
OnePiece | | Angel among the Devils [AldaLevina]

AldaLevina Summary: Straw Hat pirates countered an unexpected person on their ship, who is it? ⚠Disclaimer: One Piece does not belong to me, it belonged to Eiichiro Oda⚠ ⚠ I do no accept requests nor adding them in my fanfiction ⚠ ⚠ if you still writing your ideas / request on the comments, it will be deleted immediately ⚠ Notes: hello! this is my Angel Among Devils - Rewrite, which is I'm changing half of the story of my previous fanfiction, Angel Among Devils. if you haven't noticed, I have deleted it yesterday and starting this one instead( ̄︶ ̄)↗ I hope you liked this new version of Angel Among Devils fanfiction _ _)/❤

JUST_S0ME_GUY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 13: The boss's proposal

At the moment, once Nami lowering her hand Luffy grows his hands bigger and attacked (y/n) first. When he swings his hand at his sister she disappears in a split second. "still not enough" (y/n) whispered behind Luffy's ear. Luffy is shocked a little by (y/n)'s speed as she swings her legs toward his head. Luffy was able to block her attack with his arm and protecting his head as he got thrown across the deck. Luffy looks at his arms where she hits him, he thought his bones are about to break. He is confused a little because his body supposedly is rubber. Luffy looks at (y/n) who is still in her calm mode.

"is that all you can do, Luffy?" (y/n) lowered her legs and glared at Luffy.

Luffy grinned widely and back in fighting position "I'm just getting warm up!"

"did you really think you could defeat your big sister with your rubber toy?" (y/n) starts to spread her wings as she starts floating in the air. Everyone's jaws dropped when they saw her eyes glow bright, the sky turned dark, the wind blows a little faster than usual.

(y/n) pulled out her Holy Sword from her chest and point it at Luffy "NO BROTHER OF MINE ARE GOING TO BATTLE THE SEVEN WARLORD OF THE SEAS WITH SUCH WEAK ATTACK!"

Luffy stars sweat-dropping by (y/n)'s appearance "o-oi, isn't this bad? Should we stop her?" said Sanji.

"I don't think she could be stopped right now…" said Zoro.

"w-well we've got to do something, otherwise she'll destroy our ship!!" shout Usopp in panic.


Luffy shouts in pain the moment he takes the hit. It was something like being struck by lightning and burn in the fire at the same time.

(y/n) fly down on the deck and stare down at her little brother groaned in pain and laying on the floor. He almost looked like a burned toast right now. Everyone on the deck widened their eyes and froze in the spot. They never thought (y/n)'s stronger than Luffy. (y/n) pointed her sword at Luffy "get up" she commanded. The crew thought Luffy was already done after taking her hit. But they saw Luffy start moving and struggling to get up. He panted heavily and glared at (y/n) back.

"This isn't… over!" Luffy said. Then he positioned himself back.

"…" (y/n)'s sword disappeared from her hand and grip it into a fist. She punched Luffy's head really hard as he hits the floor with a loud thud "…get up" she said once again.

Luffy panted heavily, but he's still trying to get up again. everyone watches in horror to see (y/n) beating her own Captain. Before Luffy properly stands, (y/n) kicked his stomach as Luffy hits the wall behind him. Make him cough in blood.

"get up" (y/n) said once more as she stepped forward at Luffy.

Vivi who couldn't take Luffy get beaten up decided to stop her "(y/n)-san! That's enough! Can't you see you're killing Luffy?! This is just supposed to be training!" she shouted.

"I don't. now back off, Princess" (y/n) glared coldly at Vivi, which makes her afraid a little as she feels a chill in her spine. She could feel the killing aura coming from (y/n).

"BACK OFF, VIVI! WE'RE TRAINING!!" Luffy shouted everyone turned their attention to him.

Luffy gets back up on his feet again and positions himself again "this is… nothing! you guys should see her… when she's… hella mad!!" Luffy chuckled. Everyone blinked, they couldn't believe that (y/n) hasn't used her whole power, and Luffy already got beaten up '…just how strong she could be?' Zoro sweat-dropped. (y/n) turned back to Luffy and finally smiled "good answer" she turned to Vivi and grabbed the back of her shirt "sorry, Princess. You better watch from afar"

"e-eeeEEEHH?!" Vivi screams the moment (y/n) throws her up in the sky toward the crew's direction. Luckily, Sanji caught her before she hits the floor. Unfortunately, Vivi's head starts spinning due to the shock.

