
One that lies within

Sylvia Foster, on day before her marriage found out that her fiance is in love with someone else, broken heart but she decided not to show and will never marry but one day she found herself between two CEO as they both took an interest in her. she however is focused on finding a partner for her childhood best friend Clara but even with such pure intentions life has different plans for her.

itz_Noor · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 06

Now she was alone with Mr. Lloyd and he offered her a ride home and she has no choice but to accept it. Both were now sitting in same car after Sylvia explained her address to the Lloyd and she sat next to him and soon they were traveling until Lloyd broke the ice.

"What do you do for living?", said Lloyd.

"I'm an artist and own an art gallery", said Sylvia smiling lightly.

"Oh that's brilliant", said Lloyd smiling gently.

"I dreamed of becoming an artist and own an art gallery when I was a child even though I could easily live on my father's money", said Sylvia smiling sheepishly.

"Silly thing to do, isn't it ", she added.

"I don't following your dreams is silly ",he said smiling gently.

This sentence remind her of past when Richard used to call her silly for that. She understands why he did that. He never valued her or her dreams.

"Well someone used to call her silly for that", said Sylvia sadly.

"I think it's him or who's silly", said Lloyd smiling after noticing how sad she became.

This made her her chuckle and Lloyd join in too.

"With a light conversation they finally reached her home but to her fright she found Richard roaming at her front door.

"Were you expecting company this late", asked Lloyd getting suspicious of him.

"Why is he here?", said Sylvia in fear.

"Well you see he's my ex", added Sylvia still fearful.

"Mind if I join you so I can help you get home safely?"ask Lloyd questioning.

"Are you saying that you'll help me?"said Sylvia surprised.

Lloyd nodded and soon both got out of car and Richard saw them together and was shocked at first but he decided to do what he came for.

"Sylvia! Sylvia! Where were you?", he said while making her her sad but Sylvia ignore him and continue to head towards her home.

"Sylvia! I'm sorry!", he said sadly.

"Who is this man Sylvia?", he said looking furious.

"Why are you here Richard? Didn't I made myself clear earlier said Sylvia with a bitter tone.

"Also whoever I'm with is none of your concern now, you should be worrying about Lisa now leave, Now please leave, she added which stung Richard like a bee sting.

He approached her but Lloyd blocked her way.

"I advise you to leave or else I will call the police ", Lloyd said with a warning tone. He gritted his teeth in anger and left fuming.

As Richard finally left Sylvia sighed in relief. She turned to Lloyd and smiled thankfully.

"Thank you so much for helping me today! ", said Sylvia smiling.

"Don't worry it's nothing", said Lloyd smiling gently.

"No! Literally thank you! I owe you one now", said Sylvia smiling brightly.

"Oh really?"ask Lloyd.

"Yes", Sylvia said.

"Then how about you create a painting for me?", said Lloyd smiling gently.

"Of course I would love to ", said Sylvia smiling brightly and agreeing to him.

Soon He left after Sylvia entered home safely. Sylvia changed into her pajamas and plopped into her bed.

She rewind back all the things that happened today. Thinking about how she made a deal with Mr. Victor about agreeing Tim on marrying her bestie made her happy.

Then she remembers the dance they did which made her blush but she still wonder what will Mr. Victor ask her to do?

Then she remembers happy face of Clara while she was dancing with Tim.

She then remembered her unexpected dance with Mr. Lloyd and how he saved her.

"I'll definitely paint something extremely beautiful for him", she thought to herself.

She also remembered how Richard behaved today even knowing the fact that he's the one at fault and he even ignore Liza completely. His furious face told her clearly that he will return.

"But I will be brave and face him alone cause I done nothing wrong", she thought to herself.

With all thoughts in her head. She soon drifted off to sleep.

Next day she woke up by the sound of alarm clock.

It was now time for her to open her Gallery and she felt refreshed after a good night's sleep.

She got up and took a bath and got fresh. Then she made herself a cup of coffee and eggs with toast. At 9'o clock she left for her Gallery riding a bicycle.

This wasn't the first time she did that. It's used to be daily routine she never liked to get spoiled on her father's money and wanted to live on her own accomplishing her dream of becoming best artist in the country.

Art was the only thing that made her happy and she also played Violin as a hobby. Her Father and mother consider her happiness and decided to let her follow her dream.

She happily opened her Gallery and went in. Smell of paint calmed her mind. She took out paint and art utensils and an empty canvas and began to think about what painting she should create for Mr. Lloyd Taylor.

"What should I paint? I need ideas!", she thought to herself.

She began to think about their first encounter, just when an idea struck into her mind.

"I know what he'll like to see!", she said to herself excited and happy and began her work.

After few hours when half of her work was done call interrupted her and it was none other but Mr. Victor.

"Huh? Mr. Victor!?", she said in surprise and pick up the call.

"Hello Mr. Victor!", she said a bit surprise.

"I have taken the first step towards our contract and I hope you haven't forgotten about it", said Victor smirking.

"No, I haven't forgotten about it and I was going to ask about it later", said Sylvia with a serious tone.

"So what did you do? ", she added with an interest.

"You will know about it eventually from your friend Clara", said Victor smirking.

"I'm a hard working CEO after all, I do things my way", he said smirking and waiting for her reply.

"Oh really then I will be waiting to hear what you are capable of Mr. Victor! ", said Sylvia smiling and a bit excited.

"You're excited aren't you?", said Victor smirking.

"Why wouldn't I? you are the famous and successful CEO after all ", said Sylvia a bit annoyed.

"Well then you must wait now ", said Victor with a chuckle.

"Goodbye till then ", added Victor with a smile.

"Good bye ", said Sylvia.

Phone disconnected and then she realize she forgot to ask what he wants me to do.

"Seriously? how can I forget about it!", she asked to herself

getting frustrated.

She then got her frustration aside and began to paint again where she left off and few hours later her work was finally finished. She took the canvas to a safe place to let it dry and she sat at counter to relax herself.
