
OnePiece | | Angel among the Devils [AldaLevina]

AldaLevina Summary: Straw Hat pirates countered an unexpected person on their ship, who is it? ⚠Disclaimer: One Piece does not belong to me, it belonged to Eiichiro Oda⚠ ⚠ I do no accept requests nor adding them in my fanfiction ⚠ ⚠ if you still writing your ideas / request on the comments, it will be deleted immediately ⚠ Notes: hello! this is my Angel Among Devils - Rewrite, which is I'm changing half of the story of my previous fanfiction, Angel Among Devils. if you haven't noticed, I have deleted it yesterday and starting this one instead( ̄︶ ̄)↗ I hope you liked this new version of Angel Among Devils fanfiction _ _)/❤

JUST_S0ME_GUY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: A fight off

After a day meeting their new ship-mates, the blue-nosed reindeer Tony Tony Chopper. And healed Nami completely. The crew is heading to their destination, Alabasta, as fast as they can. That night, the moon shines brightly and (y/n) was on a deck watching the night sky while the others are already asleep. She thought the night reminds her of when she was in the Marines.

It was back when she was on a mission, she would always come with Akainu and do her job as his right hand. Even though she's still wearing her training uniform, her strength was above normal training soldiers thanks to Akainu hard training. They're voyaging to the next island where their mission is located, and in the middle of the night (y/n) was on the roof on the top deck and staring at the moon. It was bright and silent, it calmed her soul.

"…skipping your night train?" a man's voice called from below.

(y/n) turned to see a man wearing an eye-cover for sleeping on his head, it was Kuzan. His lazy-looking eyes looking straight at (y/n)'s direction "I'm not skipping. I have done my training early, that's all" (y/n) replied "beside… the moon's beautiful tonight" she said as she looking back at the moon.

Kuzan looked at the moon as well "it does beautiful… is this the way you flirt?"

"I'm not. Sa-chan would be mad if ever had a lover" (y/n) pulled her legs together and pouted.

"Imagine that guy as father figure… not a great match" Kuzan sweat-dropped, then he went up and sitting behind (y/n)'s back. He leans his back on (y/n)'s back while she's struggling to hold his weight "huh, this place is quite nice to relax"

"it would be if you're not trying to crush me!"

Kuzan laughs and told her it was a payback when she pulling a prank on him a few days ago. He sat straight and (y/n) leaning her back on his. He didn't mind, he felt a little comfort instead.

"Kuzan… your back is warm" (y/n) said, feeling his warmth.

"am I? …that's odd. But at the same time, it's good, I guess" usually his body temperature was low because of his devil-fruit ability, this is the first time someone tells him that he was warm "…(y/n)"


"have you ever thought… to run away? That your place isn't in the Marines?"


"heh, what am I saying. You're Sakazuki's right hand, I've heard the story about you and Sakazuki. Maybe you'll become a Captain or higher rank in no time"


Kuzan looked at where (y/n) training, a spot on a deck there are some destroyed dummies splattered around "I see your strength improved again. do you want to match with me someday?"

"match with Kuzan? Sure! What do the winner gets if they win?" (y/n) grins.

"being confident, huh? Very well" Kuzan starts to think of something "if you win, I'll grant you one wish"



"and what if you win?"

"if I win… you owe me a date"

"WHAT?!" (y/n)'s face turned red.

"I wouldn't miss a date with a pretty girl. I'll save it until you'll get older, I'm not dating an underage girl" he said as he leans back on her again.

(y/n) struggling to carry his weight "Nooo!" she screams.

"what do you mean 'no'? say yes or you'll be flat as a pancake" he said as he putting more weight.

"Okay okay!" Kuzan smiles and sits straight back up "bully" she sticks her tongue at him.

"I thought you were the bully" he chuckled in satisfaction "you better remember, because I will"

Back in the present, (y/n) thought about the deal she made with that man. She thought maybe he was joking since they never had a match, or maybe already seeing anyone already. It doesn't matter to her right now since she's not a Marine anymore. She leaned back on the ship fence while still looking up at the night sky. Even if they ever meet again in the future "…I'll kill him"

"…who are you going to kill?"

