
OP From The Start ( New World )

After saving Earth, Yao Yan goes to the other world through a warm hole because of Earth's security.

DaoistRuan · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Chapter 7 The Competition

Comptiton was about to start, Mao Jai was sitting on the highest seat of the platform, and Qui Hai was sitting on the nearby seat which was a little lower, the Comptiton started at the elder's behest .

" There are total 90 people in comptiton, only top 3 people will become disciple in Sect " elder said

" This test will be in 3 innings, the first hunting monster, the second suppression (Qi Lord's Qi suppression will have to be tolerated), and the third fight among themselves, 3 people who stay till the end will win ."

" If any person is in life threatening situation, he can destroy this pearl, he will be saved immediately but he will be disqualified." Elder explained

Sky mountain was a very dangerous mountain, there were monsters up to Qi master level in the outer area, but inside there were Qi Veteran, Qi Lord, one or two Qi King level

The highest cultivation in Fangshu City was Qi King level 1 which also belonged to the Patriarch of the Sung Family , and Yao Zhao's level was Qi Lord 8, the rest were only a few who were in lord level

During the 7 day, Yao Yan gathered information about the Demon Dao Sect in the city.

He learned that there are 3 most powerful sects in this continent, one of them is Demon Dao Sect and the other is Heavenly Maiden DAO Sect.and third Qinglan Dao sect .

There is no conflict between the two heavenly sects, but the sect master of Demon Dao Sect and Qinglan sect does not get along.

It was also learned that all three sect masters were friends before, later all three opened their own sects. And all three are on Demi God level

Suddenly there was an announcement and everyone ran to Sky mountain, Yao Yan also ran to the forest, he left Senhe in the same city, because he didn't want anyone to catch Senhe again and threatened Yao Yan . He used Senhe's God Binding Skill, which he got from the system in his world, so that he could easily find Senhe , And if Senhe is in trouble so that he can go to her too, he didn't use Sacred Pact Of God skill on her.

[ * GOD Binding Skill - it can bind one's soul to skill user , can track binder everywhere in universe ]

Then he rushed in to Forest .

On other side ...

Mao Jai was watching all the candidates on the magic screen, from there everyone was watching the candidates on the big magic display

There were also Yao Hun and Sung Duan who were in different places, they were also hunting but they were not alone they also had some underlings who were helping them

There were also some famous cultivators such as Xiao Shen, the young master of the Xiao Family who was a follower of Sung Duan.

Suddenly everyone's eyes fell on a Cultivator who was alone, but still he alone was fighting head to head with a Master level monster.

Suddenly, someone from among them shouted out, "This is the young master of the Yao family, Yao Yan."

As soon as everyone heard, another person said, "Oh right, this is Young Master Yao Yan, but he was missing, how did he come here?"

Yao Yan was being discussed everywhere and everyone turned their attention to Yao Yan from the side of the other Young Master's from big family's and Yao Yan was being talked about everywhere.

As soon as this word reached Mao Jai's ears, she wondered who is this Yao Yan who is on everyone's lips. She looked at Qiu Hai and asked him to find out about Yao Yan

Qiu Hai nodded in yes And called a disciple. In a while that disciple came with some news and whispered something in Qiu Hai's ear.

Qiu Hai then told Mao Jai that Yao Yan was the young master of the Yao Family who was rejected by the Yao Family after the death of his father and mother. And also tried to kill along with Sung Family but still survived and came here secretly, both the families were still looking for him. And Yao Yan's cultivation level was also very low, he was crippled.

Mao Jai fell into deep thought upon hearing this "hmm .. Young master who also escaped from the eyes of Yao Family and Qi Lord and Qi King and came here , And can fight with a master level monster, that too with Qi Practitioner level cultivation . Something is fishy, looks like I will have to talk to senior sister " .

Then Mao Jai took a talisman in his hand and murmured something and tossed it in the air, that talisman disappeared from there.

_______ Sovereign Peak , Hevenly Demon peak __

Xu Yue is sitting outside her room, holding a book in her hand which is a Profound Heaven Level Cultivation Martial Arts Book

[ * Martial arts level - human level , spirit level , Earth level , heaven level , profound heaven level, Divine level , God level .

• human level is lowest and God level is Highest

• Books above the Heaven level can only be found in Powerhouse sects. ]

____Demon Peak - Heavenly Demon Dao Sect ___

" Yue'r are you telling the truth, you're sure ? "

A very beautiful girl asked Xu Yue, she looked like she was in her 20s

She was wearing a purple blue color dress, her hair was slightly open, she was looking like no one was more beautiful than her in this whole world. Her beautiful eyes gazing at the girl were just like pearls, she herself was no less than a heavenly goddess.

It seemed that because of her beauty all the flowers around had withered.

Anyone can be mesmerized by her beauty and it becomes difficult to handle .