
OnePiece | | Angel among the Devils [AldaLevina]

AldaLevina Summary: Straw Hat pirates countered an unexpected person on their ship, who is it? ⚠Disclaimer: One Piece does not belong to me, it belonged to Eiichiro Oda⚠ ⚠ I do no accept requests nor adding them in my fanfiction ⚠ ⚠ if you still writing your ideas / request on the comments, it will be deleted immediately ⚠ Notes: hello! this is my Angel Among Devils - Rewrite, which is I'm changing half of the story of my previous fanfiction, Angel Among Devils. if you haven't noticed, I have deleted it yesterday and starting this one instead( ̄︶ ̄)↗ I hope you liked this new version of Angel Among Devils fanfiction _ _)/❤

JUST_S0ME_GUY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 8: The swordsman's eye

Finally, the whole crew is all together again retelling the stories about what just happened. Sanji also told everyone that he found a weird candle hut and talk to Mr. 0 through a snail phone. Everyone was shocked that Sanji talk directly to the leader, he thought Sanji was Mr. 3. Sanji tried to convince him with false reports so he won't send more agents to hunt them "but I think he won't fall that easily. We still have to be cautious. He did send his agents to kill us" warn Sanji "but…"

"but…?" Vivi asks in curiosity.

"he mentioned something about a jewel. Is this island has treasure?"

"not that I remember" said Broggy.

"earlier, Mr. 3 said something about a jewel as well. I believe he's referring it to (y/n)-san" said Vivi and everyone turned their attention to (y/n). the woman gives everyone a confused look.

"I was curious that candle guy wanted to keep alive… so that's how is it" Zoro said.

"what do you mean?" ask Usopp.

Zoro explains that Mr. 0 wanted (y/n) to be captured alive because he needed something from her. everyone wondered what could possibly Mr. 0 wanted from (y/n). 'this is absurd, what is that man really wanted for me? why doesn't he wanted me dead too? Does he already know about my devil-fruit ability?' (y/n) wonders, so many questions that weren't clearly answered.

"whatever it is. It must be really important that he favors (y/n) like that. I mean, sending her a rose? It sounds like he wanted you alive because he loves you" Nami facepalmed.

"again, that sounded so ridiculous. I mean, I do know about Seven Warlords of the Sea but I never met Sir Crocodile personally"

"have you met Seven Warlords?"

(y/n) nodded and said she has met some of them. She has met face to face with the famous Dracule Mihawk, Bartholomew Kuma, Gecko Moria, Donquixote Doflamingo. Everyone is amazed that she has met such famous figures "what is your connection with them?" Nami asks.

"I… rather not tell" (y/n) replied. Although everyone is curious, they cannot force her to tell them right now.

Thus, the crew continue their voyage to Alabasta thanks to Sanji who got an eternal pose from the weird Otter and the bird from a while ago. They said goodbye to both giants and prepare to sail. Before sailing, turns out Sanji and Zoro had a hunting challenge and both of them caught a pretty big dinosaur. They're fighting which one is bigger. "(y/n)! mine's bigger, right?!" both of them turned to (y/n)'s direction.

"eh? Does it matter??" (y/n) sweat-dropped.

Once everyone got whatever they need, the ship starts sailing and is on its way to the next island. At the end of the island, the giants are standing there and watch the crew leaving. They told the crew to keep moving forward and never look back. Then Nami pointed something big about to appear right up ahead. A very giant fist that could swallow a whole island appeared and almost swallowed them. But the might Elbaph Warriors use their last energy and weapon to open a road for them "MAY GOOD FORTUNE ACCOMPANY YOU!!!" they shout in unison. The crew thanked and waved goodbye to them.

On their voyage, Luffy and Usopp are still blown-minded by the Elbaph warriors. Nami and Vivi are navigating the course and the others are doing their own business. Meanwhile, (y/n) went to the upper deck and spotted Zoro training. He's waving a giant metal weight bar and swing it as if it was a sword, now he's reached over 2600 swings. (y/n) impressed that he's working hard even after the battle. She leaned on the wall and watch his training for a while. Then she looked at the Zoro's legs where he cuts them in half, (y/n) worried it might reopen.

