
OnePiece | | Angel among the Devils [AldaLevina]

AldaLevina Summary: Straw Hat pirates countered an unexpected person on their ship, who is it? ⚠Disclaimer: One Piece does not belong to me, it belonged to Eiichiro Oda⚠ ⚠ I do no accept requests nor adding them in my fanfiction ⚠ ⚠ if you still writing your ideas / request on the comments, it will be deleted immediately ⚠ Notes: hello! this is my Angel Among Devils - Rewrite, which is I'm changing half of the story of my previous fanfiction, Angel Among Devils. if you haven't noticed, I have deleted it yesterday and starting this one instead( ̄︶ ̄)↗ I hope you liked this new version of Angel Among Devils fanfiction _ _)/❤

JUST_S0ME_GUY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 7: Giants

While Dorry still fainted on the ground, (y/n) tried to heal him with her light power. His wounds are so big that it took a long time and she's not even finished. Then, the volcano exploded again. it's the cue for the giants to have a match again. Doffy suddenly starts to move and asked (y/n) to stop healing him. (y/n) disagree and told him to stay so she could him properly. "you must have… use lots of energy to heal me, right? you can stop now" Dorry said to (y/n), although his injuries are still not fully healed and there's a chance that it'll reopen if he goes to battle.

The crew tried to stop them, especially Luffy, so Dorry moves his skull mountain and dropped it on top of Luffy so he couldn't move. Dorry pointing his sword at Luffy "I must go to the battle. And to lose my good name… would be to lose my very self" he turned around and going to the battleground "forgive me… for suspecting you, humans" is the last thing he said to the group.

"your battle was interfered with!! This fight is not fair!!!" Luffy warned. Hopefully, Dorry would listen to him.

Dorry pretending that he doesn't hear Luffy's words and keep o going. There he's facing Broggy while still being injured. Two of them fought with all they have. In the middle of the battle, someone running in their direction in panic "LUFFY!! This is terrible! N-Nami—a dinosaur are Nami!!!" Usopp cried in terror. The group was shocked to hear Usopp's words.

"w-wait a minute, calm down! You said Nami disappeared, but don't you go back and check on her?" Vivi asked.

"How could I?! I was too scared! If it wasn't a dinosaur, then it was a wild beast! What else could it have been?!"

"I don't think it's a wild beast that causes Nami's disappearance. There's someone else on this island besides us, and it could be those Baroque Works agents that captured her" (y/n) said.

"(y/n)-san is right. After all, you've probably not even on their hit list. That ale could have been the work of the ones who were after us before!" Vivi guessed.

"ale?" Usopp looked at them with a confused look "what are you talking about?"

The group explained to Usopp what happened to Dorry and about the exploding ale. He couldn't believe it and believe Broggy isn't the culprit, the fight would be unfair. When Dorry is almost out of stamina, he slips something on the ground and falls. Broggy saw his opportunity and swings his ax on Dorry. Once again Dorry coughs on blood and fell to the ground. After what everyone just saw, Luffy went furious "WHO ARE YOU?! SHOW YOURSELF!!" he shouted out of frustration.

"…you can have him back. We've finished with him" said a familiar voice. It was the agents from Whiskey Peak, Mr. 5, and his partner, Mrs. Valentine.

Everyone turned to see Mr. 5 kicked beaten up Karoo in their direction. Vivi was shocked to see Karoo's condition and quickly to its aid. (y/n) went to her side and quick to heal the duck "Karoo had nothing to do with this!!" Vivi shouted at the man.

Turns out they were trying to lure Vivi away from Luffy and (y/n) by using Karoo to call her, but Karoo refused and keep its mouth shut even they beat it up over and over.

"then it was you?! You rigged the ale to explode!!" Usopp pointed at Mr .5. but the agents doesn't recognize him, so they assumed that he's with Luffy.

Usopp and Vivi went mad and tried to hit them with their weapon "wait, you two! Don't—" (y/n) tried to stop them but they already attacked first. But the agents are still too powerful for them, Usopp has been crushed into the ground by Mrs. Valentine and Mr. 5 has caught Vivi by the neck.

"Princess! Usopp-kun!!" (y/n) shouted.

"don't get too excited. We're here not to kill you. We are here to pick you up… per the boss's order" Mr. 5 said.

