
Only from a Distance can I touch you

A boy reborns into a strange world with rabbit ears on top of his head? A tail behind his back? Discovering a disturbing power that lives within him. Living among what he was in the past. What kind of novel did he get himself into? *********************************** hello I know im a slow updater because this is my first novel. I only ask for patience thank you ^U^ Check out the tags if you must. Read at your own risk, thank you.

Ellenash · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
20 Chs


'Ahh, found it. Let's see where I...'

First of all, Alice asked who were those men and why did the three hid her, they answered that she was the knight in the book of prophets who came to destroy the queen of hearts. Then she asked for the boy, why were they looking for the blonde boy?

The mouse replied with a long sigh, the boy was apparently the one who will be the weapon used to defend the Red Queen.

"But his just a boy!"

Alice proclaimed loudly slamming her palms on the table. Ah it hurts, she thought. She was almost in tears as she remembered the white-eared boy so small and innocent not too long ago. A skinny boy, probably has the height that reaches her chest quivering at the sight of her.

'Does he know about me? If it is, then no wonder he ran when he saw me'

Alice sighed sadly. She loves children too, never imagined a kid running away from her. Her shoulders slouched with her face in a pout before popping out in hope when the cat spoke again.

"You are one too, aren't you just a girl hhmm?"

The Chesire Cat tilted his head while floating on the air. Landing on her arms, he layed there with just laughter, full of excitement and worry. Her eyes twitch hearing a small cat landed on her arms while laughing like a lunatic.

"Apparently it was not only him, but also his twin brother"

"A twin brother you say? News really reach you fast lil mouse"

The Mad Hatter and the lil mouse gossips with their little hands covering their mouth but Alice heard it all. Alice knew this story, her older sister used to read it to her many times. She ought to think that she somehow fell to the Wonderland. But was there a twin of the white rabbit boy?

It was never mentioned in the books or in the mouth of her sister. Did the story change perhaps?, she thought. Alice turned her head facing her two companions and asked them.

"What can the twins do for the Red Queen?"

Lowered her head, she asked.

" See here girly, the white twin can undo any curses and spells, be it for people or for himself. Goodness comes out of it I say."

The lil mouse nodded in agreement to the Mad Hatter.

" But with what the prophets said, the black twin must be captured no matter what. It was said he was a monster, not sure what his powers are exactly."

The Mad Hatter explained with hatred and fear but also sadness in his voice as he mentioned the other twin.

" All we know was his power is related to destruction"

He muttered under his breath. Alice can see now why soldiers are looking for him.

"So the safety of the kingdom lays on my hands?, fuck"



The trio turned in shock almost not believing on what they just heard coming from the mouth of a little girl.

'Hang on, what about me? I can't possibly fight a group of soldiers. I haven't even met my fiance yet back in my home. I--"


Soft purrs reached her ears, she look down. The Chesire Cat snuggles on her arms. She has been quite annoyed by his creepy smile and laughs, and for one thing, she is not a bed nor a nest for gosh's sake.

She threw the cat on the side like sack of flour. The Chesire Cat meowed in shock as he was tossed away from Alice's warm arms. He landed on the ground meeting the cold air sorrounding his paws, he snarled back at the girl. Alice found it well deserved and just stood straight with her satisfied smile.

"So what now, you said I'm a knight. How could I possibly fight those two in a battle?"

Alice eyed the three hoping an answer could calm down her heart.

"I don't know"

They all spoke at the same time, words are the same, facial expressions are all blank.

'The white Queen will help you, I'm sure of it"

Claimed the lil mouse.

To Be Continued



Alyce pulled down his finger scrolling for more chapters for several times but there is no new chapters. He whimpered and look back at his phone, no update. Knowing the author takes a long time to re-upload another chapter.

'Ugh, why does author-san takes awhile to upload, we readers are more curious now".

Alyce wipes a fake sob in his eyes and fake sniffles. The people passing by look over to Alyce doing fake sobs but didn't interfere further, who knows what drama does that boy have; they thought.

He was devastated, payed no mind at the people whispering on his actions. But one thing in mind that he never got closed to before, why did they mention a black rabbit boy when the cover of the book itself has white rabbit ears?

Would Alice be able to kill the twins? How? And how does she know about cuss words? Alyce rammaged on his thoughts. Sat on the bench for quite a time while holding his phone.

A tiny drop suddenly landed on the tip of my nose. I blinks twice at the sudden touch and look up the sky seeing more of the tiny drops rained down. 'Oh, its raining'.

Rain, Rain, go away

Come again another day

Sang the girl who was just now passed by the garden together with her friends, they laugh and sang while running through the hallways without an umbrella to cover their heads.

'Why go away? Rain is pretty too.' I watch them exited the halls. Looking up again and just close my eyes for a moment. Inhaled deeply then exhaled all the air out. It smelled like grass and soil, so peaceful he thought.

Opened it up again looking at the small drops like crystals slowly landing on my face not realizing the hot temperature forming in my head as the light drizzle became stronger, I was drenched while looking up.

Meanwhile, Jake was heavily panting while jogging with an umbrella on his hands, searching for his friend. He asked the people all around describing Alyce's looks but recieved nothing. He dashed around the campus in and out, and into the garden next.

Finally caughting a glimpse on a familiar brunette just sitting on a bench with his head bent high. He is in a daze.

"Alyce, what the heck is wrong with you?!"

Jake shouted, sprinting towards Alyce and grabbing his arm suddenly. Alyce broke his gaze from the sky when he felt a grip on his arm. He looks back at the person holding his hand, it was Jake.

He looks somewhat angry and worried? His usual idiotic smile was replace with a frown.

"Stupid why were you out in the rain?"

He keeps on shouting then pulled my arm, we ran away from the garden. He pulled me towards the gym and we entered the storage room. His grip still tightened not letting me go until we arrived in the storage room.

No windows, and looks so soundproof. The light switch which Jake turned on wasn't working and we were left in the dark. It smelled like dust as the room was filled with boxes, closets and drawers. He shut the door and locked it without me knowing. I just assumed he closed it.

I was confused as why did he pulled me in the storage room, why not the locker room. We were soaking wet from head to toe leaving wet footsteps all around the gym floors.

He walked up the nearest closet and took out two towels. Threw it on his head and walked over towards me.


He ordered, pointing out the small stool under the table. His voice sounds so firm, I immediately had goosebumps, I don't understand did I do something wrong to him?

hello, sorry for the slow update. I was scared when I saw the view of this story was 1k, thinking many people just look and pass on this story. So I was slowed down just by thinking of it. Hopefully I can update faster.

thank you for reading

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