
Only from a Distance can I touch you

A boy reborns into a strange world with rabbit ears on top of his head? A tail behind his back? Discovering a disturbing power that lives within him. Living among what he was in the past. What kind of novel did he get himself into? *********************************** hello I know im a slow updater because this is my first novel. I only ask for patience thank you ^U^ Check out the tags if you must. Read at your own risk, thank you.

Ellenash · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
20 Chs


Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Alice, who fell down a hole while chasing a white rabbit. Alice then arrived on a small room, with a table big enough for her height. And a small door around the corner, she crotched down to look at it and saw the white bunny.

"oh I'm late, I'm late", he says while hopping further away from the girl. Alice wanted to follow the bunny but was too big to fit in through the door. So she look around, and saw a small bottle laying on the table with a tag "drink me." She pop the lid open and drank it, she shrunk, and turn small just right about the size of the door. Alice went in and ran, she ran and ran ending up to another room, but only it wasn't just any room, it was a forest. Huge trees and gigantic bees and insects buzz and flew across the air. Alice hid from leaf to leaf as she went ahead and explored the world.

After quite a while, our dear Alice must have lost herself in the ocean of trees, purple smoke seems to be burning from a distance, she followed. Alice saw a giant caterpillar sitting on a mushroom with a giant smoker on it's hand. "Hello?", she asked while approaching the caterpillar who didn't move an inch when it's called.

"Sir, I was wondering if you could help m-" "Sshhh"

The caterpillar spoke silencing Alice, as he placed his smoker to his mouth and inhaled then exhaled letting the smoke exit. He opened his eyes and look at Alice.Now imagine meeting a bug twice or thrice your size, our Alice cannot speak nor moved because of the shock. He took one piece of the mushroom from the left side and one from the right.

"Eat right if in need to run while left if you want to hide "

"Thank you...Mr. Caterpillar..."

Alice slowly took the pieces from the caterpillar's hands and walk away. No idea what happened but best to take it, shut up, and walk away. She hid the two pieces on each pocket of her dress remembering the instructions that he gave and set for a journey. Not exactly no what and where she's going but still wandered around. Alice saw wide lands and humongous flowers, in all shapes and colors and smells that she has yet to discover.

Alice now came down to a two road and a tree on the middle, one for right and one for left. Which one could she go through? She had no idea a pair of eyes and a smile was watching above her head.

"And where might you came from my dear?"

Alice turned around but saw no one until a voice said Up Here! on top of her head. She look up and saw a pair of eyes staring at her with some parts becoming invisible. It had purple strips and a pink fur, glowing blue eyes and a sharp shiny smile. It jump below and came floating down around her.

"I am the Chesire Cat"

"And I am Alice"

"Alice what? Alice the girl? Wanderer? Crossdresser?....Perhaps Alice the Knight"?

The Chesire Cat rants on the titles that Alice found it a little annoying, but its not everyday that the cat sees a girl in a simple clothing and jewels at all, plus she looks like she got a few muscles. And same for the girl, you wouldn't see everywhere an invisible cat.

"Alice, just Alice"

"Ok JuSt AlIcE, what are you doing in this woods? There are monsters lurking in this parts you know?"

"You mean you?"

"Ehem, I'm safe deary"

The cat just frowned, still not over that he was called a beast but then smiled again as he faced the girl.

"I can help you, you ran all the way here to see the white rabbit did you?"

"How did you know that?"

"Aahh...poor creatures that can't blend in the world, always been chased around by curiousity"

The Chesire Cat said in a way of pity with a cloth on his paws for blowing, Alice who knew nothing about it just nodded in agreement. Maybe Alice thought he was only being dramatic at her, she rolled her eyes as the cat continued his talking. He offered her a help and gave her the way to the white rabbit in exchange for a little time of her to accompany an old folk down the road for a tea party. Alice agreed and continued her way, eventually seeing a house and a smoke in a few hours of walking.

Around the corner, she heard a few giggles and banging of teacups...? She peeked through the bushes and saw a long table filled with cups and plates with red and purple drinks in. The chairs were sat by a mouse, the chesire cat and a man.

Wait a minute...the chesire cat? But she just saw him a couple hours ago, how can he have gotten here earlier than her?

The man covered in long kayers of clothes and a tall hat stood up and came running towards her hiding spot.

"A guest has arrived", he sang in a glee.

