
OnePiece | | Angel among the Devils [AldaLevina]

AldaLevina Summary: Straw Hat pirates countered an unexpected person on their ship, who is it? ⚠Disclaimer: One Piece does not belong to me, it belonged to Eiichiro Oda⚠ ⚠ I do no accept requests nor adding them in my fanfiction ⚠ ⚠ if you still writing your ideas / request on the comments, it will be deleted immediately ⚠ Notes: hello! this is my Angel Among Devils - Rewrite, which is I'm changing half of the story of my previous fanfiction, Angel Among Devils. if you haven't noticed, I have deleted it yesterday and starting this one instead( ̄︶ ̄)↗ I hope you liked this new version of Angel Among Devils fanfiction _ _)/❤

JUST_S0ME_GUY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 16: New ally

After knowing one of their members went ahead and planned something without their approval, the crew decided to trust her and move forward for Vivi's sake. Ace too coming along with them in hope that he'll meet (y/n) again before he finishes his business in Alabasta. Meanwhile, Smoker patrolling a town to find the Straw Hat crew. He ordered his men to check every building and raise their guards twice than before after his encounter with the Straw Hats. He also keeps searching every inch of the building to make sure if they are hiding somewhere "C-Captain Smoker! We have searched every corner in this area, but the Straw Hats pirates are none to be found!" report Tashigi.

Then another Marines group has reporting to him with the same result "darn it. they might have gone to Yuba by now" he said.

"why were we searching in this town when you know they might have gone away?" ask Tashigi.

"…because she might still be here somewhere"


"Labelle D. (y/n), the traitor. Yesterday, I was certain that I saw here among the Straw Hat crews" he recalled the familiar figure in a cloak "I could tell its her"

All of a sudden, one of the Marines came and reported to Smoker that they saw a pirate. Smoker ordered his men to catch that pirate and he too came to catch this pirate. The Marines split into groups to search this pirate and asked the locals for the pirate's description. Most of them say it's a woman but they couldn't see her face clearly. Smoker had a hunch that it could be (y/n) so he kept searching.

After a few hours of searching, the Marines reported to Smoker that there's a possibility that the pirate has left as well. Smoker click his tongue and decided to tell them to pack up. They can stay in the town for too long since they have a mission of their own as well. Smoker decided to take a smoke break while passing through a market. Then, he spotted something glowing in a dark alley. He went there to check the glowing item and pick it up "…a feather?"

He look at it closely and recognized it "this feather…!!"

Out of nowhere, someone jumped on top of him and pushed him down on the ground. His eyes widened to see the figure on top of him… it was (y/n). she covered his mouth and blocked him to move freely.

"shh—" she told him "I don't have much time, but I need your help"

Smoker gives her a confused look "go straight North of Yuba, there you will met my friends and me"

(y/n) gently removes her hand from Smoker's mouth and let him speak "…Are you selling away the Straw Hat pirates? …are you one of them?"

(y/n) get up to sit on his stomach "I am" she answered "I'm one of Straw Hats pirates crew… but I choose the separate way"

"what do you mean?

"I have a mission of my own that my friends haven't known" (y/n) grabbed Smoker's jacket collar with a teary eyes "but I'm begging you to do me a favor, Smoker… help my friends. You know how strong is one of Seven Warlords of the Seas--"

Smoker looks at her crying face, he remembers the last time he saw her like this… is the one when she cries over her pet's death. Her tears are always genuine. He wrapped his arms around (y/n) and hold her close "why did you do all this? …why did you betray us?" he asked as he cover his face in (y/n)'s shoulder.

(y/n) embraced him back "I know I have done… many unforgiveable things. But you, Smoker… only you that I could trust. Please--…"

"…" Smoker closer until their lips met. (y/n) didn't expect he'll kiss him, but she kissed him back. When they're apart, Smoker look at her in the eyes "you're lucky I'm doing these because I care about you" he said as he stand up and helped (y/n) get up as well while still holding her hand.

(y/n) blinked a few times and laughs "…what's so funny?" Smoker sweat-dropped.

"ahahaha! No no, seeing you being these affectionate did not match at all" after laughing, (y/n) smiled at him "I'll meet you at Rainbase" she kissed him one more time as her wings spread open.

When Smoker opened his eyes, (y/n) disappear from his sight. And all is left a glowing feather in his hand "oh that feather--!" Smoker looked up to see (y/n) on top of a building "it's for you! you know what's for, right?" after that, she disappeared again.

