
Op In the Overlord Wait! he can also travel other world's?

Hello dear people as I am new here please don't blame me if it is not to your liking and please comment to your heart content and give me suggestions for gpw you want this story to go

DRAGO · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

CH 5 A good start in a horrible world

(An... hello guys and gays alike 🤪 I had my 12 th board then had a festival then a fast then I had to kill a child to impress a ROB godess so ya I was being lazy

But now I am here to continue this fic please support me and please leave a comment 🙏 💜 😊)

MC pov

....So here I was seeing a half ass half dead planet with my own true eyes and to tell some one I now have omniscient thinking strength and every thing but I would keep it all Locked up well I would still be op as hell after all I can do any thing now but now the first thing I need are some clothes give me some freaking clothes to warm my self in the cold space though it did not affect me in the slightest and as I thought that clothes materialize on my body well I just copied the most gorgeous clothes I could find and copy them next thing I did was to take a human form wich I did though I copy pasted the look of gojo from jjk.. what I am too lazy for making Mt self a new ass other unique form

(An don't any one dare slander my un creative mind I sware I make him in her and make it yuri ...well let it be you degenerative people might enjoy that even more)

Mc pov ...

Well I don't know why I feel this strange shiver my spine well I am to lazy to care even if godslike oaa or presence came knocking on this universe I am completely confident to make them abyysal shit with my current powers

now for other things let's enter this horrible planet and enjoy this new life I was given for some reason

With that said I entered the orbit then went to a place where there were most of the wealthy people In this planet gathered wich actually was la consider me surprised when I say that this city is like very different a whole big dome surrounding the city wich keep the environment inside clean as fuck compared to out side and not only that but according to my sense the dome can handle a nuke like it was a paper plane yup I can tear that shit apart but I did something else to enter the city

You may ask what did I do well that's simple I made my self one of the richest on the planet not too much but I made it all my credentials with my name lex and no I am not from DC though I was made fun of for my name some time though I copy Luther's identity with changes in my surname now I am lex luther in this world at least I am the sole owner of lex Corp a multi billion dollar company with my main business in field of finance VR and petrol and coal mine being my biggest asset wich I replenish with my power hired many people to run this big business and no one in this world even knows how a new person has arrived in this world and also became one of the rich people in this world with that I made a fancy filter mask like the one all for one wears in mha then I teleported my self near the gate of the massive city and tried to enter but then I was suddenly stopped

Sir can you please show us your credentials as this is vip area and normal people are not allowed in here a guard said with a smug grin on his face wich vanished the next second he saw me pulling out my golden credit card just like how black and gold cards were a status symbol this card was a status all by it self and seeing me carry this kind of card and seeing my intedimating mask the guard quickly gave way and his attitude changes to 180 degrees

Sorry sir for my rude behavior you can enter the city sir I nodded and entered the city then took my phone and called one of My employees of slaves as this social structure calls them and then he replies immediately yes sir boss how can I help you sir lex well Teth please arrange some accommodation for me I am currently entered into the city of LA yes sir I would Immediately arrive there sir please let us in la branch surve you to our soul ya now stop this and hurry up

Yes sir.....beep I cut the line and the wait soon in 2 minutes a car collection came and I I chose a newly released model of car I have never seen before but it sure look fancy and Teth was there on the passenger seat sir where do you like to go to he asked in a respectful manner

Bring me to the office in this city and then discuss some plans of mine

As you wish sir Teth replied...

As the car started I took of my mask and enjoyed the futuristic view of this city.

(AN sorry for the the late chaps but I would try to upload more chapters in quick success

Also as for if you want any change with the mc like his looks just comment also I made him rich and for that I use the alias of both vr and coal mines as in a world where fossil fule is nearly exploited and is like ended by human doing over use of fule it is a good industry to have and as his company is also in vr he will intract .....cough for knowing read more)and comment by the way