(y/n) raised her eyebrows, the agents came themselves just to bring her straight to their boss's headquarters. (y/n still standing on her guards "you don't want the Princess or the long-nose here died, right? make your choice. Either you come with us… or they die" Mr. 5 threats.

"Kyahahaha! The clock is ticking, better choose now" Mrs. Valentine laughs.

"…" (y/n) glared at them with anger "…as you wish, I'll come. Now let them go"

"Nice choice" Mr. 5 grinned.

"ah-ah, safety first" Mrs. Valentine put a handcuff on (y/n)'s wrists.

(y/n) could tell the handcuff has done something to her, she couldn't her power "this is… sea stone handcuffs. Your boss is truly amazing that he could get one of these. Now back to our deal—"

"of course" Mr. 5 kicked Usopp across the ground very hard next to Karoo "…but the Princess stays with us"

"?!! We had a deal--!!" before (y/n) able to reach Mr .5, Mrs. Valentine tugged her down and use her power to pin (y/n) down.

"there's been a 'little change' to our deal. Now stay still so I could put this on you—" Mrs. Valentine covers (y/n)'s mouth with dog-like mouth covers. Strangely, (y/n) couldn't say a word "there! Now shut your mouth like a good dog you are" she laughs.

"…!!" (y/n) wants to hit her so bad or say talk back but she couldn't. They really lock her tight.

"(y/n)-san!!" Vivi shouted as she tried to escape from Mr. 5 grip.

"great. Everything according to Mr. 3's plan" said Mr. 5.

Then Mr. 5 went to Luffy's place and kick him very hard, he even uses his power so every time he kicks Luffy his foot exploded right in front of his face. Luffy collapsed afterward "…?!! …!!" (y/n) tried to shout his name, but her voice can't come out. Mr.5 said that they even caught Zoro and Nami "you caught Zoro…? Then you're doomed…" Luffy said.

"you can still talk… even after a face full of my kicky bomb?!"

"bleah--! Drop-dead!!" Luffy spitted on Mr. 5's shoes, which made him get another bomb kick on his face a couple of times more.

"Luffy!!" Vivi cried as she is dragged by Mrs. Valentine and (y/n) being carried on Mr. 5's shoulders. Both girls are taken to Mr. 3's location.

Mr. 3 and Mrs. Goldenweek already arrived at the giants' place. Both giants are pinned down by a hard candle made by Mr. 3. A moment later, Mr. 5 and Mrs. Valentine arrived and throws both girls in Mr. 3 direction on the ground. "we have brought the traitorous winch and boss's Jewel" said Mr. 5. Vivi went angry at the sight of Mr. 3 and called him a coward, including to every agent there. "what a cowardly trick! Planting a bomb in Mr. Dorry's ale!!" she shouted.

Broggy, who heard what Vivi just said was shocked to hear the truth "ale? The ale that I gave him? That ale?!"

"hmph! You gave away my secret, big mouth!" Mr. 3 uses his candle-making ability to make a lock for Vivi and (y/n)'s legs as they fall on the ground once more.

Then Mr. 3 turned to (y/n)'s direction, he leaned down at her and inspected her thoroughly "I wonder what the boss wanted from you. Well—" he holds (y/n)'s chin to make her look in his direction "his taste isn't so bad either" he grinned.

(y/n) moved away from Mr. 3 and glared at him "my, vicious aren't you? Well, I just had the thing for you" he creates a candle collar for dogs around (y/n)'s neck with chains on it "now you look better this way" he grinned as he pulled the chains so she's facing back directly at him. (y/n) gives him a disgusted look.

The agents brought the Straw Hat crew that has been captured together and put them under a giant candle made by Mr. 3. Their legs are stuck together in a hard candle. The giant candle starts releasing something like a cloud of dust. The dust that has been inhaled is slowly get hardened inside their body. Mr. 3 trying to turn them into candle statues from inside and outside. Zoro noticed that (y/n) is not under the candle with them, but being chained next to Mr. 3 side "you're trying to kill us but not (y/n)? …what are you guys going to do with her?" he glared at the agents.

Mr. 3 grinned "absolutely none of your business" his answer makes Zoro annoyed and did not accept it. he thought these agents are going to take her to their boss's headquarters.

