
OnePiece | | Angel among the Devils [AldaLevina]

AldaLevina Summary: Straw Hat pirates countered an unexpected person on their ship, who is it? ⚠Disclaimer: One Piece does not belong to me, it belonged to Eiichiro Oda⚠ ⚠ I do no accept requests nor adding them in my fanfiction ⚠ ⚠ if you still writing your ideas / request on the comments, it will be deleted immediately ⚠ Notes: hello! this is my Angel Among Devils - Rewrite, which is I'm changing half of the story of my previous fanfiction, Angel Among Devils. if you haven't noticed, I have deleted it yesterday and starting this one instead( ̄︶ ̄)↗ I hope you liked this new version of Angel Among Devils fanfiction _ _)/❤

JUST_S0ME_GUY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 15: Do you trust me?

The Straw Hat crew are continuing their voyage to find another route to go to Alabasta without being caught by the Marines, with the help of Ace now. The crew starts drinking to show their gratitude for Ace's help. He told them that he's in Alabasta because he's searching for a man named Blackbeard. He said that Blackbeard was once under his commander but he betrayed them by killing one of his crew-mates. So he wanted to track him down and get revenge.

Ace shows them the tattoo behind his back, he told them that he's one of the members of the Whitebeard crew and very royal to Whitebeard, he thought he's like his father. (y/n) staring at Ace's tattoo while sitting from a distance, she never thought he would join the strongest man in the world crew. She thinks Ace must have grown into a very strong person. 'I'd love to see how strong he is now, but--…' (y/n) look at a glass of ale in her hand. Then she's recalling when Ace embraced her earlier "…maybe he really does care about me…" she said with a low tone.


(y/n) looked up to see Ace standing in front of him "oh, it was nothing. I was just mumbling to myself" she smiled.

Ace looked at her for a moment and decided to sit next to her with his drink. He drinks his ale first and then starts a conversation "…I do care about you, (y/n). I have always been"

"eh?" (y/n) turned at Ace.

Ace told the stories of their past, about when they always played together in the woods. Ever since they started to live together, at first they were on bad terms because both of them would always fight and bicker every day. He even wouldn't let her come to the Goa Kingdom and told her to wait outside the tall wall until he returns.

Even though Ace is a harsh person and like a brat, he is a strong boy and cares about his sibling. He would protect Luffy and (y/n) very often from beasts in the forest and brought small gifts from the Goa Kingdom that he stole for (y/n).

One day, Ace and (y/n) had a huge fight a day before (y/n) leave the Wind Village. She was very angry and runs away in the middle of the fight while Ace stay put and refused to apologize to (y/n). when the day (y/n) leave and already on her ship, Ace did not come to the port to say goodbye. But he did watch her leave from the cliff and watch her sail away from the distance. In his heart, he did not want to leave and stay with him.

Days afterward, he heard from Dandan's underlings that (y/n)'s ship was attacked by the Marines and listed as one of the deceased people on the ship since her body had never been found. Ace was frozen on spot the moment he heard the news. He couldn't believe the girl he loved so much, his little sister, has passed away.

Ace kneeled and cried out loud. All he could feel that time was guilt, despair, and anger mixed into one until he couldn't contain his emotions anymore. Luffy cried along with him as well.

"…after that, the villagers made your tomb at the cliff where we used to play. Where I thought you could see the beautiful starry night sky you loved so much. It hurts me so much every time I see your name on that tomb…"

(y/n) looked at Ace's expression, even though he smiled a little it looked so painful. It seems he has been through a lot of grief because of (y/n) "right before you leave, I was going to see you one last time but I couldn't just push myself to see you. I thought you still hated me because of that fight and did not want to see me" he added.

Ace turned at (y/n) and look at her in the eyes "and now here you are, right in front of me. I didn't expect to see you so all I could think about was… embracing you so you won't leave again"

"All I want to tell you right before you leave was… I'm sorry, for everything"

"Ace…" (y/n) reached his hand and intertwined her fingers with his "I… I never hated you for real, I was just a kid and lashed out my anger to you. I did was angry at that time but I didn't mean all the words I have said"

(y/n) put he heard on Ace's shoulder while holding his hand a little tighter "deep down, I still love you, Ace. You're one of the people I treasured the most"

"(y/n)…" Ace lays his head on top of (y/n). he could feel all the weight on his shoulder lifted up now that (y/n) is by his side "I'm glad"

Now that the two of them are not fighting anymore and have forgiven each other, they start telling stories about themselves these past few years. Ace told her that he joined the Whitebeard crew because he respected his captain very much and wanted him to become the next pirate king. (y/n) laughs a little and asked why he didn't say that Luffy would be the one to become the next Pirate King? Ace grinned proudly "Luffy still has a long way if he ever wanted to become one. There's only one man I respect and will become the next pirate king. Edward Newgate, the Whitebeard Captain, who will become the Pirate King!"

