
OnePiece | | Angel among the Devils [AldaLevina]

AldaLevina Summary: Straw Hat pirates countered an unexpected person on their ship, who is it? ⚠Disclaimer: One Piece does not belong to me, it belonged to Eiichiro Oda⚠ ⚠ I do no accept requests nor adding them in my fanfiction ⚠ ⚠ if you still writing your ideas / request on the comments, it will be deleted immediately ⚠ Notes: hello! this is my Angel Among Devils - Rewrite, which is I'm changing half of the story of my previous fanfiction, Angel Among Devils. if you haven't noticed, I have deleted it yesterday and starting this one instead( ̄︶ ̄)↗ I hope you liked this new version of Angel Among Devils fanfiction _ _)/❤

JUST_S0ME_GUY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 9: king in a nameless island

The Straw Hat pirates continue their voyage in search of a doctor when they find an island. Though, they need to call it a night again because they can't take a risk navigating at night without Nami. Meanwhile, (y/n) is heading to Nami's room to check up on her. but when she opens the door, she saw the other is still accompanying her. (y/n) smiled at them and closed the door, not wanting to disturb them. When she's about to go back to her room, she spotted someone is watching over the ship's mast. She look closely and recognized that blonde hair.

Sanji is watching over the night even though the weather is extremely cold right now. All he has is a blanket to warm himself "so cold—" he shivers "hopefully the island is not too fa—"



(y/n)'s sudden appearance surprised Sanji, his expression makes her laughs "wha—it's only (y/n)-tan… phew, you really got me there" Sanji sighs in relief "but how did you get up here?"

"I have wings remember? I can fly up here"

Sanji looked at (y/n)'s wings, he thought it looks so magnificent. He reach out to touch her wings, but when he touched it with his bare hand he could feel how soft and silk it was "whoa—so soft!!" he said with an intrigued face.



Sanji turned to see (y/n)'s a red face, he wonders what happened to her "s-sorry… my wings are… pretty sensitive—" she said. NOW, Sanji knows why her face turned red… it's because of the way he touches her.

Sanji's face also quickly turned red and pulls his hands back "SORRY, (Y/N)! I didn't mean to—"

"it's alright" though she thought the way Sanji's touches makes her feel a little good, is it weird if she thinks that Sanji's fingers are really good when he touches her?

After that, (y/n) sat next to Sanji as her wings covering them from snow. Sanji told her that she don't need to do that because he's worried that she will be the one who's freezing. But (y/n) told him that she's fine and felt relieved that she could outstretch her wings and protected them. Sanji smiled to her that (y/n) has a kind heart, so he decided to share his blanket with her. He wrapped most of the blanket over (y/n) and pull her closer "then I'll keep you warm. It's a knight's duty to protect their Princess" Sanji smiled.

(y/n) looked up at Sanji who smiled at her, somehow his kindness touches her heart as it start beating really fast. It seems her cheeks also feel warm too. But she's happy that Sanji is protecting her, she never thought someone would protect her.

(y/n) closes her eyes and lays her head on Sanji's head, feeling each other's warmth. While Sanji checking if (y/n) is nice and comfortable with him, he makes sure nothing happens to her.

The next day, the crew have found an island right up ahead, where everything is covered in snow. Hopefully, they could find a doctor there to save Nami. When they almost arrived at the shore, Sanji called everyone and warned them about a group of people surrounding them… with their guns pointed at the crew. "turn your vessel around and leave now!!" one of the men shouted. But the crew tried to convince them that they come with no harm and just want to find a doctor. But the island residents couldn't take any word from them, especially since they are pirates.

"they really don't like us, and we only just met" says Sanji.

"shut up!!" one of the men shot in Sanji's direction and almost hit him.

It makes Sanji snapped and almost attacked back, but (y/n) tried to stop him. One of the group starts to shoot again as the bullet hits (y/n). At that moment, everyone froze in the spot when they saw (y/n) was hit by a bullet. Especially Sanji, his eyes widened as he saw (y/n) kneeled down to hold the bleeding.

"(Y/N)--!!!" everyone called her.

Vivi went down first to check on her, (y/n) told her that she's fine and showed them the wound. Luckily, the bullet didn't hit her somewhere vital, but it hit her shoulder. Everyone was pretty mad went they saw blood trailing from her clothes "oi, (y/n)! hang in there!" Usopp quickly went to her side and tried to stop the bleeding.

"Usopp-kun, cover me so I could heal myself" (y/n) whispered, Usopp nodded and use his body to cover her so the other people won't see (y/n)'s healing power.

"you bastards--!!" Luffy went angry and about to attack back, but Vivi quickly pulled him back and told him that using violence won't solve anything.

"Luffy, you're a failure as a captain. Insiflfullness doesn't solve anything! If you get us killed… what will happen to Nami and (y/n)-san?" Vivi said as she put her head down on the floor and begged the island residents for help.

