
One that lies within

Sylvia Foster, on day before her marriage found out that her fiance is in love with someone else, broken heart but she decided not to show and will never marry but one day she found herself between two CEO as they both took an interest in her. she however is focused on finding a partner for her childhood best friend Clara but even with such pure intentions life has different plans for her.

itz_Noor · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 02 Unconditional love

"Who's the lucky man? who do you wish to marry?", said Sylvia in a questioning tone.

Clara said she is in love with a man and want to marry him only but didn't know if he feels the same way.

"I'll be honest with you, he's not a celebrity type but everytime we meet, my love for him gets deeper and deeper", said Clara looking far Away.

He's Mr. Victor Williston's Sectrary Tim Ranolds.

"Mr. Victor! Like the famous billionaire CEO!?", she said in shocked tone.

"yes, his Sectrary", said Clara feeling Shy.

"What made you love him so deeply?", said Sylvia interested.

"Okay I will tell you the whole story, I first met him in Canada as Mr. Victor had some business with daddy so he came to our house and Tim was with him.

I was however in lawn unaware of it. I was playing hide and seek with Riku(pet squirrel) when I found out that that he somehow reached the roof and was afraid to get down. I slowly reach towards him using a chair but when I get to him my foot slipped and was about to fall when Two pair of strong arms caught me and it was Tim!", said Clara smiling Shyingly.

"Thank goodness! I reached you in time madam or you might have gotten severely injured. What were you doing Climbing in a dangerous place like this?",he asked confused while holding me in his arms.

He set me down and I was blushing hard.

"Umm...I....um",I utter those words nervously and it was first time I was speechless.

Our attention went to Riku who squeaked tried to free himself from flower branches.

"I see , so you were helping this little fellow", he said understanding the situation.

He reached to him getting branch away and Riku jumped on his After caressing on his cheek thankful he jumped on my Shoulder.

"What a cute little fellow",he chuckled.

"Th...Thanks for helping me and Riku", I said nervously.

"No need for it but be careful next time Madam!",he said smiling gently which made my heart skip a beat.

"Wow!, so he saved you! What a cutie!"said Sylvia getting happy for her.

"That's not it! There's more!"said Clara blushing.

"I'm all ears", said Sylvia smirking after seeing her blushing.

"Next day, I was coming back after party when unknowingly few Ruffians surrounded me blocking my way, I was unable to escape got extremely scared and tears began to flow down my cheeks when I heard A voice Stopped Ruffians

in their tracks and they all turned to him.

"Leave the lady alone!",he said in warning tone.

"Oh really?", said one of the Ruffians.

"That's doesn't matter and also that isn't the way to treat a lady." said Tim in a cold tune.

"Get him first", their boss said.

"Like this a fight broke out,he saved me but he was injured cause of me,I was so scared that I hugged him bursting out in tears and seeing me in this condition he hugged me back and we stood like this for a while ", said Clara inhaling a deep but painful breath as this also refresh her fear.

"Later I took him to a nearest Drug store buying supplies and I Cleaned his wounds, I felt a bond formed between us that day and I fell for him, said Clara smiling Shyingly.

"Unfortunately I was not able to meet him for a few days but we meet again at dinner my father invite Mr. Victor and him on dinner. After dinner daddy and Mr. Victor got busy in business conversation leaving me and him Alone I thanked him again for saving my life and requested him to keep it a secret as I didn't wanted daddy and mom to worry about this and he agreed. I told him that I wish to see him again and again so I could thank him everyday",Clara said blushing.

"So what did he say?", asked Sylvia wondering in confusion.

" He said it won't be possible as he and me have separate ways to go and he doesn't have high status like her and left but this made me want him more! said Clara with determined.

"I both wish you a best of luck!, I'm so proud of you right now", said Sylvia happy and proud .

"I'll wait for him everyday, My love for him is unconditional ", said Clara smiling.

"Anyways back to the reason why I exactly called you , Will you go to the party with me?", said Clara requested tone.

"Fine, I'll go with you ", said Sylvia giving up cause of pleading faces she made.

"Yes!", she said happily.

"My Tim will be also there!", said Clara giggling like a school girl who will see her Crush.

"So, when's the party?", said Sylvia.

"This Saturday. Maybe you'll meet your Mr. perfect too", said Clara in teasing tone.

"No Way!", said Sylvia in irritation.

"Remember to be ready on Saturday night at 7'o clock. I'll come to pick you up", said Clara excitingly.

"Alright ", said Sylvia.

After that Clara said good bye and left. Another message popped up on her phone screen and this time it was her mother.

"Where are you honey? It's been a month since we last heard your giggles, your father and I are worried dear! why don't you come over?", said the message.

She sighed sadly as she didn't had enough courage to face them and tell them about whole incident with Richard and Liza but she was also aware that someone had to tell them so she message her mom that she'll be there.