(y/n) looked at how enthusiast Ace talks about Captain Whitebeard, she thought this man had a great impact on Ace. She smiled at Ace talking about Whitebeard and how great he is 'Ace has changed a little. Maybe I should give Whitebeard my gratitude for taking care of Ace' she thought.

"hm? Why are you smiling like that?" Ace noticed her smile "wait a minute, I know that smile. You're thinking about pranking me again, aren't you?"

"eeeh? I don't know what are you talking about" (y/n) lied and stick her tongue at him.

Ace started to tickle her on the stomach and (y/n) laughed at it. he looks at her laughing freely like that and feels a little nostalgic. Ace wrapped his arms around (y/n)'s stomach and pulled her closer to him. He covers his face on top of her head and inhaled her scent "…don't leave me again, (y/n)" he said that only (y/n) could hear.

(y/n) tilted her face up so she could see Ace's face, she caressed his face gently with her hand "I'm right here, Ace" she said with a smile. Ace nodded and embraced her tighter.

Then Vivi asked the crew to stop so she could deliver an important mail by Karoo. The large duck understood his assignment and start running as fast as he can to deliver the mail. Vivi told them Karoo could run faster than any animal in Alabasta, so it'll be faster to deliver the mail thanks to him. The crew decided to walk on foot on a pretty deserted land. So everyone uses a cloak to cover themselves from the sun's heat.

They walked around the store first but then meet a bunch of Kung fu Dugongs. They won't let the crew pass through their territory except they accept their challenge in the fight. When Usopp tried to challenge one, he got beaten up by one dugong easily. Vivi warned them not to challenge the dugong because they're pretty strong in a fistfight. But then (y/n) pointed at Luffy who have successfully defeated one "Princess, Luffy beat one"

"beating them also no!!" Vivi scolds.

But the dugongs looked at Luffy with sparkling eyes. Now they decided to make Luffy their Master because he's able to defeat the dugong. Luffy who proudly accepted them starts to play and shows some fighting move "alright everyone, follow me! do this! And this! And this!!" he shouted.

The dugongs start following his movement and instruction "Oh my, how cute" (y/n) said.

"where's the cute part??" Ace sweat-dropped.

Since the crew had to continue their journey and the dugongs won't let Luffy leave, they had to bribe them with some food so they will let him go. Once they finally could leave the dugongs, they walk through the deserted land under the hot sun. they even pass through some abandoned building that is almost buried under the sand. Vivi told them that that place once called Erumaru used to have many plants around the town. But Crocodile framed the King and made them turn against him.

Out of nowhere, a strong wind blew. When they look around, turns out there's a tornado coming in their direction. The crew holding on to something strong so they won't get blown away. Ace tried to protect (y/n) by holding her close to him.

Once the tornado pass, everyone is able to stand back up again. "are you hurt, (y/n)?" Ace checked (y/n), she shakes her head and told him that she's fine. Everyone continue to look around the area, they found some skeletons parts laying around the ground. Vivi kneeled down and picked up one of the skulls and look at it with a sad expression. She could tell the one who bring her people misery is only Crocodile, she gritted her teeth in irritation "I—will never forgive that person!!" she said.

"…" (y/n) look at Vivi for a moment.

"I know Crocodile is one of Lord of the Seas in this country. Probably there are other motives"

"another motive?" (y/n) asked.

"like he was aiming for something more"

(y/n) gave it a thought about Ace's words, she remembers that Crocodile is mentioning Poneglyph in the letter. Maybe that's the other motive.

All of the sudden, one of the abandoned buildings was destroyed. It was Luffy punching the building and destroying it, Usopp and Sanji were also there. It looks like the three of them really angry about what Crocodile did to this country and its people "let's get moving. I'm itching for action" Luffy said and walk ahead. And followed by his crew.

The crew continue walking under the extreme heat, everyone tried to save their water. But they keep scolding Luffy because he almost drinks all the water supply. When the night falls, the crew decided to camp out for the night. Strangely it was very cold even though they're out in a desert. They set up a campfire to keep themselves warm and get some rest.

Meanwhile, Ace and (y/n) are talking together nearby. (y/n) was telling her stories about after she was attacked by the Marines. the one when she was saved by a man named Sakazuki and made her as his right hand, she pretended to join the Marines and betrayed them, and then returned to the organization. Ace asked what's the name of the organization. (y/n) look around their area first so no one could hear them, once the area is clear she leans closer to Ace's ear and whispered the name of her organization. Ace's eyes widened and shocked to hear the name "shh—don't tell the others about this. I'm telling this to you because I trusted you, Ace" (y/n) asked.