Smoker looking back at the glowing feather, kept the feather and groaned in frustration "the things I do for her…" he scratched the back of his head and leave the alley.

When Smoker's back with his troupe, Tashigi reported to him that they're ready for leave and asked for their next location. Smoker ordered them to go straight at Rainbase. Tashigi asked the reason why they're heading to Rainbase "…a little bird told me the Straw Hats pirates are there" he said went to his ship ahead. When he's on a deck, he wondered what exactly (y/n)'s plan was 'whatever you do there, don't die, (y/n)' he thought.

Back to (y/n), she's finally arrived at Rainbase where Crocodile waiting for her. Crocodile noticed her arrival from his office as he look directly at (y/n) walking toward the front door. He grinned widely and ordered Robin to bring (y/n) to his office. When Robin went to get (y/n), Crocodile sat in his office chair and inhaled his cigarette "finally, you're mine"

After (y/n) entered the building, she looked around to see lots of people are gambling and playing casinos. Then she looked at in front of her, there's a familiar figure waiting for her "we've been expecting you, Miss Labelle" greet Miss All-Sunday "I'm here to take you straight to Sir Crocodile's office. Please follow me" she said as she walks ahead, and (y/n) followed behind her. (y/n) look around the building and inspect the route, she's thinking about her plan and her escape route.

"we're glad you accepted our offer. Sir Crocodile is very eager to meet you" Miss All-Sunday said.

(y/n) look at Robin "…what did you work with that man?"


"I mean, you know Crocodile since you are his partner. You know who's exactly he is, still you work with him. Why is that?"


"perhaps… you have another goal"

Miss All-sunday chuckled a little "maybe"

Miss All-Sunday lead (y/n) to Crocodile's office, right in front of his door (y/n) could feel her heart beating a little faster. Then Miss All-Sunday open the door for (y/n) "come in. he like to speak with you in private" she said. (y/n) took a deep breath to calm herself and stepped in. once (y/n) entered the room, the door closed behind her. she look around to find a man sitting in his chair. He turned around to see the woman he's looking for right in front of him. Crocodile grinned widely "welcome to my humble place, Labelle D. (y/n). I have been waiting for you. did you get my rose for you?" he greeted and stand up from his chair.

(y/n) thinking about the rose from the previous day, but she didn't answer and just look at him with a cold expression "I'm here to talk about business, that's all. I have no interest in your sweet talk, Sir Crocodile" she crossed her arms.

"ah yes, business" he said as he inhaling his cigerrete.

"you know I'm looking for that Poneglyph, and you have the location. So you better give it to me now, or I'll destroy everything you have here" (y/n) threats.

"so feisty, I know you are a very strong woman, Miss Labelle. And your ability is very much unique, only you in one of the millions that could fit perfectly become my partner. The two of us will undefeatable in this world"

"…what about Miss All Sunday? Isn't she your trusted partner?"

"Mininos are replaceable, I have another plan for that woman" he said casually and stepped closer to (y/n).

"but you—" Crocodile grab (y/n)'s chin and lifted it up to make her see him in the eyes "you are unreplaceable, not only you'll fit perfectly with my plan you have interguide me. your charms is something… my jewel" he caressed her cheek with his thumb.

(y/n) slaps his hand away "business, Sir Crocodile. Don't ever forget that"

"I see, what is that you want, my jewel? power? Richness? I could give everything for you"

"…I want you to bring me to that Poneglyph you mentioned, and leave my friends out of this"

Crocodile blinked a few times "is that all? You know, they're not worth much"

"they're my friends, I just.. do not want them to get hurt because of me"

Crocodile looks at (y/n) for a moment until he's laughing out loud. (y/n) was confused a little by his sudden laugh. When Crocodile did laughing, he reached his hand toward her "deal. As the exchange, you will be my partner… forever"

(y/n) look at his hand, she reached her hand to shake it "deal" she accepted Crocodile's deal. Her answer makes him pleases more.

"good" he grinned happily.

Meanwhile Ace has almost finished his business in Alabasta because Blackbeard is not actually in Alabasta. Turns out, there's just a man who claimed has defeated Blackbeard so he came to Alabasta to check it. when the day almost dawn, Ace decided to leave Alabasta and search for Blackbeard. So he turned to the Straw Hat crew to say goodbye. He even gives a piece of small paper to Luffy and told him to hold it no matter what "it's natural for big brother to be worried about his little brother and sister" he said.

