
OnePiece | | Angel among the Devils [AldaLevina]

AldaLevina Summary: Straw Hat pirates countered an unexpected person on their ship, who is it? ⚠Disclaimer: One Piece does not belong to me, it belonged to Eiichiro Oda⚠ ⚠ I do no accept requests nor adding them in my fanfiction ⚠ ⚠ if you still writing your ideas / request on the comments, it will be deleted immediately ⚠ Notes: hello! this is my Angel Among Devils - Rewrite, which is I'm changing half of the story of my previous fanfiction, Angel Among Devils. if you haven't noticed, I have deleted it yesterday and starting this one instead( ̄︶ ̄)↗ I hope you liked this new version of Angel Among Devils fanfiction _ _)/❤

JUST_S0ME_GUY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 5: The lost princess

When Zoro and (y/n) are about to leave the area, Igarappoi a.k.a Mr. 8, also aiming at them. His musical instrument, an saxophone, turns out a weapon that could shoot bullets. He's aiming his weapon toward Zoro and (y/n) and attacked them. Zoro quickly grabbed (y/n)'s arm and pulled her behind the wall to dodge the bullets. Apparently, Mr. 9 is still able to get up and use his steel rope to caught Zoro's arm.

"Oh my, you have been caught, Mr. Swordsman" (y/n) tapped Zoro's shoulder and give a smile "goodbye"

"HELP ME!!" Zoro scolds as he trying to get away from Mr. 9's grasp.

Mrs. Wednesday also still able to fight had taken Luffy as her hostage, she pointed her knife at his neck. "Luffy!" Zoro and (y/n) called. But Luffy didn't listen and he's in deep sleep because eating so much food. Now he's shaped like a giant ball size human. The scene of Luffy has been caught snapped inside (y/n) as her expression changed into angry mode. The ground starts crumbling under her feet, murder aura emitted, and her palms start shining. Zoro noticed the intense pressure coming from (y/n).

Mr.9 is about to shot Zoro with his gun right at his head. Zoro quickly pulled the rope and dragged Mr. 9 to use him as a shield from Mr. 8 bullets. Then he throws Mr. 9 toward Mrs. Wednesday's direction. (y/n) dashed forward and kicked Mr. 9 hard in the back as he and Mrs. Wednesday got thrown across the ground. (y/n) glared at both of them laying on the ground "no one hurts Luffy. No one" she stated and turns her heels around.

(y/n) about to roll Luffy to a safer place, but then she remembered Zoro. She turned to find him, but he's already gone. Then she spotted him sitting on top of the rooftop drinking some alcohol while watching the bright moon. (y/n) went upstairs too and catching up with him, the sound of her footstep caught Zoro's attention "what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I could ask you the same thing" (y/n) sitting next to him.

Zoro gave his other alcohol bottle to her as they clank the bottle and drank together under the bright moon. (y/n) noticed that Zoro still have some injuries and offered him to heal him. But he declined "don't use your power on such small wounds like these. Use it when it really necessary, help someone that is really in need" he said.

(y/n) blinked and widened her eyes at him. Zoro noticed her stare "what?"

"huh, no… it's just—I never thought you could saying wise words like that. That brain of yours is not so bad after all" (y/n) said as she took another sip of alcohol.

"What is that supposed to mean? Are you saying I'm dumb?"

"I didn't say that" (y/n) laughs and Zoro felt annoyed a little.

"here" (y/n) placed her palm on Zoro's cheek, a light shines on her palm as she use her power on her. Zoro blinked and wondered what she had done to him "for always at Luffy's side when I wasn't there. I have just healed the most damaged wounds on your head, the rest of the scratches could heal by themselves right?"

Zoro checked his head, his head stopped bleeding and completely healed. He thought she wasn't so bad after all.

Then, they heard another commotion underneath them. It looks like the people that trying to kill them have met his comrades. Two mysterious figures, a man in a brown coat and a woman dressed in lemon theme. It looks like they are having a little quarrel. Then (y/n) just remembered and pointed something "Luffy still there". Zoro look at where is she pointing "why the hell did you leave him behind?" he sweat-dropped.

"I'm betting 5000 berries to the guy in brown and lemon lady. What do you say, Mr. Swordsman?" (y/n) smiled devilishly.

"what are you? Nami?" Zoro sweat-dropped "fine, I'll go with the mayor, and the two idiots" he gets up on his feet and is about to get Luffy away from there. While (y/n) watching from above.