Luffy looked at Vivi's thoughtfulness, he calmed himself down and putting his head down on the floor as well "you're right. forgive me! I was wrong! Please call a doctor. Please help our friend!" he begged too.

The leader of the group of men step forward and couldn't believe what he saw right in front of him, pirates putting their heads low to save their friends. He gave it a thought and has decided to lower his men's weapons "I'll take you to the village. Come with me" said the leader. The crew was shocked that they have changed their mind "see? He understands us!" said Vivi to Luffy. The captain agree and compliment her that they could get it away peacefully.

Finally, the crew was able to bring Nami to find a doctor, and (y/n) decided to keep using a bandage on her shoulder for a cover. And the one watching over the ship right now is only Zoro and Karoo. While the island residents escorting them to their village, their leader called Captain Dalton informed them that there's only one doctor on their island. They called that doctor a witch. "one doctor? There's no other doctor?" ask (y/n).

"We have plenty of doctors in the past, but… they left" Dalton replied.

Once they arrived, Dalton letting Nami use his bed so she could rest and he could check on her. Dalton was very surprised to see Nami's bad condition. He warned them if she doesn't get treated soon she could die. (y/n) keep holding Nami's hand so she could subside her pain. "look, we need a doctor, any doctor! Where's this witch?!" ask Sanji.

"the witch…" Dalton pointed at his window "you see those mountains out the window?"

When they turned at the window, the view was blocked by massive snowmen made by Luffy and Usopp. Sanji went angry and destroyed it so they could see the mountain where Dalton actually pointed.

Dalton explained to the crew that the witch lives in the castle on top of the mountain. Unfortunately, no one can call her down, only she that could come down as she pleases and take everything she wants from her patients. "hey, she's just like a pirate!" said Luffy. Dalton told them that the witch went down from the mountain by using a sleigh carried by a strange beast.

(y/n) went to Luffy's side and whispered in his ear "that mountain is really high, and there's no road that could lead to that castle. I could help you by flying you and Nami up there. But I need a distraction so no one could see my power" she offered.

Luffy gave it a thought for a moment and went to Nami to wake her up "hey Nami, listen. The only doctor around here lives on top of a mountain. So we're gonna climb it" he said.

The rest of the crew disagree with his crazy idea because it could make Nami's situation worse. Nami chuckled at Luffy's idea and agreed "I'm counting on you" she smiled.

"atta girl, Nami! Leave everything to me!" Luffy smiled back.

"then I'm coming with you—"

"no, you stay here" Luffy stopped (y/n).

"b-but why?!"

"he's right. didn't your shoulder were shot? I apologize for what my men did to you, but you should rest here" says Dalton.

"that's—" (y/n) tried to find an excuse because her shoulder already healed.

Alas, (y/n) couldn't argue and decided to go with Luffy's plan. The one who's going is only Luffy, Nami, and Sanji. She helped Luffy by wrapping cloth around Nami on his back so he could easily carry her and she won't fall. (y/n) make sure the cloth are tight and comfortable. Then she turned to Sanji so she could wrap an extra scarf around his neck. But she noticed that he's staring at her with a sad look "what's wrong? (y/n) asked.

"no, it's just… I was thinking that every time you are hurt, I didn't do anything. I'm such a weakling…"

Sanji kept thinking about (y/n) got shot earlier and all he did was frozen in the spot. He felt really bad that he couldn't protect her. (y/) looked at Sanji in the eyes "Mr. Cook" she called as she reach her hand on Sanji's cheek "don't worry about that. You should focus on helping Luffy and Nami right now"

(y/n) leans closer to Sanji's ear "protect them for me, My Bravest Knight" she whispered and gives a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Sanji's face lifted back up again "leave it to me, (y/n)-tan!" he pointed at himself with an excited face. (y/n) relieved that Sanji is back to his usual self.

Then, the trio is on their way to meet the witch by climbing the mountain on foot. While watching the trio leave, Dalton said that he's worried that they couldn't make it to see the witch. But (y/n) just smiled and look at their back "…you don't have to worry. They are not weak as you thought. I believe they could find that witch" she said with a confident smile. Vivi and Usopp smiled as well, they too believe they will succeed. Dalton is amazed by (y/n)'s faith in her friends "shall we go inside? It's much warmer" Dalton offered his home to them.

"Thanks, but I like it out here" says Vivi and chooses to stay outside. Usopp and (y/n) accompanying her too. Dalton is more impressed by them, so he decided to accompany them as well.

Dalton starts telling them stories about their island, turns out the island that they are standing on right now doesn't have a name and their country once has lots of doctors. Unfortunately, they are left because of their previous King. Their country was once attacked by pirates and the captain's name is Blackbeard. The King fled the country and his people. Vivi went furious after she heard a King like that exist. "this King's… what's his name?" (y/n) asked.