(y/n) turned to see Sanji "ah, Mr. Cook. I didn't notice you were here too"

"I was going to grab some drink but I noticed you were here… but you haven't answered my question, though" he lights his cigarette and smokes it "…who is you are going to kill?"

(y/n) look at Sanji for a moment "it was nothing. I was just thought of someone in the past and thought if we ever meet each other again… we'll kill each other. He's my enemy now"

"who? Someone in Marines?"

"Yeah. Probably he's gotten stronger now, maybe more than I am. He's kinda that type of a guy" she said with a serious expression.

Someone stronger than (y/n) in the Marines, Sanji thought that this person probably has a high rank "you don't have to worry. Because I will always protect you whenever you're in trouble, (y/n)-tan!" he proudly pointed himself.

(y/n) smiled "thank you, Mr. Cook"

The next day, Vivi informed everyone that the crew arrives at Alabasta in a few days. While voyaging, Vivi explained to the crew everything she knows about Crocodile. Even the man that known cruel to his member as one of the Warlord of the Seas, the people in Alabasta known him as a hero. He would save the people and chase away other pirates in their land. But his true goal is taking over Alabasta. (y/n) give it a thought for a few seconds "then… if Baroque Works is taking over Alabasta, then the agents will--…"

Vivi nodded "yes, they will be coming together"

Everyone couldn't believe that this man not just wanting the whole country, he manipulate the people as well to his side. (y/n) think that this man is pretty clever, he even could make the country's people against each other 'if I ever choose his side… then he could be unstoppable. I understand now, this man wanted my power as well to be the strongest man in the world… just like somebody I've known

At noon, everyone had lunch together as usual. But strangely, (y/n) didn't finish her meal and went back to her room. everyone looked at each other and wondered if something happened to her. Nami said she's become quieter than usual after they're talking about Crocodile earlier. "maybe (y/n) got sick of Luffy keep stealing her meals?" Usopp guessed.

"hey!" Luffy resent.

"then what's that on your hand?" Usopp pointed at Luffy's hand, which is he's holding (y/n)'s plate.

"well she didn't finish it and it would be a waste of good food" he said but keep eating (y/n)'s meal.

Vivi suggested that someone need to talk to her. even though everyone raising their hands so they could talk to (y/n), but it would be too many people and confusing to talk with everyone that's why only one or two should talk with her.

In the end, they decided to do rock-paper-scissors. The winner gets to talk to (y/n). As the result, Zoro wins the game "aaah—how come you win? Now give me your meal too" said Luffy and reach his hand on Zoro's plate. "hell no! this is mine, besides I win, not lose, you glutton captain!" Zoro scolds as he trying to defend his meal. So Zoro quickly finishes his lunch until it's clean while Luffy gives him a disappointed look. Vivi reminded him that all he has to do is ask (y/n) what happened, if she's sad then comfort her.

"I know, I know. All I have to do is check up on her, right? I'll be going on now—" Zoro stands up from his seat and is about to leave the room.

"you idiot! That's the pantry! (y/n)'s room is that way!!" Sanji scolds as he pointed at the exit door.

"huh, oh right" then he turned his heels and went through the door where Sanji point at.

"…now I'm worried about him more than (y/n)" Nami sweat-dropped.

Zoro FINALLY arrived in front of (y/n)'s room after mistakenly going to a different room three times, he even when back to the kitchen once after being scolded by the others to go straight to (y/n)'s room. He knocks on her door and told her that he's come to check up on her. he opens the door and peeks in, he found (y/n) laying on her bed while covering her eyes with her arms "you okay?" he asked.

(y/n) look at Zoro at the door under her arms "yeah, I guess…"

Then (y/n) let Zoro enter her room and he closed the door. He sat on the edge of (y/n)'s bed "it doesn't look like you are okay. Everyone is worried about you and wondering if something happened to you?"

