
Chapter 62 Live Dangerously 

  Carina's POV -

  "Tell me about your dad," I said.

  "My dad's dead." Vincent said.

  "Oh, I'm sorry about that. But didn't you know him, what he was like?"

  "Nah, not really. I was brought up by my stepfather."

  "How's he and your mom?"

  "He's dead and I haven't seen my mom for years. She said I killed him and she left me."

  "Why would she think you killed him?"

  "I wanted to expose him. My stepdad Oliver was a senator and a criminal."


  I entered the building of Whitehall. "I'm in." I adjusted the small wireless earpiece.

  "Okay, I've disabled all the cameras." Drake said.

  "I'm in."

  "What are you doing now?" He asked.

  "Prying into classified state documents."

  "Be fast, I think someone is hacking into my system to get the camera working."

  "I think I've just discovered the most outrageous secret." I said.

  "Fucking shit!" He yelled. "Run, run as fast as you can. The cameras are back on."