
One that lies within

Sylvia Foster, on day before her marriage found out that her fiance is in love with someone else, broken heart but she decided not to show and will never marry but one day she found herself between two CEO as they both took an interest in her. she however is focused on finding a partner for her childhood best friend Clara but even with such pure intentions life has different plans for her.

itz_Noor · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

Early in the morning both woke up by the sound of alarm and after both were up they saw Celab already awake playing all by himself. Lloyd kissed her forehead which made her smile.

"Good morning sweetheart!", said Lloyd smiling gently.

"Good morning to you too!", said Sylvia smiling brightly.

Then both got up and after getting fresh and having a nice breakfast.

Both got ready and Lloyd left for his office and Sylvia left to her Gallery leaving Caleb with Lloyd's mother.she was quite happy that she has finally married her however Tim was in regret as he received her last message and a portrait.

He visited her house and found it locked and empty and even looked at her old gallery and found it replaced by a bakery. She shifted her Gallery near Lloyd's home so, she can easily come and go.

No where to be found, Tim realized her mistake and felt guilty for what he did and he even often begin to have dreams of her.

Three and a half years later she got pregnant with a Child which made him the happiest man in the world and nine months later she gave birth to twins. A boy and a girl.

Boy was named Liam and girl was named Synthia. Two more years spend both Liam and Synthia were now two and Celab was seven. One day she went to Lloyd's office as Lloyd had to go somewhere and few guests had to arrive too. She was sitting in his office waiting for them.

Finally after waiting for half an hour the door of office knocked and she said come in and was shocked to see two familiar figure. It was Mr. Victor and Tim Ranolds.

"Sylvia!?", Victor said shocked and Tim Ranolds only stared at him disbelief.

"Hello gentlemen please have a seat", said Sylvia with a smile.

"Please wait for Mr. Lloyd, he will coming in shortly", said Sylvia calmly.

When Celab came inside running and hugged her.

"Mommy I don't like nanny she scolded me", said Caleb.

"Let me guess you may have done something naughty to upset her", said Sylvia caressing him and he pouted and nanny entered and took him by hand and stood aside.

"He is insisting on going outside", said nanny.

"Come on you can't go outside Celab", said Lloyd after entering.

"But daddy outside is more fun", said Celab pouting.

"Daddy?", said Victor shocked and both Tim and Victor stood up.

"Me and Sylvia are married."said Lloyd smiling gently and Sylvia stood up from his chair and gestured him and he Sat.

"I'm going to day care to take Liam and Synthia, let's go Celab", said Sylvia smiling gently and eyed Tim for short amount of time and exited the office.

"Yayy!! Let's go see baby brother and baby sister and left after hugging Lloyd.

"So you have kids with Sylvia?", asked Victor smirking.

"Yes, they are twins, Synthia and Liam both are two years old. Now let's begin with our meeting shall we?" , said Lloyd smiling gently.

Tim now realized the meaning of those intials and her words that it's too late now. Now he can't do anything to change his past mistake.

People often make grave mistakes and he was one of them. Sylvia who genuinly took care of Celab and kept promise of her best friend Clara got the fruit of it. A loving husband and a caring mother -in- law.

Richard and Liza who died earlier. Tim who remain unsecured of the fact that he will ever be able to take care of Sylvia, ended up losing her.

Tim's whole world was shaken to it's core and he didn't know what he could do, he turned pale and couldn't breathe. He excuse himself and left and went outside.

Days later Tim began to stay sad and yearn badly for Sylvia but he couldn't get her. He left Victor's Company and went to somewhere else.

Sylvia was living happily however fate had already have something else in mind and a year later Lloyd and his mother died in a car accident leaving Sylvia alone to raise three kids. She took over the company and became it's CEO and two more years spend like this.