The giant candle speeding up the process as they start having difficulties breathing. Zoro even tried to cut off his legs to escape because he can't stand watching (y/n) being chained like a dog. Out of nowhere, a trio barged in and shocked everyone. It was Luffy, Usopp, and Karoo trying to save everyone. Luffy panted heavily and look around to find his friends, but when he saw Mr. 3 his jaw dropped "wow! Look at that weird hair! It's a three! And it's on fire!" he described Mr. 3's hair.

"shut up!!" Mr. 3 scolds.

"oh right! where's (y/n)?!" he's searching around the area.

There he spotted her being chained like a dog, Luffy blood starts to boil at the view. Then he start cracking his fingers and glared at the agents "I'm going to make you regret what you did to my sister!" he warned them with an angry expression.

Meanwhile, at Mr. 3's candle house, Sanji is just found it out of random while hunting. But when he enters, no one is inside. He did try the nice warm tea that was still fresh "hey, wait a minute! Maybe I shouldn't be sitting here sipping tea. The girls might be waiting for me to save them!" he finally realized. But when he's in the ship no one is there either. He wondered what happened to the crew. When he's about to leave the candle hut, a snail phone rings.

He answered the call "hello, this is restaurant le crap. Would you like to make a reservation?" he joked.

"stop fooling around, you idiot!" scolds someone with a deep voice "you're late with your report!"

"er… who is this?"

"it's me. Mr. 0"

"…zero?" Sanji remembers that Mr. 0 is Baroque Works codename 'then the guy on the other end of this snail phone is… one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!' he thought.

Mr. 0 thought Sanji is Mr. 3 answering the call, he asked about the mission. It's about eliminating the Princess, the Straw Hat pirates, and capturing (y/n) alive. Sanji is shocked to hear that the leader wants (y/n) alive 'what could he possibly want for her? aah, so this is also the same guy who gave her the rose…!!'

Sanji gritted his teeth in annoyance and almost cracked the snail phone with his hand. Then he had an idea, he pretending to be Mr. 3 and told him that he has killed the Princess and the pirates so he can call off the assassination. After hearing the fake information, Mr. 0 told him that he has sent unluckies to deliver something. An eternal pose to Alabasta. He wanted Mr. 3 and his partner to go straight to Alabasta and bring (y/n) with him "I hope my jewel is still in the best condition, Mr. 3" said Mr. 0.

'a jewel?' Sanji wonders if he's talking about a treasure or something.

But suddenly, the weird bird and otter that spying Luffy and the others back in Whiskey Peak has appeared. They pulled out their weapon and aim it in Sanji's direction.

Sanji easily take down the two of them and went back to calling Mr. 0. He asked what happened, Sanji told him that it was just the pirates' crew still alive and he has taken care of them. "…still alive you say?" his voice went heavier "didn't you just tell me… the mission was accomplished?"

"er, yes. I thought it was… but they weren't dead as I thought"

"in other words, you gave me a false report"

Sanji tried to assuring Mr. 0 to believe his words. Alas, Mr. 0 keep order him to go to Alabasta and bring (y/n) with him "and remember… not a scratch on my jewel" afterward, he hangs up the call so the Marines didn't hear their communication.

At Rain Dinners, after talking with Mr. 3. Crocodile ordered Mrs. All Sunday to send Mr. 2 to assassinated Mr. 3 and bring (y/n) straight to their headquarters. Mrs. All Sunday told him that he's being ruthless to his agents. But for Crocodile, minions are replaceable. Nonetheless, his partner just doing whatever he orders and be on her way. It looks like Crocodile being impatient and wanted to meet (y/n) soon. He do not want to waste any more time, he crossed his arms and look out at the window.

"do not make me wait any longer, Labelle D. (y/n)"

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Grand Line on Captain Smoker's ship, they have caught something interesting on the transmission. They caught a suspicious conversation, it wasn't clear but they have caught the keywords. Princess Vivi, Straw Hat Pirates, Jewel, Mission, Mr. 0. Smoker and Tashigi were surprised that the Straw Hat had anything to do with the lost Princess. Then Tashigi asks if Mr. 11 that they just caught has anything to do with Mr. 0. Although, Mr. 11 tried to neglect whatever the Marines accused, turns out he did connect with Mr. 0.

So the Marines are arranged their course straight to Alabasta where they might find Straw Hat pirates and the lost Princess there. While on their way, Smoker had a feeling that he'll meet (y/n) there. "I will find you again, just you wait and see" he said with determination.

