
OnePiece! Ninja Gacha System

Genre shifting : Novel ⇉ Fanfic Author here : i'm so sory to the readers, this works has been moved from Novel to Fanfic section (new here so quite foreign with all of this) 〜〜〜〜〜 Synopsis : Rei was an ordinary 25 years old shut in due to his albinism. Electricity shortcut from his VR module made him isekai-ed to the world of OnePiece! He got golden finger called, "Ninja Gacha System". how would Rei fare inside the onepiece world while assisting strawhats group reaching their goals? find out inside! ーーーーー Note : author here, thanks for reading, if there's any grammatical or vocabulary error, please kindly notice me i'll try to fix the error one. DISCLAIMER : all copyrights of Naruto and Onepiece belongs to their respective original author, Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto) and Eichiro Oda (OnePiece) this project is nonprofit and you are able to read it for free.

Ashwinder · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs

Ch.47 Hijack!


 Seeing Luffy and Zoro swinging the Kunais with sweat all over their bodies, Rei went inside the cabin and take a look at the East Blue charts and compass.

 He marked one town on the map and setting course towards it. After adjusting the steering shaft inside the cabin, Rei then checked the sails and adjusted it slightly.

 In afternoon, Luffy had enough swinging the kunai and went to kitchen which Rei happened to make lunch.

 Seeing the simple meals on the table, Luffy jumped towards it gleefuly.

 "Yeaaah! Lets eat!"


 Rei slapped Luffy's hand with spatula making the later pouted his cheek and stopped what he wanted to do.

 "Together Luffy!" Warned Rei as he shouted towards outside. "Hey Zoro! Lets eat...!"

 After a few moments, Rei still could heard Zoro continuing his training with kunai outside. He shook his head and separating some portion for the muscle man later.

 "Fine, lets leave him..." Rei spoke towards the drolling Luffy.

 The meals were too humble to be said as Rei only made a pot of rice and stock-pot full of beef stew, he add some vegetables inside to prevent any nutrition deficiency for their body.

 However Luffy still ate his meal blissfully which actualy made Rei felt so surreal each time he saw Luffy eat his food.

 After the sunset, Zoro finaly stop his training, he put the kunais down on the deck and saw Rei was currently reading while smoking on the cabin's roof, wondering if the later could actualy read with minimal light.

 Noticing Zoro went inside the cabin, Rei turns the page of his book with title "Chriss P. Bakon Journey to Heaven" Puffing out the smokes, he reminded the former, "Theres some stew left for you inside the left drawer. Eat."

 Zoro paused slightly, he didn't respond Rei and yet he went to look for his portions of meal anyway.

 Luffy was currently hugging the boat's bow quite letarghic. The strawhats captain always stays at the very front side of the boat without fearing to fall into the water.

 Luffy turned around from the bow, he went to jump towards Rei's side and called, "Rei..."

 "Hmm?" Rei hummed while sucking the pipe.

 "What do you mean by 'surprise' if we go to Orange town?"

 Rei paused his read while recalled about the conversations they had when they chose the route for next destination.

 After Rei suggested about Zoro whereabouts, he began to think about the rest of Strawhats future crew. So, he suggested to Luffy which route they should take after they began their journey from Shells town.

 Luffy didn't have any problem when Rei decided their next destination, and Zoro didn't realy care about it.

 The only thing Luffy had interests in was because Rei said there will be a surprise waiting for Luffy if he goes to Orange Town.

 Luffy loved surprise, so he told Rei that he could decide their next destination.

 Back to the scene, Rei put down his book as the surrounding had begun to darken so much that he couldn't see the words anymore. After puffing the smokes in and out, he looked towards Luffy and answered his earlier question.

 "Maybe we will meet someone with good navigational skill there."

 "Navigator?" asked Luffy.

 "Uh-huh.." Rei nodded with a smile.

 Suddenly Zoro voice could be heard from the deck below, he scoffed at Rei's words, "What are you? A seer?"

 Rei chuckled, "Hahaha, what seer? Pretend that i speak nonsense Zoro."

 Then, the trio chattering without course all night until Luffy just sprawled on the roof while Zoro closed his eyes leaving Rei to keep watch.

 Noticing his mates rested for the night outside, Rei went inside the cabin and took blankets from inside.

 Rei went to covers Luffy and Zoro with blankets in faint smile. After he had done, he checked the compass and charts once again with frown at the sky.

 "Hope there will be no cloud tomorow." Rei muttered as he adjusted the boat's sail for the night.

 The night was silent and no starlight could be seen covered by dark cloud. Rei could felt the wind was picking up in speed as he thought tomorow weather would be rough.



 After simple breakfast, Zoro asked Rei about the kunai's weight to be added more while Luffy joined him for fun.

 At midday, Rei noticed that the cloud was covering the sky and seawaves began to change wildly making their boat's course to shift every so often, so he was on stand by all day inside the boat's cabin beside the steering shaft to adjust the boat's course.

 Noticing Luffy was laying down on the boat's bow keeping watch ahead. From the cabin's open window Rei called him, "Luffy! If there's something give us a holler!"

 "All right!" Luffy answered.

 Zoro keep swinging the heavy kunai tirelessly while bare-chested as if he wanted to proof that all of his speech wasn't a joke.

 Suddenly, "Rei! Zoro! There's a small boat outside!" Luffy gave a holler making Zoro paused his training and looked ahead only to sees a small boat for one person without sails swaying at the sea.