He pop up behind her and grab her shoulders as he pushed her out of the bushes. Poor Alice had her heart beating out of her as the man insisted her to sit down the chair after dragging her.

"It appears that you are now here"

"Why are you here? Aren't you just laying on the tree a couple of hours ago?"

"That was before, now, I am enjoying this slice of --Hush now!"

The conversation of the cat and Alice was broken by the man with a tall hat.

"It appears that the madman is annoyed~"

"Shush, I ain't annoyed, you two just need to keep quiet"

The cat tease and the man just blabbered whatever, Alice didn't know what is going on and cut herself a slice of cake in front of her. Sat there and started nibbling as she watches the two argued.

"This cake is delicious!", she thought. The cake dressed in blueberries and other spices made her took her 2nd slice. Meanwhile, a little mouse brought his plate and sat beside Alice for a little chat. Alice has now a chatmate, an hour passed by and our little Alice seemed to have settled down, happily chatting with the others and not caring about the looks of her new friends.

"So why have you come in this place Alice?"

"Oh, I don't know, I just saw a white rabbit and chase it, then next thing was arriving here"

"You know, some things are best to be hidden"

"It will only be harder for you to follow through"


Alice still didn't have a clue on what were they talking about but for one thing sure, she sensed a lot of footsteps and rumbling on the ground.

"Oh dear..."

The three men said it all together, they panicked and look back at Alice.


They said it again

"Quickly! Shrink yourself!"

"Hid her in a teapot!"

"Excuse me what are you--"

"Just eat the one in your left pocket!"

Insisted the chesire cat, Alice remembered the pieces that Mr. Caterpillar had given her and took it out, quickly shoving a bit on her mouth, she began to shrink smaller than before. Her clothes left her behind as she is now naked and small.

The tall hatted man quickly took her and wrap her in her own clothing and dumped her in an empty tea pot. The three fix their table and put up their best "I don't know anything" faces as a group of men in their armor and horses arrived before the three.

The men were obviously high ranking, wore red suits and held red and black swords, their horses were decorated with red and black heart logos. One of the men with his "dashing" smug face came down from his horse and stood before the three. Alice peeked through the hole of the teapot listening to the man's words.

"Hello there, my lil old lunatics"


"Ehem, I just said hello and wish to give out a greeting"

The three still didn't answer, they tried to hide their shivering hands and legs by crossing it together and took ahold of their cups pretending to drink tea. The man frowned and reached for his bag taking out 2 scrolls.

"We are looking for a young girl and a young black furred rabbit boy, both blonde"

"Perhaps youv'e seen them?"

"No sir, we haven't seen one since yesterday"

Chuckled the mouse while the two agreed with a nod. The man was not satisfied and threw his feet on the table, kicking the cakes and teapots and cups, luckily for Alice, the man with a tall hat grab the teapot where she is just in time.

"This was my mother's"

"It's not like it will be safe forever when your dead, hahahaha"


"Very well, see you around lunatics"

The man rode his horse and urged his men to moved out leaving the teaparty in a mess.

"What a mess"

"That was close"

"Good thing were alive"

"Well that was random..."


"What? I mean how can someone just crash a perfect cake?"

Alice complained about the cake not realizing herself without clothes. The man looks away and grab ahold of a doll that was sitting on a chair at the end of the table. He undressed the doll and gave the clothes to Alice, insisted for her to wear. Alice found the dress quite large for her but with it's puffy sleeves n flowy skirt, she'd guess it wasn't so bad. She wanted to question about those men but the three stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry for the late introduction dear, I'm Mad, its an honor to meet the lady knight"


"Also why are you mad?"

"That's me, and I'm not mad"

"But you just told me"

"Shush, it's best to leave that matter alone"

"Just call him Mister Mad"

Alice and the Mad Hatter turned their head towards the Chesire Cat who was only swimming in the air, he gave them a wink and smiled. Alice was now very confused. What is even going on here? And why is she being called knight? So many questions on top of her head, she can't possibly ask them in one day. The Mad Hatter fixed his broken cups and threw them away.

"Can't be help"

First of all, Alice asked who were those men and why did the three hid her, they answered that she was the knight in the book of prophets who came to destroy the queen of hearts. Then she asked for the boy, why were they asking for a blonde boy? The mouse replied with a long sigh, the boy was apparently the one who will--

"Hey Alyce!"


I was disturb by an annoying voice.

I update perhaps a lil slower, srry about that

Ellenashcreators' thoughts