(y/n) listened about their conversation, it seems these people are working for an organization called Baroque Works. 'earlier, Mr. Swordsman mentioned Baroque Works. Does he know something?' she wonders and keep watching. It seems the agents are talking about The Lost Princess of Alabasta, they thought one of the agents is the lost princess. (y/n) spotted that Zoro successfully grabs Luffy and rolled him away from the scene when the agents start attacking each other. All of the sudden, Mr. 8 caught Zoro's leg and begged him to help them. But Zoro refused and didn't want to get involved in their quarrel. Mr. 8 keeps begging and told him that he'll give him a big reward.

"just how handsomely are we talking about?" said a familiar voice.

Mr. 8 turned to see Nami grinned widely to him "we'll do it—for a billion berries?" Nami offered.

With such a large sum of money, Mr. 8's jaws dropped, and start cold sweating "I- I'm but a humble soldier! I cannot possibly guarantee such a sum!" he stated.

(y/n) who just arrived after spotted Nami asked Zoro what happened. Zoro explained that if they helped Mr. 8 with the lost princess they will be rewarded with big money. (y/n) smiled and leaned down to Mr. 8 "oh, are you saying the Princess isn't worth a billion berries? What an unfortunate kingdom you have here"

"riiight? Isn't he cruel?" Nami cooed.

"not just asking such a bothersome request, you have almost killed our Captain. What do you get to say to yourself, Nami-chan~?"

"eeeh, really? So mean, (y/n)-taaan~ they should have to pay us to double for the trouble they have caused~" both girls grinned wickedly at Mr. 8 who start panicking. Zoro felt a little pity for the old man.

In the end, Mr. 8 agreed to their deal if only they could escort the princess safely to her kingdom. Nami didn't like the sound saving the princess first and money later, but the princess is still in trouble and about to get killed if they didn't hurry. Nami sighed "all right, we'll save your Princess first. All right! let's go Zoro, (y/n)!" she cheered.

"Are you crazy?! Why should we go along with your silly money-making scheme?!" Zoro shouted in to disagree.

"you're so stupid. The money's all mine, but the contract obligates the whole crew!"

"your money, Nami?" (y/n) pinched Nami's cheek.

"ow ow ow, our money, (Y/n)!" that is her and (y/n)'s money in Nami's logic.

Nami and Zoro keep bickering with each other until Nami mentioned that Zoro is owing to her money. Though Zoro doesn't recall owing her money, Nami keeps insisted that the money he returned isn't much as he owed. Of course, Zoro couldn't accept such blackmail "aren't you going to keep your word? If you help me, I'll forget your debt" she said.

Zoro gritted his teeth in annoyance and walks toward the Princess's location. (y/n) reminded Nami to give her the share exactly as much as she promised or one of her limbs will be the exchange for that. Nami started to cold-sweating and nodded.

Zoro and (y/n) are running toward where the Princess is being chased right now. Turns out, the lost Princess is actually Mrs. Wednesday or her real name, Nefeltari Vivi. Right now, she's running away with her trusted running duck, Karoo. The man in a brown coat, Mr. 5, tried to attack with his bomb devil-fruit power at Vivi. But it was stopped by Zoro who just came in time and slice the bomb in half. Vivi widened her eyes and was shocked to see the pirates just save her life "what?"

But she greeted her teeth by his appearance and thought he was her enemy too, but (y/n) stepped in the middle and stopped her. she cast cross barricade to protect them with her light power.

"you too--?!" Vivi gasped.

When (y/n) turned to Vivi, all she did was sighed deeply "if I knew the Princess was you, I wouldn't help. But now I have lost all my spirit to help since you have pointed your knife at our Captain's neck"

"w-what?" Vivi sweat-dropped.

Mr. 5 looked at the three of them with a curious look "hmm… why would you want to protect the Princess of Alabasta?" he asked.

"I have my reasons" said Zoro.

"money, of course" (y/n) smiled widely.


Hmph. Whatever. You're our enemy, and you're in our way"

But right before they're about to fight each other, Luffy shouted Zoro and (y/n) 's name and everyone turned their attention to him. It looks like he's angry about something. Turns out, he thought the people in the village are good guys and Zoro (including (y/n)) beat them up. So Luffy challenged them to a fight. Zoro and (y/n) blinked, they have no idea what is he talking about.