"I won't hold back, Luffy" (y/n) pulled out her sword from her chest again and step forward at Luffy.

Luffy grins "then don't hold back!"

Thus, Luffy and (y/n) train until night. (y/n) still not tired from the fight, but Luffy is almost out of energy already. '…should I call off the fight?' (y/n) looked at Luffy who's still not giving up to defeat her. She thought she might have gone a little too far. "DON'T YOU DARE CALL OFF THE FIGHT!!" Luffy suddenly shouts, making (y/n) surprised a little "I know that look from anywhere, I know you! I'm not going to stop until I punch you in the face!!" he shouted as he keep attacking (y/n).

For a moment in the middle of the battle, (y/n) widened her eyes and saw a boy figure similar to Luffy. He reminds her of someone '…Sabo?'. Luffy saw his chance when (y/n) stop her movement, so he swings his fist really fast toward (y/n) and punched her cheek really hard.

"YEAH, EAT MY FIST!!" he cheered loudly. Feeling glad that he finally hit her as he raise his hands in victory "I have… finally… defeat yo.. u—" he slowly close his eyes and fell on the floor.

(y/n) watch her little brother laying next to her and start snoring. It looks like he fell asleep. 'pfft—he never changes' she thought. She didn't expect that Luffy is able to punch her in the face. She thought that Luffy could get stronger in a short period of time. Then (y/n) carry Luffy on her back as she brings him into the dining room where everyone is waiting for their match to be over.

When she entered, everyone in the room turned their attention at them "…he won" (y/n) chuckled. Some of them start to cry a little and cheered as they approached their Captain. (y/n) lays him on a bench while Chopper treating his wounds "ah, (y/n)! you should rest too, let me see your wounds" Chopper offered. But (y/n) replied that she's fine and told him to focus on Luffy instead. Then she takes a seat next to Zoro as she sighs deeply "…you didn't forfeit, did you?" he asked.

(y/n) shakes her head "he manages to punch me in the face and that's that… I guess it's my own fault for not focusing back there"

"what happened?"

"…it was nothing. just remember something in the middle of the battle and I caught off guard, that's all" (y/n) smiled.

Zoro look at her for a moment, then he raised his hand and rubbed her cheek where Luffy punched her "heh, he gets you good" he chuckled "are you sure you don't want Chopper to check you?"

"I'm all right" (y/n) user her healing power at her wound "see? It's healed completely. It's just minor injury"

Then (y/n) stretch her arms up and yawned a little "I'm going to rest a little now. Wake me up when Chopper did treating Luffy" she said as she leaning on Zoro's shoulder and closed her eyes. Zoro looked at (y/) resting face, he didn't want to wake her so he slowly slide his arm over (y/n)'s shoulder and pulled her closer in a more comfortable position. Sanji glared at Zoro and did not like how (y/n) so close with Zoro "youuu stupid marimo heeaad! How dare you do lovey-dovey with my (y/n)-tan in front of me--?!!" he gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"shut up, you'll wake her" he said with a low voice. Both of them turned to see (y/n) almost wake up, but she didn't and continue to rest.

Sanji sighs "fine. I'll let it slide one time"

"oh, you don't like how close (y/n) to me?" Zoro grinned in mock as he pulled her closer.

"why youuu--!!" Sanji glared at Zoro in annoyance.

(y/n) blinked her, she realized she's up in the air now while the weather is storming. She even notice that she's still in her Marine uniform 'ah, this is—' (y/n) looked around her area and heard Marine soldiers scream in terror. She realized this is the day where she betray the Marines 'I remember, these people—' are the Marines that once thought of her as their friend. (y/n) remember each one of them who was been kind to her. yet, they died in her hands. Nonetheless, (y/n) killed them with no mercy. Her hands were covered by their blood.

Now she was surrounded by darkness, she looked at her hands still covered in blood "I… killed them" then she heard voices people calling her name. (y/n) widened her eyes when she look at the marines she killed surrounding her while still covered by their blood.

"w-why… did you… kill us, (y/n)? we thought… we're… your brothers… your home…" the same question asked over and over. (y/n) starts sweating, she covered her ears and shut her eyes.

"SHUT UP!!" she shouted.

(y/n) suddenly wake up and get up, she panted a little. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself "…it was just a dream". "oh, you awake" said a familiar voice. (y/n) turned to see Usopp entered her room, he came to check up on her. (y/n) look around and found herself in her bedroom. Usopp told her that after Luffy being treated by Chopper, (y/n) got carried into her room by Zoro "he didn't want to wake you up so he carries you here" he add.