"did the others know about this?"

(y/n) shakes her head "it's not the time to tell them about this. But someday, I will explain everything to them. there are lots they do not know about me"

Both of them talk for a while longer until they noticed that everyone has gone to sleep. (y/n) look at them for a moment until she decided to get up on her feet. She asked Ace to follow her to behind the tall boulders nearby. Once they're out of the crew's sight, (y/n) told Ace about something important "before I tell you something… do you trust me, Ace?" she asked with a serious expression.

"of course I trust you, (y/n). What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"I'm… going to Crocodile's place right now"

"What?!!" Ace was shocked, but (y/n) told him to keep it down so the others won't know her plan "are you serious? What are you thinking?!"

Then (y/n) explained to him that Crocodile did have other motives than taking over Alabasta. Which is to find the ancient script and recruit her as his ally. Ace couldn't believe that Crocodile is trying to take (y/n) away "I'm going to use this chance to meet him. To get that ancient script without getting my friends hurt. It's the only way"

"you can't possibly do this, (y/n)! he'll kill you!"

"I know he would, but I really need that ancient script for my mission. That's why I'm begging you not to tell the others my true intention"

Then a giant bird and an otter from Baroque Works come to pick up (y/n) "it looks like they have arrived" (y/n) said. She starts to spread her wings open and prepares to fly away with them. Ace widened his eyes and look at (y/n)'s wings, he didn't expect that she's become a devil-fruit user either. (y/n) turned at Ace again and reach his hand "here, this is for you" she put one of her glowing feathers to Ace and placed it on his palm. Ace could feel her warmth through it.

"that feather is similar to vivre card. If something happened to me you could tell it through my feather. The difference is, if anything happened to you this feather will help you and I could sense it miles away"

"(y/n)…" Ace quickly grabbed her hand again "are you going to leave me again?"

(y/n) smiled to him "I would never do that, Ace. But… will you trust me?"

Ace look at her for a moment, then he nodded "…I trust you" finally he lets her go.

"I'll be back before you know it" she smiled for the last time "I'll see you guys later" she said and fly away with the Baroque Works member called Unluckies. While Ace watches her leave and disappear in the night sky.

The next morning, everyone has finally awake and the heat slowly starts to rise again. everyone prepared to leave and packed their stuff. Luffy look around and noticed that one of his members missing "hey, where's (y/n)?" he asked his crew. Everyone look around and none of them saw her, they tried to call out her name as well but there's no reply "could it be… she's eaten by a monster when we're asleep?!" Usopp panicked.

"no way that could happen, right?! this is (y/n)-tan we're talking about!" Sanji said.

"What happened to her?" Nami said with a worried tone.

"…she's gone" said a familiar voice. Everyone turned to see Ace sitting on top of the boulders, he's staring at the glowing feather in his hand "she leave last night"

"ah! I know that feather!" Chopper pointed at the feather on Ace's hand "that feather is known to heal any disease, illness, and injuries. One of a very rare items and only one person that could make those in this world, that's what Dr. Kureha told me"

"what?! That's amazing!" Sanji was amazed along with the others.

'so that's what she means that this could help me, huh?' Ace thought "this feather, was given to me by (y/n) last night before she leaves"

"from (y/n)?!" Nami jaw-dropped.

"so that means the person that only has this is only (y/n)" Chopper said.

"where is she now, Ace?!" Luffy asked.

"…to that Crocodile's place" he answered.

"WHAT?!!" Everyone shocked.

"Why didn't you stop her?!" Zoro shouted.

"I've tried!" Ace shouted back "…but she told me to trust her. that's all"

"what the heck—"

Then Vivi told everyone she found a letter from (y/n), it seems it was placed in her bag while she's asleep. She opened the letter and read what was written in it :

'to everyone, I have decided to go to Crocodile's place alone. Do not look after me. Labelle D. (y/n)'

"…that's all" Vivi said.

"what was she thinking? Is she trying to get herself killed?" Zoro said.

Vivi recalling the last conversation with (y/n) on the ship the other day "do you think… she's betraying us?" she said.

"NO, SHE'S NOT!" Luffy shouted "(y/n) is my sister! She would never betray her friends!"


Ace went down from the boulders and approached the crew "Luffy's right. we need to trust (y/n). whatever she's trying to do there has to be a reason" he said.

"…I agree. Even if she did, she owes us an explanation" said Zoro and crossing his arms.

In the end, the crew decided to trust (y/n) and hopefully she's returned to them. Vivi expected her to meet them again back in Alabasta, she decided to trust her as well.