(y/n) approached Zoro and snatch the metal weight with one hand "stop" she said. Zoro widened his eyes that she's able to grab it easily and put it aside. (y/n) told him to sit down so Zoro sit on the floor deck and stretch his legs out.

(y/n) sit next to him and use her light power to heal his legs. Zoro tried to stop her, but the injuries already healed first and all left is the scar "I've told you not to use your power on small injuries like these" he scolds.

"those aren't small injuries. Besides I'm fine—" (y/n) said but her nose start bleeding.

Zoro sighs and grabs a towel nearby. He wiped the blood with it. As he tried to help (y/n) stop nose-bleeding, he was thinking that why would she help everyone if it only kills her. his heartache a little when he imagines that (y/n) suffering alone and taking everyone's else pain. (y/n) just noticed that Zoro is watching her closely "? Zoro-san…?" she called. But then Zoro pulled her head on his shoulder, so that (y/n) couldn't see the face he's making right now. He told her to stay still for a moment.

(y/n) tried to call him once more so she could face him. But all she got was silent, (y/n) wonder healing him is a wrong move. When the bleeding stop, Zoro finally let her go and check it again to make sure it really stop. (y/n) blush a little by such affection and sharp eyes.

"…I'll wash your towel and return it to you later" said (y/n) as she covered herself with it so Zoro won't see her blushing like a teenage girl.

"sure" Zoro patted her head. As much (y/n) doesn't want to look like a child right now, she liked her head being pat.

"oh yeah, how do you meet Mihawk anyway?" Zoro asks out of curiosity.

"Dracule Mihawk-san? It was a pretty long time ago if I remember correctly. Do you know him, Zoro-san?"

Zoro told her that the scar on his chest are the one caused by Mihawk, he almost slashed Zoro in half. (y/n) amazed that Zoro survived Mihawk's attack. But when (y/n) is about to tell him the story, Vivi suddenly screams and told everyone Nami suddenly fainted.

Afterward, Nami has taken into her room and rest in her bed. (y/n) checked her temperature and was shocked to see the number "100 degrees… this is bad, she's having a high fever". When (y/n) was about to heal her, someone grabbed her arm to stop her. (y/n) turned to see Zoro looking at her with an angry expression "enough! Don't waste your stamina" he scolds.

"oi Marimo, don't be so rough on her. you'll hurt her arm" Sanji glared at Zoro "beside (y/n) just want to heal her, what's the problem?"

"…back in the Little Garden, she has used her power to heal us. She's coughing a lot of blood afterward. And just a moment ago she just use it again to heal my legs. After that, she starts nose-bleeding, which means her power isn't fully recovered yet"

"what…?!" Sanji shocked.

"Mr. Bushido is right, if (y/n)-san use her power excessively then who knows she might really die this time" Vivi warns.

Sanji couldn't believe the risk of using (y/n)'s healing power "sorry, (y/n)-tan…" he said with an apologetic look. But (y/n) told him that doesn't need to apologize and telling everyone that she's fine. Then Zoro pulled (y/n) out from the room so they could go watch over the sailing together. (y/n) took one last glance at Nami before the door shut behind her.

"…I don't remember Zoro being protective like that" Usopp sweat-dropped. And the group thought the same thing.

When Zoro and (y/n) outside to keep an eye out for direction, it's actually (y/n)'s job to navigate because Zoro can't. Zoro just sits casually and watching over the sky while doing some arm training with a big barbell. Meanwhile, (y/n) just sitting next to him and giving him a displeasing look because he won't let her heal Nami. Zoro noticed her glare and sighed "it's not like you have enough to heal her anyway. If you did, what's next? Blood coming out from your ear?"

"ew, that's gross"

"then knock it off and think about yourself for once" he flicked (y/n)'s forehead. When he's back focusing train his arm, (y/n) almost stabs him with her cross light. She's trying hard not to kill him. "about earlier—"


"…is your arm okay?"

(y/n) looked at both of her arms "yes, they're fine. Why do you ask?"

