
Only I Won't be Attacked by Zombies

Baiyin, a high school student secretly engaged in illicit activities, had originally planned to visit his adopted sister. However, he unexpectedly found himself transported to a parallel world. As the apocalypse struck and zombies began to rise, humans fell prey to the undead. Amidst the chaos, a notification chimed: "Ding! System binding successful!" "Kill ten zombies to gain the ability of a corpse companion!" Bai Yin became the only human who wouldn't be attacked by zombies. Determined to find his sister, the reclusive youth embarked on his journey through the end times. Along the way, he encountered a black dog, and the two became inseparable companions. "Blackie, sometimes, it's not the zombies we should fear, but rather, people..."

MaxKnight · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Chapter 23: Mutual Disdain

"Meat, and canned food!"

Li Huang was delighted, even though he had eaten his fill just last night.

But now, seeing so many boxes of food, he couldn't help but feel excited. It had almost become a natural reaction.


While the three were immersed in joy, Bai Yin walked towards a water tap in the corner.

The tap didn't seem to be installed there from the beginning, rather, it looked like a makeshift addition.

Bai Yin turned the tap.

"Gushing water..."

Immediately, clean water flowed out.

Seeing this, everyone cheered even more, paying no mind to whether the fat guy was alive or dead at this moment.


"I'm going downstairs to check. If you have time, clean up here!"

After saying this, Bai Yin went to another place, wanting to see if there were any zombies in the building.

After he left, Li Huang and Li Xin fetched a bucket of water and started wiping the windows and beds with rags.

It seemed like they were planning to stay here for a short while.

Since people had lived here before, most of the daily necessities were not in short supply.

While the siblings were busy cleaning up energetically, Wang Lei was unpacking boxes of food, inspecting what was inside each one.

"Hey, why aren't you working? What are you doing?"

Li Huang, dissatisfied, tried to get Wang Lei to help.

But Wang Lei was unapologetic:

"I'm organizing the food, it's important!"

"Important my foot! Do you really need to categorize food in such detail?"

"Crude! If you don't understand, just shut up."


Li Huang was speechless, too lazy to argue with her any further.

Meanwhile, Wang Lei, like a victor, continued opening boxes of food, humming a tune happily.

Wang Lei understood very well that in this team, she only needed to please Bai Yin.

Although Bai Yin's personality was a bit peculiar and didn't buy into her act.

Ultimately, he seemed like a decent guy on the surface.

Wang Lei thought that such people were just a bit shy at first, but given time, they would become more accommodating.

And they would inevitably fall under her sway, to be used by her.

Wang Lei was confident in this, after all, she had considerable experience in this regard.


With Bai Yin away, Wang Lei had no need to put on a show to earn his favor.

The more cheerful her humming became, the more it grated on Li Huang's nerves.

While wiping the windows and sweeping the floor, Li Huang couldn't help but be sarcastic:

"You're so happy just after the fat guy died. Are you really a good person?"

Wang Lei shot Li Huang a glance and replied:

"His death has nothing to do with me. I didn't hold a knife to his throat."

"Bull! Don't you know he liked you?"

"So what? That's his wishful thinking. I didn't ask him to do so much for me. Besides, I never said I liked him. He misinterpreted my intentions. He's so ugly, so fat, and seems quite poor. I'm not blind, how could I possibly be interested in such a man?"

"Are you even human?"

"Everyone looks out for themselves. Who's feeding you this nonsense?"

"Fine, you're not afraid of retribution anyway."

"Only poor fools from the lower class believe in retribution. Anyone who has experienced society understands that it's just a self-consolation for losers."

The two argued, unable to stop themselves.

Their bickering gave Li Xin a headache.

She couldn't hold back anymore:

"Stop arguing, what's the point? Do you have to argue so loudly and attract zombies?!"

With that said, the room fell silent.

Wang Lei and Li Huang just exchanged glances and ignored each other.


Meanwhile, Bai Yin had already searched from the third floor to the first floor.

Although somewhat incredulous, wherever he went, there truly wasn't a single zombie.

When he reached the entrance to the first floor, he finally understood why.

Simply put, all exits were tightly locked.

It seemed that the building had been sealed off before the zombie outbreak.

The first floor was a hospital, but most corners were empty.

It seemed freshly renovated, with hardly any equipment.

Naturally, it hadn't opened yet.


Compared to the bare rooms on the upper floors, the lower floors were at least tiled and painted.



Opening a small door, the bustling main road greeted him.

Several confused zombies heard the noise and started gathering.

But upon seeing Bai Yin at the door, they disappointingly moved away.

Bai Yin closed the door.

Then he returned to the warehouse on the third floor.

His footsteps were heard by Wang Lei as he walked down the hallway.

She quickly grabbed a rag and started wiping the window where he had passed.

"I just wiped there, why are you wiping it now? Where were you earlier?"

Li Huang grumbled, but Wang Lei was unyielding:

"You didn't wipe it properly!"


Li Huang scoffed, just then, Bai Yin returned from outside.

He happened to see all three of them busy in the room.

Only now did Li Huang snap out of it, realizing that Wang Lei was just putting on a show for Bai Yin.

This only added to his disdain.

On the other hand, Wang Lei, upon seeing Bai Yin return, quickly handed him a bottle of water.

"Welcome back~ Hard work, hard work!"

She instinctively moved closer to Bai Yin.


Bai Yin took it and stepped back, getting down to business:

"I just checked, there are no zombies in this building, and the lower levels are all locked, so it's safe."

"Clap, clap, clap!!!"

Hearing this, Wang Lei quickly applauded, looking like an innocent girl listening to her idol speak.

Li Huang couldn't be bothered, giving her a disdainful look and saying:

"What a performance!"


Bai Yin could tell Li Huang's dislike for Wang Lei.

But he had no interest in the feelings between these three outsiders.

He just placed his bag, along with Blackie's bag, on the nearby bed, saying:

"I'm going out to get some things, watch Blackie for me."

The three were puzzled, not understanding.

Li Huang asked:

"Is it dangerous? Should I accompany you?"

"No need, I'm afraid of slowing you down."

Wang Lei couldn't resist adding insult to injury:

"In other words, you're afraid he'll be a burden to you."

Then, she sweetly smiled at Bai Yin, saying:

"Be careful on the road, don't let the zombies target you."

"Got it!"

He nodded lightly and prepared to leave.

But just as he was about to leave, his gaze fell on the water tap that could produce water, saying:

"Remember to boil the water before drinking, just in case!"

With that, he left.

And when he returned, it was already noon.

They saw him dragging a large bag.

Excitedly, they crowded around, only to find it filled with blankets, quilts, and daily necessities like laundry detergent and spices.

Their eyes gleamed with joy.

Bai Yin simply said:

"I found these at the neighboring supermarket. If there's anything else you need, let me know, I'll bring it next time."