even hesitate and abandoned the Solar system, leaving without even reporting back.

The 4 ships chasing Zhang gave up and joined him.

However it wasn't long before the 5 ships turned on each other! Destroying all but one, who received all the spoils!

Luo Ji on Earth seemed to know this would happen as he explained "There is life everywhere in the Galaxy, but owing to exponential growth and limited resources, the incentive is very high for every galactic civilization to destroy all others with preemptive attacks! The only thing stopping them is the locations of these civilizations!"

This confirmed Luo Ji's theory before.

The ships that deserted fell into cannibalism of resources, attacking each other to increase their odds of survival!

The two final ships befell this same fate!