"were they? Sorry, I didn't mean to make everyone worried about me. It's just… everywhere I go, everyone just wanted to use me for my power. And I thought… I existed only for that"

Zoro looked at (y/n)'s expression turned to grim "and sometimes I thought, I'm blaming that damned old man for making me eat this devil-fruit. That he made me his right hand so he would be the strongest, included this Crocodile"

"I don't think so, those people wanted to do selfish things to you because they only think about themselves, right? I believe… that everyone is born for meaning, each one of them has a life purpose. Including you"

(y/n) looked at Zoro "like our Captain, for example, even he's an idiot he wanted to become the King of Pirates. And I believe he will. And any other of our members, they also have a goal of their own"

"and I believe your goal is to become the strongest swordsman?"

Zoro crossed his arms and gives a confident smile "that's obvious, I wouldn't carry my swords if I hadn't become one. Even so, I still thought I wasn't strong enough to become one. But that doesn't mean I've given up, I'll keep training to become stronger than I am right now"

He turned to (y/n) "back then, you told us that your goal is to find a place where you belong. Well, this is your home now"

(y/n) blinked and laughs "are you saying that I'm stuck with you guys forever now?"

"damn right, and we're stuck with you too now. There's no escaping!" Zoro grins "that's why even if you were in the shitiest happened to you. everyone will be there to help you even how far you are. That's what friends are for"

"…I didn't know you are also the type who knows about friendships. You are so full of surprises, Mr. Swordsman" (y/n) chuckled.

(y/n) decided to get up and leaning her head on Zoro's shoulder, her arms wrapped around Zoro's stomach. (y/n)'s embrace makes Zoro tense a little "thank you… maybe this is one of the 'friendships' you are talking about. Someone to be there for you…"

Zoro turned to see (y/n) closed her eyes and enjoying the comfort, he thought maybe she just need someone to talk about it. Zoro rubbed her arms gently and enjoying the contact as well. His heart starts beating a little faster.

"yo—Zoro, (y/n)! how you guys doing!" Luffy suddenly barged into the room. Then he saw both of them are cuddling each other "ooh! Let me join you guys!!" he shouted and wrapped his rubber arm and legs around them tightly.

While Luffy enjoying his cuddle, (y/n) and Zoro laughs at his silliness and just let them cuddle them.

After (y/n) feeling better, she told everyone about her feelings and they understood. They told her not to worry because they would never use her power selfishly and won't push her because they think that's what friends do. For the first time, (y/n) feel touched by their thoughtfulness and looked down so she won't cry in front of them. nonetheless, they would know and just be there for her "hahaha! (y/n) actually a crybaby!" Luffy laughs and pointed at her.

(y/n) pouted at Luffy for laughing at her, so she steal one of Usopp's bullets from his pocket and throw it at Luffy's mouth. The bullet explodes in his mouth as Luffy screams in pain "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!! SO SPICY!!!" he shouts.

"ah, that's my special tabasco bullet" Usopp said.

"AHAHAHA! Now you're crying too!" (y/n) laughs pointing at Luffy.

"crying in pain!!" he still screaming and tried to find something to drink.

Everyone laughs together and is glad (y/n) back to her normal self.

The next day, everyone still voyaging to go to Alabasta. (y/n) decided to have a little training on the deck and Nami was forced to accompanying her "c'mon, (y/n)! stop being too intimidating!!" Nami shouted while holding her practice stick. "huh? But I wasn't trying to??" (y/n) said with a confused look. It seems Nami is already scared battling with (y/n) because she knows that (y/n) is too powerful for her. then (y/n) said she promised she won't use devil-fruit power and will use her hand combat on her.

"c'mon, Nami. It'll be a good battle experience for you" (y/n) add.

Nami sighs and but she had no choice, she pointed her practice stick at (y/n) "alright! You're on! Don't cry when I hit you!"

(y/n) chuckled "do your best"

Nami starts attacking first and swings her stick at her. but (y/n) dodged every attack Nami launched with ease. a few minutes later, Nami panted a little and realized that her attacks doesn't work on her 'what should I do? She's not even breaking any sweat!!' . "my turn then. Don't worry, I won't hit you THAT hard" (y/n) said and dashed forward. 'she's fast!!' Nami tried to defend herself with the training stick and shut her eyes as if preparing to get attacked. But strangely, nothing happened. She slowly opened her eyes and saw (y/n) standing right in front of her.