"I see. Though, I've told him to wake me up when Luffy has done being treated"

"you looked a little beat up back then, well who doesn't get tired after hours of heavy training. Luffy is already awake and still the same, I came here to bring you breakfast in case if you are still tired" Usopp put a tray of (y/n)'s breakfast on top of the small drawer.

"thank you, Usopp-kun" (y/n) smiled at him and hugged her legs together "shall I let you giving me a bath too?" she smiled teasingly.

Usopp's face turned red immediately "w-w-what are you talking about?!"

(y/n) laughs at his reaction "I'm just kidding. Thank you for the meal" she said and eating her breakfast.

Usopp sighed and tried to calm himself "really, you gave me a heart attack for a second there. Get better soon and join us later, I can't wait to see you being teased by everyone else too"

"har har, very funny. I'll watch my mouth if I were you"

Usopp starts sweatdropping and leaves the room before he gets beaten up by (y/n) too.

(y/n) sighs and gets up from her bed with still a bowl in her hand. She turned to her desk and open her drawer, she pulled out an envelope that was addressed to her. she got it two days ago when she just entered her room and found it on her desk. (y/n) decided to open it now and read the papers inside. It says :

'Dear Labelle. D (y/n)

You might be surprised that my letter able reached you, but I'm sending this letter because I don't have much time and I want to offer you something that you cannot refuse. What I have in my plan is something greater than anyone could ever imagine. With you, imagine what we could achieve together. We could be the most powerful people in the world! That's why I want you to consider my proposal, which is to become my partner. I could give you everything you want, richness, power, you just name it. I would even give you everything if you give yourself to me.

In fact, I know what you have been searching for… the ancient script Poneglyph.

I could give you that if you join my side, think about my offer, my jewel. We will see each other soon and I will be waiting for your answer in Alabasta.

Baroque Works, Mr. 0'

(y/n) widened her eyes and couldn't believe the one who send this letter is Crocodile, The Seven Warlords of The Seas. She never thought he knows her goal, she wonders how far Crocodile know about her. (y/n) starts brainstorming about her plan, she did want to find Poneglyph and bring the ancient script back to her organization but if she accepts it, that means she'll betray her friends. The Straw Hat crew that she finally could call home for her. If she doesn't, she'll lose the location of the Poneglyph and her friends might get killed, including Vivi.

(y/n) need to find a way to get that ancient script and not to get her friends killed "there's one thing to do then—" she quickly grabs a paper and writes something in it. after she finish, she put it in another envelope. She draw a little jewel in the corner of the envelope and hid it. she planned to send it after she arrived at Alabasta.

After (y/n) freshen up and finish her breakfast, she's heading to the kitchen to return the bowl. There she spotted Sanji is washing the dishes. "Ara, good morning, Mr. Cook" (y/n) greeted with a smile. Sanji turned to the familiar sweet voice and quickly greeted her back "morning, (y/n)-tan! You look so lovely in the morning as always!" he smiled.

(y/n) chuckled by Sanji's sweet greet and decided to help him wash the dishes "you don't need to wash them! you'll get your beautiful hands dirty!" he said and take (y/n)'s plates to wash them too.

"hmm, Mr. Cook always so diligent" (y/n) said.

"haha, you think so? Thank you for the compliment!" Sanji smiled happily.

Then (y/n) stepped closer to Sanji and wrapped her arms around his hips as she embraced him from his side "I've heard Mr. Cook always such a gentleman toward ladies. I wonder how far would you go—"

"e-eh? (y/n)-tan—"

Sanji turned and now he's trapped between (y/n)'s arm, behind him just a sink and there's no escaping. His face turned red to see (y/n)'s face inches away from his "ara ara, my shining knight in armor turns red? How adorable~ I thought you have experience with women, Mr. cook" she teased.

"I-I—" Sanji stuttered as his face turns redder.

"hmm, well? Aren't you my little knight in shining armor?" (y/n) leans to Sanji's right ear "Sanji" she whispered his name.

The sound of his name called directly in his ear makes him chill and makes his legs weak. Something about her is very dominating, strangely he likes it "say it, you are my little knight, Sanji" she bites his ear.

Sanji widened his eyes when (y/n) bite his ear, it was warm and wet. He couldn't help but pant a little "well?" (y/n) bites harder.