"no particular reason"

"hmmm—" (y/n) just realized something and grins at him "Zoro-san… you're actually has a soft spot on me, aren't you?"

Zoro almost choked and turned to her with a red face "oh my, the great swordsman is actually a worry-wart!" (y/n) laughs. She teases him by poking him over and over. (y/n) enjoys it until she laughs.

But Zoro had enough before he goes redder, so grab her wrist and raise it above (y/n)'s head. His eyes stare deeply into hers. (y/n) was a little surprised and went speechless for a second there, seeing how deep Zoro stares into her eyes "Zoro-…san?" she called. Zoro stares at her for a little bit more and then slowly releases her "…sorry. You gotta be careful. There's time… I couldn't hold back" he warns and went back to lifting his barrels.

Leaving (y/n) speechless. She quickly turned around and looked down. (y/n) touched her cheeks and could feel the warmth 'oh dear, my heart beating so fast…' she didn't think that Zoro had that side of him.

"geez, as soon both of you are alone, you start flirting. Why don't you find a room?"

"Nami!" (y/n) widened her eyes to see Nami standing there "you're supposed to be on the bed!"

"I'm fine, I'm just checking the route. It seems we're on a right track thanks to you"

"we'll go find a doctor for you on the next island. You really should get some rest"

The others tried to tell Nami to go to bed, but she's insisted to keep navigating in her condition. Everyone could tell that she's definitely not alright, her face is flushed and sweating a lot. She even can't stand straight so (y/n) helped her to stand right up. Nami told (y/n) that there will a cyclone up ahead, (y/n) widened her eyes and warned everyone about the cyclone. And just like what Nami said, there's one just right in front of them. Everyone hurried to move the ship so they won't hit the cyclone.

Even through extreme weather and having a fever, Nami could predict the weather condition with her body. Everyone saved thanks to her navigation. That night, the crew decided to stop sailing and continue it in the morning. some of the crew sleeping in Nami's room just to accompany her. in the middle of the night, Nami woke up to see her friends on the floor. She feels touched that her friends cared so much about her "can't sleep?" a familiar voice asked.

Nami turned to see (y/n) sitting next to the side of the bed "you can't too?"

(y/n) shakes her head. Then she reach out her hand to Nami and she accepted it. (y/n)'s palms start to glow faintly and Nami could feel the warmth through it "…it feels warm" she smiled.

"if the others saw me using my healing power they might get mad again" (y/n) chuckled "even though my power hasn't fully recovered, this is at least I could do is reducing the pain or your fever"

"if your healing power is back, can you heal my fever?"

"I could but waiting until it comes back will take a few more days, and your fever is already worse. We need to find a doctor as soon as possible—" then (y/n) starts coughing. She looked at her palm and there's blood on it.

"aah! You're coughing again!" Nami looked at her with a worried look.

(y/n) told Nami that she's fine, and decided to leave the room to get some water and clean herself without waking everyone.

(y/n) returned to her room to clean herself in the bathroom. She realized that she looked paler than usual 'I'm losing too much blood…' she thought. She remembers Zoro's words about taking care of herself more. She thinks he had a point. (y/n) decided to lessen using her healing power so she could help her friends later. On her desk, (y/n) decided to write a letter. Once she's done, she saved it and planning to deliver it later.

(y/n) walking out of her room and about to go to Nami's room. but when she looked outside, it started snowing. She went to the middle of the deck and look up at the sky, reaching her arms out to feel the snow gently touch her skin. She closed her eyes and remembered the day when she's on a mission. It was snowing heavily and she was also injured badly. A couple of Marines are searching for her as she struggling to get away from them. While escaping, a group of Marines had found her and aimed their weapon at her. (y/n) prepared to fight back but she's not sure she'll win with her condition.

When the guns are shoots, she expects the bullets will head. Before she know it, a man appeared in front of her and blocked the bullets with his big sword. (y/n) looked up to see a swordsman with bright yellow eyes, he turned to see (y/n) for a while "umm, who are—"

"stay back" says the man as if he protecting her.