Back to Luffy versus Mr. 3 battle, Mr. 3 has made a special candle armor to fight Luffy. But thanks to Usopp's brilliant idea to melt every candle with blazing fire. The candles are successfully melted and everyone is safe. Mr. 5 and Mrs. Valentines have been defeated. (y/n) also successfully free from the candle locks. Zoro quickly removes the mouth covers from (y/n) face "hold still" he said as he unsheathe his sword and destroyed the seastone handcuff from (y/n). She's impressed by Zoro's swords skill.

"thank you" (y/n) rubbed the pain from her wrists "we need to find, Luff—"

"let me rest for a bit, I almost can't feel my leg… besides he'll be fine" Zoro cuts her off by leaning on (y/n)'s shoulder and covering his face in her neck.

"…" (y/n) looked at Zoro, he looked pretty exhausted. Then she noticed the bad wounds on both Zoro's legs. She remembered that earlier he almost cuts his legs off just to save her. (y/n) wrapped her arms around him and gently put her palm on Zoro's back, her palms lights up as she use her power to reduce Zoro's pain.

Zoro could feel (y/n)'s warm hands on his back "good work, Zoro-san" she whispered. He realized that is the first time she called him his first name, he felt… nice to hear it close.

When the fight was finally over, everyone in the area regrouping and treat themselves. Most of them almost got burned by the fire but (y/n)'s able to heal most of everyone's burns. While in the middle of healing Luffy's injuries, all of the sudden (y/n) throwing up some blood as she coughing really hard. "O-OI, (Y/N)!!" Luffy panicked and tried to grab her before she fall to the ground. The others starts to panic as well and asked her what happened.

(y/n) explained if she's using her power too much she'll coughing blood as one of the internal organs destroyed slowly "being an angel means… to save others, one must sacrifice itself…" she said as she heal herself a little by little.

"(y/n)-san…" Vivi looks at her with a sad expression.

"you have used most of it to heal me before, no wonder you're running out of energy" everyone turned to Dorry "I'm grateful that you have saved me and my friend here, but… you pushed yourself too hard, young lady"

"Dorry's right, we know the story of that power… you can bring someone from the dead, can you?" ask Broggy.

"y-you actually can, (y/n)…?" ask Usopp with a disbelief look, including the others.

(y/n) chuckled "it's not that simple… you see, everything has a price. In exchange to bring someone… back to life—"

"Someone has to die" continues Dorry.

The crew gasped in horror as they turned to (y/n) who just smiled at them. Luffy grabbed (y/n)'s shoulders tightly "is that true, (y/n)?! if you bring someone back to life, you'll—"

"ahahaha, I guess so" she just laughs it off.

Everyone couldn't believe that she's still able to laugh in her situation right now. Luffy released her and crossed his arms "then hear me, (y/n). As your captain, from now on you are forbidden to bring someone alive!!" he said with a serious face.


"you are my precious crew… and my sister. I don't want any of my crew die, I forbid that!!" he shouted "…promise me, (y/n)"

(y/n) look at Luffy's expression, he looks like he really doesn't want to lose her again. she smiled at him "aye-aye, Captain". Satisfied with her answer, Luffy wrapped his arms around her neck and sobbing a little.

Now all the crew has to do is to find a way out from Little Garden. Then Sanji just arrived and running toward them "AH!! (Y/N)! NAMI! VIVI!!" he shouted with happiness (just to see the girls) "you're all safe! Thank Goodness—". Sanji was surprised to see the giants first, but quickly turned to face (y/n) when he noticed the amount of blood trailing from her mouth. "(y/n)-tan! Are you all right?! You're covered in blood! Are you in pain!" he panicked.

"I'm fine, Mr. Cook. See? I'm trying to heal myself" (y/n) smiled and showed her light palm so he won't be worried about her so much.

"aah, your beautiful face is covered in blood. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner" he said with a worried expression and wiped the blood from (y/n)'s face. (y/n) blushed a little by the contact.

"huh? Am I imagining things or do I see sparkling aura coming from Sanji?" Usopp tried to wipe his eyes to make sure he's not seeing things.

"you're right, I can see it too" Vivi did the same as Usopp.

"you guys imagining things" Nami hit both of them.