"I-I'm your little knight—(y/n)-tan, p-please… my ear… it's sensitive"

Then (y/n) starts laughing and steps back "sorry, sorry. I like to tease everyone"

After teasing Sanji, (y/n) thanked him for the breakfast and left the kitchen to see the others. Meanwhile, Sanji still looks dumbfounded and his face really red "w-wha… that was—" he couldn't put it into words. he touched his ear where (y/n) bites him and it was still a little wet and very hot.

He looked down to see that he also… had a boner.

Which makes him flustered a little and need to hide it before anyone notices. He looked around the kitchen to make sure no one is in the room. He quickly went to the pantry and closed the door behind him. He leans back and still panting, he couldn't hold it anymore.

Sanji starts zipping down his pants and pulled out his throbbing dick, it was twitching and started to pre-cum as well. It's leaking and trailing down his dick. Sanji wrapped his fingers and starts stroking his boner faster while thinking about what (y/n) just did to him. He even imagined that the one stroking his dick right now is her hand, rubbing it up and down very fast.

'say it, you are my little knight, Sanji' (y/n)'s words earlier make him more submassive as his legs went weak and fell on the floor. His hands never leave his dick which is getting bigger and harder.

He panted heavily and keep stroking it "y-yes, I'm your… l-little knight, (y/n)-tan. Let me be your—oh God!" he squeezed it a little tighter and his cums starts shooting across the floor.

Sanji panted and look at his dick, it's still hard. He's not done yet "Geez, will you calmed down. I can't meet the others like this…" he sweatdropped.

Then someone suddenly enter the kitchen "Mr. Cook, I've forgotten to tell you something. Huh? Mr. Cook??" someone called. Sanji leaning on the door and heard the voice, it was (y/n). she returned to the kitchen. Sanji panicked and his boner hasn't gone down. He need to think of something really quick, he didn't want (y/n) to see his state right now "u-um, I'm… in the pantry" he replied.

"I see. What are you doing here?" (y/n) about to open the door but it was blocked by Sanji.

"w-wait! don't come inside!"

"oh dear, is something wrong??" (y/n) asked in a worried tone.

"yes! There is! There's uh--…" Sanji looks around the pantry to find an excuse "a mouse, yeah! There's a mouse in here! You wouldn't want to come in"

(y/n) blinked a little and laughs "there's no mouse on the ship, Mr. Cook. What are you talking about? You're so silly"

When (y/n) laughs and called him silly, Sanji couldn't help but to splurt another one "ngh—aah!"

(y/n) could hear Sanji's voice inside "are you sure you're alright, Mr. Cook? It sounds like you're in pain" she tried to hear his voice through the door "is there anything I could help you with?"

Her voice was so cute and he can't take it anymore while his hand still holding his throbbing dick again, he panted heavily and start thinking about (y/n) just said "…anything?"

"yes, now will you let me in and help you?"

It was silent for a moment until Sanji opened the door and quickly pulled (y/n) inside. He shut the door behind him and pulled her in his arms. The room was pretty dark but they could still see each other "w-what was that for, Mr. Cook? Are you alr—" then (y/n) touched something on the floor. It was wet, warm, and sticky in her fingers "this is…". (y/n) turned to Sanji who's flushed and panting heavily, she could hear his heart beating really fast too knowing that they're so close to each other.

"(y/n)-tan… will you help me? I—I don't think I could hold it anymore…" Sanji pointed at his boner, (y/n)'s eyes staring at Sanji's boner. It's hard and leaking pre-cum.

"It started like this when you're teasing me earlier…" Sanji grabbed her chin and pulled her closer "take responsibility, (y/n)-tan"

"Mr. Cook…"

"no… call me by my name"


after hearing (y/n) called his name one more time, Sanji tilted his head and bring his lips to hers. It was sweet and gentle at first, but Sanji wants more and starts kissing deeper. Hungry for lust. Both of them start panting until they pulled back for air, Sanji look at her in the eyes "can you… touch it for me?" he asked like he's in pain. (y/n) nodded and touched his chest to push him down a little, she whispered to him "…are you that eager for my touch, Sanji?" she asked with a seductive tone and touched his tip with one finger.

Sanji's cum starts leaking out much more "ngh—aah… y-yes, please touch me—" he begs.

"no no, that won't do, Sanji… do you want to be my little toy? Do my little knight wants to be touched by his highness?" she teased by gently touching his cock with the tip of her fingers. It tickles him and teasing him to beg her more.