Ace turned to Luffy's friends and bowed to him "Luffy might be troublesome, but please look after my sibling"

He turned back to Luffy with a confident smile "next time we met, we both are great pirates". Luffy nodded and smiled back, he believe both of them will be the greatest pirates.

"are you not going to help us to bring (y/n)-san back?" Vivi asked.

"…nah" Ace grinned "I believe in her, beside she have you guys. I don't have to worry. But if she did hurt you guys, just call me. I'll knock the out of her myself!" afterward Ace waves good bye and take his leave.

Luffy look at Ace's back "..yeah. we'll definitely get her back! Lets go drag our friend back home!"

When the night comes, the Straw Hat pirates have found some houses uncivilized, except for an old man called Old man Toh-Toh. Turns out the old man knows Vivi and who she really is. He even offered them a place to stay. Once everyone fell asleep, Luffy was strangely awake in the middle of the night. He thought he heard noises outside. when he leave the building to check it while others still sleeping, he looked around outside with a sleepy face until he saw a glowing item in the ground. he picked it up and recognized it immediately "this is—" he quickly look around the area to find someone "…(y/n)?" he called her name. but there's no reply, all he hears is the sound of the wind.

"just you wait. I'll definitely bring you back" Luffy said with face of determination and keep the glowing feather in his hand.

Meanwhile, someone is watching him from distance on top of the building "…you don't have to, Luffy" (y/n) said and leave the area.

Back in Nanohara town, Ace was camping near outside of the town. He was planning his route with his log pose to track down Blackbeard. But then, he heard someone's footstep approaching him and noticed the feather he holds glows brighter a little. But when he was about to turn around to check, someone covered his eyes with pair of hands "who is it~?" a familiar voice cooed.

Ace knows this voice very well, he chuckled and touched the hands covering his eyes "an idiot little sister doing reckless things" he answered.

"eeeh? What kind of answer is that?" (y/n) pouted and released Ace "I'm here to see you leave and that's what you said to your little sister"

Ace laughs "just kidding. Come sit here" he patted the log next to him.

(y/n) sat next to Ace, then she lays her head on his shoulder casually. Both of them sat in there in silence and stare at the campfire for a few minutes. It was comforting silent. Then Ace told her that he decided to leave Luffy with his friends and he continue searching for Blackbeard since he's on a mission as well. "this Blackbeard… what is he look like?" (y/n) asked, Ace described him as a big man with black beard with Dark-Dark fruit. He stole that fruit from Ace's friend by killing him, and then ate the fruit. That's why he's on a run and Ace seeks revenge.

"do you want me to help you kill this man?" (y/n) offered and show him her holy knife.

Ace shakes his head "its alright, I could do this by myself. It's my mission after all. Beside—" he showed her the glowing feather "I have this. To remind myself that you are always be with me"


"…have you met Crocodile?" he asked and (y/n) nodded.

"are we enemies now?"

"…no, if you keep out. I do not want to hurt you and everyone"

Ace chuckles "don't worry, I don't want to hurt you either… there's someone who will bring you back anyway"

"they'll die, Ace…"

Ace shrugs "we'll see about that" he turned to (y/n) "what about you? if your plan with Crocodile failed, what will you do?"

"…I'll go back to my organization. It was a pretty short voyage with Luffy—" (y/n) look at the X mark on her arm "it was fun" she smiled.

Ace look at (y/n) smiling at her X mark, it looks like she's happy become the member of Straw Hats pirates"…--my crew"


"join my crew, the Whitebeard pirates… I'll talk with old man. You don't have to worry, you know Whitebeard pirates are strong people. Well, not as strong as me—" Ace lights up his fire in his palm "but they feel like a family and loved by Whitebeard"

"he sounds like a father with many children" (y/n) chuckled.

"he does!" Ace laughs along "what do you think? You'll have me there too. So you don't have to worry if someone making a move on you, I'll beat the shit out of them"

(y/n) laughs "that's very assuring, Ace" then she look at him with a smile "I'll think about it"

"good" he put our the fire in his palm "oh, and one more thing"


Ace hold (y/n)'s hand firmly and look at her in the eyes "I like you" he said and kissed her on the lips.