"Open your eyes" (y/n) said and grabbed her training stick with one hand "you can't see your enemies with your eyes closed" she destroyed the training stick with one snap in half and was about to punch Nami in the face.

Nami closed her eyes in panic again, but nothing happened once more. She opened her eyes, but (y/n) was already gone from her sight "be aware of around you, these are one of surviving battle techniques you need to know" (y/n) said from behind her.

Nami widened her eyes and was shocked to see (y/n) suddenly behind her 'how did she—'

"raise your guard"

(y/n) hit Nami from her back in one swing and throws her almost across the floor "oh, was that too much? I was just using my two fingers"

"two fingers?!" Nami gasped.

"interesting" Zoro suddenly stepped in "let me have a fight with her. My sword versus your martial arts techniques"

"what?! No matter how you look at it, that's not fair!" Nami said.

"you did use your wood stick over there, it still counted as a weapon, you know"

"that's not the point!"

"I accept. I'll keep my words, I won't use my devil-fruit power" (y/n) smiles.

Both Zoro and (y/n) are standing across the floor and preparing their attacks while being watched by the crew, they are also excited to see who's stronger. Zoro using three of his swords and (y/n) just her martial arts, both of them look deep in the eyes. When Nami cued the starts, both competitors dashed toward but Zoro attacked first as he swings his swords. (y/n) dodged them with her incredible speed. When she saw the small gap she used it to launch her attack and knocked one sword from Zoro's left hand. Everyone is amazed that she's able to throw off Zoro's sword.

"heh, that's amazing. But I'm not finished yet" Zoro took a sword from his mouth to his left hand and now he's using two-sword style. He continues launching his attacks.

Even with two swords, (y/n) haven't been defeated. But (y/n) could hit Zoro's blind spots with her bare hands. When she saw her chance again, she grabbed Zoro's right arm and knocked off the sword from his hand. Zoro widened his eyes and couldn't believe she's able to remove his sword from his hand in a few seconds.

Both of them stand back and meet eye to eye. Zoro panted a little and wondered why none of his attacks worked on her "have you realized the differences of our strength, Mr. Swordsman?" (y/n) said with calm manners.

"heh, I still have one sword left. I ain't givin' up yet" he said and positioned himself in one-sword style.

Zoro attacked once more, but still, it does not work on (y/n). he tries to figure out how to defeat her with one sword. Then Zoro had his chance and swings his swords from upward. But in one quick movement, (y/n) captured Zoro's sword with her palms. It stopped Zoro's attack. The others are jaw-dropped when (y/n) able to catch a sword with bare hands. "do you want to know why your attack doesn't work on me, Mr. Swordsman?" (y/n) asked, and with a quick movement, she pushed the sword away and kicked Zoro across the floor.

Zoro groaned in pain and get up to see (y/n) standing still "I have been trained to acquire the skill to conquer the swords skills. Day and night, I have been training non-stop to achieve this ability… swords will not work on me"

"that's impossible!"

"and you have seen it with your own eyes. You cannot defeat me, Mr. Swordsman"

Zoro get up and accepted his defeat. He told (y/n) that he will someday defeat her even with her devil-fruit ability. (y/n) smiled to him and she'll be looking forward to the day Zoro is able to defeat her. Luffy suddenly jumps in the middle and grinned widely at (y/n) "that was amazing!! Me next! Me next!" he challenged (y/n) too. (y/n) accepted Luffy's challenge "but this time, we'll use our devil-fruit powers!" Luffy offered.

"you probably die first" said Zoro and the other nods in agreement.

"what?! No way! I'm stronger than (y/n)! you'll see!!"

"is (y/n)'s devil-fruit power stronger than Luffy's?" Chopper asked Usopp.

Usopp grins "you'll see. What you're watching is our strongest members are about to face off! And both of them are siblings!"


"I'm excited as well. I want to see who's stronger!" Vivi said with excitement.

Nami stands between two competitors "remember the rules. Do not kill each other or your friends, especially me! and do not destroy the ship. Got it?" both siblings nodded.

"ready…? START!"