Sanji panted heavily again "a-aah—yes, I beg of you…"

"say it Sanji, that you want to be my little toy" (y/n) fingers circling the tip of Sanji's cock.

"y-yes! I want to be your little toy! I want you to arouse me, make me feel good! Use me! anything!! I want you to touch me so badly--!!" he begs.

"shh—" (y/n) suddenly grab Sanji's cock roughly.

"A-AAAKH!" Sanji moans.

"not so loud, the others could hear us" she whispered and start stroking "if you keep it down… you'll get a reward for being such a good boy~" (y/n) cooed.

Sanji nodded and closed his eyes, to feel (y/n) hand stroking his hard cock. His pre-cum also trailing down to (y/n) hand "(y/n)-tan, I- I don't think… I could hold it anymore" he panted, he really wanted to cum right now. His head is blank, he could feel he's on the edge right now. (y/n) laying on top of Sanji and smiled teasingly at him while still playing with his cock "no~ not yet"

Even though (y/n) said that Sanji really couldn't hold it anymore and started cumming a lot. His sticky juice splattered all over the floor. Sanji panted heavily and groaned "man, I came out a lo—"

Suddenly (y/n) pushed him down on the floor and stare him down with menacing eyes, it was very cold and demanding. It gives him chills of pleasure "I've told you not yet, but you already come" she said with a dark tone.

"s-sorry (y/n)-tan, I didn't— nggh!"

(y/n) squeezing Sanji's cock tightly "then you need to be punished for disobeying me" she put her thumb in Sanji's mouth and the other hand starts stroking very roughly.

"nggh—nggaaAAH!!" Sanji moaned loudly.

"didn't I told you not to moan loudly?" (y/n) pulled Sanji's cock.


"hm? You what?" (y/n) continue stroking hard.

Sanji moaned at her rough touch as he arching his back, couldn't handle the pleasure "I- I want to… cum!!"

When (y/n) hears that, her hand stops stroking. Sanji panted and turned to her "wh-why did you stop?"

"that's not what I want to hear" (y/n) grabbed his throbbing cock roughly.

"NNGH--!!" Sanji was surprised by her rough grip. Then she starts stroking again, which makes him more aroused. He could feel he's about to leak "I-I'm close!!"

(y/n) suddenly pulled Sanji's cock and lean closer to his face "not that too. I want you to feel sorry for disobeying me" she grips it tightly "I won't make you feel good again"

At the start (y/n) stroking him roughly, but she stopped the moment Sanji told her when he's close to cum. After that, she strokes roughly again and when Sanji closes again. she stopped. It pains Sanji that she won't let him cumming "p-please--…" Sanji begged.

"Please what?"

"Please—I- I'm sorry for disobeying you—I won't do it again. so please… let me cum"

"good boy" satisfied with Sanji's answer, this time (y/n) continue stroking him.

Her touch makes Sanji aroused and hot so much that he could feel he's about to go all out "(y/n)-tan! I- I'm--!!"

"I know. Come on, Sanji. Cum for me" she whispered and kissed Sanji on the lips while keep stroking.

"mm—aah! So close—I- ah! AAAH!!" finally, he splurge out everything inside him.

Sanji panted heavily and slump down on the floor to rest, he's sweating a lot and his face was flushing red. (y/n) look at where Sanji shot his cums, it was a lot that she imagined. Her hands were even covered by his juice. Sanji turned to her "can I… kiss you, (y/n)-tan?" he asked. (y/n) didn't mind and leaning in to reach Sanji's lips. It was sweet with a little passionate kiss as they intertwined their tongue. Then they pulled back as they look into each other eyes "…I think you drained all of me" he chuckled.

"that's good then" she kissed him one more time "I could continue if you want" she said and touching Sanji's tip again, teasingly.

"n-no! no more! I'm all drained out!" he panics "you'll kill me for sure…"

(y/n) chuckled "oh dear, then you are not quite capable handling me—" she leans to Sanji's ear "I could go for rounds, you know"

Sanji's face flushed again when he hears that. just imagine if he could really make love with her. wouldn't that be the best thing?

After that, both of them clean themselves and clean the pantry before the others notice. (y/n) told Sanji it'll be their little secret "but if you do need little help again… I'm always obliged, my little knight" she smiled and leave the kitchen. Sanji could feel his heart beating fast and ache thanks to her teasing. He thought, he could definitely ask her to do it again for him, but he won't push her if she doesn't want to. He's a gentleman after all.