 Before Rei could knew of what happenned, Luffy went and stretched his hand far towards the floating boat!

 As he pulled the smaller boat closer towards their vessel, Luffy exclaimed in surprise, "Hey! There's a girl inside there!"

 'Girl?' Rei thought. Just as he wanted to check outside. The boat swayed heavily by the waves making him to stay and keep steering the boat!

 When both vessels stays side by side, Luffy saw the girl leaning on her boat's railing seems exhausted. She has slim figure, pretty face, and orange hair.

 "Are you okay?" Luffy asked feeling concerned about the helpless girl.

 Hearing someone voice, the girl raised her head seemingly in difficulty. Luffy saw she has brown eyes and her face looks pale.

 The girl finaly opened her mouth and begged, "Hi, will you please be kind enough to help me for food and water?"

 Without thinking, Luffy took the girl's hand and helped her steped onto the boat.

 "Are you okay? Who are you? What are you doing here all alone?" Luffy asked with barrages of questions.

 Zoro stoped his training, he went closer towards Luffy with warry on his eyes at the mysterious girl.

 The girl also noticed Zoro with a sword besides his waist came closer, however she doesn't panic and said.

 "Ah, before that. Could you take my bag from there please?" She said while pointing towards a small rucksack on her previous boat.

 Noticing Luffy wanted to help her take the bag, The girl suddenly staggered towards the former causing Luffy fell down in order to help her to stand.

 Zoro noticed her behavior with squinted eyes and sighed, he jumped towards the small boat only to be surprised!

 The bag flew away from the boat towards the girl with a string attached at her hand! just when he wanted to ask. Zoro widen his eyes as the girl actualy pushed Luffy overboard!


 The innocent Luffy was caught off guard as his body began to sunk due to his Devil fruit weakness!


 At first Zoro wanted to beat the girl here and then, however. He also knew that Luffy couldn't swim! Without thinking any longer, Zoro dived into the sea to help Luffy out!

 Seeing her victims succumbed to her ploys, The girl laughed cheekily as she waved her hand.

 "Bye Bye! Next time, don't be too kind towards stranger! Ahahahaha..."

 "You almost killed our Captain you know?"

 The orange haired girl paused her laughter. Slowly she turned her head towards the source of the voice which happens right from behind her back!

 "Wha..what do you...." Before she finished her sentence, the girl face turned paler when she saw the familiar face stood behind her!

 "You! White gho..."



 Rei didn't wait to finish the girl sentence as he flicked his finger towards the later forehead and threw her overboard.

 'Nami' Rei couldn't believed his eyes as he saw Nami wanted to hijack them at sea!

 Rei had soft spot for cute creature, however. No matter how cute nami was, Rei need to punish her after she threw Luffy overboard!

 Rei knew that Nami wouldn't have known if Luffy couldn't swim, and yet he just went and let her see it for herself that her action actualy could have killed someone!

 Under water, Nami who could swim saw with her own eyes that the man who she had pushed overboard earlier didn't move at all!

 Like a stone, Luffy's body went deeper and deeper until finaly Zoro catched up to him and began to swim upwards in desperation.

 A trace of regret could be seen on her pretty face and she began to swim for the surface.

 Popping out her head at sea surface, Nami felt trepidation as she saw the 'White Ghost' stood beside the boat's railing and folding his hand under sleeves. Looking at her with indifferent eyes!

 "PHUAAAAH*.." Zoro finaly shows up while holding Luffy's head up.

 "Cough* cough* wheeze* water....water....water...." Luffy felt disoriented and muttered the same thing over and over again.

 Rei glanced towards Luffy and Zoro while heaving a sigh of relief, then he returned his attention towards the drenched girl who still floating on the sea without knowing what to do!

 After Zoro lifted Luffy's onto the boat, Rei finaly stretched his hand towards Nami who felt increasingly guilty about her doing.

 Nami felt reluctant taking Rei's hand, however soon, she finaly obliged towards the former gesture.

 Rei went towards Luffy and checked on his condition after he signaled Zoro to keep watch on her, Zoro nodded without comment as he felt the situation were quite serious.

 Rei sends his chakra inside Luffy body to check him. Finally he determined that other than drinking lots of seawater, his captain was still hale and hearty.

 Zoro stood in front of the sitting Nami while Rei came closer and stood besides Zoro.

 Both of them keeping silent for a few moments until Nami couldn't held on anymore as she sprawled on the wooden deck and clapping her hands together upwards begging for forgiveness.

 "I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW HE CAN'T SWIM! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" She yelled on top of her lungs while keeping her head on the floor.

 Nami was panicked! She actualy had guts to tried and hijack the infamous "White Ghost" boat while almost killed one of his friend!

 She had good memories as her profession needed her to be that way. Nami could still remembered about the newspaper she once had read, the new rookies with 45 million Bellies head was currently standing before her!

 Seeing her trembling shoulders not knowing whether it was from cold or fear, Rei sighed and said, "Enough, go change your clothes..."

 Zoro frowned hearing Rei and rebuked the later, "What? She almost killed Luffy! Rei?"

 "We'll talk later Zoro. I'll make some soup for Luffy first. keep watch on our boat direction."

 Rei left to make some soup as Zoro squinted his eyes menacingly towards Nami. The orange haired girl grabed her bag in awkward manner and went inside the boat small room to change her drenched clothes.