Both of them saw more Marines are coming and aiming their weapons at them. In one powerful swing, the swordsman was able to wipe out the whole army. (y/n) amazed and shocked to see the enormous power coming from the man. He turned back to (y/n) "you should go back, your friends are waiting on the other side of the island" he simply said and was about to leave.

"wait!" (y/n) called "what's your name?"

"…Dracule Mihawk" he said and walks away.

The moment she heard the swordsman's name, her eyes widened and shocked to see one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea has saved her life. But she wonders… what purpose he has saved her life.

Back to the present, the snow getting thicker, and the deck was almost covered in snow. "Dracule Mihawk… can our path be crossed again?" she said softly. Hopefully, when they do… there will be no battle involved. After that, (y/n) went back to Nami's room to check on everyone.

Meanwhile somewhere, there's an island that has a castle and only one man lives there… Dracule Mihawk. He's reading through a newspaper while sipping his favorite tea. In the news, he reads about an unknown pirate crew is making chaos at Logue Town. He did not care who's the pirate crews, but what caught his eyes a specific person in the photo. In the middle of the crowd, a woman wearing a coat. He could see her face and recognize her immediately "Labelle. D (y/n)…" he whispered her name.

Mihawk stare out at the window "I had a feeling, we'll see each other again one day" he said.

The next day, the snowstorm interferes with their voyage. When they're checking on Nami, her fever still hasn't decreased. "that's it. I'm going to heal her" (y/n) said as she was about to heal Nami. Usopp and Luffy quickly grabbed her before she's taking another step. Usopp reminding her that if she does, she'll die.

Then Zoro reporting that he saw something… someone. There's only Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp on the deck right now, the rest are still accompanying Nami in her room. Luffy and Usopp thought he might have found an island, but when they look close to where Zoro pointing. Turns out, there is a man standing on the surface of the sea. They couldn't believe a random man just stand there casually.

Out of nowhere, a big submarine appeared under the man's feet. The trio was shocked to see a submarine that transformed into a ship appeared right in front of them.

Back in Nami's room, everyone there confused why the ship starts shaking. Sanji tried to lift Nami's bed so she won't feel the tremor. Sanji asked Vivi to watch over Nami, and (y/n) coming with him. "hey, what's going on?!" he shouted. But the moment they went outside, a bunch of weapons are aimed at their heads. Turns out, the ship is being attacked by another pirate.

Then their Captain appeared while eating something, the man could eat a whole sharp knife without a problem. Wapol, Captain of The Tin Tyrant Pirates. The Straw Hat crew there is pretty sick to see the man eating a knife. Wapol asked them if they have an eternal pose or log pose to a place called the Drum Kingdom. But the crew never heard such a place nor have a log pose to go there "so if you're done, go away!" told Luffy.

But Wapol said not to rush things and about to take the Straw Hat's treasure instead. Then Wapol starts eating some of their ship parts "he's eating our ship!!" Luffy shouted in anger.

"What an appetite… that looks so disgusting" (y/n) said with a disgusted look.

Luffy had enough and start punching one of Wapol's minions. Finally, the crew is allowed to fight back. A bunch of Wapol's men is aiming at (y/n) and about to shot her. but (y/n) is not bothered, and by lifting one finger lots of them are stabbed by a few of her cross lights as they fell on the floor. Zoro and Sanji also had no problem defeating Wapol's men.

When Luffy tried to stop Wapol from eating their ship, he tried to attack him. But Wapol uses his devil-fruit power to eat Luffy whole. "Luffy?!!" Usopp gasped to see Luffy eaten alive.

The moment (y/n) saw being eaten alive, her eyes glow brightly as her wings spread wide. Everyone was shocked to see (y/n)'s appearance. She dashed straight in Wapol's direction and kicked him hard into the sky as he spitted out Luffy "oh dear, I went overboard" (y/n) snapped back and dispel her wings back.

"Are you okay, Luffy?" (y/n) checked on him.

"yeah but, blergh— that guy's mouth smells stinks!"

After Wapol's crew saw their captain has thrown into the sky. They went furious but decided to pull back in search of their captain. Everyone had shared one thought, that they're just a bunch of idiots. After that, the crew decided to clean up and fix the damaged ship.