"his name's… Wapol"

The trio was shocked to hear Wapol's name, a King also. They taught Wapol is actually a pirate too. But Dalton told them it was only a cover so he could flee to the sea. Vivi getting angrier at Wapol's behaviors.

(y/n) crossed her arms and think about Dalton's stories "your King is not worth being called the ruler of this land, he should be ashamed for becoming a damn coward" she turned to Dalton "your beautiful and peaceful island deserves a better King"

"We know that but… we don't know who's worthy enough as the next King—" Dalton looked down.

"what about you?"


"After what you did for us, and I could tell that you're a great leader for your men as well. I say… you are a great candidate for this island's future King"

Dalton gaped, somehow her words struck into his heart. For a second, he thought he could lead this country into a better future. But he quickly erased those thoughts and come back with reality "that's impossible, I'm… not worthy. I did many horrible things in the past--. Being this island's protector is enough for me"

(Y/n) looked at Dalton for a moment "…I wouldn't say that. I believe that you will be the King for this country" she gently punched Dalton's chest "you have a big heart, Captain Dalton. A strong one too"

Dalton stares at (y/n)'s for a moment, he smiled at her "then, I'll try to become a King for them"

(y/n) nodded "and once you become one, you better tell us. To make sure you have kept your words"

"I will" Dalton nodded.

While the four of them were still under the falling snow, one of the villagers approached Dalton and told him that the witch that they're looking for was located in the next village. They are shocked that the witch is actually on the land right now. Dalton quickly pulls out his sleight and everyone hops on it as they are on their way to the next village called Cocoaweed to see the witch.

The group is still on their way to Cocoaweed, they're planning to tell the witch to go back to the castle so she could meet Luffy and the others. But once they arrived at the village, they went to the restaurant where the witch rumored was last seen in there. When they asked the people in the restaurant if they see her, they say the witch has left and gone to a place called Gyasta just a while ago. "let's go! We've come this far, there's no time to waste!" said Usopp as the group prepared to leave again.

Suddenly, someone approached Dalton in a hurry. It was one of his men. He informed Dalton that most of his men are dead and Wapol returns is the cause of it. The group was shocked to hear Wapol stepped on this land once again. the villager who heard that Wapol has returned becomes scared and worried.

Dalton quickly grabbed a horse nearby and went to Wapol's location. (y/n) look at Dalton's back with a worried expression "…return in one piece, Dalton-san" she said as she returned with Usopp and Vivi to go to their next destination by borrowing Dalton's sleight.

After the snowy trip to the next village, they saw the villagers are starting to run away from something. "get out of the village! Hurry!!" one of the villagers warn. The trio was confused about what caused them to run in panic like that. Then, they heard a loud sound rumbling from the mountain and the ground starts shaking. When they look in the mountain direction, there's an avalanche heading in their direction. They tried to run away but the avalanche are coming quickly and about to cover them along with the villagers.

(y/n) lookup to see the avalanche are just right above them. She quickly spread her wings and jumps toward Usopp and Vivi "WATCH OUT!!!" she shouted as she protecting them from avalanche with her wings.

Once the avalanche stopped, everything went silent. Vivi came out from the snow first and tried to find her friends. She did find Usopp and tried to prevent him from sleeping in the snow beating him up. "we need to find (y/n)-san! I'm sure she's still around here somewhere. Quick! Before she freezing to death!" Vivi warns as she and Usopp try to dig into the snow, hoping they would find her.

A few minutes later, Usopp found a familiar feather nearby. Both of them start digging with all their might. After some digging, they finally found a pair of wings and they dig some more until (y/n) out from the snow.

When (y/n) finally out from the snow, Vivi and Usopp tried to wake her up but she didn't open her eyes "Vivi… don't tell me she—" Usopp already starts imagining the worse case happened to (y/n).

"don't you dare finish that sentence!!" Vivi punched him in the face.

Vivi tried to carry (y/n) on her back, but she doesn't have strength. So Usopp is the one carrying her and Vivi helped to carry her wings "h-her wings are heavier than it looks!" Vivi said.

While on their way back, someone suddenly appeared from the snow… it was Zoro. He was shirtless and freezing. Usopp and Vivi are surprised to see him in the middle of the woods, turns out he was training near the river and get dragged by the avalanche. He even didn't think that he would meet Usopp and Vivi there. He looked closely and spotted the familiar figure behind Usopp's back "that's—(y/n)? what happened to her? why are her wings spreading out??" he asked while trying to cover himself from cold.

"It seems she's fainted because she saves our life from the avalanche. We need to find a safe place" said Vivi.

After hears Vivi's explanation, Zoro sighs "being a reckless idiot as always" then he carries (y/n) on his back. While Usopp and Vivi help to carry (y/n)'s wings.