Luffy launched his rubber punch toward them, but missed and destroyed the wall behind them "you're really trying to kill us?!!" Zoro shouted in disbelief.

"that's right! Die!!"

(y/n) looked at the situation right now. Luffy and Zoro are busy fighting each other, and the Princess is still being chased by the agents even though the barricade is there it won't stay long to protect her. She needs to think of a plan to save both. (y/n) had enough and spread her wings as she showing her dark expression. With one quick step, (y/n) dashed toward Luffy and Zoro's direction and grabbed their necks as she slammed them down on the ground.

"if both of you didn't stop right here, right now. I will kill you both myself, do you hear me?" (y/n) warns with a very threatening angry look.

Luffy and Zoro swallowed their saliva in nervousness and nodded. But when the agents continues tried attacked Vivi again. (y/n) released her grasp from Luffy and Zoro's neck as she turned in the agent's direction. She raise one finger up and aiming at the agents, with one flick of a finger a long cross spear stabbed right behind their skull as they fainted.

Nami just appeared, gasped to see what just happened. After (y/n) told her what happened Nami hits Luffy and Zoro on the head because they almost losing billions of berries. Vivi seems still doesn't understand what actually happens. Nami told her about negotiation, the crew will help her send her back home if she could give them billions of berries in return. Vivi was shocked and cannot reward with such money. Nami and (y/n) gives a confused look "but why? You're a Princess, aren't you? What're a billion berries to you?" Nami asked.

Vivi asked them if they knew a place called Alabasta. The rest of the crew shakes their head and never heard of such a country "a kingdom where everyone is pure gold sand, an island where they have a harsh environment to live in because of the strong sunlight, correct?" (y/n) said.

Vivi nodded, but the nation is on the edge of war. It was caused by Baroque Works. That's why Vivi entered the organization with Igaram, Mr. 8 real name, to find information and hopefully could stop the war. The organization's true quest it to conquer Alabasta and he can't say much about the organization or they will have more agents to hunt them. (y/n) giving a deep thought about Vivi's information "an organization that strong enough to conquer the whole country… but who would want to conquer such nation surrounded by sand?" she wonders.

"then your organization must have a very strong leader, no?" (y/n) asked Vivi.

"he is, you are very strong but—you're no match for Sir Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of The Sea!"

After realizing what she just said, Vivi quickly closed her mouth. But it was too late, turns out there's someone was overheard their conversation. They turned to see an odd bird and a weasel just fly away without doing anything "the bird and the weasel! Who are they?! Are they going to report that you just told us the secret?!" Nami shakes Vivi.

"I-I'm sorry! It slipped out—"

'Seven Warlords of The Sea… Sakazuki-san told me that these people are always bad news. I shouldn't be facing one of them, it'll be dangerous for my identity' (y/n) thought.

Nami shakes Vivi vigorously for accidentally sharing classified information. Then Nami turned her heels and start to walk away. It seems she tried to walk away while the organization hasn't know their faces. But unluckily, now they know because the weasel had drawn their faces "wow, you're good" Nami clapping at the weasel's amazing drawing skill.

The weasel approached (y/n) and gave her something, a single rose. Everyone gasped and was confused at the same time, even (y/n) don't understand why would the weasel giving her a flower. But before she could get an answer, the weasel and the bird already left.

Nami walked back to everyone "now there's nowhere left to run!!" she cried and the mysterious creatures has left with pictures of them.

"the four of us are in Baroque Works hit list now" Zoro said.

"oh dear, that would be a problem" (y/n) gives a worried look.

"then what's up with the flower anyway? Can we eat it?" asked Luffy.

"no, you idiot" Nami smacked him on the head.

Then Vivi pointed that there's a small piece of paper attached to the flower. (y/n) open it and something is written on it "it only says… Mr. 0? Who is that?" (y/n) wondered.

Vivi was shocked to see the name on the paper "i-it's from organization leader!!" she pointed at the flower. Mr. 0 is the leader's codename.

"WHAAAT?!!" Luffy, Nami, and Zoro were shocked.

"Why would a Warlord wanted to do anything with her?" Zoro asks, (y/n) nodded in agreement.

(y/n) told them that she had never met the Warlords in her life, not even in Marine life. She was also confused as much as everyone. She suspected that the Warlord has put o suspicious on her and start hunting on her? if so, that would be troublesome she thought. While Luffy is excited to meet their leader, Nami sulking in the corner and waiting for her doom.

