
Only I Won't be Attacked by Zombies

Baiyin, a high school student secretly engaged in illicit activities, had originally planned to visit his adopted sister. However, he unexpectedly found himself transported to a parallel world. As the apocalypse struck and zombies began to rise, humans fell prey to the undead. Amidst the chaos, a notification chimed: "Ding! System binding successful!" "Kill ten zombies to gain the ability of a corpse companion!" Bai Yin became the only human who wouldn't be attacked by zombies. Determined to find his sister, the reclusive youth embarked on his journey through the end times. Along the way, he encountered a black dog, and the two became inseparable companions. "Blackie, sometimes, it's not the zombies we should fear, but rather, people..."

MaxKnight · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Chapter 10: Rescue Team

"I, I'll do it..."

What surprised everyone was that in the end, the one willing to take on the role of the villain was ten-year-old Zhang Xiao Xue.

She timidly raised her small hand, a bit scared, but still took a step forward.

Her mother, Zhang Yu, quickly pulled her back, but Zhang Xiao Xue earnestly looked at Baiyin and said, "I, I want to use that... alcohol... is it okay?"

Zhang Xiao Xue meant to use poisoned alcohol, as she couldn't bring herself to wield an axe to harm someone.

"Do you know what you're about to do?" Bai Yin asked, a rare hint of a smile on his face.

Zhang Xiao Xue nodded and said, "I'm going to... kill bad people."

Bai Yin didn't respond, but he felt somewhat relieved.

Who would have thought that among the four, it would be a ten-year-old child who would earn his respect?

If possible, Bai Yin would gladly team up with someone like Zhang Xiao Xue in his survival in this post-apocalyptic world.

Because he had a feeling that this child might be of his kind.

However, unfortunately, Zhang Xiao Xue's mother would not agree. She wouldn't allow Bai Yin to take Zhang Xiao Xue away alone.

Unless Bai Yin agreed to take all four of them.

But Bai Yin wouldn't do that.

The reason was simple:

Finding like-minded companions was indeed a good thing.

But if it meant adding a few unwanted burdens to his group?

Bai Yin couldn't accept that.

Not to mention a few, even if there was only one, Bai Yin couldn't accept it.

Even if adding 99 companions meant only one burden, Bai Yin wouldn't agree.

In this aspect alone, he had a strong aversion to impurities.

"You're a good kid."

Baiyin walked into the house and took the bottle of poisoned alcohol.

When he came out, he dragged the unconscious Li Lao Er outside.

At the same time, he whispered softly, a voice only he could hear, "But this shouldn't be something you do..."

Li Lao Er was dragged into the darkness by Bai Yin.

When Bai Yin returned, the bottle of liquor in his pocket was gone.

Everyone could guess what Bai Yin had done.

Everyone sighed in relief unconsciously.

The psychological pressure of killing someone was immense.

Therefore, people were relieved that it wasn't them who had to do it.

Bai Yin went to the toilet behind the convenience store.

He found that the tap had stopped running, but there were still five buckets of water filled in the toilet.

This should be the last water resource of the three brothers.

Not much for survival, but enough for a bath.

Bai Yin went out at night.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Bai Yin intending to go out, He Li quickly asked.

Since Bai Yin didn't carry a bag when he went out, she didn't think Bai Yin was planning to abandon the four of them.

"I'm going to get something!"

After Bai Yin finished speaking, he walked away and came back with a large bag.

Bai Yin threw the bag to He Li, who almost didn't catch it, and asked, "What's this?"

"See for yourself!"

He Li quickly opened it and was stunned to find that it was full of clean clothes.

Bai Yin said, "You guys better take a bath. Long-term neglect like this will cause skin diseases."

"But, but the water here is almost gone. If we waste it like this..."

"I know where there's water. I'll take you there tomorrow."

With that, he went into the house and dragged out the bodies of Li Lao Er and Li Lao San.

In the end, he dragged them into the darkness and piled them up with the body of Li Lao Er.

After doing all this, Bai Yin found a utility room at random.

He laid down some cardboard on the floor and put the bag on the ground, using it as a pillow.

Then he lay down and fell asleep.

This time, before falling asleep, he locked the door from the inside.

When he woke up again, it was early morning the next day.

There was the smell of cooking meat in the air.

Bai Yin was somewhat surprised and opened the door to go out.

He found He Li and Zhang Yu cooking something not far away.

Because the gas had run out, they were using firewood.

On the makeshift stove made of bricks, a large pot was boiling something.

Bai Yin walked over and heard the footsteps, causing the two women to turn back quickly.

Seeing Bai Yin, smiles appeared on their faces.

He Li said, "You're awake, we're making breakfast. We just found it under the bed in the house."

In the pot was a piece of cured meat, not much.

It was enough for the four women to eat, but if Bai Yin joined in, each person would get only a small portion.

Bai Yin turned his head to look for He Hua and Zhang Xiao Xue.

Finally, he saw the two women in the house playing flying chess.

Everyone had changed into clean clothes, looking completely different from before.

Especially He Hua, who looked even prettier.

However, even so.

It couldn't hide the pitiful fact that they had suffered from malnutrition for a long time.

"No, I ate human flesh before. Now I feel sick when I see meat."

Bai Yin chose to refuse with a lie.

But the two women clearly took his words seriously.

Just as the two women looked embarrassed and surprised, Bai Yin went back into the house.

Then, he randomly grabbed a piece of bread from the box of food and sat in the corner to eat.

"Sir, we'll have meat later, we can eat meat~"

Zhang Xiao Xue said happily.

She was wearing a gray dress, her eyes full of anticipation.

While she was talking to Bai Yin, He Hua beside her secretly swallowed two of her chess pieces, a mischievous smile on her face.

Bai Yin smiled and replied, "I won't eat, I am a vegetarian."

In front of Zhang Xiao Xue, Bai Yin didn't use cannibalism as an excuse.

After breakfast, everyone packed up and prepared to leave.

Thinking of going to the place Bai Yin mentioned with water.

The four women were somewhat excited, as if they were going on a trip.

Bai Yin originally planned to part ways with them after taking them there.

After all, what he had done was enough.

However, reality was:

Justice appeared just when it was needed, as if it was scripted.

"Vroom! Vroom!"

While cleaning the house, the sound of helicopter rotor blades came from the sky.

It was the sound of a helicopter's wings.

They saw the helicopter hovering in the air above the convenience store, with someone holding a megaphone shouting, "Is anyone there? Are there any survivors?"

In the end, Zhang Yu and He Hua ran out excitedly and waved to the people on the helicopter.

The two sides made contact.

Four men jumped down from the helicopter.

They all seemed to be rescue personnel.

Coincidentally, one of them Bai Yin knew.

Li Wei, the deputy monitor of Bai Yin's class.

He was a very vain person.

His family was rich, and his grandfather was the richest man in the city.

As for his looks...

They were quite ordinary, but well-maintained, so his skin was very fair.

Nowadays, it seemed that he had taken on the role of a savior.

When Li Wei found out that there were two classmates among the people below.

He was undoubtedly very happy.

The reason was:

It was much more enjoyable to show off in front of people you knew than those you didn't.