"you're right. her wings heavier than it looks" said Usopp.

"told you"

From the sound of strong cold wind in the woods, (y/n) could feel something warm. She feels so cold and tried to embrace the warmth as tight as possible. But she also could smell something familiar, a scent that makes her feels safe somehow. Then (y/n) slowly open her eyes and saw she was moving, but she feels she's not walking with her foot right now. "…you're finally awake?" ask a familiar voice.

(y/n) tilted her head to see a green hair close to her face "…Zoro?" she called.

Her groaning voice calling his name near Zoro's ear suddenly makes him chills, he didn't expect her voice makes him feels a little excited for some reason.

(y/n) turned around to see Usopp and Vivi also there, they're so happy that she finally awakens. They were so worried about her. (y/n) asked where are they going, Usopp replied that they're heading to a nearby village to rest. Strangely, when they arrived they are back at Big Horn Town where Dalton lives. It seems the avalanche has dragged them all the way down to the mountain.

The four of them went to the village to find shelter. But they spotted some people are gathering. Zoro asked them what happened to one of the villagers. They say that Dalton is buried in the snow because of the avalanche earlier, they wanted to help him but Wapol's men not letting anyone saves Dalton. (y/n) widened her eyes and look at Wapol's men around them. (y/n) quickly went down from Zoro as she almost stumbled from running toward Wapol's men.

"you there! Stop coming closer!" warned one of the men as they aiming their weapon at her.

"(Y/N)!!!" Vivi and Usopp called her.

When the guns are shot in (y/n)'s direction, Zoro came just in time and blocked the bullets with the sword that he stole from Wapol's men. While the guns still shot at (y/n), she uses her devil-fruit power to pull a cross-shaped blade from her chest.

(y/n) swings her sword to defeat Wapol's men within a short time, Zoro also helped her defeating them and also stealing their coat to keep himself warm. (y/n) quickly went to dig Dalton out from the snow and found him covered in blood. "DALTON!!" (y/n) called his name, hoping he could hear her. She even could tell that he's in dying condition. (y/n)'s palms start to glow and heal him. Everyone there saw her healing Dalton with her power. "this is bad, people are seeing (y/n)'s power" Usopp sweat-dropped.

Zoro quickly grabbed (y/n)'s arm away from Dalton "are you insane?!" he scolded her for showing her devil-fruit power in public.

(y/n) snapped back and look around to find the villagers are staring at her. she looked down with a guilty expression "I'm sorry…" she apologized. Zoro calmed down as well and sigh in relief. He put (y/n)'s head on his shoulder.

Then the doctors that supposed to be in Wapol's party offered their help to save Dalton. But the others are unsure to let them help Dalton because they're on Wapol's side. "we're still doctors! We were forced to do the King's bidding…" says one of the doctors "but our medical research will benefit the entire Kingdom! One quack doctor thought us never to give up hope. We should listen to fools like that more!" he added.

In the end, the others let the doctors treat Dalton's injuries. They did successfully treated Dalton's wounds but he's not waking up and start getting worried that he won't wake up. (y/n) stepped forward at Dalton once more and look at his face.

She reached out her palm to caress his cheek "…Dalton, wake up" she said with a gentle voice.

Slowly, Dalton opened his eyes and saw (y/n) staring down at him "…you're—" he said with a low deep voice. He smiled that the first thing he heard was her voice to wake up.

"…who's that man?" Zoro asked, as he crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows.

"oh, that's Dalton. The leader of this island's protector" Usopp answer.

"why is she touching him like that? Are they close or something?"

"what do you mean? We've just met today"

"…" Zoro is not satisfied by the answer, he doesn't like (y/n) looking at other men like that.

Dalton finally had enough energy to get up even though he's still pretty injured. His group tried to tell him to get some rest first. But he's insisted that he wanted to finish his business first with Wapol. Dalton tried to walk steady but failed. (y/n) caught him just in time before he falls to the ground "I've got you" she said as she tries to help him walk. Zoro went between them and carries Dalton instead with ease "to the top of the mountain, right?" he asked.

Then the villagers approached them and tell them that they could use the old carriage that leads to the top of the mountain if they have given some time to prepare it. Thus, the people there helped Dalton and his men fixing the old carriage and riding it as they're heading toward the castle on the mountain. While in the carriage, Dalton could still feel his blood boils because of Wapol and his ignorance "who cares about power and order! What's so wrong… about wanting your country to have a heart?!" he stated as he coughed more blood.

After seeing Dalton in pain, (y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck to calm him down "this country… deserve a better King, Dalton. And it's you. You have a bigger heart than anyone else!" she said.

Dalton froze and calmed down thanks to (y/n)'s words. He wrapped his arms around (y/n) and whispered thank you to her.