Then everyone went to the side port and saw Igaram wearing the same outfit as Vivi. He is planning to turn himself into a decoy and the dummies are the pirates so the organization will think that they're escaping from this route. After that, he asked Vivi for an eternal pose and preparing to leave. Nami asks what is an eternal pose. Igaram explained that it's a special log pose that will permanently remember one location, unlike a log pose.

Igaram said goodbye to Vivi and the others as he sailing away. When he's pretty far away from before, all of a sudden the ship exploded and started to burn, with Igaram on it. everyone could tell it was the organization doing with one look. "Princess, we have to leave!" when (y/n) grabbed Vivi's arm, she noticed that she's trying to stay strong and biting her lips until it bleed "…we'll get you back home" she said and pulled Vivi away.

While Zoro and (y/n) preparing the ship, Luffy came back by dragging Sanji and Usopp's foot. It seems they're still passed out from all the drinking.

When everyone is on the ship the rest of the group explained what happened on the island to Sanji and Usopp. They can't believe the people that gave them food and alcohol are the same people that trying to kill them. "Princess, isn't this your duck?" (y/n) pointed at the giant duck. "Karoo!" Vivi cried in the joy that her duck is still there with her. But when after they start sailing, an unknown woman suddenly appeared on their ship. A woman with dark hair surrounded by a mysterious aura "I met your friend earlier, Mrs. Wednesday" she said to Vivi.

"did you… kill Igaram?!!" Vivi shouted in anger.

The mysterious woman is actually Sir Crocodile's partner, the Vice-President Mrs. All Sunday. (y/n) stepped forward to protect Vivi "leave" she pointed her glowing finger at Mrs. All Sunday.

The woman stares at (y/n) for a moment "aah, so you're the boss's priceless Jewel. I could see why he called you that" she chuckled. Out of nowhere, two arms growing on (y/n)'s shoulder, and grabbed her arms.

"…what is this? Unhand me" (y/n) glared at the woman.

Mrs. All Sunday approached (y/n) and grabbed her chin to take a closer look "while I'm here, Mr. 0 is offering you something. It was something that you've always been searching for, Labelle D. (y/n)" she smiled.

(y/n) widened her eyes and one thing across her mind, a Poneglyph. But how would that knew that she's actually searching for it. "we'll show it to you, if… you come with us" Mrs. All Sunday offered.

But then Luffy pulled (y/n) away from her and glares at her "(y/n) is not joining anyone! She's belonged to the Straw Hat Pirates!" he said clearly.

"Luffy…" (y/n) looks at Luffy's serious expression.

When Mrs. All Sunday also offered them the easiest route to get to the Alabasta and gave them the eternal log pose. Luffy grabs the log pose and crushed it in his palm. He told her that she is not the one deciding the course they'll take. Mrs. All Sunday chuckled "…I see. That's too bad. I don't have a problem with forceful men. We'll meet again if you survived" she said and leave. She's using a special giant turtle as her teleportation.

While watching Mrs. All Sunday leave, (y/n) remembered what Crocus warn her about. It looks like more people will know her true power, they will either use her power to their benefit or kills her for the money 'if that happens…' she turned to the group.

"(y/n) is not joining anyone! She's belonged to the Straw Hat Pirates!" Luffy's words craved in (y/n)'s heart, she is glad that Luffy acknowledge her into the crew. She wished that Straw Hat Pirates is a place where she could call home.

Meanwhile back at the Baroque Works headquarters in Rain Dinners, Sir Crocodile is sitting on a sofa while still smoking a cigar. He was unbuttoning his vest and collar for a breather. On the coffee table, there's lots of paperwork related to (y/n) bio. He was doing research on her history. Then Mrs. All Sunday casually walks in, he turned to her "…she declined the offer, I presume" he said.

"hmm, I wouldn't say that. Her friend is the one refusing, she is not yet giving an answer. Give it time. She's aiming the same thing as you do after all, right Mr. 0?" she said as she sitting the sofa just across from Crocodile.

Crocodile chuckles "her background, her power, her goal… she intriguing me. I want her—" he picks up (y/n)'s picture "…soon you will be mine, my Jewel" he grinned widely and exhale the smoke. Crocodile excited one day they surely will meet each other.